Mike Evans Is Healthy But Tweaked A Groin; Progress Is Goal For Antoine Winfield, Jr.
August 27th, 2023
Mike Evans
When Antoine Winfield Jr. injured his calf 11 days ago in a joint practice with the Jets, Joe surely thought it was no big deal the way Bucs types talked about it.
This morning, head coach Todd Bowles addressed Winfield’s status for opening day on Sunday, Sept. 10, along with that of injured rookie defensive tackle Calijah Kancey (calf) and rookie linebacker SirVocea Dennis (undisclosed). “Hopefully they make progress,” Bowles said.
Yeah, Joe’s stomach will be too queasy for Lucky Charms and chocolate milk this morning.
Those guys didn’t play last night against the Ravens and neither did the best receiver in Tampa Bay history, Mike Evans. Evans said two weeks ago that he no longer needs preseason games to prepare properly for opening day, but it turns out Evans was held out because of an injury.
“Mike will definitely be ready [for opening day],” Bowles said. “He’s coming off a groin earlier this week but he had full practices.”
Kickoff in Minnesota is in 14 short days (join Ira Kaufman and fans watching at the Big Storm Brewing Co. taproom in Clearwater). “Groin” and “calf” are not words any Bucs fans want to hear.
August 27th, 2023 at 9:02 am
Minnesota has not any preseason games this year.
August 27th, 2023 at 9:04 am
Hope Bowles is right. A groin injury can linger.
August 27th, 2023 at 9:06 am
Better than a hamstring
August 27th, 2023 at 9:09 am
Now that we know this, I’m not at risk of jinxing us….but I was actually surprised we hadn’t endured the yearly tradition/Mike Evans TC hammy or groin injury earlier than this. Seems it happens every TC early. A little late this year, but here it is now. Good news is, if history is any indication, Mike Evans always shows up despite that almost inevitable yearly issue!
August 27th, 2023 at 9:26 am
Yah you’re right. In fact, I can’t remember a camp that there “hasn’t been” an issue in 10 years! I’m sure there must have been at least ONE! But I can’t recall when that was.. And like you also said, it Still doesn’t stop his Big Show as a whole.
Big Mike is Up To Bat another year. And just as, if not even STRONGER and FASTER than ever!
Here’s to year number 10 as Tampa Bays reciever Number 1!!! AND OVER 1000 YARDS, AGAIN!
August 27th, 2023 at 9:31 am
Ryan is a huge loss
Losing Evans would sink the ship
August 27th, 2023 at 9:48 am
I think Licht and Bowles fixed the offense with Canales and the offensive line this year. I think this offense is perfect for Mayfield. I think Mayfield will love having a huge target in Evans that I don’t think Brady appreciated. I predict the offense is better than last year. Go Bucs!!!
August 27th, 2023 at 9:50 am
Especially groin.
August 27th, 2023 at 9:53 am
Chocolate milk and lucky charms? In the same bowl?
August 27th, 2023 at 9:56 am
I eat chocolate milk and cereal all the time. It’s magically delicious!
August 27th, 2023 at 9:58 am
Thisisouryear!! Says:
August 27th, 2023 at 9:48 am
I think Licht and Bowles fixed the offense with Canales and the offensive line this year. I think this offense is perfect for Mayfield. I think Mayfield will love having a huge target in Evans that I don’t think Brady appreciated. I predict the offense is better than last year.
August 27th, 2023 at 10:17 am
The offense is better than last year….that’s like saying my hair has thinned more this year than last.
August 27th, 2023 at 10:18 am
It’s coach is being honest then no reason to think two weeks won’t be enough for them to come back. This team definitely needs all hands on deck to have a successful season. Every game counts
August 27th, 2023 at 10:29 am
DEAR JOE (and Joe only) … why do these Buc “fans” absolutely HATE Baker? I commented after another story than during his formative years he had no stability within the Browns organization because of the amount of HC’s and OC’s that “guided” his development. His injury, and his stubbornness in 2021 about playing with an injury sealed his fate with that team. But McVay saw great potential in him. So, what’s up?
August 27th, 2023 at 10:31 am
OK all you Baker hating couch potato neck beard trolls I have a scenario for you and it is a real beauty. If any of you are even partially literate you will recognize this story. It is a clasic all American hero plot. The kind Hollywood loves and if Baker pulls it off even the controlled scripted national media [AKA THE “{FAKE NEWS” WILL TAKE IT DRAGGONG YOUR WHOLE TAMPA TROLL TRAIN WITH IT.
Youwill recognize this plot We have a red hot super talented aggressive American guy who dazzles and break on top. But then he hits a really rough patch that wreck hi confidence and dros hi performace to the point where almost everybody lose faith in him.Somehow he gather himself together regaine his nerve rifgt when he need ti most along with his talent and skill [which he never really lost] and leads his team triumph and victory.
Figured bit out yet? I,m talikg about about Mavrick aka TOP GUN. Yeah that is what I am talking about!Get ready Tampa Bay and the rest of the NFL.Here we go. The Bucs will advance to victory after victory because they finally have a great YOUNG Qb1 introducing Baker MAVRICK Mayfield ! That is right you heard it here 1st.Classic american theme DOWN but NOT OUT hero gets one last chance to make good and fullfills his GOD intended destiny in some spectacular way. I,m thinki9ng bestb record,division title,followed by Superbowl honors and even a MPV. If the severely biased “Fake News” is forced to eat Crow and aknowledge the truth. Which they rarely do. Go Baker Go Bucs BAKER MAVRICK MAYFIELD. Let us bake!
August 27th, 2023 at 11:06 am
Wyoming Joe, Take a look at previous threads with an open mind and you will see the hatred that was directed at Trask.
It was way worse than what has been directed at Baker. This has definitely been an extremely polarizing situation. I’m not a Mayfield hater but I found myself defending Trask from all the unfounded vitriol coming at him.
We are about to start the season so this division needs to stop and we need to come together as fans.
August 27th, 2023 at 11:08 am
Sorry Wyoming Joe. I just reread your post and realized that you didn’t want comments. My bad!
August 27th, 2023 at 11:16 am
Brandon, I appreciate what you said and I agree that we all have to come together. Unfortunately, there are several guys on these threads that will never give Mayfield any credit no matter how well he does. I also applaud the effort that Trask has put in this year to make himself a better NFL QB, and I wish him well.
August 27th, 2023 at 11:22 am
Brandon Jeff … ‘We are about to start the season so this division needs to stop and we need to come together as fans.’
Seems like folks have been preaching that to our 2 political parties for what .. 250 years now? Anytime you have 2 of anything (even QBs), half will side with one & half with the other. What does seem to satisfy the 2 sides though is winning. Aahh yes, the magic elixir.
August 27th, 2023 at 1:02 pm
Man, Evans ALWAYS has some kind of lower body injury.
August 27th, 2023 at 1:36 pm
Perhaps some understand the premise that being honest with our own logical assessment of the evidence and being a loyal and diehard fan can be completely independent things.
We can root for the home team while also realizing the all too evident potential pitfalls of their current situation…
That is why we all come here and give our own opinions isn’t it?
Go Bucs
August 27th, 2023 at 2:28 pm
Gage situation was bad. Jensen being out is devastating. I’m holding my breath there’s no more major injuries. Enough already!
August 27th, 2023 at 2:45 pm
Yea Joseph C but he gets his thousand yards every year so what is your point idiot.
August 27th, 2023 at 2:49 pm
Conditioning coaches whats going on?
August 27th, 2023 at 2:58 pm
Your feeling queasy, me too after reading your article. Say it aint so Joe, more injuries to key players!? Daamn, this season may require all of us Bucs fans to stock up on the pepto bis. Stomach aches are going to be the normal.
August 27th, 2023 at 7:27 pm
These idiots are so damned full of crap ! Being so vague regarding injuries and availability ! I am dam near giving up on this team !
August 27th, 2023 at 7:36 pm
I’m sure Evans will be fine, but I don’t like hearing that about Winfield, or the rookies…
August 27th, 2023 at 9:36 pm
It’s getting to the point where we have to consider if is Winfield injury prone.
August 28th, 2023 at 1:26 am
Mike needs a contract! That may help his injuries!