Kyle Trask’s No-Picks Streak Grows

August 4th, 2023

No interceptions.

This is for the Kyle Trask groupies.

The third-year Bucs quarterback is putting together an impressive streak. For the fifth straight practice, Trask, the Bucs’ second-round pick in the 2021 draft has not thrown an interception while often playing with the first-team offense and facing the first-team defense.

Neither indoors in climate-controlled Glazer Shed nor outside in the searing Florida summer sun.

At times today, Trask looked like a solid NFL starter. At times he appeared mediocre. During a seven-on-seven period, Trask threw lights out. Likely the best Joe has ever seen him throw.

Bucs coach Todd Bowles said earlier this week the most important thing for a quarterback to do is not turn the ball over (barf!).

If Bowles truly believes that, does that mean Trask is leading the quarterback battle by default?

59 Responses to “Kyle Trask’s No-Picks Streak Grows”

  1. nooyoker Says:

    “This is for the Kyle Trask groupies.”

    ^ Says the Baker Mayfield groupie. šŸ™‚

  2. Marine for life Says:

    [You are right, it’s off-topic and an attempt to hijack a thread. Sorry. — Joe]

  3. Hodad Says:

    Kyle Trask groupies? How about true Buc fans who want to see their second round pick succeed. Yes Joe it’s very important the QB doesn’t turn the ball over. Did you learn nothing from 5 years of Jameis? Probably why baker ends up a career back up, too many turnovers.

  4. JD Still Says:

    Coach Bowles evaluation method was clearly laid out and easy for everyone to understand , it would be difficult if not impossible to say that at this time Kyle Trask is not the clear front runner for the starting position , keeping in mind, performance in the preseason game situations are still to be evaluated , but it is looking very good for Kyle.

  5. Bee Says:

    All the Baker groupies that banked on his moxie and experience are fighting for their lives right now šŸ¤£

  6. SteveK Says:

    A great sage, named Irv, would describe this moment as ā€œinvestitureā€ coming to fruition. Go Bucs!

  7. SteveK Says:

    Joe, thanks for the insight! Youā€™re a true craftsman of the written word, dedicated to providing the best content possible. I appreciate all you gentleman do to make this website the best in the land.

    May I ask your opinion of on what impresses you most about the development of Trask, and would Coach Bowles have the stones to start him to begin the year? If heā€™s far and away the best option, then letā€™s go!

  8. AnonymousBuc76 Says:

    I’m sure all of the coaches know who the starter is all ready and it ain’t Mayfield…

    Note to Baker: it was a nice run from college to the pros, looks like your days as a starter are done…Maybe you can do what a lot of the other garbage QB’s who flame out in the league do and get into media; I think you’d be awesome at that…

  9. Boss Says:

    Kyle Trask groupies want to have an up and coming winner at QB.

    I’ll take the snipe.

    Baker groupies want to have a reason to be right because they have been hating on trask for several years.

    I’d rather win than be right. can’t say the same for who wrote this piece.

  10. Buc1987 Says:

    So I’m a groupie now.

    I never saw it coming.

  11. PSL Bob Says:

    I’ve been rooting for Trask, feeling that he never really had a real opportunity to show his potential. Now that the competition is close, I hope he can separate from Mayfield so there’s no question who should start. Regardless, it’s going to be an exciting season, because no one has a clue how good or bad the Bucs will be. New scheme, new QB, new O-line, and lots of new players on both sides of the ball. Can’t wait to get this thing rolling.

  12. Greg The Truth Says:

    Remembering that Joe desperately wanted Johnney Manzel, then unconditionally lusted over Jameis who got his passes rejected by every secondary and woman! Joe may be at reporting what happens than suggesting what should happen. LOL Just messin with ya Joe!

  13. Joe in Michigan Says:

    May I ask why Traskā€™s agent and/or Mom ā€œJenkinsā€ isnā€™t writing a guest column on how Trask throws a TD on every pass, and the barely 5 foot tall Mayfield throws an interception on every play? Obviously this person is at every practice and will give us an unbiased opinion. šŸ™„

  14. h Says:

    Poor choice of words Joe “Groupie” because we want to see the kid get a fair shot with the ones. You openly pined for Johhny Manzel ( who is out of the league) I bet you were on the Brady Quinn, Jimmy Clausen, & Josh Rosen trains as well. You should be ashamed of yourself. Be ready to eat crow when he lights it up!!!
    GO BUCS!!!

  15. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Baker Mayfield will be the starter…no way does Bowles go with trask…but with Trask doing so well, it won’t be long before the fan are demanding a change.

  16. Marine Buc Says:

    So pleased to see Trask developing into a solid NFL QB.

    I can’t wait to see him play next week…

  17. Greg The Truth Says:

    Joe knows what hes doin lol. He says something to stir the pot and collect those clicks. I used to argue A LOT with Joe about Jameis before I caught on that Joe is just doing his best Jerry Springer/Fox news impression. lol

  18. Greg The Truth Says:

    See what I did for ya there Joe? Here come the clicks! lol

  19. Jack Clark Says:

    Bucs brass should prioritize developing Kyle Trask instead of trying to win games with Baker Mayfield’s sorry as

  20. SteveK Says:

    Thrilled w what Iā€™m hearing about Trask. Go get it dude!

  21. Dwayne Cone Says:

    I’m a joebucsfan groupie if I am anything.

    I’m Jonein’ for the Training Camp Notes

    Got a feeling this little morsal was leaked out early so it didn’t add to the long list of things I believe Trask may have done well today.

    Like any Groupie you gotta give it to them all at once.

  22. Rosadog Says:

    Baker Mayfield in 6 years has thrown 64 picks.

    He is who we thought he was. A mid tier quarterback who can make the splash plays and turns the ball over at a high rate. Great locker room presence.

    Sounds familiar….

  23. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Johhny Manzel has nothing to do with this.

    Joe is just calling it like he see’s it, and he is seeing the obvious. Bowles wants Mayfield because of experience.

    I think what is impressing Joe, if I may be so bold, is how Trask is clicking and progressing so rapidly given how he looked in the off season.

    Am I a Trask groupie?

    Why yes, I suppose I am. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Baker Mayfield will not be the answer at QB. I also know that Trask has been practicing with non-starters since he was drafted in the second round.

    I know that because both Arians and Bowles preferred a veteran 2nd string backup, they limited the exposure of Trask.

    I know that when Kyle Trask gets his chance to play real games, it will begin as a roller coaster ride because he’ll have to learn from mistakes.

    I can guess that his naysayers will point out those mistakes, unwilling to admit that it is natural that he struggle at first. They will point out that he has two years behind him and that he did nothing in those two years, ignoring his lack of exposure during that time.

    What I do not know is whether Trask can find a way to rise above it all. I’m hoping he can. I’m hoping he quickly progresses (like is is now) and becomes the QB I suspect he can become.

    I would be delighted and surprised is he becomes as great as Tom Brady…but he possibly has it in him to become as good as Carson Palmer in his prime, or someone along those lines.

    I hope.

    Because, in today’s NFL, a prime Carson Palmer would have excelled beyond how good he looked back then, which was pretty darn good.

    If Trask can be that good, then we will be the Lords of the NFC South for a decade and more.

  24. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    And I prefer “Traskmaster” over “Trask Groupie”

    I mad up the term because it sounds better (a couple weeks ago)

  25. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Bonzai

    Nice post.

    I agree…

  26. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I was not in the Mike Glennon Mob…I didn’t see things in him I felt would succeed. I was against drafting Winston, though once he was drafted I supported him.

    I was happy having Brady…and I don’t believe his skills disappeared last year, I think his mind was not in the games. I do believe he is still good enough to play, but the Bucs need to move on at this point.

    I was against signing Mayfield.

    I would have preferred keeping Blaine as a bridge…Blaine likely would have gotten injured at some point, but he wasn’t horrible. But what is done is done.

    I think that there is no chance Kyle Trask is named starter for the first game of the season because of Bowles Bias.

    I think Trask will be the main starter by the bye week (unless injury makes it happen sooner).

    Injury, where Mayfield is concerned, is a big possibility. He is clearly out of shape.

  27. Pickgrin Says:

    “Kyle Traskā€™s No pick streak grows”

    Um – Ok… I guess its ok to talk up this ‘fact’ – As long as we balance that by pointing out Trask SHOULD have had 3 Interceptions yesterday….

    Per Joe’s 8/3 practice notes:

    – “Anthony Nelson nearly sacks Trask who instead gets the ball away down the right sideline and safety Nolan Turner nearly picks the pass off”

    – “Turner misses another interception. A Trask pass over the middle was tipped and the ball hit Turner in the shoulder pads.”

    – “Trask tries for Thompkins down the left sideline and Merriweather nearly had a pick.”

  28. Joe Says:

    May I ask your opinion of on what impresses you most about the development of Trask

    A lot has improved. His mechanics. His footwork. His throwing — he used to always throw lollipops or if short, really low passes. Now the guy throws ropes.

    Canales has really reprogrammed Trask.

  29. Joe Says:

    I think what is impressing Joe, if I may be so bold, is how Trask is clicking and progressing so rapidly given how he looked in the off season.

    Yes. He’s a totally different quarterback then just a couple of months ago in minicamp.

  30. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Bucs coach Todd Bowles said earlier this week the most important thing for a quarterback to do is not turn the ball over (barf!)’.

    Barf? Does that mean it’s OK in your eyes for a QB to turn the ball over Joe? Jameis had an outstanding 2019 season (33 TDs with over 5000 passing yards) EXCEPT for some ever-so-tiny details … like 30 INTs, 12 fumbles & 47 sacks. What could’ve easily been a winning season turned into yet another losing season (7-9) for the Bucs.

    Not turning the ball over isn’t the ONLY important thing, but it would seem to start there. Throw an INT or fumble it away and nothing good is gonna happen. Quite the contrary. Very often that puts the defense on, oh ya, THE DEFENSIVE deep in their own territory, and we end up giving up points. Football Perspective ran a great article back in 2017 titled ‘Winning the Turnover Battle’ in which they stated …

    ‘As it turns out, the importance of winning the turnover battle has been remarkably static throughout NFL history. Last year, teams that won the turnover battle won 78% of their games. And from 2007 to 2016, teams that won the turnover battle won 78% of their games.’

    Sounds like something a head coach ought to pay attention to if he expects to keep his job.

  31. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Jack Clark Says:
    August 4th, 2023 at 12:24 pm
    Bucs brass should prioritize developing Kyle Trask instead of trying to win games with Baker Mayfieldā€™s sorry as
    So youā€™re admitting the Bucs stand a better chance of winning with Mayfield?

  32. ATLBuc Says:

    I keep hearing that “Bowles wants to start someone with experience” That’s one of the most outlandish trains of thought I have ever heard. Does experience trump talent?
    If that’s the case the Panthers and Colts will not be starting their No’s 1, 2, and 4 picks in the draft, right? And please tell me the nature of Mayfield’s experience. I think Canales summed it up when he said “The first couple of days in camp Baker hade an advantage because he’s been here before…” (Experience) However, Canales went on to say that in the subsequent days Trask has stepped it up in terms of accuracy, getting the ball our and…. decision making. (Talent)
    So, boys and girls, the moral of the story is that all experience ain’t good experience.

  33. Bucfan94 Says:

    @joe in Michigan
    You sure are putting words in people’s mouths

  34. Mike S Says:

    Shoulda coulda woulda Pickgrin

    I don’t what the expectation for Trask is – but it seems that if Trask doesn’t look like a Tom Brady clone only with wheels every practice for all of practice then that’s a negative mark against the guy. Its a grind – there will be ups and downs.

    Meanwhile Mayfield’s more frequent warts are excused.

    There is some real hand wringing going on. Trask is winning this job. As Bonzai has stated that may not matter because Bowles.

    Each practice Joe says “This is the best I’ve ever seen him” – one could only extract from that – each day he gets better and raises the bar.

  35. SteveK Says:

    Thanks for taking time to reply, Joe, itā€™s cool to have an interaction with your favorite sports writers. Also love your Bobby Knight stories and other Coach/hard ass stories. They are the best.

  36. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Last time I checked both Trask and Mayfield are Buccaneers….it doesn’t make you any more or less of a Bucs fan to prefer one over the other in a QB competition….quit that nonsense.

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    Losers talk about turnovers (Bowles), winners talk about how many points you score (Arians).

  38. Rod Munch Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    August 4th, 2023 at 1:21 pm
    Joe ā€¦ ā€˜Bucs coach Todd Bowles said earlier this week the most important thing for a quarterback to do is not turn the ball over (barf!)ā€™.

    Barf? Does that mean itā€™s OK in your eyes for a QB to turn the ball over Joe? Jameis had an outstanding 2019 season (33 TDs with over 5000 passing yards) EXCEPT for some ever-so-tiny details ā€¦ like 30 INTs, 12 fumbles & 47 sacks. What couldā€™ve easily been a winning season turned into yet another losing season (7-9) for the Bucs.


    A fake news account of the season if there ever was one.

    First off, if Gay doesn’t personally lose two games on his own, the team literally has a winning record.

    Second off, the defense was historically bad the first half of the season. Amazing how you forget that.

    Third off, down the stretch, the team was down to starting who at WR? Perriman and Justin Watson with Dare Ogunbowale as the top back. LOL!

    Get the facts correct before you attempt to bash other people.

  39. Duane Says:

    @ ATLBuc – one of my early career mentors told me this decades ago:

    ā€œThere is a big difference between having 30 years of experience, and having 1 year of experience 30 times.ā€

  40. Anonymous Says:

    Lmao,, to All You Buc fans who crapped all over us Tom Brady fans for following him to the bucs,, instead of welcoming us you crapped all over us like we can’t follow our favorite quarterback to another team that we’re not real football fans well guess what bucs fans,, I can’t stop laughing as I’m writing this back to perennial losers ,,back to the doormat of the NFC I hope you guys get smoke twice by the saints ohh blasphemy,, like you guys developed Tom Brady you had them for a few years and then he got smart and retired from you perennial losing bucs ,, karma my friend and this is not to all the fans though you might think so the fans I’m talking about know who they are

  41. 813bucboi Says:

    @hodad for the win!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  42. Joe Says:

    Barf? Does that mean itā€™s OK in your eyes for a QB to turn the ball over Joe?

    In Joe’s mind, the No. 1 job of a quarterback is to score points. Period. Picks don’t bother Joe so long as the guy produces points.

  43. SteveK Says:

    Going back to the NFL merger of the 70ā€™s the team thst won the turnover margin won 70%+ of the time.

    Points are awesome, but itā€™s 100% malicious incompetence to not give merit to points + taking care of the ball.

  44. Tbbucs3 Says:


    Literally the #1 job of the quarterback is to move the ball and score points. Plenty of QBs who suck that are safe with the football….I’d rather have a guy throw for 325 yards 3 TDs 2 Ints than a guy who’s 115 yards 1 TD 0 Ints.

  45. Jack Clark Says:

    Jack Clark Says:
    August 4th, 2023 at 12:24 pm
    So youā€™re admitting the Bucs stand a better chance of winning with Mayfield?
    No, that’s why I said we should prioritize developing Kyle Trask

  46. Pewter Power Says:

    If baker canā€™t beat trask heā€™s done. The day he signed everyone assumed heā€™d win the battle except trask loyalists. If you canā€™t beat a guy who played like one quarter of football three years in lol what nut crusher to the ego that would be

  47. Mike S Says:

    Turnovers are Bowles out with Mayfield.

    If he goes with Trask then he can point to Mayfield turning the ball over too many times as a reason.

    We got a young team we need to focus on the turnover ratio first and foremost and then try to build our offensive momentum.

    We can live with some early 14-17 type games. If the Bucs can squeak through the first 5 games 2-3 the rest of the season has plenty of winnable games.

    Our young QB starts to get going Bucs could surprise.

  48. SlyPirate Says:


    I’m not groupie but I did look at his stats when he was drafted. The low/no INT thing should be a surprise. His last year at Florida he threw 43 TD to only 8 INT.

    Go Kyle!

  49. David Says:

    You are forced to produce a positive report on Trask. How sweet is that ?

  50. David Says:

    Nice positive report on Trask for a change.

  51. kyle Says:

    trask cant start over the veteran.. if the bucs are serious about competing.. let mayfield fail.. then let the kid have his chance.

  52. Joe Says:

    Nice positive report on Trask for a change.

    Don’t thank Joe. Thank Trask. Joe hasn’t gone five practices (and counting) without a pick. šŸ™‚

    You’re welcome though!

  53. Joe Says:

    You are forced to produce a positive report on Trask. How sweet is that ?

    Trask forced Joe. šŸ™‚

    Joe has a real simple method: If players wants Joe to write good things about them, they only need to make good plays. No more difficult than that.

  54. Joe Says:

    Points are awesome, but itā€™s 100% malicious incompetence to not give merit to points + taking care of the ball.

    It’s simple. You score more than the other team you win. There’s no way around it.

    Teams can and have won many games despite losing the turnover battle. Perfect example is Bucs at Packers NFC title game. Tom Brady threw three picks. OH NO! The Bucs lost.

    Nope, the Bucs won.

    And unlike turnovers, most points are scored due to strong play and skill, not dumb luck.

    At the end of the day, it’s all about points.

  55. McGz Says:

    :loads up Madden 2020 to retrade for Trask before Brady retires:


    Glad the kid is finally showing his skills! Go Bucs!

  56. Steelers fan Says:

    Turnovers lead to points for the other team.

  57. Steelers fan Says:

    QB’s will turn the ball over thats inevitable but when you do it at the rate Baker has over the course of his career you wont win.

    No ones arguing you cant EVER turn it over thats unrealistic but Baker has already shown in these practices hes not going to be anything other that what hes been in the past (master of picks). People thinking hes magically going to be a player hes never been is the definition of insanity and extremely foolish.

  58. David Says:

    Joe says;
    ‘Teams can and have won many games despite losing the turnover battle. Perfect example is Bucs at Packers NFC title game. Tom Brady threw three picks. OH NO! The Bucs lost.

    Most of the times, teams lose games with higher turnover ratios than win. That is why Baker has losing records. Mayfield holds an overall record of 31-38 in the NFL and has played for seven head coaches (two interim) during a five-year span.He has a record of 7-21 against the team with the winning records. One of the main factors is leading NFL qb’s in interceptions in the past few years.

  59. Nope Says:

    “Groupies” lol. I’ll give you one thing, you’re less biased than “the pewter report” or “bucks wire.”šŸ˜‚