Have Your Say!!!

August 27th, 2023

Flash poll posted at 12:04 a.m. Poll closed at 1:58 a.m.

Grade Your Confidence In Todd Bowles (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 292


8 Responses to “Have Your Say!!!”

  1. Tye Says:

    If by some miracle the Bucs have a decent season, It will be because Dave Canales bailed him out!

  2. J Says:

    Definitely got a half empty half full outlook going.

  3. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    Damn it, I always miss these polls. But from what I remember, Izzy, always likes to keep these short windows on the polls. Congrats Ste\/e! You got another one!

  4. Stanglassman Says:

    About 50% positive to different degrees and 50 negative before the season starts. I thought the team looked ‘Minnesota ready’ last night.

  5. Stanglassman Says:

    Bowles hired Dave Canales so that would be a credit to the smart head coaching move he made. Pointing out Todd got hired late in the process and wasn’t able to hire his own coaches year 1 should give him the benefit of the doubt. But not to the Bucs fans uncomfortable with a coach ‘like’ Bowles.

  6. gp Says:

    I’m wondering just how much traffic JBF has between 12:01 am and 2.
    Interesting time frame for a poll…..

  7. Jeff Says:

    Clueless Todd will strike again. Although, maybe we call him “Less Clueless Todd” since he now has a college degree which is very impressive. Kudos to Todd for his accomplishment. Let’s hope this helps him be a little less clueless.

  8. John Sinclear Says:

    gp – I know one person who will not be reading JBF at those hours!