Devin White Cites Camaraderie And Film Study

August 5th, 2023

How is the vibe different among Bucs players this summer?

No, Joe is not talking about the many Bucs saying the only change without Tom Brady is the team being ignored by media.

In Joe’s 1-on-1 with Devin White this week, he referenced an enhanced camaraderie on the roster.

White talked about all the time guys are spending together sequestered during training camp at the team hotel, and how much guys are bonding through various down times at One Buc Palace.

Some of that includes an obsession with film study.

“People are probably on their iPads right now trying to see where they messed up [in practice]. So everybody’s just trying to get better,” White said.

Joe heard from other Bucs about what feels like slightly more hyper-attention to detail this training camp. On offense, that’s very much about a new offense being installed and new coaches to impress. On defense, the Bucs are trying to fix a run defense that failed the club last season.

For White, he’s just more dedicated to football overall since the horn sounded on the 2022 season.

It smells to Joe that one layer of the 2023 Tom Brady Effect is nobody on the team taking anything for granted. No more savior vibe from the No. 12 jersey.

26 Responses to “Devin White Cites Camaraderie And Film Study”

  1. Buc1987 Says:

    Cities or Cites Joe?

  2. Duane Says:

    It’s certainly not Tom Brady’s fault if his teammates leaned on him too much rather than taking care of their own business … but it’s certainly plausible that they did.

    Most people including sports analysts as well as fans seem to have forgotten the preseason buzz just one year ago … which was that the Bucs were not only a lock to get to the Super Bowl but rather to win it all. At least that’s how the sports book odds told the story.

    Well, if a team starts to believe their own bull poop, that they’re the best, it would not be surprising if it had an effect on player attitudes and demands of themselves.

    It is still obvious that the main reason the Bucs offense dropped to where it did last season was the destruction of our offensive line by injury, free agent departure, and horrendous injuries. But teams loaded with hard workers dedicated to each other can still overcome adversity, at least some. But if the team is sort of loafing, expecting the GOAT to carry them thru on his own shoulders, then the result will be less satisfactory.

    Attitude matters a lot. Not just the “leader” but just as much the followers.

  3. Scott Says:

    We let Tom down with that crappy offense. I hope this years looks totally different.

  4. Jack Clark Says:

    We all know Baker Mayfield’s sorry as ain’t saving us

  5. Brady Bucs Says:

    Joe this is no way to get Brady fans to still root for the Bucs. I am still rooting against patriots and that overrated coach Belichick. Brady fans want everyone in the NFL to now that Belichick is a 10 games under 500 coach without him. Belichick is Jeff Fisher without Brady. Jeff Fisher even made a super bowl.

  6. Brady Bucs Says:

    Devin White liked Brady’s instagram post about buying into the soccer club. He also wished him happy birthday. Lavonte David liked and commented on Brady’s 4 of july instagram post. Brady and Jay Z were in a picture together. David said something lie vibin 12 no idea what that means. Brady still likes instagram posts on Bucs page. Brady loves Mike Evans and is a personal good friend. Seems like media is trying to get players to say something negative about Brady. If Bucs win this year media will say its because Brady retired and was holding team back with all the drama. That why I will be rooting against Bucs

  7. Buccos Says:

    H O M O

  8. OBVIOUS ❗ Says:



    I’m going to leave it at that because I’ve got far more important things to do today than Smacking YOU Down with the written word as You SO Deserve!

    HOWEVER, I can’t guarantee that another Buccaneer Brother or Sister won’t do the Honors.

    Band Waggoner SCRUB!

  9. Pickgrin Says:

    Joe – Your filter apparently doesn’t like my response about Diva being “more dedicated to football”… lol

  10. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Brady Bucs – unless you’re a family member or friend of Brady your sentiment is illogical and borderline scary. Idolizing one person, especially one who may not know you exist, so much that you wish for an entire organization of people to fail is another level of crazy we don’t really need here.

  11. Jack Clark Says:

    Brady Bucs Says:
    August 5th, 2023 at 1:19 pm
    If Bucs win this year media will say its because Brady retired and was holding team back with all the drama. That why I will be rooting against Bucs

    Brady literally won us a Super Bowl in our own friggin home stadium. So the media can’t possibly make a convincing argument why Tom Brady was holding the Bucs back. And you will be rooting against the Bucs because you are not a Bucs fan. You’re just another Tom Brady fanboy who stumbled across this website. I’m sure the Patriots fans don’t miss you either.

  12. BillyBucco Says:

    Agreed. Brady Bucs is a pathetic individual.
    Can’t imagine spending my days rooting for kids to fail.
    My guess is you are a child, mentally and probably physically as well.
    Brady couldn’t care less about YOU, so have fun with that.

  13. ATLBuc Says:

    Brady Bucs = Troller

  14. ATLBuc Says:

    Brady Bucs is like fans who run onto the field during games

  15. FrontFour Says:

    D. White loves the camaraderie of this team so much that he’s voluntarily asked to be traded. Screw him.

  16. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    It’s a contract year! Go get it Devin!

  17. Reality BucFan Says:

    All that sounds Good….But I know Dennis will Take his Spot.. He is just better… nothing bad about white Dennis is just better…watch the tape .. listen to the hype at Training Camp. Facts or Facts Dennis Must START

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    What they should do on that stupid looking nerf helmet cover is round off the edges and make it look like a huge afro, that would at least be stylish. It’s so embarrassing looking that I’m surprised that players allow themselves to be subjected to having their photos taken in it.

  19. Destinjohnny Says:

    His head wasn’t in it last year
    Clearly he is an athlete but he doesn’t have a fraction of Derricks instincts and heart

  20. Rod Munch Says:

    It’s remarkable how many people have no idea what they’re watching.

    The kid has already been a pro-bowler and more importantly, an all-pro. How did he do that? By blitzing up the middle and causing chaos. That’s what he’s really, exceptionally, good at. Running forward, towards the ball.

    In 2021, with all the injuries in the secondary, the Bucs were forced to change the defense from attacking, to being mostly a zone team. I get that, I don’t blame Bowles, he did what he needed to do based on personnel. But White is wasted in that type of defense since he’s not good in pass defense or playing in space (he’s not as bad as some think, but he’s not good at it).

    Last year, with the secondary mostly healthy, instead of returning to that attacking 2020 defense, we saw White, again, playing a ton of zone. That’s just not what you should be using him for. He’s literally one of the best interior rushers in the NFL and should be running up the gut causing chaos on every play, not playing 10 yards off the line of scrimmage in space.

    Bowles needs to watch some tape and remember why White is an elite player. But without Arians there telling him to attack, I got a feeling we’re going to see an even more conservative and ‘safe’ Bowles this year as he ruins White’s career.

  21. Jeff Says:

    All great talk but when it’s Q3 against the Vikings down by 28 points all this team BS will go bye bye.

  22. Rod Munch Says:

    Jeff Says:
    August 5th, 2023 at 5:23 pm
    All great talk but when it’s Q3 against the Vikings down by 28 points all this team BS will go bye bye.


    Yeah, the more and more I see Bucs fans getting excited and talking like this won’t be one of the worst teams in football, the more and more I see a week 1 beatdown coming.

    I still think the Bucs will beat the Eagles however, it’s just the way things work out. Bad Bucs teams always get a signature win on their way to a 5-12 record. Hopefully the ladies running marketing for the team can put down their makeup long enough to read up on the teams history have Ronde there that night celebrating his HOF entry.

  23. firethecannons Says:

    Brady was not good last year, he was immobile in the pocket and the O-line gave him no confidence. Last year was hard to watch. That said, I see a beatdown and I see Bucs picking in the top 5 for the 2024 draft. I see Bowles sstarting Baker who will be bad and Kyle Trask getting his start about midway.

  24. BucsFan81 Says:

    Devin White is like I am dedicated to football more this year so I can get my fat new contract. After that it will be me just riding my horses lol

  25. NCBucfan Says:

    Bradybucs, You and skip Bayless can take turns rubbing TB’s crotch!

  26. garro Says:

    Not interested in D Whites opinions on anything or what he says he did Joe.

    &^%$ing show me and quit the grandstand highschool BS.

    Go Bucs!