Another Dedication Shout To Devin White

August 26th, 2023

When Joe had a 1-on-1 chat with Buccaneers savior linebacker Devin White in July, White explained that he was more dedicated to football this offseason.

That semmed a little odd considering White had skipped Bucs spring practices and asked for a trade in the winter.

A story at today referenced White meeting with head coach Todd Bowles and general manager Jason Licht in late March — a secretive meeting during which White’s attitude allegedly turned around.

Todd Bowles said he explained to White then, per the story, that he’ll get his giant payday after this season — somehwere — and he needs to chill out and stop feeling disprespected because he has to play on his fifth-year option for $11 million-plus.

Joe was more interested in Bowles’ comments about White’s work ethic.

“He’s one of the few guys that practices every day, practices hard, never misses anything and works his tail off. He’s not a prima donna,” Bowles said. “He’s a hard worker. I can never say since he’s been here he’s had a day off work. He will practice with sore hamstrings, everything. He comes to work, and you can appreciate that.”

Joe appreciates how hard White works.

Yeah, he took some plays off on four days rest against the Ravens last season and there was that odd sideline non-tackle in San Francisco, but Joe can’t call White anything close to a serial loafer through his more than 1,100 snaps last season.

However, Joe is wondering about White’s ceiling. He’s a very good player who proved to be elite in 2020, though he’s never recaptured that level of play.

Given White’s dedication and comfort and knowledge in this system, perhaps White’s dominant stretch was a flash he’s not capable of repeating.

15 Responses to “Another Dedication Shout To Devin White”

  1. Rod Munch Says:

    I watched that Ravens game on Amazon Prime where they had that awesome full field view, where it would also show where guys were running on every play, and people dinging White for that game just don’t know what they are talking about.

    The Bucs defense in the first half of that game shut down the Ravens – and that was almost exclusively due to White, who, on seemingly every play, was covering the entire field. He was running way more than anyone else on the team, every time.

    By the time you got to late in the 3rd, or the 4th, where I believe those stupid ‘took plays off’ clips came from – he was just out of gas. The Bucs offense couldn’t move the ball, and the Ravens went to just running the ball, and the defense wasn’t able to get off the field. White, who was everywhere all game, just got tired. I don’t think there was anything more to it than that.

    But then you get one clip on Twitter that people report, and suddenly he’s lazy and taking plays off. It’s complete nonsense.

    As for White, he needs to be used like he was used in 2020, and he’ll be a monster again. STOP playing him in coverage and zone, he’s not David, he’s not good at that. But, as an interior pass rusher, he’s excellent, and ALL-PRO, and disrupts plays. Hopefully in the sit down that was discussed, and perhaps that’s what Bowles told him and calmed him down.

  2. Jimmy Says:

    >>> White explained that he was more dedicated to football this offseason. <<<

    Liar! Where was he during OTAs and minicamp? He sure uploaded a bunch of horse videos to Instagram. Didn't see one video where he was working out with his teammates.

    He thinks more of his animals than he does his Bucs teammates.

  3. D-Rok Says:

    Good stuff, Rod. Sometimes, context is everything, and your point is well-taken that he hustled that whole game, save for that clip errryone be yappin about.

    Also I agree with you about his usage – play him to his strengths if possible, not his weaknesses. Hoping for a great year from White!

  4. go dawgs Says:

    Jimmy^^ get a life man.

  5. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    August 26th, 2023 at 12:24 pm
    As for White, he needs to be used like he was used in 2020, and he’ll be a monster again.
    I hope that that does happen and he plays well enough for Licht to want to resign him.

    He was as you wrote a monster back in 2020 and as long as he’s used correctly and has the right mindset he can be one again going forward.

  6. Jeff Says:

    Trade this head case why he still has any value. If the Bucs could get a 3rd round pick it would be a STEAL!

  7. BucFanforLife Says:

    Yeah let him play himself into a new contract elsewhere next year. He has to play hard for us at least this year so he’ll get paid what he thinks he’s deserved. I only want players on the Bucs who actually want to play here.

  8. ChiBuc Says:

    Well put Rod!

    Yes, White ignorantly and untimely requested a trade, but this young man does not deserve the vilification he receives on this site for advocating for himself.

    Ironically, the pedestal cannot be built high enough for a player who has been fined multiple times for kicking opponents, tripping interceptors, and he’s proven his weak moral character through deflategate, spygate, and tampering with the Dolphins. And that is just what we know about.

    I like to think that both of these men played important roles in bringing the Lombardi trophy to Tampa. However, White’s indiscretion is clearly related to being young and dumb, while the latter unnamed hero’s disregard for the rules is entitlement.

  9. Buccos Says:

    Well stated Rod. I like White a lot. He is the one who is playing at a higher speed than everyone else on the field 99% of the time. He is not a loafer. And he is a hero from our Superbowl run. Without him there is no Super Bowl trophy

  10. Cobraboy Says:

    @Rod: that’s what a running team does-wear down the D later in the game.

    Nothing wrong with that.

  11. HC Grover Says:

    At this point…Go White Go!

  12. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    This is a bigger lie then the so called QB competition lie.

  13. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    The issue with Devin White has been. Can he return to that player in 2020 which is worth big money. Which is what Devin wants reportedly $18mil a year. Or is he going to continue to struggle in coverage and at times have to rely on his speed to make up for playing out of position. I can see why White was upset if he gets hurt this year that will effect his contract. An injury could cost him millions. He saw others on defense get resigned to new contracts. He was expecting to get paid. Where I find fault with him is he knew the cap situation heading into this off-season. Tampa just didn’t have the kind of money he wanted available. In fact that new Carlton Davis contract actualy freed up cap space. I can’t understand why the conversation about getting paid next year didn’t happen sooner. Like before he made the trade comments. I can’t doubt White was quiet about his expectations. Why didn’t the team have that talk prior to signing other contracts? The other question is if White returns to his 2020 form. What does that mean? Does it mean he only plays elite on Superbowl runs and contract years? Because his play last year wasn’t worth $18 to $20 million per year.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    JeffreyLane77 Says:
    August 26th, 2023 at 5:49 pm
    The issue with Devin White has been. Can he return to that player in 2020 which is worth big money. Which is what Devin wants reportedly $18mil a year. Or is he going to continue to struggle in coverage and at times have to rely on his speed to make up for playing out of position.


    Pass rushers make $18m/year, easily.

    They need to stop playing him in coverage, in particular in zone. He’s not a guy who plays well in space, but he excels when he’s actively running at the ball.

    When you have someone with his talent and skillset, you need to use that play in a way that he can be successful. Instead, like tonight, they just keep playing him in soft zone defenses, and think things will change. That’s on the stupid coaches. You don’t draft Michael Vick and then play knee braces on him and tell him he has to be Tom Brady and never leave the pocket.

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    Oh, and $18m/year is like making $10-12m/year a couple of years ago. The cap has gone up a lot, and next year it should got up a lot more. A QB making $20m like 5 years ago was insane, now someone like Derek Carr gets $40m/year.

    Times change.