YaYa Diaby Beginning To Shine

July 31st, 2023

YaYa Diaby beginning to make an impact.

A good barometer of a team’s draft is how late draft picks pan out.

So far, a couple of Bucs’ mid-level draft picks from this spring are showing up Bucs veterans, including dudes banking serious Team Glazer loot.

On a day after Bucs head coach Todd Bowles harped on how batted-down passes have to be turnovers if the defense wants to be great, it was another rookie who had a key interception.

So far, SirVocea Dennis has four picks since he began practicing with the Bucs after being drafted in the fifth round. Now, fellow rookie and third-round pick YaYa’s Flame Broiled Chicken Diaby got his first pick today.

Baker Mayfield, in 11-on-11 drills, decided to try to throw a football through a crowd. It was tipped and the ball sailed straight up and high. As it came down, Diaby sold out, was prone to the ground and reached out and grabbed the ball just before it hit the turf.

When Diaby was trying to get up, Mayfield ran over to him, helped Diaby up and, per Diaby, Mayfield said, “‘Dang, you picked me off today.’ And I said, ‘Yeah, I got you, man,'” Diaby told Joe after practice.

For Diaby, everything seems to be clicking. Diaby pointed out he feels really comfortable and everyone with the Bucs is always trying to make sure he gets what he needs.

Diaby believes he couldn’t have been drafted by a better organization.

“Everything is going real smooth,” Diaby said. “I feel good. I feel I’m in the right organization.”

Diaby said it is how the entire teams treats players is why he feels he will grow into a successful outside linebacker in Tampa.

“I just feel like they’re best fit me, Diaby said of the Bucs. “The whole organization. They support me. They support everything and everything that comes with it.

“I feel like I’m in the right place. I’m very happy to be a Buc. I feel blessed and I’m in the right spot.”

Sacks will be the name of the game for Diaby. So far, he said the Bucs are giving him all the tools he may need to develop into a feared edge rusher.

30 Responses to “YaYa Diaby Beginning To Shine”

  1. ATLBuc Says:

    How good can this draft be?? Is it possible for all of our drafted players to make the team and contribute this season?

  2. SlyPirate Says:

    SirVocea and Zyon have been camp stars
    The Bucs may have some unexpected secondary depth. Super important as the Bucs have had health issues at DB.

  3. Marine Buc Says:

    I thought it was noteworthy head coach Bowles stated “YaYa has the strength to play defensive Line but the quickness of an OLB”…

    If this guy turns out to be a stud and Shaq fully returns from his injury we are stacked at OLB…

    – Shaq
    – JTS
    – Nelson
    – Yaya
    – Jose
    – Gill


  4. SB~LV Says:

    Yeah… these training camps are like all they have been since Pee Wee football.
    Their first few real NFL game snaps will be in 3-5second bursts of game they have never played and they won’t even understand until they watch the tape.

  5. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Yaya’s film reminds me a lot of Justin Tuck.

  6. KC Buc Says:

    Can’t wait to see Jensen, Shaq, the rookies, and Contract Year Devin in real action. Lot of boom-bust potential in that group between injuries, inconsistencies, and the general unknown. Yaya is a physical beast and I’m hoping that it translates to sacks – he’d be a fan favorite in no time between the sacks and the name!

    9/10 can’t come soon enough

  7. PewterStiffArm Says:

    It is so good to hear a young kid comfortable with his new organization. Next thing to master is this defense. It is not easy so take your time and do it right.

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Will “Flame Broiled Chicken” forever be attached to Ya Ya’s name?

    Kind of makes me root for him to be cut.

  9. Crickett Baker Says:

    Ya,ya, I, too, hate the chicken thing. Is Joe getting paid for the promo?
    BTW, I can hardly wait for 8/11. It should tell me a lot about our Team. GO BUCS!

  10. Fred McNeil Says:

    I was happy to hear about Diaby. Joe’s mentioned JTS and Shaq also. Nelson I haven’t heard anything about, but I know they’ll be a fine backup. Any word on Ramirez or Gill?

  11. Defense Rules Says:

    Marine Buc … You listed 6 OLBs but I’m not sure we can afford to keep that many. I would think that we’ll be keeping 6 DT/DE (Vea, Gaines, Gholston, Kancey, Hall & probably 1 other?), and especially if we start using more 4-man fronts like I think we will. Then we’ll probably keep 4 ILBs (LVD, White, Dennis & Britt?), 6 CBs (Davis, Dean, Delaney, McCollum plus 2?) and 4 Safeties (Winfield, Neal plus 2?).

    Total defense will probably be 25 (another 25 on offense plus 3 P/K/LS), so that’d leave 5 for OLBs. Right now we have 9 OLBs in camp, so I can see some hard cuts coming up. My guess would be Shaq, Nelson, JTS, Diaby plus 1 … Gill or Ramirez. All depends on which one shines in preseason?

  12. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Yaya film reminds me a lot of Justin Tuck.

  13. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Dang it. I’m in moderation.

  14. Mike Alstott Jr. Says:

    No more chicken stuff Joe, the people have spoken!!

    “Dang, you picked me off today” lol not sure why but Billboard Baker is giving me fitzmagic energy…

  15. Toad Bowels Says:

    Joe is forgetting the classic Rolling Stones live album
    “Get yer Ya-Ya’s out”

  16. Marine Buc Says:

    @ DR

    I agree. I just listed all the players we currently have battling for 4-5 spots.

    I would think:

    – Shaq
    – JTS
    – Nelson
    – YaYa

    Will all be on the 53…

    The question is does Cam Gill or Jose make the 53? Which one can play special teams better? Which one stays healthy throughout the preseason (Cam Gill has had problems with this one)? Which one can generate a few sacks with the limited playing time they have during the preseason games?

    We shall see.

  17. Bucsfan13 Says:

    Any observations on the OL? It’s the most important position on the field after the QB. Having we learned anything from last year to appreciate the big uglies. It disgusts me the way the OL are constantly disrespected. It’s why those guys will always be my favorite position group. We had the worse rushing attack in football and a below average pass blocking. Not expecting our guards to be John Hannah, but i hope they’re better than last year.

  18. stpetebucfan Says:

    This was a team that desperately needed to get younger! Seems like they’re well on their way and doing it without getting rid of all the vets…just the oldest ones.

  19. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Hey Calijah got the MRI and just as I said before there was no significant damage and he’ll be fine. Probably a two week injury max.

  20. Bojim Says:

    We got us a Ya Ya. Good news on Kancey.

  21. Power Of Pewter Says:

    The Bucs D may be quite a pleasant surprise this season. Good combination of starters and depth, youth and experience. The key to a successful season is if the offense can put up a decent amount of points and maximizing field position while minimizing turnovers. IOW, manage the game.

  22. All_da_way Says:

    Diaby looks slow coming out of his stance but he still finds a way to win. Diaby is going to be a nice addition to the rotation.

  23. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Tampabaybucfan Says:
    “Will “Flame Broiled Chicken” forever be attached to Ya Ya’s name?”

    This is the best chicken. The secret is to brown the skin first, then move the pieces off of the direct flame to bake. Crispy and juicy! Mmmmm.

  24. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    “Marine Buc … You listed 6 OLBs but I’m not sure we can afford to keep that many. I would think that we’ll be keeping 6 DT/DE (Vea, Gaines, Gholston, Kancey, Hall & probably 1 other?)…”

    Gill is capable of taking backup snaps inside. Maybe Diaby, also. He’s pretty stout. 6 cornerbacks seems like a lot. Do we usually do that? We do have a couple safeties able to take reps at nickle.

    Anyway. I’m not used to being this jacked for pre-season. It’s weird. Maybe it’s because I’m supposed to be doing chores right now…

  25. admin Says:

    “Will “Flame Broiled Chicken” forever be attached to Ya Ya’s name?”

    Probably. It should. You know of a better fit?

  26. gotbbucs Says:

    The pet names are stupid, but Joe is gonna Joe. No sense in even mentioning it to him(them) because it only fans the flames and makes them add more pet names.
    YaYa Diaby is definitely one of those kick A names that didn’t need Joe’s lame help, but here we are anyway.

  27. JimBobBuc Says:

    Let’s put Diaby’s face on top of Mick Jagger on the album cover of Get Yer Ya Ya’s Out! We need to Get Our “Ya Ya” Out on the field and create some sacks! It’s training camp time and hope is running amuck.

    It’s not too early to think about the Practice Squad I can never remember how the rules work. Maybe put Ramirez on the practice squad and let Gill play. I agree Special Teams will be a deciding factor for a lot of these guys.

  28. garro Says:

    Diaby been close to any QBs yet Joe?

    Go Bucs!

  29. unbelievable Says:

    Of course it’s still early, but I love hearing this. If him and Dennis are the real deal, we’re gonna have one fast and nasty defense.

    If YaYa turns into a terror at the LOS, I hope they start playing the chorus from Psycho Killer everytime he makes a play. The whole stadium can scream it!

  30. Fred McNeil Says:

    Psycho Killer…. I haven’t heard that song in decades