The Other Misdirection Season

July 23rd, 2023

NFL super insider Peter King talks NFL lying.

It seems like nearly every general manager and head coach across the NFL gives attentive and plentiful access to NBC Sports insider Peter King, the longtime NFL scribe.

(Not longer than Ira Kaufman, though close.)

But King knows that with all that access comes a lot of BS to sift through. He artfully touched on this topic with the GoLong podcast last week.

Traditionally, King visits many training camps annually and inhales all the company hype and well-massaged talking points. King said he knows not to believe everything and experience tells him he must carefully ponder what’s real and what isn’t — even with teams going out of their way to talk to him on and off the record.

There aren’t many outright liars in the NFL, King said, but there aren’t many candid team officials, either.

(Joe assumes King was not referring to NFL Draft season, when general managers and coaches are proud to spew misdirection and half-truths.)

“They will do the best job they can in not telling you the whole truth,” King said. “And I do think there’s a difference.”

Joe knows a lot of Bucs fans believe nearly everything they hear from Bucs coaches, players and those in the executive suites. Heck, some Tampa media types suck up to team officials so strongly that they can’t smell reality because their noses are too overwhelmed in sensitive areas.

So with the Bucs’ starting quarterback competition about to kick off, Joe thinks it’s worth highlighting King’s message. Many forthcoming public assessments of the quarterback position by Bucs officials will not reflect the whole truth.

It won’t matter how either QB is playing. The spin is coming and Joe promises to translate and dissect it for fans as best as Joe can.

18 Responses to “The Other Misdirection Season”

  1. Jack Clark Says:

    “Joe knows a lot of Bucs fans believe nearly everything they hear from Bucs coaches, players and those in the executive suites.”

    Those Bucs fans are idiots

  2. DR. POPS Says:

    Mr Jack meoff Clark Are you having a bad day?

  3. Dew Says:

    LOL Dr Pops

  4. Jack Clark Says:

    DR. POPS Says:
    July 23rd, 2023 at 6:44 pm
    Mr Jack meoff Clark Are you having a bad day?
    Exhibit A above

  5. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield is QB. The plays are designed with him as QB. That is what they will practice. Competition is just spin and it gives Gator fans a bit of a bone to chew.

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘It won’t matter how either QB is playing. The spin is coming and Joe promises to translate and dissect it for fans as best as Joe can.’

    Really Joe? ‘It won’t matter how either QB is playing?’ How else are we supposed to take that other than your restated position that ‘Mayfield has already been preordained as the starting QB’?

    Appreciate you promising to ‘translate & dissect’ all the SPIN for us dumb fans, but I’m confident most of us know horsepuckey when we smell it.

  7. Stanglassman Says:

    Track would have to stand out as clearly the better Qb in order to be considered. If Trask had a few good NFL seasons under his belt, fit the system better and if he was the number 1 overall pick he would be the favorite. I see it like a boxing title match. You can win the belt by being competitive, you’ve got to beat the man to be the man. Right now Mayfield is the man.

  8. Pewter Power Says:

    There aren’t many ways to spin this. They barely had any cap space and picked up who they can afford. I think spin job will be because I don’t think it matters how well they play, short of a playoff run they will draft a quarterback regardless

    Glazers know the buzz that comes with a rookie quarterback and they won’t miss out another year

  9. Buddha Says:

    Geez this is boring. Much better when the focus is on players, their goals, training regimens, etc. Peter King thought Seattle was competing for #1 pick in the draft and LA Rams could repeat. He is an entertainer not an analyst. When you have to cover 32 teams you cut corners and have little depth.

  10. Craig Says:

    Still think Trask will have to climb a higher hill than Baker to start the season.

    It is not my paranoid mind that says that, but the Bowles cleaner’s. He is going to think real experience is the key, even if if is bad experience.

  11. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Yeah Joe for the 57th time wink wink nod nod this is a competition.

    How can you all look at Baker’s track record and say oh yeah this is the guy?

    As far as this offense is concerned when they signed DC Mayfield wasn’t on the roster.

    Are you telling us they signed the cheapest free agent QB on the market and gave him the job over their 2nd round draft pick?

    So much so they crafted the playbook just for Mayfield?

    Or did they sign Baker to push Trask and have some insurance?

    3 days Joe – that’s when the competition begins.

    We’re all spectators. We’re not going to will it in either direction from a message board. The play on the field will dictate the outcome. Everyone says it’s 50-50 right now. I’m taking that at face value.

    If Trask outplays Mayfield and they give the ball to Mayfield – fans are already salty – it’s not going to go over well. If they lose games – it REALLY won’t go over well. The Glazers will have to deal with a fan revolt. They don’t want that. We just came off some good years. Let’s keep the good vibes going. Playing head games with an allegedly fake competition is a terrible idea. It will rub everyone the wrong way – in and out of the locker room.

    If they say it’s a competition – that’s what it needs to be. The goal is to win. The best players get the spots.

  12. Hodad Says:

    Both QBs will have to play meaningful games this year. It really doesn’t matter who starts the season, but who will finish? Trask, and Baker are young enough to be our future. In a perfect world both Trask, and Baker do well, and both come back better next year. If not, loaded draft at QB.

  13. garro Says:

    Joe when has anyone anywhere ever gotten a truly straight answer from any coach or front office guy in the last 20 years. Except maybe BA when he has had an agenda to call a player out publicly?

    Enough with Peter King the sports medias most unqualified least professional !#$%.

    Go Bucs

  14. Beej Says:

    The peeps who believe Trask is gonna be cheated out of his rightful starting role because…REASONS…need help. Whichever one helps the team WIN will be the starter. BTW, at the combine, Mayfield ran a 4.82, 6’5″ Trask a 5.08 40, so the offense wouldn’t seem slanted toward either over the other

  15. Red Skeleton Says:

    Just remember the “old school truth”. The backup QB is often the most popular player on the team. So the drama will go on all season regardless who gets the start.

  16. Dooley Says:

    Imagine, a guy who ran for a congressional seat knowing a thing or two about professional liars

  17. Cobraboy Says:

    Who cares as long as the victor in the “competition” is the best player, and plays well…

  18. Larrd Says:

    King is a liar about breakfast. Sure, he may have a bowl of oatmeal, now and then, but he’s obviously a pancakes and bacon guy.