“The Fans Are Supposed To Be Out Here”

July 26th, 2023

Todd Bowles puts his foot down.

Todd Bowles wants Buccaneers fans at training camp practices and says fans help team energy level.

Whomever made the decision to not have fans at One Buc Palace for today’s start of camp apparently wasn’t considering the head coach’s desires.

The first three days of Bucs training camp are without fans this season. The Day 1 practice session was this morning and after a day off on Saturday, fans will be welcomed Sunday and for most remaining camp days.

Bowles was asked if he was looking forward to fans coming this weekend.

“I am. It was a little quiet today,” Bowles replied. “You know, they can help with the fatigue as well, with the heat. So with some people out here watching, I think it will ramp up practice a little bit.”

Do you prefer the fans out there overall, Coach?

“It’s training camp. The fans are supposed to be out here.”

Joe agrees. Folks in charge apparently do not.

Chris Godwin likes fans at practice but said he didn’t notice their absence until, he said, Mike Evans noted no fans were in the bleachers and that he expected to see them.

That’s probably an indication of how locked in Godwin is at practice, and a tell that Evans was in disbelief that the annual training camp tradition of fans mingling with players will have to wait a few days.

23 Responses to ““The Fans Are Supposed To Be Out Here””

  1. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    One can not help wonder WHY the decision to have no Fans the first 3 day of Camp was made.

  2. Defense Rules Says:

    Reading between the lines, it sounds like neither of them follow Joe Bucs Fan vey closely? Seems like the Bucs’ hierarchy not allowing fans for the first few days of practice has been brought up a number of times over the past few months.

  3. ATLBuc Says:

    They don’t want the fans to see Mayfield’s performances and refund their season tickets

  4. Bucco Bruce Says:

    The fans don’t want Todd Bowels as head coach but yet there he is. Guess we all can’t get what we want.

  5. Oviedo Jim Says:

    Who are the “folks in charge”? Not the HC, I guess.

  6. Lord Cornelius Says:

    I dunno how these guys practice in this heat man.

    I rode my bike 1 mile to the tennis courts this morning and hit for like 15 minutes on the wall before biking back, and I was completely soaked in sweat and exhausted lol.

    I moved back from Denver in 21 – does it take multiple years to get re-acclimated? I don’t remember it being this bad growing up here. Maybe I’m just getting old though haha

  7. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    First day of training camp, and I’m already hurt.
    Pulled something in my back, reaching in the fridge to get another beer.

    I’ll marinate in the hot-tub, a while. The wife can bring my beers, when she takes a break from cutting the grass.

  8. First Name Greatest Says:

    Shows where Bowles ranks within the hierarchy within the Bucs ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  9. HC Grover Says:

    There should be 3 a day practice with what we face with this season.

  10. Erick Says:

    This is so mind boggling and frustrating. And then when they do let fans in, it’s limited to season ticket holders.

  11. SufferingSince76 Says:

    We had 3 a days under Ray Perkins. That didn’t turn out so well.

  12. Jason m Says:

    This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard of. Not allowing fans at the start of training camp. Unbelievable!

  13. captivajim Says:

    maybe after last season’s 1st wk debacle when Jensen went down from an over hyped rookie showing off; they didn’t want the fans to see another “mishap”

  14. First Name Greatest Says:

    If you want to go watch practice become a season ticket holder, not hard. Plenty of seats available.

    If you don’t want to be a season ticket member just stop complaining. Your level of fandom is not as intense as others, it’s ok though.

  15. First Name Greatest Says:

    165 days and counting until Todd Bowles is fired…

  16. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Coach Bowles will go down in history…. as one of the Head Coaches, of the Bucs.
    Sporting a Super Bowl ring, as their DC…. that’s not a bad resume.

    Few can make that claim. From their sofa, or work chair.

  17. Fred McNeil Says:

    First name greatest, I’m so happy for you having enough money to afford season tickets. It must be nice to be rich. Even if I was gifted and well-heeled as your eminence, I live a little over 90 miles away and with my heart condition I would surely collapse in that muggy heat.

  18. Fred McNeil Says:

    Yeah, Sir Perkins Sir: the megalomaniac. Most of us thought that was irrational back then. He’d go to prison for that now. Back then I lived in Lakeland and I got free tickets for the games quite often. I was good friends with a truck driver who made deliveries to BUCS headquarters, and to my print shop back then. Everyone was terrified of that sociopathic menace.

  19. gofortheface30 Says:

    May not like Bowles coaching, but credit to him for being a man of the people.

  20. Delabucs Says:

    I was at ravens camp today and they had plenty of happy fans and it was free.

  21. garro Says:

    Glazers have some strange ideas about their fan base and what real PR is.

    Go Bucs!

  22. bob in valrico Says:

    Speaking of Ray Perkins ,I always thought he got in Vinnie’s head and affected
    his play here. He went on to have a fine career after the malignancy was removed.

  23. nick houllis Says:

    Ray Perkins wasn’t Vinny’s problem, when ray was fired he had a big game as all teams do when a strict coach gets fired midseason, then went right back to being Vinny for the same new coach for one year, and Sam Wyche for another year. Perkins DID mess with Vinny, we know he cursed him out in first preseason game for throwing a TD to the wrong guy… this story could be true or rumor, who knows. Vinny did produce when he went back to NY and had players around him on both sides of the ball. Ray wasn’t the problem in as much as the ownership.