Side-By-Side Quarterbacks

July 30th, 2023

Practice is underway this morning at One Buc Palace. Another no-pads, no-hitting day. The good stuff begins tomorrow for the first time this summer — on Day 5 of training camp.

Joe shot this photo of dueling quarterbacks Kyle Trask and Baker Mayfield. Trask really was standing tall in the first three sessions of camp.

19 Responses to “Side-By-Side Quarterbacks”

  1. nooyoker Says:

    Trask looks like an NFL quarterback and Mayfield looks like he works at Krispy Kreme.

  2. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    That’s not side-by-side. Trask is in the foreground, so of course he looks taller. Mayfield is obviously shorter than Trask, but the difference is not THAT pronounced.

  3. NCBucfan Says:

    If Trask wins the job, Mayfield will cry, and will most likely be a locker room distraction. Just not sure we can keep him around if it comes to that.

  4. JD Still Says:

    It does illustrate why Mayfield has a problem with blocked passes.

  5. HBCooke Says:

    Baker looks like a small fullback.

  6. D-Rok Says:

    Look at the difference in shoe size! Holy cow what size does Trask wear, and does he use his cleats to water ski? LOL

  7. EternalSon Says:

    Joe C: Their feet are pretty close to one another

  8. Tnoles Says:

    I thought pads went on today??

  9. gotbbucs Says:

    Intramural QB vs D1 starter

  10. Walter Says:

    I honestly hoping Trask earns the job, I’m more interested in seeing what he can do leading a team. I’ve already seen Baker fail with multiple opportunities.

  11. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Walter, I feel the same.

    I’m just skeptical that Bowles will let that happen.

    Looking at that pic though…objectively, Trask looks like he’s in charge.

    Joe, that is a historically great pic. If Trask ends up being an excellent QB down the road, you should get that one framed and signed.

  12. Neal Givens Says:

    If we’re judging by looks. Mayfield looks like Rocky Balboa and Trask looks like.
    A toothpick ready to be snapped in half at any time.

  13. Shane Callahan Says:

    Another bunch of comments who truly haven’t followed Mayfield’s career and simply parrot what media hacks who haven’t followed his career have said. Just wait…

  14. ATLBuc Says:

    Please enlighten us who haven’t followed Mayfield’s career. What are we missing? He’s an all-pro who hasn’t been given the opportunity? With Chubb, Hint and a top 5 defense? Enlighten us! A running game and a great defense is the blueprint to winning Super Bowls. So enlighten us as to why we should believe that Mayfield, in year 6 is going to do something different!!

  15. m milligan Says:

    Well ATLBuc,
    He owns 2 of the top 3 greatest QB rated seasons in college football history. He set the rookie TD record despite not playing in all the games. He led the browns to their first playoff victory in 20 yrs gunning down the steelers at 3 rivers. Took KC to the wire and almost got to championship game.
    He then gets hurt and still plays through injuries.
    What don’t you understand.

  16. m milligan Says:

    Again, think i’ll rely on what Shaun McVey and lincoln riley think of him as a QB

  17. WyomingJoe Says:

    Dear Baker Haters… seriously, what’s wrong with you guys? Are you all angry because the plot for the Barbie movie was so weak, or is it that your lives are just boring? Enjoy the battle for the QB spot but please stop salivating over Trask because you’re embarrassing yourselves. Long way to go guys. Go Bucs.

  18. garro Says:

    Alot of new nicks appear when you praise Trask.

    Go Bucs!

  19. Pablothepoolboy Says:

    Who cares just play already and let it fall into place.