Ryan Jensen Gets Emotional

July 28th, 2023

Ryan Jensen

Joe doesn’t post YouTube video on these pages unless it’s a rare, rare, rare exception.

Today is one of those days.

Bucccaneers center Ryan Jensen blew his knee out in all sorts of ugly ways one year ago today. His unique no-surgery comeback has been well documented.

Somehow, despite not really being ready to play, Jensen came back for the Bucs’ January playoff game last season and went the distance. The Bucs’ did not get a massive emotional jolt from that Jensen return — at least it didn’t look that way on the field — but Jensen is an emotional leader and player. And today his raw love of football came through.

At a post-practice news conference today, Jensen got choked up when asked about sharing his injury with his preschool-age son and how his son felt badly for him. Only a guy who loves the game to its core responds like this a year later.

No more words from Joe. Here’s Jensen:

22 Responses to “Ryan Jensen Gets Emotional”


    There is a reason we all love Ryan so much.
    He is a warrior. Our warrior.


    (sorry to military veterans if the expression is inappropriate & thank you for your service) — Just meant as words of tremendous respect.

  3. captivajim Says:

    he is a Great guy , great leader ; love him. I pray he doesn’t get that knee hurt again this season

  4. Sly Pirate Says:

    Who are the toughest dudes to ever play for the Bucs?

    Pittman (season ending injury. Came back for playoffs and could/should have been MVP of Super Bowl 2002)
    Cappa (played with a broken bone like every year)

  5. ModHairKen Says:

    Angry Red is a man.

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    Awesome interview Joe. Thanks for pointing it out. And yes Tampa Bay Demon, Ryan Jensen is a warrior.

  7. Dooley Says:

    Knowing that type of tough SOB Jensen is, it hit kind of hard hearing him recall his injury and just where he was at mentally in terms of coping especially hearing his son went through some adversity as well. Resonated with me a bunch and I’ll be rooting for him particularly hard to play the entire season fully healthy so he can get back to kicking a** and taking names.

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Big guy has a soft heart…..nice

  9. Marine Buc Says:

    That was pretty touching.

    Now go smash!!!!

  10. Ultra ClodHopper Says:

    He doesn’t want his kid to see he’s mortal. I think most dads can relate.

  11. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    It is going to be sad to watch him limp around on the field this year. Hopefully he will make it through the whole year for the last season of his career. Sure would hate to see him leave mid-season with just an injury settlement.

  12. Allen Lofton Says:

    He spoke from the heart – it was powerful

  13. Crickett Baker Says:

    @Sly, I don’t think you should leave out JPP, but I agree with you.

    It was indeed rare to see this nasty guy choke up as well. Sometimes we forget how human players are.

  14. Destinjohnny Says:

    Hard not to love the guy
    Wish we had some badass Guards and a right tackle for him to play with

  15. calbucsfan Says:

    would be nice to be able to watch the video, but after typing characters about a dozen times without gaining access, I’m out!

  16. stpetebucfan Says:

    While Jensen is most certainly a warrior, that’s not what this video is about.

    It’s about a father’s love and connection to his son! I know that feeling even though I’ve never had to blow out a knee to gain that perspective.

    Perspective is what I consider very important in life. Jensen has it and so I’m very happy for him regardless of how the rest of his football life goes. He’s obviously set financially and while he’ll miss the game when it’s over for him he’s always going to have what really matters…his son.

    This is the part of the Brady story that I felt people did not get last year. Again as a father myself I understood the trauma of a family breakup. Brady most certainly loves football but more than his sons? Not likely. That’s why I don’t really judge him for missing so much of the preseason. Some things in life are truly more important than football!

  17. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    Awesome interview. I’ve rarely heard him speak. Awesome guy!! No wonder everyone loves him.

  18. ATLBuc Says:

    When describing Trask, Jenson used words like, maturity level, leadership role crisp, confidence and execution. When describing Mayfield he used words like great energy, fun, fire and a great teammate.
    Which of those describes how a teammate feels about a starting quarterback?

  19. TB2023 Says:

    Well put St. Pete.
    I always look for your input.

    Go Bucs!!!

  20. stpetebucfan Says:

    THX TB2023

  21. Pickgrin Says:

    “The creativity in this offense has been great. A different energy than we’ve had the last couple of years when it comes to the run game…”

    That comment seems telling.

  22. garro Says:

    Captain Fierce is a Dad and loves his son just as fiercely as he plays football.

    Go Bucs!