Report: Week 1 Return In Play For Calijah Kancey

July 31st, 2023


Joe feared the Bucs were going to play this like last year’s Ryan Jensen knee injury. But now we have light shed on Calijah Kancey’s injury.

Yesterday, Kancey suffered what is believed to be a calf strain. The Bucs’ first-round pick suffered the injury in a non-contact position drill as he maneuvered around a tackling dummy.

Sara Walsh of NFL Network reported that even though Kancey was carted off the field, he walked to the cart.

Tonight on NFL Network, Walsh’s colleague, Mike Garafolo, reports that yes, Kancey has a calf strain similar to what Bengals star quarterback Joe Burrow suffered last week, also a non-contact injury.

Garafolo believes Kancey’s return for the Bucs’ opening game at Minnesota is in play depending on how Kancey heals.

Since this injury did not happen during the regular season, the Bucs are not obligated by league rules to give an injury reports or regular updates on Kancey.

But as Garafolo noted, Kancey will be losing valuable snaps from training camp, two days scrimmaging with the Jets and, of course, the worthless preseason games.

37 Responses to “Report: Week 1 Return In Play For Calijah Kancey”

  1. Bojim Says:


  2. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Wrap it in vinegar soaked cloth strips😎

  3. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Heal up and focus on those mental reps young man! You’ll be back soon enough and become a terror for oline’s and QB’s across the NFL.

  4. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    There is enough depth not to rush him back. Gaines, Hall and Gholston will hold down the fort.

  5. All_da_way Says:

    This is not a biggie. The plan was to use the rookie with limited snaps anyways.

    The key is the the development of Hall with Vea/Gaines holding down the interior.

    But this means that Senat or Greene have a chance to make an impression now and to make their case to make the squad.

  6. Oddball Says:

    Rub some dirt on it.

  7. Defense Rules Says:

    You keep saying that the preseason games are ‘worthless’ Joe, but where else do these guys get any real tackling opportunities? Even practicing against other teams in preseason (like the Jets), I’m sure that there are tons of ‘rules’ in existence to keep players from truly beating up on each other.

    Personally I’d like to see the starters & key backups play more in each of the 3 games. Tackling in the NFL has gotten sloppy IMO, and I think that’s primarily because of the CBA. To be really good at something you’ve gotta practice it, repeatedly.

  8. stpetebucfan Says:

    Bust? Do some people have no pride? Are they unable to feel embarrassment for such ignorance?

    I agree with Mostlypeaceful!

  9. Joe Says:

    You keep saying that the preseason games are ‘worthless’ Joe, but where else do these guys get any real tackling opportunities?

    Practice. Scrimmages.

  10. Jeff Says:

    Start him after the bye to be safe. Looks like he’s soft. Bummer.

  11. Wild Bill Says:

    Very sorry for the young man. Hope he has a uncomplicated recovery.

  12. Bobby Says:

    Kancey isn’t coming back till week 1!? So he going to miss a whole month plus of practice, training and much needed education for a rookie defensive lineman. Just devastating to the Bucs defense. So tired of the same old story, it feels like every training training camp we lose somebody significant to our plan of success for the upcoming season. Just ridiculous, well not sure how much of an impact Kancey is going to make this season now. If he does come around and display that game wrecking ability we saw on his tape. It may not show up until towards end of regular season. It’s going to take awhile just for him to catch up on the mth plus of training he missed from not practicing. Welp l,this is normal though, the struggles of being a life long Bucs fan. Go Bucs no matter what though!!

  13. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    Finally…. Some news for the doom and gloomers to latch onto. Should probably just fire Licht and Bowles now for drafting a guy that can’t even make it through one week of camp.

  14. Bobby Says:

    Gerald McCoy missed significant time during his first 2 seasons in the league due torn bicep injuries. He had a good career, he will be in the Ring of Honor someday. Maybe Kancey could still follow a similar path. Just don’t apologize to QBs while your running at them to take them down, like Gerald use to do. Anyway, Go Bucs!!

  15. Stanglassman Says:

    They were saying 2-4 weeks yesterday and said it depended on what the MRI showed. This sounds like it was on the more severe side. I was really hoping he would get a few preseason snaps. This reminds me of what happened to Vita his rookie year.

  16. Leopold Stotch Says:

    You guys are ridiculous calling him a bust or soft. My goodness. He’s a rookie and hasn’t done a thing. It happens. Joe Burrow has a calf strain and tore his acl his rookie year, is he a bust? Give me a break.

  17. Buc4evr Says:

    Not good if he isn’t getting reps. But happy he will be ok.

  18. CAbucsfan Says:

    Put some Vicks Vapor Rub on it wrap the calf up in plastic bag, take 5 Percocet and all better, so my Grandma will have you believe lol
    Not soft not a bust LFG

  19. Day 1-76 Says:

    This will probably be one of those nagging injuries where he ends up playing about 5 games this year.

  20. Toad Bowels Says:

    Sign Gerald McCoy

  21. Toad Bowels Says:


  22. Stanglassman Says:

    Jenna L. is reporting 2 weeks and Garafolo is saying 6 weeks. Which is it? Two weeks would mean he’d be practicing some with the jets at the joint practice or at least playing in the last couple of preseason games. I Hope Jenna is right. This same injury really derailed Vita’s rookie year.

  23. Tbbucs3 Says:

    I highly doubt that the Bucs or any other NFL team in 2023 are tackling each other in practice….with dummy’s yes, but at most they just wrap up without going to the ground in today’s NFL practices.

  24. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    IDC what everyone else is saying. To me, this is good news. It’s not serious, and we get him back for the season.

    It’s been a great Bucs news day, for me. Thanks, Joe! I’ve been stuck on your site for half a day, and I didn’t even get to enjoy the 2 pages that you shut down. If I had been part of the fun on those two threads, I probably would have had some kind of overload today. LOL

  25. Joe Says:

    It’s been a great Bucs news day, for me. Thanks, Joe! I’ve been stuck on your site for half a day, and I didn’t even get to enjoy the 2 pages that you shut down.

    Ha! Thanks for your support.

    Morning Cup of Joe broke a record. Comments were shut down before 6:30 a.m.

  26. Joe Says:

    Jenna L. is reporting 2 weeks and Garafolo is saying 6 weeks. Which is it?

    Actually, Jenna reported “few weeks.” She also stated the Bucs are hoping to get Kancey ready for Week 1.

    So her report is in the same ballpark as Garafolo’s.

  27. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Joe as soon as I saw that political post on the morning cup, I thought to myself this may get shut down pretty quickly. Sure enough, scrolled down and they were already closed lol.

  28. Rod Munch Says:

    He’ll be back before then.

  29. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Some y’all are ridiculous or just plain dumb calling him a bust.

  30. Hodad Says:

    The sky is crying, can’t you feel my tears fall down like rain. This is good news, that Buc fans turn into the blues. Lose their minds over a calf strain. Not missing any games. Chill.

  31. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Thankful…..Could have been a lot worse,

  32. BucU Says:

    Let’s hope he’s not another Russell Gage.

  33. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Little Jeff is special special if y’all get my drift don’t take anything he says seriously

  34. 1sparkybuc Says:

    These things happen every year, and there will be more. Get over it. We’re lucky that he will be back. Last year we weren’t so lucky. He’s not soft. He’s not a bust. The season is not lost. I still believe the Bucs will win the division, hopefully with Trask. Losing one guy for a few weeks doesn’t change that.

  35. SlyPirate Says:

    Can you imagine?

    You’re the number 1 pick. You’re putting in the time, effort and energy. Sprain your calf. Ugh. Has to be tough to relax and heal.

  36. unbelievable Says:

    Da Bucs Guy Says:
    July 31st, 2023 at 8:43 pm


  37. Fred McNeil Says:

    He’ll probably be back in a couple of weeks, at least for individual drills. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t get any work in with the Jets.