More Than Just “Friendly Joking”

July 31st, 2023

Bucs safety Ryan Neal.

Joe has noticed a trend at Bucs practices.

Offensive coordinator Dave Canales talks to Tampa Bay safety Ryan Neal more than any other defensive player.

Joe asked Neal today if that’s about Canales knowing him personally from Seattle and wanting — and trusting — his take on Bucs offensive players. No, Neal said, it’s more about friendly trash-talking and joking around. However, Neal added it’s also tied to Canales doing a form of self-scouting.

Neal will bark orders to the defense and Canales will hear that and want to know what Neal picked up from the offense formations and cals. Obviously, it’s Neal recognizing tendencies of the Seattle offense after spending years with the team.

“Sometimes, I’ll call stuff and he’ll be like, ‘How’d you see that?’ And I’ll be like, ‘You know how I know that,'” Neal said.

This chatter got Joe remembering that the Bucs have a November game at San Francisco, Seattle’s main rival in the NFC West.

Hopefully, Canales will have the offense disguised well enough by then to confuse the familiar 49ers defense.

19 Responses to “More Than Just “Friendly Joking””

  1. Mark Says:

    I’d be more worried about the offense against San Fran. Canales and the boys scored 1 touchdown (in garbage time) in 8 quarters against the 9ers.

  2. Marine Buc Says:

    Hopefully we found a diamond in the rough… I have respect for Pete Carroll and his ability to spot defensive back talent – especially the safety position.

    We signed Neal for @ $1M. So cheap…

    Why did Pete Carroll let this guy go?

    I’m not saying anything bad about Neal but it makes me a little weary.

    What’s that old saying? If it’s too good to be true and you know… The thing…

  3. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Marine Buc – I thought it was a combination of Neal wanting to start and not be a back up, but was being log jammed on the depth chart behind Jamal Adams and his big contract in Seattle. I think that’s why he didn’t sign his RFA offer which hung him up in free agency until Seattle signed another safety to back Adams up. That allowed Seattle to pull his RFA offer and Neal to become a free agent where the Bucs swooped in.

    Like you said though… seems to good to be true, but hoping for the best this season!

  4. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    “… the Bucs have a November game at San Francisco, Seattle’s main rival in the NFC West. Hopefully, Canales will have the offense disguised well enough by then to confuse the familiar 49ers defense.”

    And hopefully, Neal knows enough about Frisco’s familiar offense to give our defense an advantage.

  5. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Today I learned…
    That Cardi B is left handed. 🎤

  6. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    “More Than Just “Friendly Joking”

    I was a bit worried when I saw the headline. All this talk about underwear two-hand touch. I’m like, please tell me a pillow fight didn’t break out…

  7. captivajim Says:

    if Neal can key off what he sees from Canales offensive sets; so can others !!!!

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    Half the people in the gameday threads on this site could call out which plays Leftwich was going to call.

  9. Tony Says:

    @Hunter’s Crack Pipe

    Today I learned not to run with a knife & scissors.

  10. Tony Says:

    @Rod Munch

    My aunt with Alzheimer’s would probably even be able to predict the Leftwich playcalling.

  11. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Tony Says:
    “Today I learned not to run with a knife & scissors.”

    Also, don’t hand them to Cardi!

  12. Beem Me Up Scottie Says:

    I hope that our #1 pick recovers soon and completely! If Canales is going to be calling the plays and not Leftwich, we will have a chance! Just because Neal knew what Canales was running doesn’t mean that anyone can! Canales, I would think would change things up when the Bucs play the 49ers! Neal should know the plays, backup or not! On another note: It’s embarrassing that the Bucs are going back to the Dream Cycle look! I hope they don’t go back to their losing ways!!

  13. garro Says:

    Hmm…A bit of clever self scouting in practice. I like it!

    Go Bucs!

  14. Dooley Says:

    @A Bucs Fan

    Seattle signed Julian Love to start next to Jamal Adams, they also have Diggs as a 3rd safety. Had Seattle signed loved and attempted to keep Neal they would’ve had upward of $40M dedicated to the safety position with Neal’s RFA tender included. They signed Love, we signed Neal the same day or day after, but it was fast. Didn’t realize Neal is 6’3 seeing him next to other players he looks it.

  15. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Dooley I guess I didn’t remember all the details correctly. Fair correction.

  16. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Beem Me Up Scottie Says:
    “It’s embarrassing that the Bucs are going back to the Dream Cycle look!”

    I get you’re talking about the creamsicles (for one game). I never heard of this dream cycle. Please provide context for the slow-witted (me).

  17. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Tony Says:
    “Well that took the fun out of it.😀”


  18. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Dooley Says:
    “They signed Love, we signed Neal the same day or day after, but it was fast.”

    I don’t know what Neal’s tender was, but it had to be a good bit more than we are paying him. He’s taking a big chance on himself this season by not signing that contract!

  19. gp Says:

    Predictability was the greatest hindrance to our offense last year, followed closely by the lack of cohesion on the O-line.
    It seems that management has tried to address both of these deficiencies in the off season.
    One can only hope they have succeeded.