Devin White Says He Dedicated More Of His Offseason To Football

July 31st, 2023

Devin White hadn’t done an interview since asking to be traded several months ago. Today he talked to Joe.

Only football-related discussion was on the record, but Joe will say that White is highly focused and dialed in on sticking to football, which seems like the ideal approach.

As fans know, White skipped the Bucs’ voluntary spring practices. He attended mandatory June mincamp but did not practice. However, when the bell rang on minicamp, he was raring to go and hasn’t taken a day off or shared reps.

White also has been good with fans signing autographs. Today he even signed for a while, stepped away and said goodbye to fans to get a drink and chill, and then he came back to sign more.

Joe asked White what he did with his offseason away from the team, and White had an interesting reply considering he was a no-show for the team’s spring work.

“I dedicated this offseason a lot more to football. I got on the field and did more drill work, and a lot of hip mobility stuff just being able to be crisp in and out of my breaks, and just training to be able to go for the long haul and feeling better,” White said. “And I changed up my diet a little bit so I could feel even more better on the field and be stronger in the fourth quarter.”

White added that there are ways to stay connected with teammates without being at team headquarters.

On what he’s seeing from the 2023 defense: “I feel like the defense the energy and the effort is there, I think we just need to hone in on the details a little more, communication so we can be extra sharp. One thing we’re trying to do is get back to being solid in the run game.”

On rookie inside linebacker SirVocea Dennis, who has been a ballhawk in camp: 

“I think he’s a great young player. He comes in with the ability to play and ability to listen and learn. And I think that’ll help him go far in this league, you know, especially on this team because we need all hands on deck to be able to win games. We gotta do it any every form or fashion, like whatever way we gotta get it done.

Joe will have more from White tomorrow. 

24 Responses to “Devin White Says He Dedicated More Of His Offseason To Football”

  1. Hodad Says:

    Sounds like he trained to get lighter, and faster, but he looks the size of his horse in that picture! Which is it Joe? White look bigger, smaller, or the same?

  2. Alexandre Nascimento Says:


  3. Dooley Says:

    Good, hope White keeps it that way and hopefully whomever it was in his camp that “yes’d” the thought of demanding a trade is looking for a new camp. That was terrible advice that lacked tact/strategy and has fans(myself included) looking at Devin White with the side eye like he’s half an idiot and I don’t blame any of you.

  4. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:



  5. SlyPirate Says:

    Okay. Whatever. He’s always been an exceptional athlete. For me, White needs to not be a distraction and play complete games.

  6. captivajim Says:

    maybe he woun’t get bored this year ??

  7. Buc1987 Says:

    Soooo… I guess he ain’t pissed anymore.

  8. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Agree with Hodad. Not that White looks fat but he definitely doesn’t look toned. Curios if he put on an additional 5 -10 pounds.

  9. BucU Says:

    Way to go Devin!! I’m thrilled you have seen the light. Ball out and you will get your bag.

  10. Kaptain Morgan Says:

    I am interested to hear if he says “us” and we referring to the Bucs. Talking about Dennis, he doesn’t mention how much he will help the Bucs, but only that he’ll have a great career in the league. I think these little things will be telling. on if he’s truly focused on being a Buc long-term.

  11. Rod Munch Says:

    The same demented morons that hated McCoy have shifted their hate to White, and it’s just as stupid now as it was then.

  12. BringBucsBack Says:

    Rod, I don’t hear hate; I hear the plea for accountability & REAL passion. Those players brought it on themselves!

    It wasn’t the fans who loafed in a one-score game on multiple occasions or got bored IN a game, who knows how many times? He’s the captain too, for some unconscionable reason?!

    Rod, you are a long-time, valued opinion here on JBF & I try not to name-call, especially online but, I find it much more moronic to defend an overrated player who doesn’t even want to play for our favorite team.

    “…especially on this team because we need all hands on deck to be able to win games.”

    ALL hands, Devin…feet & body too! On every down!

  13. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Rod exactly.

  14. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    Great interview! Now please trade him while he still has value.

  15. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:



  16. RustyRhinos Says:

    Stand Tall Devin, Play your 5th-year option with passion and leadership. Good to hear he has been working on Football related things his offseason. Show up with what you got Mr. White. Let your play on the field provide. I do know I have spoken and said some things that I also had to put up or shut up on. We learn as we grow. 21-28 yeah, and a pocket full of cash cars ladies. Sounds like a dozen or so too many Bromossas for me. Then some disgruntled boastful comments… Yeah. I have confidence Devin was in a moment and said some things. Is having to show up on his words. Been there done that. As have most all of us to one shade of grey or the other, likely have.
    Ready to see 45 play with all the old and new players we have.

  17. Cover deuce Says:

    This guy interviews about as well as he plays

  18. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    He’s here (for now) and apparently in great shape. He’s apparently heard the loafing accusations and is focused on his stamina. Hopefully he’s being just as disciplined in the film room. Yeah he made a foolish move, but it seems he’s ready to bet on himself and get paid.
    I totally understand the beef some fans have with White, but his upside is still tremendous and we’d be more foolish than him to just let him go. He’s shown the freakish play that he’s capable of. Hopefully now he’s more driven and focused than ever. We’ll see.

  19. stpetebucfan Says:

    I’ll certainly give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he’s learned his lesson.
    Maybe he just needs a new agent.

    Whatever he has every $$$$ reason to play lights out! His paltry 11 MIllion jumps to 20+ Million if he stars this year.

  20. Kalind Says:

    He’s still a punk AB in my book

  21. garro Says:

    Yada Yada Yada.

    Shut up and live up to your contract for a change.

    Go Bucs!

  22. garro Says:

    BTW Glazers
    Your PR people need to be replaced if they think putting this fool in front of the press is a good idea.

    Go Bucs!

  23. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    It’s a contract year for devin. I think he’s gonna ball out. I know I would givin the situation.

  24. Destinjohnny Says:

    He mailed it In last year
    It’s good that he admitted
    To bad parcels his coach