Dave Canales: Consistently Upbeat

July 26th, 2023


One thing about this 2023 Bucs season that just about every Bucs fan is eager to find out is what new Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales can deliver.

Of course, Joe doesn’t expect anyone at One Buc Palace to tip their hand and reveal all the things Canales wants to do in a game. Joe has a hunch even Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht won’t know until the bullets are flying in a game.

But Licht did reveal one thing about Canales yesterday: The guy is consistent. Same guy every day. And he seems to be high on life, at least when it comes to the Bucs.

“It hasn’t changed since Todd [Bowles] brought him in here for an interview and I had the opportunity to sit with him for a couple hours,” Licht said. “It hasn’t changed – it’s been the same every day.

“[He is] very steady, in terms of the energy [and] the focus. It’s fun to talk with him because he’s looking for solutions at all times: ‘If this doesn’t work, we’re going to do this, but trust me, I feel good that this is going to work. We’re going to put these players in these positions, [etc.].’

“He’s a very positive person and I like a lot of positivity around the building and he definitely adds to that.”

Joe can boil Licht’s description of Canales down to a simple Chucky quote.

“He brings juice!”

Joe sure hopes Canales’ energy and positive vibes jolt and inspire the Bucs offense. Last year it sure seemed drab, even with Tom Brady barking at teammates.

21 Responses to “Dave Canales: Consistently Upbeat”

  1. ATLBuc Says:

    The offense certainly can’t get any worse than it was last year. Looking forward to reading your practice notes Joe!!

  2. Boss Says:

    @ ATL

    I was thinking the same. low bar to beat.

    All he has to do to be better than BL is not run up the gut every 1st down. If his plays are not completely predictable he will be an upgrade.

  3. Beej Says:

    I’d be interested if they discussed SpongeBob during the interview, as Canales faced him last year

  4. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “All he has to do to be better than BL”

    All he has to do is win a Superbowl?

  5. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Lots of you are gonna be real disappointed when the Bucs offense sucks again due to ineffective players.

  6. Beej Says:

    They have nowhere to go but up from last year. If the new OC is even a five on a scale of 10 theyll average 21 or 22 points a game

  7. Craig Says:

    I like the enthusiasm. I just hope it can still be there after the early bye.

    That is when I think they will be re-thinking their QB.

  8. Buc4evr Says:

    Think having an OC that is constantly looking for ways to adapt and out gameplan the defense is a good step in the right direction. Maybe this team can actually make second half adjustments! Looking forward to see the new offense.

  9. Sly Pirate Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says: “Lots of you are gonna be real disappointed when the Bucs offense sucks again due to ineffective players.”

    Evans could be considered the most effective WR ever. Godwin 1000 yards, 100 catches. OC is run first and White is dual-threat.

    Our OC sucked, yes. Exactly who and when were our offensive players in effective?

  10. Tony Says:

    If this offense without Brady outperforms last season’s offense with Brady, well, it will sure make Leftwich or Brady, or both, look bad, bad, bad.

  11. Beej Says:

    I remember the Ray Perkins era. He brought in. Gary Anderson, and they started doing a lot of trap plays and Anderson gained tons of yards for the first three or four games. Then everybody caught on, and we maybe won one more game the rest of the year. That is SpongeBob in a nutshell

  12. Tbbucs3 Says:


    Too bad an offense makes up 11 players and can’t just rely on Evans and Whirfs. Last season the back Yucs had the worst running back group in the NFL, an awful tight end room and banged up Oline.

    I’ve yet to hear an argument that the roster talent on the Bucs offense was good last season…congrats on trying.

  13. Smashsquatch Says:

    Also excited to see Canales craft an offense and adjust on the fly. I’m both intrigued and cautiously optimistic. Everything about him seems to be a perfect fit for this team. Makes me wonder why he was overlooked for the OC position in Seattle in 2021. I guess he was a tad ripe. Good thing he stayed under Waldron. He learned a lot from his coaching tree, and we saw the results in a Geno Smith resurrection. He’ll be a hot commodity if he does the same with Mayfield or Trask, but that will be a good problem to have.

  14. Hodad Says:

    I don’t remember Leftwich coaching any offensive player but Brady. He’d have his pow wows with Tom, but you never saw him coaching any other player up on the sideline. never saw him gather his whole unit up on the sideline for a speach either. This guy is just what our team needed most on offense, juice.

  15. Duane Says:

    Sounds just like a Pete Carroll kinda guy. Pete is the ultimate high energy positive outlook coach. Anybody who managed to keep a coaching job under Carroll for multiple years has to be that kinda guy. I bet the players love him already!

  16. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Different culture different philosophy – interesting. I like this guy. I hope he succeeds.

  17. Infomeplease Says:

    Hodad and Duane, I totally agree with both of you!! The offense will be different this season!! Vastly improved at a minimum!!

  18. unbelievable Says:

    I imagine the offense is going to look pretty vanilla through preseason and even into the first few weeks of the season. Hopefully it opens up more after that.

    Defense is definitely going to need to carry this team early on.

  19. garro Says:

    Yeah Rah Rah Canales…

    Glass half full types really piss me off at times. There are times when people need a kick in the @ss folks.

    Go Bucs!

  20. Jack Morgan Says:

    Is it possible that fans can actually post here ? I am so sick and f:;king tired of all these “informed “posters spouting complete bullshit . Y’all have way too much time on your alledged minds. Pads haven’t even come on, you probably haven’t been through the gates and you’re already dooming this team to be bad , or mediocre at best. Is that your NFL Ouija board making your hands move. Geez , give this team a chance. After all , for most of us this is a game to be enjoyed. Please wait until your opinion can actually be formed by seeing , not guessing.

  21. Jack Morgan Says:

    Is it possible that fans can actually post here ? I am so sick and f:;king tired of all these “informed “posters spouting complete bullshit . Y’all have way too much time on your alledged minds. Pads haven’t even come on, you probably haven’t been through the gates and you’re already dooming this team to be bad , or mediocre at best. Is that your NFL Ouija board making your hands move. Geez , give this team a chance. After all , for most of us this is a game to be enjoyed. Please wait until your opinion can actually be formed by seeing , not guessing.