Colin Cowherd: Four-Win Bucs Will Start 0-3

July 8th, 2023

Todd Bowles

The national disrespect of Buccaneers head coach Todd Bowles continues to grow.

It’s been a couple of months since Peter King put down his anti-Bucs trumpet. Others have chimed in, and now FOX Sports’ yapper-in-chief has grabbed a bullhorn.

“Defensive coach, backup quarterback, four wins. Maybe five wins ’cause the division stinks,” Cowherd said on FS1 this week.

“If Tampa is bad early, Week [7] and they’re 1-5, you gotta start thinking about moving some of those defensive parts, getting draft picks, and getting help for [potential college QB draft pick] Caleb Williams.”

Cowherd went on to talk about cornerback Carlton Davis would be a key commodity to move before the NFL’s Haloween trade deadline. Then he said the Bucs would lose their first three games — Vikings, Bears, Eagles — and Week 4 at New Orleans is “probably a loss.”

Joe will note that if the Bucs start trading defensive assets, then there’s little hope for a Bowles return in 2024. What losing team starts bailing on key defensive pieces with a defense-first head coach, and then still keeps the coach?

Also, Joe will say a record of 0-3, to use Cowherd’s hyphothetical, should prompt Team Glazer to schedule a Cognac-heavy brunch to discuss building a big board of potential new head coaches.

Joe hopes the Bucs get extra motivated by all this pessimistic outside noise. Joe thinks it’s over-the-top ugly considering the Bucs’ talent.

Heck, Joe already is liking the Bucs to take it to the talent-depleted Vikings on opening day.

58 Responses to “Colin Cowherd: Four-Win Bucs Will Start 0-3”

  1. BucsFan81 Says:

    Well we he expectations for this season is pretty low. So even if they get 7 to 8 wins this year that is success during a rebuild. Even if they start out 0-3 pretty sure they are not trading young defensive stars that will be part of the future success of the team. The exception being Diva white he will probably be traded.

  2. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    A five win season is a very real possibility.

  3. Beej Says:

    Cowherd ALSO said thru the first half of our SuperBowl season that Brady was washed. He never admitted he was wrong, just pretended he never said it, like most media

  4. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    With those “suggestions” by Colin Cowpie, it’s obvious why he’s not an NFL GM. LOL. Yeah Colin, trade key defensive pieces so we can roll the dice on a college QB and hope he can transition to the NFL and win games without a good D. Smh

  5. Marine Buc Says:

    I’ve been saying it all off season…

    If the Bucs can’t beat the Vikings (away) and the Bears (at home) I doubt we will be able to beat the Eagles and Saints and they will probably be 0-4 before the week 5 bye.

    On the flip side – if the Bucs come out on fire and can start 2-0 their schedule is not that difficult except for the Eagles (home), Bills (away) and the 49ers (away).

    We play the Lions and Jags who are decent teams but the rest of the schedule is pretty weak…

  6. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    Yes, the Vikings are a bit depleted, but always tuff at home.
    They are still heavily favored.
    We might beat the Bears, but not the Eagles.
    We may be 0 and 3 going into New Orleans, and with a loss there, will be 0 and 4.
    Hate to say I agree with Cowherd, but his scenario is quite possible.
    Of course, I sure hope not!

  7. stpetebucfan Says:

    Beej brings up a point I raised awhile back.

    If only we could find a motivated stat geek like D.R. or Pickgrin who provide GREAT and timely info to do some research and keep score on these predictions.

    I appreciate Beej pointing out how wrong Cowherd was about the Buc’s Superbowl season and Beej you are correct they NEVER admit their mistakes.

    There is no site I know…any enterprising internet stars here…that keeps SCORE…Predictions – Results Keeps track and gives a rating to each entity/person based on their actual SCORE!

  8. MadMax Says:

    I think we win the Vikes game, after that, i just dont know….maybe one against our rivals falcons and kitties out of the two…so thats 3

    in my time being a Bucs fan, vegas has usually been right…how that works i dont know but theyre onto something.

    We have a lot of “new” to work through. A new OC (and his first time there) And a 2nd year failure as a HC still running things….the rooks, the new positions everyone needs to succeed at as they learn them, Wirfs at LT/Goedeke at RT…theres a lot going on there. And the most important, a backup in Baker as a starter and a maybe 3rd stringer in Trask (if he can even make that possible after all this time)….thats the hugest hurdle, QB.

    I was optimistic at first, even wanted Baker…but after the practices, i just dont know. But like I said, a lot of “new” to figure out through trial and error…and failure. But if we get a top 5 pick, we hopefully can land Caleb, even if it costs a trade up.

  9. Mike Johnson Says:

    2 of the 1st four are very winnable. But if we come out the gate 0-2? I see us continuing the descent to the bottom…like the Titanic.

  10. tampabuscsbro Says:

    Don’t disagree with Colin. This team is 7 wins at best. They have gotten worse overall outside the OC which is still an unknown.

    Also Bakers shoulder may be permanently screwed, unless Trask comes out as a huge surprise. This team is going to suck.

    I know the narrative seems to be the 45 YO QB held this team back but that’s not going to be the case come this season.

  11. Mike Says:

    He may be right, may be not. This is all just hot air really. No one knows who will do what against whom. It’s just pure speculation.

  12. Fred McNeil Says:

    I’m pretty sure we can beat the Vikings and Bears too. I’m pretty sure we beat the aints too. A 3-1 Start…or even 2-2. Then we can find tune during the bye week for the Lions on Orange Sunday.
    Stpete, bozos like colon cowturd will just pretend they don’t hear you when you fling their dart-board prognostications back in their face. They’re not trying to be accurate. They’re just babbling.

  13. Jeff Says:

    I’d bet my house they start 0-3. Tough schedules and the Bucs are not nearly as talented as they think they are. Hope I’m wrong.

  14. AnonymousBuc76 Says:

    I missed the part where Kurt Cousins became a bonifide stud QB; all of the pressure is on him now that Dalvin Cook is no longer with the team…

    Justin Fields will need to make plays with his arm to beat us; I’d have to see that to believe it…The Eagles imo will be our first true test, and the Saints with Derek Carr at QB doesn’t scare me either because of Carr’s suspect accuracy issues and tendency to leave points on the field…

    There’s no way a team full of guys who’ve been to the playoffs 3 straight year’s will go into the week 5 bye 0-4…If that happens Todd Bowles is history here in Tampa…

    I’m buying the Carton Davis take; this team will play with a chip on its shoulder out to prove they can win without Brady…I honestly felt that Jameis’ last year here we had a playoff team but the 30 ints by Mr. Winston derailed our playoff chances…

    Yes Brady is gone, but this is still a pretty solid roster…If we find the steady hand a QB we have a very good shot at winning the NFC South again…

  15. Crickett Baker Says:

    These pundits actually know less about the team than we do and they prognosticate away ad nauseum. I just want us (badly) to win a preseason game or two. The preseason will give us a good look just like the last one did.

  16. Rayjay1122 Says:

    If that happens then we may very well have another QB with Williams across the back.

  17. Voice of Truth Says:

    6 wins max and everyone knows it

  18. sasquatch Says:

    Useless opinions. Ignore all. There is absolutely no reason for them to be that bad.

  19. Butch Says:

    WTF…..The division sucks. The Bucs will win the NFC South with a 9-8 record. Tough defense and a running game will do it. Go Old School Bucs Ball.

  20. TheRash Says:

    Vikings game is key to everything. Confidence, getting feet wet with new offense(positively). I agree with Cowbird ,Todd Bowles, he absolutely stinks. His win with Defense even while playing offense reminds of all the ifs and butts we had with Tony Dungy( good man, good co-ordinator, players guy) but not a winner. Gruden won despite Dungy wasting all those superior defenses. 22 new players on that Super Bowl team out of 53 players , almost half a new roster!!
    Beat the Vikings, then Bears then we can see where we are headed. Think Positive!!

  21. CleanHouse Says:

    they should fire the coach now pull the bandaid off


    Winfield, Wirfs, Vea, Godwin, Jamel Dean, Ko Keift, Evans, Barrett

    Keep White- move him to outside linebacker where he can just search and destroy not think as much

    Keep the new draft picks, that’s it

    Put Gruden back in the ring of honor

  22. TheRash Says:

    Bowles is the #1 problem, he does not KNOW how to win, couldn’t with Jets hasn’t with us. Wrong mentality , should have already cut bait with him. Players are here, new O.C. let’s win despite the coach! Vikings winnable, Bears a must then go forward.

  23. CleanHouse Says:

    Trade Davis- overrated has like 2 pics a season

    Get rid of these QB’s

    I’d rather have JW

  24. Joe in Michigan Says:

    MadMax: “After the practices”? What practices were you at, and what wealth of knowledge did you gain from unpadded practices?

  25. Buc4evr Says:

    Nobody has any idea how the Bucs will do. They could very easily be 3-1 before the bye as none of the teams they play before the bye are that good. It all depends on QB and O-line play. The D will be good, but the O needs to score 30 points per game.

  26. Josh Rice Says:

    Lol we are going to have a winning season. Everyone thinks we lost Everyone. Evans made Winston look good minus the INT. Evans made Manziela superstar in college.. I cant wait for mayfield to have the best season of his career and shut the speculation down!

  27. University of Seffner Says:

    If the season goes in that sour of a direction and we fire Todd Bowles, the top 2 Head Coaching candidates that I’d like to have here in 2024 are Dan Quinn or Ben Johnson (OC of the Detroit Lions). If we end up getting the 1st overall pick in the draft, Johnson would be the my 1st choice because that would be beneficial for Caleb Williams being here because, there would be longevity for him learning the offense with Johnson as HC.

  28. Defense Rules Says:

    Crickett Baker … ‘These pundits actually know less about the team than we do and they prognosticate away ad nauseum.’

    I was thinking exactly the same thing after reading the article & Cowturd’s analysis(?). These national ‘experts'(?) probably spend less time getting to know the Bucs’ team than most of the more knowledgable JBFers do.

    And StPete, I’m of the opinion that very few of them care whether they’re right or wrong in their analyses. I think what’s most important to them (and their handlers) is getting folks talking about ‘their perspective’ & meeting the ‘deadline’. That seems to be the only way to stay relevant AND get paid.

    I personally think the Bucs have a good chance to be 5-4 (or 3-6 at worst) by the Game 9 halfway point. Going 4-4 in the 2nd half of the season would be reasonable I think, but we might be able to squeak out a 5-3 second half if it all comes together, and end up with a 10-7 final record (or be as bad as 7-10). We’ve got too much starting talent for me to buy these 4-or-5 win scenarios.

  29. MadMax Says:

    @Joemichinlovewithmadmax…. i dont have to be at them…word gets around dummy…plus what theyve shown, duh again dummy!!

  30. Defense Rules Says:

    TheRash … ‘Bowles is the #1 problem, he does not KNOW how to win, couldn’t with Jets hasn’t with us. Wrong mentality , should have already cut bait with him. Players are here, new O.C. let’s win despite the coach!’

    Seems like a very jaded perspective on Todd Bowles as a coach. BA’s record in 2019 was 7-9 as I remember, and that’s WITH one of the best DCs in the NFL. Bowles inherited a defense that gave up 464 points & ranked #31 in 2018, drafted a bunch of defensive guys (SMB, Dean, Edwards, Nelson), added several FAs (Suh, Shaq, Minter among others) and turned them into a Super Bowl-winning defense ranked #8 after 1 year. Personally i think that’s a helluva coaching job. And he even improved on that in 2021, with our defense moving up to a Top-5 ranking.

    BA benefitted greatly from having Todd Bowles as his DC for 2019-2021, but didn’t do Todd any favors in 2022 by handing over the HC reins very late (Mar 31st). Not to mention the horrific salary CAP situation he inherited (and BL too). But to me that’s the hand he was dealt & had to play. Personally wish he’d kept his starters in & won that last Atlanta game so folks would just stop with that losing BS. I’m much more interested in where we are RIGHT NOW & where we’re headed over these next 2-3 years.

  31. Kidfloflo Says:

    Jeff what kinda house we talking about? I’ll take that bet

  32. Marine Buc Says:

    @ DR

    I believe Vegas has the over/under for Buc wins at 6.5 – I believe 7 wins is very possible with this roster and the somewhat weak schedule we have…

    That first game in Minn will be very telling. The second game against the Bears at home will be even more telling.

    Watching the film of Mayfield playing QB in Carolina gives me a very sinking feeling. It was really bad. Fumbled snaps, blocked passes and a ton of 3 and outs.

    Mayfields film in LA looked better but still below mediocre for the NFL.

    The Bucs defense will probably be similar to last seasons. The big question is what this new offense will look like and how will Mayfield perform within it?

  33. Trask To The Future Says:

    If they let Trask start (which we know won’t happen) and they go back to a focus on a rushing attack, this team could be decent.

    Running the ball keeps our Defense off the field more. Our “throw on every down with Bradyl” (most of which he threw away quickly) obviously didn’t work.

  34. Wild Bill Says:

    Can’t stand Cowpile and most if his cohorts. Talking heads stuffed with bs. The Bucs have enough talent to surprise other teams that take them for granted and look ahead at their next opponent. With all the changes to coaches and players nobody can predict the Bucs record accurately. I don’t expect them to make the post season playoffs, but I also expect them to surprise some higher ranked opponents. 8/8 would be very decent in a major rebuild year. 6/10 would be disappointing but OK if they played tough and kept the outcomes close.

  35. Pewter Power Says:

    Wrong again!!! If the Bucs lose week one it’s time to start looking for a new coach in week 2. He’s on the hot seat so can’t blame a first time coordinator YOU chose. Shouldn’t need a big time quarterback to beat the Vikings.

  36. Defense Rules Says:

    Pewter Power … ‘Shouldn’t need a big time quarterback to beat the Vikings.’

    You mean the Vikings who went 13-4 last season overall and were 8-1 at home? That Vikings team? Yes they lost Dalvin Cook, but they’ve still got a few pretty decent players. Maybe that’s why the odds-makers have them up by roughly a TD? Bucs can’t afford to underestimate ANY team this year.

  37. Defense Rules Says:

    Marine Buc … ‘The Bucs defense will probably be similar to last seasons. The big question is what this new offense will look like and how will Mayfield perform within it?’

    Whoever gets the starting nod for Game 1 will be on a very short leash IMO. And I’m not convinced that it’ll be Mayfield BTW, but we’ll all just have to wait & see.

    I agree with you about the new offense being ‘the big question’ but I also think that the defense is a question mark at this point. Lots of new moving parts, and our depth is circumspect so keeping all our starters will be super important IMO. Last season we finished #13 defensively, and I suspect we’ll be someplace around the middle-of-the-pack this year also for the first half of the season. Really hoping that it’ll come together by mid-season though & that we finish in the Top-10. IF we do, we’ll have a chance for a 10-7 season; if not, 7-10 seems more likely to me.

  38. Kalind Says:

    I think the Vikings game will be tougher than you think, Joe. And if they lose it, then wins aren’t exactly stacking up at that point

  39. JD Still Says:

    These highly knowledgeable prognosticators know so much and are so accurate in ALL their predictions, I think any of them that guesses less than nine out of ten games correctly should immediately be fired! I mean, it’s so easy they should be correct at least 99% of the time!

  40. Duane Says:

    Yes, going 0-3 to start the season is bad- for any team. All gravy this season. Even if we live up to the expectations of the talking heads, we get the top pick. Stick it to the desk jockies and the NFC South. LFG.

  41. Mort Says:

    lol no. What a lazy take.

  42. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If we go 0-4 or 1-3 before the bye, my prediction of Trask starting after the bye should be dead-on.

    What MIGHT possibly save Bowles job?

    If Baker goes down to injury for the season and Trask has to come in…good or bad.

  43. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I’m not sold on Caleb yet…anything cane change in a year.

  44. Oneilbuc Says:

    I’m really not sold on Caleb Williams either he played in 2 weak conferences!! And he needs a coach that’s going to fit his play style and the bucs has never snig a coach that can develop a quarterback.

  45. Oddball Says:

    Vikings have no idea what they are dealing with week one. All they have is tape from the Seattle and LA and try to game plan toward an offense that may or may not resemble that. Based solely on that I’d give the Bucs the edge week 1.

  46. Brandon Says:

    10+ wins. Defense is better, offense is better, special teams will be slightly better, division might be worse.

  47. Buc1987 Says:

    4-5 wins tops!

  48. Sly Pirate Says:

    Joe, document these takes so we can call them all out

  49. FortMyersDave Says:

    I love everyone thinking the national media like Cowturd is right with the Bucs going 4 dash 13. Newsflash, Bucs O will likely be better this year than last year as Leftwich is gone and TB12 was the GOAT but last year he was a shell of himself with no OL. This year Mayfield will be more productive.

    I worry more about the head coach. Bowels plays not to lose like he did in Cleveland and that can make a 9 or 10 win team a 5 win team without a doubt. My guess is 7 and 10 but better than the ATL and Carolina whike the Aints mayvwin 8 or 9. Division is bad. The fans on the ATL, NO and Carolina sites are as pessimistic as tge worst trolls we have here. 5 wins is a popular choice for all 4 teams but one has to do better in all likelihood, why not the Bucs? Problem is I have zero confidence in Bowels….m

  50. Pewter Power Says:

    Defense Rules
    Pewter Power … ‘Shouldn’t need a big time quarterback to beat the Vikings.’

    You mean the Vikings who went 13-4 last season overall and were 8-1 at home? That Vikings team?

    YES that Vikings team that lost pieces after losing 31-24 to the freaking giants and gave their quarterback his big payday.

    Short history lesson…we went 13-4 then followed that up by going 8-9. I’m just saying

  51. garro Says:

    People like Cowturd know they are wrong! We as football fans need to boycot there sponsors and employers. The days of responsible sports jpournalism seem to be slipping away. All these people seem to care abot is ther ratings and paychecks.

    Go Bucs!

  52. Destinjohnny Says:

    Guys we have a couple of players
    But man the talent sadly just ain’t there man .

  53. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    Todd Bowles has earned every bit of the coaching-related disrespect he is receiving.

  54. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    On paper, we should be 0-3 heading into Week 4 at New Orleans. Hopefully, we can play above expectations and our projected capabilities, but Bowles isn’t really the type of coach that gets people to play above their expected levels of play. Motivators and inspirational leaders do that. Bowles is neither of those.

  55. Mike S Says:

    Bucs are going to get mud stomped. Can’t stop the run and this team is dead set on starting Captain Checkdown.

    Vikes won’t even have to throw it more than 15 times. They can just hand the ball off and run for 175 yards. Don’t expect Mayfield to complete a pass more than 10 yards.

    Part of me wants to see Mayfield get the nod and go 0-4 – then he can be banished to the bench where he belongs and the team can start doing the right thing with Trask getting him PT and building towards 2024.

  56. BigMacAttack Says:

    I’m on board with Mayfield and the Bucs. I think Canales is the X-Factor and they will shock the NFL. I think the Falcons will also shock the NFL. The Panthers are a no go and the Saints will be so bad, they blow up the team before the trade deadline. Mahomes luck is going to run out and the NY Jets are going to go 2020TB12 on the league with Aaron Rodgers. The Bucs will get 12 wins and start the season 3-1. That’s where I’m at. Sir Vocea Dennis and Calijah Kancey are going to spark this defense into high gear as Devin Whinybaby White watches from the bench. Haha

  57. SOFIERCE Says:

    Well, without Coach Brady, the media is right until you prove them otherwise I hope we will.

  58. Snook Says:

    Not sure how anyone expects more than 4 or 5 wins out of this team. Bowles is not a good head coach. I think the offense will improve but the defense will regress and be the main problem this season.