Chris Godwin Talks Baker Mayfield, Receiver Meshing

July 20th, 2023

Uplifting, scary and heartwarming stuff from Chris Godwin today.

Joe is ecstatic that training camp is just 5 1/2 days away as Joe sits here typing with a Big Storm beer in hand and a tray of Hooters wings on the coffee table at world headquarters. What a glorious time to be alive.

Godwin was a guest on The Rich Eisen Show today — Joe listens on SiriusXM Ch. 992 — and talked about becoming receiver-friendly quarterback for whomever is the new starting QB for the Bucs.

Godwin was very clear on how he is proceeding to help the Tom Brady replacement.

“Not drifting up field and allowing the DB to undercut the ball.”

“Working friendly angles when you’re coming out of your breaks.”

“Seeing the coverages the same way that the quarterback sees the coverages, so that whenever you make route adjustments, you’re all on the same page.”

“When to sit in zones, when to run away from guys, understanding the general spacing of the plays.”

Godwin is one hell of a teammate. He said a major key to a smooth transition to the new QB will be lots of communication but it won’t develop “overnight.” Unfortunately, the Bucs might need “overnight” to get off to a good start to the season.

As far as who that quarterback will be, Godwin didn’t point in a certain direction, but he shared plenty of appreciation for Baker Mayfield.

Godwin said it stood out to him that Mayfield is not arrogant and is great in the Bucs’ locker room. He said Mayfield carrying himself as “one of the guys” has allowed him to assert himself as a leader effectively and he’s already working on many relationships with players.

“Sometimes quarterbacks may have like that, not like an arrogance to them, but like a confidence to them where they try to overlead too soon,” Godwin said. Mayfield is not like that, Godwin said. “But it’s hard to get people to follow you as a leader if they don’t know who you are.”

Of course, Bucs players and management know who Kyle Trask is, but they still signed Mayfield.

26 Responses to “Chris Godwin Talks Baker Mayfield, Receiver Meshing”

  1. SteveK Says:

    Can’t wait for the QB competition to unfold. Hopeful the best QB takes snaps regardless of draft pedigree.

  2. Rick Says:

    To anybody who actually thinks Trask has a shot to start, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you

  3. Eric Says:

    Lol Baker article but had to dig at Kyle guy haven’t done a thing but what’s been aske!

  4. Crickett Baker Says:

    IdK who will be the QB but Kurt Cousins quoted Mother Theresa in an interesting new show on Netflix called The Quest. So far it is about him, Mahomes, and Carr. The quote (when talking about the QB job) reminded me of some of the “fans” here. Cousins said, “If people saw me walking on water they would think it was because I couldn’t swim”. LOLOL!

  5. SlyPirate Says:

    “Of course, Bucs players and management know who Kyle Trask is, but they still signed Mayfield”

    Oh boy! This is escalating. The last few articles you’ve been getting your digs into his cheerleaders. I’m loving it.

    There is an old NFL saying, “The most popular guy on the team is the backup QB.”

    If you’re a Trask fan, you want him on the bench. The day Trask gets the starting job is the beginning of the end of his NFL carrier. Disbelievers please ask ALL of the 22 QBs drafted by the Bucs. The Bucs are 0-22 in 47 years. Trask isn’t breaking a streak like that.

    Young, Dickinson, Berry, Hedberg, Ford, Lane, Kiel, Testaverde, Shula, Hammel, O’Hara, Erickson, Pawlawski, Dilfer, King, Hamilton, Simms, Gradkowski, Josh Johnson, Freeman, Glennon, and Winston

    Do you notice he isn’t saying anything about starting? He’s a smart young man. He knows what’s up. Why don’t you?

  6. NaplesBuc Says:

    “Of course, Bucs players and management know who Kyle Trask is, but they still signed Mayfield.”

    Dumbest Comment of the Day Award!

  7. HC Grover Says:

    Sure, Fine.

  8. HC Grover Says:

    Quick bet the Ranch on Bucs plus seven for opening Vikes game….ROFL

  9. Stanglassman Says:

    Did everyone is that Vita got his haircut short. Wow. Big difference. More grey than me and I’m 30 years older than him.

  10. Fred McNeil Says:

    Hey, grover, I’m not much of a gambler, but I do believe we can beat the Viqueens.
    They lost or foolishly released a lot of good players and coaches, much like we did. We have a revamped everything and there’s no meaningful film of our new offense. I do believe Baker will be pretty good. I do believe DW45 will ball out. I do believe JTS will finally have a plan. We will win.

  11. Fred McNeil Says:

    No Stanglassman; I didn’t. Istarted greying at 40 and was all gray by 50.

  12. stpetebucfan Says:

    Whichever QB gets the nod IMHO he’ll have an improved offense around him.

    It starts with the revamped OL. IF Jensen’s knee holds up the left side of the OL is solid! The right side has plenty of candidates and most of the young guys got more snaps than they would have normally received during an actual NFL season because 60% of the Bucs OL disappeared before the season even started.

    Godwin and Evans are as good as a tandem as I’ve seen since the old Lynn Swan and John Stallworth days. I’m talking about TWO WR’s who are not divas and root for each other to succeed without worrying about their personal touches.

    I believe ME13 and CG are true team players which is not always found at the “diva” position of WR. I also believe that White has a chance to become an elite receiver out of the backfield. Still no pounder back there unless they go with an H back like Ko Kieft a “blocking” TE who is a bit ponderous after the catch but still has good hands and is a mean blocker who finishes. Cade Otton is clearly the starter with a couple of decent guys behind him so just move Kieft into the backfield as the formation breaks huddle. As an H back with good hands they can always move him or White or both with an empty backfield. A LOT of options exist with a talented Hback.

  13. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    4 to 5 win season.

  14. buccanstopit Says:

    How anybody can get behind Baker with his track record, and dismiss Trask is beyond me. Must be frustrated Winston fanboys who believe if you’re picked 1st you’re destined for greatness.

  15. Fred McNeil Says:

    Stpetebucfan, we’re singing the same song. The pundits are dealing us cards from the bottom of the deck, but Tom Brady was not our whole team. The BUCS will shove their cards right back at them where the sun ” usually” never shines.

  16. StretchOMatic Says:

    I don’t have a preference to either Mayfield or Trask. That being said, I think the Joes are a bit off on their coverage of Trask. Granted when a player or coach is bad like Byron Leftwich or an outright idiot like Antonio Brown, I can understand the “Buc bashing”…But I also think it’s important to support the players and let the “best man win” when it comes to their jobs.

    Joe, sure you can give your reasons why you think Trask won’t get the starting job, we have heard it numerous times. That’s fine. But to continue to bash the guy over and over again, who is trying to make a dream come true is just wrong in my opinion. It’s almost like your articles are written from the Saints, Panthers or Falcons press coverage regarding a Buc QB.

    I’ve noticed that when someone has tried to differ with you, you’ll say something like, “well you aren’t privy to the information I have or what I have seen”…. Joe, this is a new season, what have you seen so far this year?? I know the media’s bashing of Mayfield has you a bit upset at times and you probably think, “well this is a new year and a fresh start for Baker, give him a chance, no one has seen anything yet with Baker and Canales at the OC helm. Joe again, what have you seen so far this year?

    Speaking of our new OC. For goodness sakes, look at the coaches Trask worked under last year. Not exactly star quality were they? If he had crappy coaches, did you really expect him to learn and flourish? Sure Gabbert grabbed the 2nd string nod ahead of him, but Gabbert has longtime experience and certainly Andy Reid thought well of Gabbert’s talent. IMO, Trask just hasn’t had his true chance to show what he can do. You’ll say “well they didn’t even have enough confidence to play him in the needless final game of the season last year”…you realize that “they” is Bowles and Leftwich right? LOL!

    So with all this said, if you believe otherwise, fine. But at least support the players on your team and let things shake out as they will heading into a new season. If he “stinks it up” in camp and/or Preseason, then write what you want. At this point, if he starts looking good, what have you lost? Other than just a bit of your Buc “inside knowledge” looking a little weak. Again, I have no preference who starts. I just think the constant Trask bashing is uncalled for at this time. Show the kid some support, it may translate into good things on the field.

  17. garro Says:

    Why the parting shot on Trask in an article about Godwin Joe?

    Come on man.

    Go Bucs!

  18. Onetrickpony Says:

    Excellent post, stretchomatic

  19. Mike S Says:

    I was talking with a co-worker today and he’s a huge Oklahoma fan. He told me the story about how Baker went to OK and they told him not to come, but he went and walked on anyway. Ended up getting the starting job and winning the Heisman. I have to admit that’s pretty impressive. This is a guy who got a playbook allegedly 36 hours before a nationally televised game and went out there and won. There’s a pattern of him overcoming adversity. That’s why they say the guy has guts.

    Look I get why he’s likeable and yeah he’s winning the popularity test so far, but that’s not enough to win football games. We all analyzed the numbers. Guts isn’t enough. I think we got a good idea about how things are going to go.

    That same guy who loves Oklahoma and loves Baker also told me he’s just waiting for Mayfield to come back to be the voice of the program. It was a nice way of saying yeah he’s pretty much done and things will probably run it’s course soon, but we love Baker and want him to come home.

    Who wouldn’t love to hear Baker in the booth calling a OK-LSU game late in the year with a lot of marbles on the table? You’d watch that game just because of what Baker would bring to the experience.

    I personally think Bake is a big step over that – the NFL. Obviously a charismatic guy who acts like he was born with a mic in his hand. Everyone in the media loves him already. Unless of course he does something ridiculous. I’d say right now his marketability capital is still pretty high. If he retired tomorrow its not like he’d be selling cars.

    It would be a great choice for Mayfield. The guy is a terrific public speaker. He never met a TV camera he didn’t like. He’d be very good at it. The TV game would be nicely lucrative – enough to keep that pretty wife of his happy and provided for. Much better than having 250 lb guys who run 4.6 chasing o plant him into the ground. Not having to worry later in life about concussion syndromes or busted knees down the line pretty nice too.

    So its not like if Baker gets beat out by Trask it would be the end of the world for him. He would cash in.

    Speaking of Trask, this post was a little over the top. He’s a very good young player and he’s deserving of being supported by Bucs fans. Lets have some perspective here. If I’m Trask I would disregard the negativity that sometimes boils up. He’s every bit bonafide and credible and when he steps on the field in 2023 we’re going to see that.

  20. captivajim Says:

    Godwin is the best player on offense,, and perhaps on the entire team

  21. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    Joe don’t like Trask because he is anti UF for life.

  22. NaplesBuc Says:

    StretchOMatic Says: “Joe, this is a new season, what have you seen so far this year??”

    Read Joe’s notes of the spring practices this year. I interpreted them to show Trask did at least as well as Mayfield. But Joe explained that not only are more than half of practices closed to media, not every play is visible for media, and the notes are a look at highs and lows and not a box score.

  23. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Gator bois are sensitive

  24. Gerald Says:

    First Levonte David and now Chis Godwin vouching for Mayfield. Interesting. The coaching staff said they would let the players make the choice for Qb. I trust our team leaders on this one! Especially those guys!

  25. ATLBuc Says:

    The preseason tape will make the choice for qb.

  26. WyomingJoe Says:

    You guys think Trask is getting trashed by the media? Give it a rest already. Mayfield went from a horrible Cleveland organization to any even worse situation in Carolina, and all along the way he was crucified on a daily basis by the national media – even when he tore his shoulder apart in the second game of the 2021 season and STILL played the majority of the remaining games in agony. I have nothing against Trask, but he won’t beat out Mayfield and he has to be able to take whatever heat comes his way. The media is vicious and even after Brady won 6 Superbowls for the Patriots the Boston Globe still called him a “traitor” for leaving. Go Bucs.