July 1st, 2023

Differing Bucs views at the four-letter.

Yesterday, Joe brought word that the Numbers Guys at BSPN, Mike Clay, a spreadsheeter, and Seth Walder, a dude who never met a number he didn’t like, are way down on the Bucs’ roster.

The duo think Tampa Bay has the sixth-worst roster in the NFL. As a result, they expect a dismal season for the Bucs.

Why are they so down? Well, it comes down to a simple thought process in their minds: garbage quarterback equals garbage roster.

Their ranking was supposed to be about a team’s roster, not (just) quarterback. But it’s clear neither Clay nor Walder think Bucs quarterback Kyler Traskfield is worth a bucket of used footballs.

So on a day when BSPN was shedding salaries (raise your hand if your life is now incomplete without Jalen Rose or Jeff Van Gundy), Joe found it interesting that one BSPN NFL writer ever so gently called the Numbers Guy’s ranking of the Bucs’ roster nonsense.

Jeremy Fowler took to Twitter and of all team roster rankings, he only cited the Bucs’.

@JFowlerESPN: A fun list.

Gotta say, #Bucs at 27 pretty shocking. Still have at least 11 really good veterans, plus young players such as Rachaad White with star potential

Yes, Joe gets that folks love to hate on Baker Mayfield. But Fowler is correct, the Bucs have solid and strong players in place with the exception of a few positions (sadly, key positions like RB and edge rusher and, yes, quarterback.)

If somehow the light bulb can flicker for Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, this Bucs defense could be damn good. Strong secondary, elite inside linebackers, solid interior up front.

But, like all football teams since the death of the wishbone, it all revolves around the quarterback.

28 Responses to “BSPN On BSPN Crime”

  1. Just Leave Trask Alone Says:

    Joe can you see where we’re coming from? Baker turned the ball over last year – a lot. Then when he went to LA the ball security got better, but the yards disappeared.

    Will he be better than 2022? It’s possible, but the bar is set pretty low. Is Baker a 4000 yard 30 TD guy? Will he be that in 2023? In our heart of hearts I think we all agree no. Absolute max best case dream scenario is Bake gives us 3600, 25 TDs and 10 INTs. That would match his career year production. That’s 230y 1.5 TDs and .75 INTs per week. Not world beater numbers, but just OK. What’s more realistic he’s a 3300 15-15 guy and that just doesn’t justify taking the ball out of Trask’s hands.

  2. ATLBuc Says:

    Anyone who says our roster is the 6th worst in the league doesn’t know how to evaluate nfl talent.

  3. BillyBucco Says:

    Just stop with guessing Baker’s numbers.
    If Trask plays great but you have no idea what will happen.
    I highly doubt either is our long term starter but who knows.
    Definitely not gonna use a handle about either though.

  4. Hodad Says:

    So Joe you saying White isn’t an NFL back? He wasn’t the problem in the running game last year.

  5. garro Says:

    Our savior…Jeremy Fowler…LOL

    Go Bucs!

  6. garro Says:

    6th worst…I think Jason wants to kick somebodys @ss. LOL

    Go getem Jason!

    Go Bucs!

  7. dls5492 Says:

    This is one of many reasons why BSPN is a joke.

  8. Cobraboy Says:

    I cannot recall a prior Buccaneer team that had the potential to be really good or really bad like this one.

  9. teacherman777 Says:

    Kwon Alexander is a free agent.

    If we can trade Devin White, and sign Kwon.

    Im cool with that.

  10. Defense Rules Says:

    teacherman777 … I thought the same thing about Kwon, but more because our DEPTH at ILB has me concerned than anything else (I’m not sold on Britt at all). I never particularly liked Kwon as a MLB (he always played the position more like a matador IMO?), but on the outside he looked a lot better I thought (where he played at LSU). Besides, White’s not going anyplace this year (he’s in his 5th year & no one would trade for him without a long-term contract being in-place?). He’s worth $13-$15 mil a year at most IMO given how he played last season.

    BTW, one thing I’m believing more & more is that our defense will use a LOT more 4-3 alignments this year, thus 3 ILBs of starting caliber would be really nice. Dennis MIGHT be the third, but no guarantee of that at this point (rookies sometimes disappoint?). Besides, injuries happen.

  11. WillieG Says:

    “If somehow the light bulb can flicker for Joe Tryon-Shoyinka”

    I’ve said similar things in the past:

    If somehow the light bulb can flicker for Noah Spence, Adrian Clayborn, Broderick Thomas, Keith McCants, Eric Curry etc, etc.

    Yeah, not getting my hopes up.

    I’ve suffered through so many disappointing rookie edge rushers and QBs, I’d be perfectly okay if the Bucs never drafted another and got good to great free agents instead. Simeon Rise, Shaq Barrett, Brad Johnson, Tom Brady.

  12. Just Leave Trask Alone Says:

    It is what it is Billy. Baker wasn’t good last year. That’s not a great indicator for this year. All I’m doing is looking at his body of work, in which direction he’s trending and trying to be realistic about expectations.

  13. Beej Says:

    I think it all hinges on whether we have a strong, consistent pass rush and a middling running game (neither of which we had LAST year) Mayfield will be Ryan Tannehill-ish, which is fine

  14. Voice of Truth Says:

    In real estate, the seller always believes their house is worth more than their neighbors, even when it is glaringly evident to everyone else that it is not

    Some of you are doing the same thing with this roster…

  15. 1#bucsfan Says:

    That’s ridiculous on so many levels. Plenty of talent still on here from our SB run and we added some more under the radar talent along with draft picks. 6th worst really ? How do these clowns even have a job.

  16. Joe Says:

    So Joe you saying White isn’t an NFL back? He wasn’t the problem in the running game last year.

    He certainly wasn’t the answer either. Is it wrong to see results? One (very good) game does not make a career.

  17. Jimmy Says:

    >>> Kwon Alexander is a free agent.

    If we can trade Devin White, and sign Kwon. <<<

    LOL Another tough talking LSU linebacker who whiffs on tackles.

  18. Beej Says:

    Kwon is slow. Our defense demands middles who can cover tight ends. White is stuck with us this year for $12 million. Next year is….next year (when we will have TONS more money)

  19. Sly Pirate Says:

    Cobraboy … Nailed it.

    This team can be great or horrible. Both are legitimately on the table. I would be surprised by 11-6 and NFC Championship. I also won’t be surprised by 6-11 and a top 10 draft pick.

    It comes down to 1. Can they run (off)? 2. Can they rush (def)?

  20. Infomeplease Says:

    I agree with Cobraboy and Sly Pirate!!! This season should be interesting!!! The good news is DC! He brings the energy that this team surely lacked last season!

  21. fwfan Says:

    Anybody that thinks this team is winning the Super bowl is delusional.

  22. Crickett Baker Says:

    IDT any one of us thinks we will even get into the SB this season but winning 3 division titles does not seem out of the question. We have a new QB whisperer along with a new OC. We still have an experienced HC (crumby as he may be) along with a very decent DC. We still have pro bowl players, and anyone who is down on this team for ANY reason this year, to me, is barking up the wrong tree. I am truly excited to see what happens on 8/11.

  23. RustyRhinos Says:

    “Anybody that thinks this team is winning the Super bowl is delusional.”
    I just want to win the NFC South, that alone gets us a playoff game. You can never win any Super Bowl without being in the playoffs, you can get to the playoffs WINNING THE NFC SOUTH AGAIN!! Does that make me Delusional??


  24. stpetebucfan Says:

    “that just doesn’t justify taking the ball out of Trask’s hands.”

    That totally misses the obvious point!!! The ball has NEVER been in Trask’s hands. Perhaps that’s for a reason. Of course he was never going to beat out the GOAT but he couldn’t even beat out Gabbert!!! If he was ALL THAT…it should have shown up on the practice field by now.

    Are the coaches that damn dumb and blind or do you suppose they have something against the Gators or Trask personally?

    Trask has done NOTHING in the NFL and even though you wish to go to Mayfield’s worst numbers with no mention of the teams he played for or the disasters in their front office compared to Trask playing for the Gators offensive machine. Mayfield played for one of the worst franchise in the NFL…the Cleveland Browns and got them to the playoffs and a first round win DESPITE the garbage front office of the Browns. He got injured..eventually ending up in the disaster that was Carolina at the start of the season. Get’s to LA and start to recover from the PTSD of those first two experiences.

    I’m not saying he’ll be the starter. I AM saying if Trask is truly great he’ll EARN the spot. And honestly I do not care which one is the starter if he’s the BEST player for the job. I HAVE to trust the coaches on that not JBF or the posters.

  25. BucU Says:

    How is Trask not killing it out there after having the luxury to work side by side, every day for 2 years with the 🐐? How is he not dominating after seeing how the best does it every day for 2 yrs??
    The Bucs have all but given the starting job to Mayfield. I’ll bide my time until camp and preseason before I declare Trask is a bum. And you all know who’s gonna be starting at QB. I’ll keep my He’s a complete bust speech handy. Pretty sure it’ll be called upon.

  26. DungyDance Says:

    Ever notice how ESPN’s rankings coincide with teams expected to garner high TV ratings? Coincidentally, ESPN currently is not scheduled to broadcast a Bucs game at all this year. Kind of like a bunch of Pepsi scientists prolaiming their own products as superior to Coke products.

    On a tangential subject, NFL Network would be smart to get Suzy Kolber under contract. I’ve had enough of Colleen Wolfe over there.

  27. Joe Says:

    Ever notice how ESPN’s rankings coincide with teams expected to garner high TV ratings? Coincidentally, ESPN currently is not scheduled to broadcast a Bucs game at all this year. Kind of like a bunch of Pepsi scientists prolaiming their own products as superior to Coke products.

    Usually BSPN (and all broadcasters) tend to want better teams on their networks. (See Amazon Thursday Night Football last year for evidence, though, granted, not many did because those games generally had trash games featuring trash teams). Better teams mean better games means more people will watch. So yeah, this isn’t a coincidence. Good teams generally get better rankings.

    Joe likes your attempt here, but it doesn’t hold water.

    On a tangential subject, NFL Network would be smart to get Suzy Kolber under contract. I’ve had enough of Colleen Wolfe over there.

    Someone needs an optometrist.

  28. DungyDance Says:

    I can see fine 🙂 Colleen is boring and contrived.