Waiting On “Open” Training Camp Practices Announcement

June 16th, 2023

In recent summers, Team Glazer and Bucs management decided to lock out the common man from the common training camp practice.

If you weren’t part of an invited group or a season ticket holder, you couldn’t attend.

Joe was appalled because it did not have to happen.

The Bucs had the opportunity to open at least one training camp practice to the average Joe. (Heck, some practices were open to media only.) The team also could have held a practice at the Stadium on Dale Mabry Highway, aka The Licht House, as it had done many times in past years.

Bucco Bruce Arians had an annual stadium practice during his Arizona years and Todd Bowles did the same during his years with the Jets. So please don’t try to sell Joe on coaches being unable to handle that.

(In fact, Arians did hold a practice at The Licht House once. But it was in 2020 during The Sickness and it was only open to media; closed to the public.)

The Bucs have not released 2023 training camp information yet, so let this post serve as a reminder that Joe is pacing the hallways of JoeBucsFan.com world headquarters in anticipation.

The Bengals, a popular team, and the Bills, a very popular team, each have announced a double-digit number of practices accessible to the general public. And most NFL teams have “open” dates.

Joe sure hopes the Bucs do the right thing this season.

17 Responses to “Waiting On “Open” Training Camp Practices Announcement”

  1. K2 Says:

    Now that they don’t have Brady to fill the stands and double ticket prices…they might show appreciation for Joe average fan.

  2. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    the Stadium on Dale Mabry Highway, aka The Licht House

    Or….. [When that financial outfit in St. Petersburg starts cutting Joe a check, then Joe will use that name. — Joe]

  3. Who Says Says Can't Say Says:

    Joe use your BDE to make it happen. “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?”

  4. Steven007 Says:

    TBBF, you know that Joe is obsessed with nicknames and monikers. The fact that you even mentioned this will only strengthen his resolve, haha.

    At least we no longer have to repeatedly hear Dirk Koetter referred to as Ozark loving, I don’t even remember the rest of it, but it was an annoyingly long and ridiculous moniker. It would be akin to calling James Winston America’s quarterback or something. Right?! And apparently our GM is still mostly known for his apparent affinity for a hard rock act that was big in the ’80s and ’90s. But it’s the best Bucs blog by far and you take the good with the bad.

  5. Steven007 Says:

    Joe, do you require money from the other 31 teams when referring to their stadium as well? Just curious. Don’t seem to recall you making up a name for all of the other stadiums.

  6. Joe Says:

    Joe, do you require money from the other 31 teams when referring to their stadium as well?

    Joe doesn’t refer to too many other stadiums. Gator Bowl, yeah. Joe Robbie Stadium, yeah. Jerry’s World, possibly. Don’t recall too many others. Probably have referred to Soldier Field once or twice. Same with the Los Angeles Coliseum, both historic venues.

    Tend to shy away from the “corporate names” because, well, if they want Joe to use those names (they clearly do because they cough up many millions for folks to do that), they then can also pay Joe.

    Why can’t Joe be a capitalist, too?

  7. Durango95 Says:

    Perfect time to open the JBF world headquarters for public tours. 🙂

  8. Joe Says:

    Perfect time to open the JBF world headquarters for public tours. 🙂

    Doors have always been wide open at all hours of the day and night for attractive, nubile lasses.

  9. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Tampabaybucfan Says:
    June 16th, 2023 at 10:54 am
    the Stadium on Dale Mabry Highway, aka The Licht House

    Or….. [When that financial outfit in St. Petersburg starts cutting Joe a check, then Joe will use that name. — Joe]

    So, your’re getting paid by FedX Field and others you name that are our opponents…..?

  10. BillyBucco Says:

    Doors have always been wide open at all hours of the day and night for attractive, nubile lasses.

    Just bring Big Storm Beer

  11. rriddler Says:

    Love your site, visit a couple of times a day, but I don’t get your take on this.

    What’s wrong with giving your loyal customers something available only for them?

    Walgreens, CVS, Winn Dixie, etc, etc offer deals only to those willing to sign up for it.

  12. Joe Says:

    What’s wrong with giving your loyal customers something available only for them?

    You mean give folks pay-per-read content for select stories or podcasts?

  13. Joe Says:

    So, your’re getting paid by FedX Field and others you name that are our opponents…..?

    Not sure have ever referenced FedEx Field, but whatever. Joe calls things what Joe wants to call them. If folks are triggered by that, eh.

    Bland AP-style writing there for you at newspaper websites. Those places are doing so well, aren’t they?

  14. Arians4President Says:

    Now that you’ve admitted to saying Soldier Field, it’s time for those gold star families to start paying up!!

    …kidding of course

  15. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Do as you wish on the stadium names…..it’s your site…..and….you certainly have mentioned FedX field……but, no prob.

  16. ModHairKen Says:

    [When that financial outfit in St. Petersburg starts cutting Joe a check, then Joe will use that name. — Joe]

    Love it!!!’ Make them pay, Joey. Make them pay.

  17. westernbuc Says:

    Crazy how two teams with the 2nd and 3rd best QBs in the league allow access but when Brady was around it became a VIP club. The two-year season ticket scam is another example of this money grab by ownership. I get that it’s a business but it’s not like these billionaires don’t get subsidies from us