Passing Calvin, Catching Irvin

June 5th, 2023

Joe laughs when folks question whether Mike Evans is worthy of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

First, Evans already holds a unique and extraordinary receiver mark. For nine consecutive seasons to start his career, Evans has 1,000 or more years in each season. And one of Joe’s favorite aspects of that NFL record is that Evans has never played 17 games in a regular season.

But Evans also is a beast (historically speaking) when it comes to catching touchdowns, and he’s also got 683 career catches in the regular season.

For perspective, if Evans has a typical 2023 with 70 catches (he’s never had less than 68 in a season), Evans will pass three Hall of Fame receivers and other stars, including Demaryius Thomas, Calvin Johnson, Santana Moss, Greg Olsen, Andre Rison, Donald Driver, Charlie Joiner and Michael Irvin on the career catches list. Irvin has 750 receptions.

And when January rolls around Evans will be just 30 years old.

Joe has mentioned this previously, but Joe really hopes Evans gets to 11 touchdowns this season. That would tie him all-time with Rob Gronkowski at 92.

Not only did Gronk need 11 seasons to reach that mark (Evans would get it in 10), Gronk had the greatest quarterback in history throwing him the football. Evans would make it with the likes of Josh McCown, Jameis Winston, Ryan Fitzpatrick and Kyler Traskfield in his huddle.

Joe is trying to savor every minute of the Mike Evans era.

47 Responses to “Passing Calvin, Catching Irvin”

  1. LOL Says:

    If Mike Evans continues his stretch and stays consistent for the next 3 years. He might be a 1st ballot HOF’er

  2. realistic-optimistic Says:

    And he’s done it all without trying to break the salary cap or whining for more catches. Mike is a role model.

  3. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Evans is going to have a huge year. I look for him to become Mayfield’s security blanket. Winston was so inaccurate it taught Evans to contort his body and adjust to wild throws which I could see Mayfield doing under pressure. 90 rec. 1450 yrs 12tds.

  4. c bell Says:

    Best offensive Buc in the history of the team!!!

  5. View from 132 Says:

    Passing stats must be viewed in the time someone played. Michael Irvin was key to 3 Super Bowl champions in a time when corners could ride receivers around the field. Evans has one ring and he basically disappeared in the Super Bowl… with today’s passing rules.

    He’s consistent. But I want to see him take over a playoff game or two when nothing else is working. That’s a real Hall of Famer, in my opinion. Elevate when it matters most, don’t just run up 1000 yard seasons in meaningless games.

  6. A Bucs Fan Says:

    A QB out of the pocket and not afraid to throw Mike some 50/50 balls could definitely help his cause.. Mike could have had a career year last year if Brady wasn’t so fragile, scared and immobile. He was open all year down field but Brady checked it down more often than he didn’t.

  7. zzbucs Says:

    Best Buc ever, no doubt in my mind…..

  8. Buc1987 Says:

    Got my wife a t shirt for Christmas that says Mike F**kin’ Evans on it…

    He’s her favorite by far has his jersey too.

  9. BillyBucco Says:

    I think it’s possible both he and Godwin have career years if Trask plays.
    If Baker plays we will see occasional shots but the ball will be spread around more and you don’t roll out one way and throw back, so plays will use ME13 as bait.
    Either way this guy WILL be a 1st ballot when his career is over.
    Nowhere near that yet!!!
    4 more years in another deal.

  10. Brandon Says:

    Don’t forget the terrible imposter wearing #12 last season for the Bucs. He was an awful QB as well and Evans … struggled. That happens when you have a QB that refuses to push the ball down the field.

  11. Dooley Says:

    Closest thing Tom Duncan has to an NFL counterpart imo, just quietly putting an HOF resume w/o the aid of players comparable to Tony Parker, Manu Ginobil, Mr.Big Shot Robert Horry or a Coach like Greg Popovich.

  12. Robert Says:

    Over hyped.

    He had a moron qb who only saw him on the field for a long time. Having a sh** team so he could get the ball?

    Meh, I’ll take a good team that spreads it around.

    He’s not even in the same air as Moss or Rice

  13. Robert Says:

    And my previous post never went through.

    Lost a fan. Plenty of other site for buc news. You barely even get any posters here anymore either. Wonder why…

  14. Locked In Says:


  15. Letsbucinggo Says:

    Brandon open your eyes Evans had more receiving yards last year since 2019 and more catches since 2018 the Brady Evans riff was fake news!!!!!!!!!

  16. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Robert please direct me to a site that each morning has article about the Bucs I can read with my coffee? This is the most visited Buccaneer site on the internet. No other gameday threads with over 1,000 comments exist.

  17. Stormy Says:

    “I think it’s possible both he and Godwin have career years if Trask plays.”

    Based on what, exactly? Trask hasn’t shown anything yet.

  18. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    Mike Evans was third on the receiver list, last time I looked. Julio Jones was number 1.
    Mike Evans literally made Johnny Manziel. He literally caught any ball thrown in his direction from Manziel.
    Hopefully, Baker Mayfield will learn to trust him, and get him the ball ?

  19. Lakeland Steve Says:

    View from 132, go root for the Cowboys and get off this site.

  20. AtlBuc Says:

    If Geno Smith threw for almost 4300 yards in Canales’ offense last year. Trask will throw for 5000. Easily!

  21. Fansince76 Says:

    Dude is just freakin awesome!
    Best Buc receiver ever and HOF!

  22. AtlBuc Says:

    View from 132
    There’s no such thing as a meaningless NFL game. That includes preseason games. Even if you have lost interest because the team’s record is below your standards, these players are playing for their livelihoods, careers and families.

  23. AtlBuc Says:

    …and teammates

  24. D-Rok Says:

    Last year, Panthers game, win the game we win division, lose we go home.

    Evans DOMINATED that game. It was impressive, no matter what corner was on him. To me, that game is the trademark of a true HOF’er – a player who can take over and dominate when all is on the line.

  25. Just Leave Trask Alone Says:

    Evans has a clear shot at it.

    He needs to maintain his level of play for 2-3 seasons. Then it’s no doubt time.

    If he were to retire today it would be tough.

  26. Redeemer Says:

    Sadly, I think we’ll see Evans decline this year. He’s been a great player, but no longer a number one IMO. Gotta look at who will be throwing him the ball too. If they get off to a really bad start, I think he could be traded

  27. unbelievable Says:

    Most consistent and dominant receiver in Tampa Bay history.

    HOFer for sure.

    And he’ll retire as a Buc, unless Jason Licht gets canned before Evans retired.

  28. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Top 5 buc of all time; think ME loves this area, but for him and the team’s future maybe trading him to a contender would help out him and the bucs future with draft picks.

  29. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    ME needs 3 more productive years and he will most definitely be in , but as it stands currently he is not in.

  30. D-Rok Says:


    It’s possible you are right about ME declining, but I hope not. He’s a class act on and off the field.

  31. Evan Nishimura Says:

    Joe you should convince Ira, since he said multiple times on the podcast he doesn’t think Evans hasn’t done enough yet for HOF.

  32. TF Says:

    Stupidest thing I ever heard that he is not already worthy of the HOF. “He needs THREE more productive seasons!” Laughable. He has had the most prolific start of ANY WR in the HISTORY OF FOOTBALL. And not by a little. He has the 3rd longest streak of 1000 yard seasons in any point of anyones careers. Let alone to start one. After this year he will be top 15-20 in TDs. ALL TIME . He is already top 30. He is a HOF if his career ended at 7pm tonight. After this year he will be FIRST ballet! That’s the ONLY thing debatable at this point.

  33. TF Says:

    I really like the 132 post about Michael Irving being key on 3 SB teams and that somehow makes Irwin better. Hah. Emmitt Smith and Aikman had NOTHING to do about that? While the HOF Irvin was snorting cocaine off of strippers bodies? Yea that’s worthy of the ultimate award given to Football players. Saying Evans needs to do more in the playoffs before he is worthy is ridiculous. Hate to keep repeating it but Evans having the most 1000 yard seasons to start a career trumps any narrow minded mentally constipated take on needing to do it in the playoffs.

  34. HC Grover Says:

    Oh Well

  35. Duane Says:

    He just comes to work and adds to his legacy. I think he has been underutilized. He should be the first and second option in the red zone. 7 TDs last season is almost negligent. I think he bounces back, 10+ is realistic.

  36. BucaneroJim Says:

    “Evans would make it with the likes of Josh McCown, Jameis Winston, Ryan Fitzpatrick and Kyler Traskfield in his huddle.”

    I searched online and there is no quarterback in the NFL by the name of Kyler Traskfield. A bit disrespectful to Kyle Trask, when the other QBs are mentioned by real names in the article – after all, he is a pro in the NFL, no matter how few starts.

    Joe, good luck ever getting an interview with him, if he makes starting QB someday… BTW I’m not a Gator.

  37. R.O. Says:

    They man doesnt get the credit he deserves. Especially getting stuck with the QBs he had the first half of his career. At least he got to play with TB12 and got himself a ring. Been a Bucs fan since moving here in 1979. ME13 is one of my fav players. Glad he proved people wrong.

  38. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Mike Evans, “The Pride of Galveston”

  39. Bojim Says:

    Mike deserves all the good things that come his way.

  40. TampabayDJ Says:

    @ Veiw from 123 – Calvin Johnson never played in a playoff game , let alone a Super Bowl ! You’re thinking doesn’t apply for a lot of other WR/TE pass catchers. Greg Olson never won a Super Bowl ! Get your FACTS right ✅️ before you fart out your mouth

  41. TampabayDJ Says:

    @ Robert- Never seen a post from you on this site before , so either you had nothing worth reading or you are AINTS fan trying to stir things up. Either way , good riddance to you… Go Bucs and Mike Evans

  42. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Bye bye Robert. You’re not wanted here anyways. All that crying bye Felicia

  43. Usedtocould Says:

    Never forget, he won the heisman for Manziel

  44. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Evans is so good that he got Johnny Manziel drafted (temporarily) by the NFL

  45. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    LOL @ Usedtocould beat me to the punch

  46. Diggler Says:

    If the GOAT says he HOFer he’s a HOFer. By GOAT I mean Joe!

  47. admin Says:


    Thanks for the kind words but Joe is not on Tom Brady’s level. 🙂