Creamsicle Uniform Day Is Oct. 15

June 12th, 2023

Bucs hoping someday to wear the creamsicles for a throwback day.

This will fire up those who care what the Bucs wear.

A version of the Buccaneers orange creamsicle-colored uniforms will return to The Licht House for one game on Oct. 15 against the Lions. Joe likes how the Bucs are playing against a former rival in the old NFC Central division (where they were before moving to the NFC South).

The Bucs are calling it more than just a throwback uniform day. Apparently, there will be a “Creamsicle gameday experience.”

Joe hopes that includes a “W.”

35 Responses to “Creamsicle Uniform Day Is Oct. 15”

  1. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Now if only LVD can blast Goff on the sideline ala Brantley/Hipple, that will be a great day.

  2. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Should be able to have 2 games with throwbacks. More than 1 Bucs fan doesn’t know the first season was in the AFC west. Then switched with Seattle who played their first year in the NFC Central otherwise know as the Norris Division (black and blue)

  3. Bill in Seminole Says:

    “A version of the Buccaneers orange creamsicle-colored uniforms…” Let’s have the original creamsicle uniforms a la Big Sombrero. Got my creamsicle sweatshirt hanging in the closet, ready to go.

  4. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    Perfect week to do it.

  5. GMC HATER Says:

    I’m still sad Brady never got the chance to wear the creamers.

  6. Bojim Says:

    Kool. Hope it’s on TV in SC.

  7. Lt. Dan Says:

    Cool picture Joe’s. Dan Orlovsky standing behind Schiano. Love it!

  8. ColoradoBuc Says:

    They were in the NFC Central

  9. Defense Rules Says:

    Kuyle’s gonna look good as our starting QB in creamsicle, red beard and all. He and Freeman are just about the same size too.

  10. Tye Says:

    Looks like a bunch of pushup pops…. Bush-league team!

  11. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Calling it, Trask will start that game.

  12. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    On a side note…the bucs need to get a third stringer. With a new OL, QB injuries are probable.

  13. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    I dont care what the Bucs wear, as long as we win.
    I never liked or hated the Creamsicle.
    It was the Buco Bruce I did not care for

  14. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Tye Says “Looks like a bunch of pushup pops…. Bush-league team!”

    With 2 superbowls in this century. Can your team say the same?

  15. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    Noted Tampa artist Lamar Sparkman created the Bucco Bruce logo of the swashbuckling pirate winking with dagger in mouth and swaggering cavalier hat with broad bill and ostrich plumes. It is often said that Sparkman was inspired by the appearance and handsome visage of Errol Flynn in the movie Captain Blood. Sparkmans work can be viewed at the Tampa History Museum.

  16. Dooley Says:

    Does anybody remember playing Tecmo Bowl on the PS1 and they had the loading screens with the “Did You Know?” facts and the Bucs had one where Hardy Nickerson led the charge in the locker room vetoing the creamsicle colored pants to be worn? Always thought that was funny, whether it was true or not, but def lines up with the “El Dragon” moniker he got from Dennis Hopper.

  17. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Hopefully the Bucs will smoke the Lions again, like the 47-7 game a few years back.

  18. PewterStiffArm Says:

    We want our uniforms and a W to go with them. I just don’t like the term version. It either resembles the inception uniforms or don’t bother.

  19. SlyPirate Says:

    Schiano and Freeman = BFFs

  20. ElioT Says:

    It was the NFC CENTRAL!!!!

  21. Rod Munch Says:

    What morons, they have a Monday night game vs the Eagles at home on Sept 25th, that would have been the perfect game for this, and they’d sell a million jerseys. Instead they do it on what will be the least watch non-NFC South game on the schedule. They got some real brain surgeons working in the marketing department there.

  22. Rod Munch Says:

    Dooley – Tecmo Bowl on the Playstation was terrible as they tried to give it a 3D look, ugh. NES version of Tecmo Super Bowl was the best, that’s where you got Wayne Haddix as the best player on defense in the game because he was coming off that fluke season. Plus Vinny has good speed at QB, and Reggie Cobb runs like Mike Alstott in it, plus Mark Carrier is good, Ron Hall is good, Bruce Hill is good, Gary Anderson is good, Steve Christie as the kicker is good – the Bucs legit have a very good team as the Japanese fellas programming the game had no idea about real football and just did everything based on the stat sheet, like they work at PFF.

  23. Pewter Power Says:

    Look good play good, I think the players will be jacked up playing in the throwback uniform

  24. Billy Says:

    This will give me flashbacks to the days the great Barry Sanders used to run all over our defenses.
    If you look at any highlight videos of Sanders best runs, the old orange uniforms are in almost half of them.
    Barry was a class act.

  25. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:


    Chris Berman called the Central Division the Norse Division because it was made up of cold Wx (like the North Atlantic) teams, and included the Vikings (Norsemen).

  26. Frank Says:

    Does anyone know when the Ronde ring of honor game will be?

  27. Joe Says:

    Does anyone know when the Ronde ring of honor game will be?

    Sept. 22,. 2019.

  28. Joe Says:

    Chris Berman called the Central Division the Norse Division because it was made up of cold Wx (like the North Atlantic) teams, and included the Vikings (Norsemen).

    Thought it was “Norris” as in a takeoff on the bruising Norris Division of the NHL which was made up of Midwestern teams.

  29. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    admin Says:
    “Thought it was “Norris” as in a takeoff on the bruising Norris Division of the NHL which was made up of Midwestern teams.”

    Hmmm. I have believed my version for so long that I cannot say for sure that I didn’t assmume. Is it possible to fire off an e-mail to Berman?

  30. Joe Says:


    Even Wikipedia (yeah, it’s Wikipedia) claims Berman’s “Norris Division” was a knockoff of the NHL’s Norris Division (Lightning were even in that division along with Detroit, Chicago, Minnesota and St. Louis.)

  31. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:


    I stand corrected. I guess that I have deluded myself for decades.

    Now I’m questioning everything! Was I adopted?

  32. garro Says:

    In order… AFC West 1976, NFC Central 77-01, and the NFC South 02-present. Changed from the “Creamsicles” in 97. I refuse to mention the “alarm clock” duds.

  33. garro Says:

    I want to see the original Buccaneer Bruce mascot on the sideline with the Swashbucklers wearing the original uniforms (Much better than the current ones)

    It would make some noise and it would be so cool to see!

  34. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    garro Says:
    “… with the Swashbucklers wearing the original uniforms (Much better than the current ones).”

    THIS! And how about going traditional with all of them being real girls.

  35. Drunkinybor Says:

    I remember a Gasparilla parade when I was 9 or 10 so 1989 or 90 and got to meet alot of the players in orange. So for me it’s always cool to see my little kid heros wear those uniforms. Also they looked way way better in person then on t.v.