“You Can’t Help But Root For Him”
April 3rd, 2023
“Go, Kyle!”
It’s been said publicly by Bucs officials that quarterback Kyle Trask is great when it comes to working by himself on the fields of One Buc Palace.
But what is he doing?
No, he’s not throwing balls up in the air and catching them.
Speaking in Phoenix on Tuesday morning to Alex Marvez on SiriusXM NFL Radio, Bowles explained how Trask works tirelessly on his own and that’s made Bowles one of Trask’s cheerleaders.
“Every time you look out the window, Trask is doing all the things behind the camera,” Bowles said. “He’s always out there working, whether it’s his footwork, his strength work, his speed work, trying to get better, his technique, his fundamentals. And he’s been waiting for his opportunity and now he’s got it. But he’s taking every day to try and get better and work on his own. And you can’t help but root for a guy like that when you see him out the window working without the bright lights on. That says a lot about him from a character standpoint.”
Joe sure hopes Buccaneers.com does Trask a solid and films some of his solo work soon. Fans would love to see it and, well, it’s obviously visible from a window. Plus, it might light a second fire under Baker Mayfield, which certainly can’t hurt.
Go, Kyle!
April 3rd, 2023 at 12:07 am
Go Kyle!
No doubt, he is working hard, and it’s either because the organization is shunning him and treating him unfairly — OR — he had/has big gaps in his technique and information processing that require lots of independent work and independent study.
We are going to find out soon enough whether his hard work will pay off. He’s got his bois who are convinces that everyone is against him no matter what, and that he won’t get a FAIR COMPETITION.
And if he really is the best man for the job and Bowels doesn’t give him the nod, Bowels needs to be fired now.
April 3rd, 2023 at 12:24 am
Go Kyle!
I would truly love to see this happen
Don’t see it…
But would truly love it!
April 3rd, 2023 at 12:29 am
Mike S Says:
April 2nd, 2023 at 9:18 pm
Kyle Trask could look like Neo in the Matrix and it wouldn’t matter. Mayfield’s getting the ball. Then when the Bucs are 1-7 we’ll see Trask take over a demoralized team. Bucs will probably finish 5-12 and Bowles will be fired.
April 3rd, 2023 at 12:30 am
Wow, Bowles finally speaking about Kyle Trask. About freaking time. Man I hope he leads us to a superbowl or at least becomes our first drafted qb to sign another deal. Go Kyle!
April 3rd, 2023 at 12:50 am
What option does he have? He’s trying to earn the job. He’s not a veteran with experience.
April 3rd, 2023 at 1:26 am
Trask will defeat Baker if there is a true competition.
April 3rd, 2023 at 2:55 am
David what are you smoking? Baker Mayfield has extensive regular season experience and playoff winning experience. There is no competition here. Mayfield is the starter – no exceptions!
April 3rd, 2023 at 3:25 am
Well Lepold,
This is kinda a recycled story from about two to three weeks ago, about that comment Bowles made about Trask and his “work ethic”. This isn’t recycled. It’s Bowles shedding on light on what he was talking about. –Joe. This was before we signed Mayfield. Right before I believe. He didn’t mention in his comments about Trask that he was throwing up in his mouth at the idea of his only option being what equals a rookie because he himself NEGLECTED the resources necessary to train the man. HE NEGLECTED HIS minimum CYA DUTIES!
Seems we have an utterly dead day of news and stirring up an ongoing “situation” with a small twist is better than nothing at all.
I’m pretty sure nobody is happy with our QB situation. Quite frankly IT SUCKS!
Trask has gotten some weird deal and MANY are raw about how this has gone down and how it’s playing out. Looks to me that Bowles is an IDIOT! One way or the other, he’s an IDIOT!
You would think the man would be wise enough to at least Hedge His Bets. He’s Clearly Not THAT Smart. He continues to paint himself in a corner with the fans AND the players. ESPECIALLY the QB’s. Well I say that but really he is s Screwing himself with Trask in the future IN A VERY BIG WAY!
Does anybody really think that Trask hasn’t noticed the NEGLECT that this absentee supposed coach continues on with? OF COURSE HE HAS! He himself may “hate” Bowles.
Many are trying to sugar coat “Bowles” but in the end with All the calculations INCLUDING his past win/ loss history and the way he has treated staff (meaning firing almost ALL of his staff in multiple years in the past) and pointing the finger at ANY and EVERYONE BUT HIMSELF is not a good look. Going forward with what equals a clear lack of leadership capabilities, He Is Going To Lose the Locker Room…. He WILL NOT engage with the “OFFENSIVE SIDE” of the ball and THAT MEANS his OWN PLAYERS First and Foremost.
He Is Not Capable of running a team. He is quite simply a LOUSY LEADER.
That’s not to say that he isn’t a wonderful defensive coach because he is.
With that said, after that, he is a CLEAR DETRIMENT to the team as a whole. My prediction is that HE WILL LOSE HALF OF THE LOCKER ROOM and as far as I’m concerned it EQUALS he losses the Whole Team because they WILL BE a Team Divided. And a team divided is No Team At All…
Unless he favors you I.E. “defensive guys”, he doesn’t care about you AT ALL! Example : Tom Brady….. What kind of an IDIOT doesn’t want to be close to their Not Only the MOST IMPORTANT PLAYER ON THE TEAM “THE QB”, BUT WHO DOESN’T WANT TO EVEN SPEAK TO THE LEGEND HIMSELF “TOM BRADY”?
Well that’s an Easy Answer… Quite possibly the worst selection of a head coach in the team’s history due to his CLEAR bias ALONE… Mr. Todd Bowles.
A lousy day of and for news, A rutterless and absentee defensive coach posing as a head coach (poser at best), A Very Sore fan wide QB Subject. Put it all together and you end up with a reminder that Vegas just might be right DESPITE the best efforts of a Very capable GM filling the tool box up despite not having any money to work with.
Bowles BETTER HOPE that the unusually inexperienced Canales can somehow save his bacon. (It was and is CLEAR that nobody else would work with Bowles knowing that the 4 time loser would just throw them under the bus anyways) Sorry folks but THAT IS Todd Bowles’ M.O. Don’t believe me? Look it up. It’s literally STUNNING how many coaches this guy hired and fired EVERY year he was the head coach of the Jets. Heck, it might be a world record worthy of the Guinness World Book of Record BLAME GAME! Who would want to come work with this guy? NOBODY except a guy with LITERALLY nothing to lose.
(pathetic and sad)
Yep. A slow day of news. Perfect opportunity to reflect
April 3rd, 2023 at 6:35 am
Competition is healthy as long as it is true and fair , if not you risk a divide between the players that always know who really won the competition and who was given the keys to the Cadillac based on a perception rather than a reality.
April 3rd, 2023 at 7:31 am
Obvioujs…..could you repeat that?
April 3rd, 2023 at 7:34 am
Obvious – tell us how you really feel lol
April 3rd, 2023 at 7:35 am
Hunch this is going to work out well for us! Go Bucs!
Coming off the goat was always going to be a transition. Why not let the third year draft pick compete with the washed out former #1 overall pick. That is win-win.
Got a good feeling about Trask.
April 3rd, 2023 at 7:42 am
Dang, Obvious. When is the complete book coming out?
April 3rd, 2023 at 8:12 am
Pulling for him. Hope he proves all the nea sayers wrong! Go Kyle! Go Bucs!
April 3rd, 2023 at 8:18 am
The best situation for the Bucs is if Trask wins the competition. I don’t understand the comments that think it is being steered toward Mayfield
April 3rd, 2023 at 8:57 am
Obvious got himself ahold of the wrong combination of hallucinogens and stimulants.
April 3rd, 2023 at 9:00 am
I was bored at 3 something in the morning and felt like a book was in order. To ne honest, I didn’t realize how long it was until I hit the button.
But since you’ve requested it, here it is in short form…
We’re Screwed.
But I’m hoping for entertainment value so that it’s not a total loss.
April 3rd, 2023 at 9:38 am
“Go, Kyle!”…? Huh?
Thought kind words about Trask were verboten on here!
April 3rd, 2023 at 9:42 am
This begs the question.
Why is he working alone in the first place.
If Brady can get a bunch of teamates out on a Highschool field. Why hasnt Trask got at least some of his teamates tring to get better with him at One Buc?
April 3rd, 2023 at 9:50 am
Obvious may be Leftwich
April 3rd, 2023 at 9:51 am
I played on one team many years ago that refused to play the better (way better) player. and beleive this! That coach got far less efffort from most of his team after that.
April 3rd, 2023 at 10:41 am
Everyone is angry because Bucs went 8-10 with Tom Brady and Bowles didn’t get fired. There is very little confidence he can turn it around with the team shedding salary and resetting the cap.
April 3rd, 2023 at 10:42 am
I hope he had a good analysis of himself before starting out. It is real easy to go down the rabbit hole when working alone.
Remember Jameis spending so much time tossing to receivers, then look at how badly his seasons went.
I do hope Trask gets a fair shake this season, but I am pretty sure he will only get closer to fair this season. He would have to be mind blowing to start, because the Bowles cleaner believes too much in experience. Probably because he is insecure.
Look at the free agents he brought in last season and you can see what I mean. He wanted experienced personnel like Rudolph, Julio, Hicks, and so on.
April 3rd, 2023 at 10:47 am
Garro why is Kyle Trask not Tom Brady?
Tom is out of football and guys would still run routes for him on a practice field.
Its an unfair comparison.
April 3rd, 2023 at 11:28 am
I’m rooting for whoever starts week one. Don’t care which, as long as its the guy who gives this team the best chance to win.
I suspect some of you won’t.
Here’s some truth – the guy who starts the season won’t have a long leash (Trask or Mayfield). If one stinks it up too much, you can bet the other will be in, and Bowles won’t hesitate to do it. His job is riding on this.
April 3rd, 2023 at 4:06 pm
Obvious — second take much better than the first. Bravo.
April 3rd, 2023 at 4:40 pm
TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says
“Competition is healthy as long as it is true and fair , if not you risk a divide between the players that always know who really won the competition and who was given the keys to the Cadillac based on a perception rather than a reality.”
Well said.
Fair competition breeds successful evaluation.
April 3rd, 2023 at 4:44 pm
If it is not a fair competition and Baker starts losing, Bowles will be pigheaded and play him as long as possible while looking for another veteran to come in.
On the other hand, I hate to even suggest this, but if Baker loses 3 of the first 4 games, the best scenario we can hope for is an injury to force Trask onto the field…or a drafted QB, whichever is best.
If Bowles players Baker regardless of losing record, he is either tanking or stupid, since he won’t be the coach if we tank.
April 3rd, 2023 at 4:46 pm
Stormy Says
“I’m rooting for whoever starts week one. Don’t care which, as long as its the guy who gives this team the best chance to win.
I suspect some of you won’t.”
That’s a fair statement. There are plenty here who were wanting us to tank before Baker was brought in…and I doubt they’ve actually changed their minds. More likely they want Baker to start BECAUSE they know he won’t win games.
Personally, I would love nothing more than to be wrong about Mayfield. But I just do not believe he will be any good for us.
April 3rd, 2023 at 4:53 pm
True story. I was in the hospital last month and had an operation for a Bowel Obstruction. Does that mean a better bowel movement? Not sure yet, but it was rather karmatic to say the least.