Todd Bowles Sums Up Chris Godwin With One Perfect Word
January 26th, 2023
Todd Bowles explains.
If there is a Bucs fan who doesn’t like Chris Godwin, Joe has never met him or her.
And honestly, Joe doesn’t know if such a Bucs fan exists. Godwin is what everyone likes about football. He’s tough. He busts his tail. He’s dependable.
So when Bowles had his season-ending press conference, the was asked about Godwin’s season, a year that can be chalked up to one-long rehab.
Joe thought Bowles used the perfect word to describe Godwin: “Heart.”
“It was tough,” Bowles said of Godwin’s first season back from knee surgery. “It was a lot of grit and determination. I thought he played with a lot of heart the first half of the season.
“As he got healthier, you could see his talent coming back in, his quickness coming back in and his toughness coming back in. I thought as the season grew, he got better and better.
“He’s one of my Comeback Players of the Year. I thought he did a great job.”
Of course, a fully rehabbed Godwin and Mike Evans make the Bucs gig an attractive destination for a veteran quarterback, whether that’s Tom Brady or Derek Carr or someone else.
And with Evans and Godwin on the roster, it’s also a great incubator for a rookie quarterback if the Bucs choose to #CollapseForCaleb.
January 26th, 2023 at 9:24 am
Heck of a player that Chris Godwin. God bless him!
January 26th, 2023 at 9:31 am
One word to describe Todd Bowles…..”incompetent”
January 26th, 2023 at 9:31 am
Ball control
January 26th, 2023 at 9:49 am
Godwin, like Evans, is a class act. On and off the field.
January 26th, 2023 at 10:01 am
Toad’s Bowels’ Incontinent.
January 26th, 2023 at 10:06 am
I realize I’m in the minority, perhaps with Rita Morena, who care squat about a players integrity, personality, and simple decency. Warren Sapp is a tool of a human being but a great player.
Chris Godwin has it ALL. He’s not only all the football/athletic superalatives enumerated here…Chris Godwin is a CLASS ACT! I admire him for far more than his athletic prowess or his contribution to the Bucs.
Having said that I wish to add that Chris is far from alone on this current SB version of the Bucs. His running mate ME13 is also a CLASS ACT.
Unlike the first SB that had some questionable characters mixed in with the great guys like Brooks, Barber, Lynch etc…this team doesn’t seem to have any jerks now that AB has left the building. It’s a personal thing…I get it…but I hate rooting for JERKS!
January 26th, 2023 at 10:16 am
You nailed it bro!!!
January 26th, 2023 at 10:36 am
Rita says this CollapseForWhoeverTheF talk is lunacy.
Rita loves Chris Godwin.
January 26th, 2023 at 10:40 am
With a creative OC, Chris Goodwin could do so much more. It seems like in the BA offense, he was mainly in the slot running underneath routes, when he has the ability to run all the route tree’s.
January 26th, 2023 at 10:40 am
Godwin is the heart of the team. Jason Licht said it last year when he got a new contract. He’s the kind of guy they want to model the team around. They’ve got some work to do, but it’s about winning. Stop the collapse talk — it’s effing stupid.
January 26th, 2023 at 11:03 am
Chris Godwin is great!
Unfortunately, with Brady demanding targets the Bucs have more invested in the WR position by far than any team in football.
The Bucs are 55 million over the cap for 2023 with Bradys 35 million due the bggest hit. So how to get under it?
Trading Godwin another 35 million cap hit negates the Brady 35 million hit and then the Bucs are only 20 million over the cap. Trading Gage (not a blocker and oft injured) drops another 12 million dollars and suddenly Bucs are at the average % spent for the WR position. That leaves 8 million which retiring Brate, not resigning Rudolph, Hicks and Julio can make a healthy dent in.
Gabbert or Trask can throw to and Bucs can continue to develop Thompson Geiger and perhaps move Rashard White to flanker to take up some of the slack.
January 26th, 2023 at 11:08 am
The people talking about trading the Bucs best players are dain bramaged. In no universe are Chris and Mike getting traded and if you think it’s a good idea, you’ve played too much Madden Franchise Mode and would get laughed out of Licht’s office if you suggested such.
January 26th, 2023 at 11:09 am
Evans and Godwin will both be in the ROH eventually.
January 26th, 2023 at 11:28 am
How are you going to get our top three receivers and veteran stars to sign up for tanking? You have to be talentless and only place on the roster we were talentless was at OC
January 26th, 2023 at 12:02 pm
Who is this “CollapseForCaleb” QB Joe and many on JBF are all yelling for? To collapse an entire season for 1 player is such a pure disrespect to the entire team, coaches, management, and ownership. Joe’s wonders why he does not get any invites to the Buccaneer parties, maybe they are tired of this type of drivel pounded out on their blog.
January 26th, 2023 at 12:28 pm
If you don’t know, YouTube is your friend.
Don’t knock something you aren’t familiar with. And just to save yourself some major embarrassment, don’t ask your friends who are football fans “Who is Caleb?”
January 26th, 2023 at 12:46 pm
@Goatfarmer – 100%
Barring something crazy and unforeseen, Evans and Godwin will both retire as Bucs.
As they should.
Same goes for Lavonte David.
January 26th, 2023 at 2:03 pm
Godwin deserves better. Fight for a trade and go to a new contender. The weather sucks but Godwin on Buffalo insures them a SB same with 9ers or KC. He’s too good to rot under Toilet Bowls regime. Man that poor bstd took a pounding in Dallas game.
January 26th, 2023 at 3:17 pm
Yeah let’s trade Godwin so that Buffalo can win a Super Bowl. Didn’t you promise to leave this site after the playoffs. Tom Brady is no longer a Buc and chances are he won’t be coming back. What’s the matter, NE doesn’t have a QB whose jock you can ride? I would never go onto another team’s website just because one of our players moved there.
January 26th, 2023 at 5:25 pm
80forBrady … ‘Trading Godwin another 35 million cap hit negates the Brady 35 million hit and then the Bucs are only 20 million over the cap.’
Kinda reminds me of ‘new age math’. Three minor things left out of the ‘equation’ …
1 – Teams trading for Godwin will hopefully pick up his remaining contract, but that’s not the same as his Dead CAP ($35 mil).
2 – Once you trade our #1/#2 receiver (depending upon which camp you fall in), you then have to replace him, and that costs $$$. A lot of $$$.
3 – Teams dumping great players are perceived as being ‘over a barrel’ for various reasons (like Panthers with McCaffrey?) and rarely seem to get top dollar for them IMO.
Thus even if we got a #1 draft pick in return for Chris, we’d still be behind based on some of the Dead CAP we’d have to eat and the amount we’d have to pay that #1 draft pick in 2023 and beyond.
And even then, you always run the risk that you’ll get the 2021 version of Antonio Brown when you draft. Incredible player, UNTIL he gets dissatisfied. Too many Bucs’ fans don’t appreciate what an awesome duo we have in Mike Evans & Chris Godwin. They can’t carry the team by themselves, but they’re a great foundation to build upon.
January 26th, 2023 at 5:27 pm
Buccos, I guess I’m a glutton for punishment, something about reading the posts as Brady rides off to another team and win while the Bucs fall back into the sludge of the league lead by Blows intrigues me.
Bucs never had a player worth following outside the doors of One Bucs Place. NE fans have played in 9 SB’s with Brsdy, 16 division titled, 9 AFC Championships. Tough to turn that off.
January 26th, 2023 at 5:28 pm
I don’t WANT to trade Chris Godwin. But how else is the team going to get out of the $55 million salary cap hell in 2023? Brady isnt coming back so that’s $35 million of dead money next year and Godwin counts for another $35 million over the cap. So pick your poison, don’t resign 3 defensive starters and let LaVonte David (who is needed and should be in the ROH and possibly the HOF and deserves to retire as a Buc) and let steady and productive vets like Anthony Nelson, William Ghoulston, Logan Ryan, Carl Nassib and Jamel Dean walk in Free Agency or sacrifice Godwin who is tradable and would bring some good additional draft picks in return because he is still young enough.
Bucs already have Evans (who is a HOF and should retire as a Buc) and Godwin is simply a luxury we cannot afford and likely wont use as much as the team evolves into Todd Bowles Ball Control Ground and Pound ball control offense.
I’d like to have a sleek Lambroghini parked outside (Godwin) but if the kids need money for food (salary cap hell) it goes in the yard sale for money for food and utilities (keep key pieces of the defense and get picks for Oline).
Unless Brady comes back and restructures for salary cap releif so we can kick the can down the road another year, the Bucs simply cant afford Godwin.
[see: Packers & DaVante Adams, Vikings & Stephon Diggs, Browns & Odell Beckham, Cowboys & Amari Cooper, Vikings & Randy Moss, Steelers and Antonio Clown etc, etc, etc. Teams can’t afford to build a balanced squard with 35 million in dead money going to a QB no longer with the team and 2 top 8 paid WR’s.
With Gabbert, Trask or (insert your favorite ultra cheap free agent QB here) starting at QB in Bowles “Ground and Pound” offense is CHris Godwin catching 5 balls for 50 yards a game and 8 TDs for the year, really going to impact the Bucs win and loss record any more than playing Thompson or Geiger there and getting 3 catches for 30 yards and 4 TDs for the season PLUS keepeing Lavante David PLUS keeping William Ghoulston PLUS keeping Anthony Nelson PLUS keeping Logan Ryan PLUS keeping Carl Nassib.
WHen the defense is fully gutted t wont matter (exceept to Fantasy Football affectionados) if Chris Godwn catches 12 balls a game for 200 yards and 2 TDs becuase Bucs defense will put them 4 TDs behind.
Time for a reality check!!!
January 26th, 2023 at 5:33 pm
Pewter Power … ‘How are you going to get our top three receivers and veteran stars to sign up for tanking?’
Simple answer: you won’t get them to tank. They have much more pride than some JBFers seem to. Obviously those same ‘fans’ didn’t learn anything from the Jameis Winston saga. Going 2-14 in 2014 to get Winston earned us a 32-48 won-loss record in the following 5 years. Whoopie.
January 26th, 2023 at 6:01 pm
Godwin was the best part of the Bucs offense this season. A true clutch player that Brady could count on. I worried he would get hurt again with all those short over the middle into heavy traffic catches. It seemed like he was about 80% of Brady’completions. Looked to me like Brady was trying to get the ball out of his hands as quick as he could. Godwin earned every penny he was paid. Can’t say that for Brady and a lot of other Bucs.
January 26th, 2023 at 7:27 pm
Derek Carr sounds good to me, the salary is another thing. He is a great kid, and God, he is mobile. If our staff can figure out a way the encourage the cap to cooperate, we should go for it.
January 26th, 2023 at 7:48 pm
80for Brady … ‘in Bowles “Ground and Pound” offense’.
So the team that ran THE LEAST in the NFL in 2022 is running a “Ground and Pound” offense? Titans run a ground & pound offense. So do the Ravens & Eagles & Giants (all of them ran at least as many times as they passed in 2022). The Bucs? We led the league in the number of passing attempts (751) in 2022, compared to only 386 rushing attempts.
And BTW, if you trade your Lamborghini for OLine picks you’d be getting swindled. Our OLine next season already has Wirfs, Mason, Jensen, Hainsey & D Smith under contract, plus several others (Walton & Goedeke) who got good experience this season. Plus we SHOULD be able to get Stinnie back (decent backup) and be able to re-sign several other FAs. QB is problematic for next year admittedly, but the rest of our offense … IF it stays reasonably healthy … isn’t as bad off as many seem to think. Be more concerned about our defense.
January 26th, 2023 at 10:05 pm
He Joe,
Please drop the #CollapseForCaleb garbage.
no way should that ever happen!
January 26th, 2023 at 10:11 pm
LOL It’s only January man.
And Joe is 100 percent sincere about this (if Tom Brady leaves).
January 27th, 2023 at 9:18 am
He got “tougher” as the season went on…. So he wasn’t as tough during the first part of the season operating at 75% and likely feeling pain and weakness throughout the injured leg? Pretty sure, he was just as tough if not more tough when dealing with the lingering issues.