Former Tom Brady Teammate: It’s A Different Brady
January 14th, 2023
“Julio, that guy’s more bitter than Bill.”
Perhaps the quickest way to make Joe nauseous is to bring up the obvious when it comes to Tom Brady.
He’s not the same player he was last season.
It’s painful to say and to type, but it is reality. Brady remains a top-tier quarterback, and Joe wants him desperately back in Tampa next season, but this year’s edition of Brady isn’t the same one that should have been the NFL MVP for the 2021 campaign.
There were too many Brady underthrows and too much jittery pocket play, and more off-target throws overall, especially deep.
Linebacker and Patriots legend Teddy Bruschi won three Super Bowls with Brady and, per his chatter on ESPN TV this week, has a bug up his butt regarding Brady getting credit for 35 New England postseason wins.
Regardless, Bruschi madly respects Brady but says he’s seen too much ugly this season to think the Bucs are better than the Cowboys.
“I show [Brady] dirting balls like he’s done in the past, “Bruschi ranted, as if he wanted to get Dak Prescott in a room and yell at him not to be nervous. “I’d show [Brady] making bad decisions. I’d show him off-schedule with Mike Evans because he’s got his own problems, too.”
Bruschi went on to bellow that Dallas is a complete team going up against a team, the Bucs, that needs Brady to carry the club in order to get a victory.
Joe was embarrassed for Bruschi. (Joe is nearly always embarrassed for ESPN). It was sad to see a defensive guy like him act like the Bucs don’t have a top-10 defense that set up Brady to put the team on his back late in games.
January 14th, 2023 at 10:42 pm
Joe, don’t get mad at teddy. He’s barely intelligible as an analyst. Good linebacker though, so long as Bill told him exactly where to be. Me thinks teddy was referencing the offense, which has largely been a Brady rescue show. Some his doing, some penalities, some drops.
January 14th, 2023 at 11:34 pm
teddy bruhaha…is jelly
January 14th, 2023 at 11:57 pm
BSPN and others say Mike Evans can’t get good separation is the problem. You think of 2020 and 2021, and there is obviously something terribly wrong with Brady. Even if you think the Bucs have the worst coaching, it’s not about Bowles or Byron that are all the faults in his game this year.
January 15th, 2023 at 12:18 am
Too many blows to the head and not enough baths from mom when he was a kid.
January 15th, 2023 at 12:22 am
His opinion doesn’t mean much because it’s not informed (might still be right tho)
January 15th, 2023 at 12:57 am
Joe, I appreciate your Braditorial more than whatever Teddy was talking about
January 15th, 2023 at 1:33 am
Bruschi is a certified Belichick shill and sycophant. Always have always will. That’s pretty much all there’s to it. It’s been like that for over two decades. Half of the people in Boston became tailhurt with Brady because he didn’t kowtow to the nutty professor that drafts busts and reaches every single year and leaves a depleted offense to Brady so he, the purported defensive genius, can hoard mammoth useless contracts on his dearly beloved overweight and slow D protegés. That’s life, I guess. You made your HC’s career? He boots you for Garoppolo and Mac Jones while since then you’ve won 4 rings. You let your wife force you to cook veggie lunch everyday? She leaves you because she cannot respect your love for your job and because she wants to rent an entire hotel for her family on Christmas and New Year’s Eve while you’re working. That’s life. Soldier on, Tom.
January 15th, 2023 at 2:52 am
Bruschi and Brady are friends. He’s not saying anything he wouldn’t say to Tom’s face. It’s not personal by any means. By his own admission, on those early Pats teams the defensive guys were mercilessly tough on everyone. Bruschi took part in Brady’s Man in the Arena doc, and teased Tom about picking him off in scout team practice.
The poor passes by Brady are the result of bad mechanics because of pressure. Fans are always whining about Brady’s happy feet in the pocket at times. How about we hold the OL accountable for allowing so much pressure. It’s not so much pressure. It’s the immediate pressure that’s the issue. Nick Leverette was no John Hannah, but at least he put up some resistance which allowed Brady a little more time to step up in the pocket. Goedeke gets beat right off the snap. What do you expect any QB to do in that situation? The OL needs to step up period!
January 15th, 2023 at 5:11 am
One thing I’ve noticed. The longer Tom plays the more jealous ex players, even ex teammates seem to be. So many of them know they left some years on the table when they retired because they lacked Brady’s dedication. Some say he should retire. Why ??. If your still good at something and you love what you do, why retire ?
January 15th, 2023 at 6:30 am
Right on, Kentucky Buc.
January 15th, 2023 at 7:14 am
Plus – Brady rarely takes a hard hit anymore (if ever).
January 15th, 2023 at 7:46 am
Bspn only hires non binary analysts
January 15th, 2023 at 8:00 am
You wouldn’t be the same either if your wife bolted and FTX stole 45 Mill from your piggy bank.
January 15th, 2023 at 8:10 am
I actually think he’s right that it isn’t the same Brady…..but, he’s wrong about the overall team’s ability to beat the Cowboys….
January 15th, 2023 at 11:01 am
Pennies to millions. $45M ain’t sh!t to Brady.
January 15th, 2023 at 12:23 pm
Stress will affect anyone’s performance. Brady may have diminished this year, but I guarantee you next year, he will be as good as he was during our Super Bowl season. He’s improving now because he has adapted to the stress caused by the breakup of his family. Anyone who has been through a breakup, should be able to understand that.
January 15th, 2023 at 1:48 pm
Teddy’s is just another opinion, file it with the hundreds of others.
January 15th, 2023 at 8:46 pm
Agree with BucsFan13. It’s “a different Brady” because of the badly different OL in front of him all season, and mild erosion in his game due to age and injuries (that he hides). He and Brew are friends, and there is nothing controversial here, except that the fault lies with that OL, and the coaching, less Brady himself.
January 16th, 2023 at 7:45 am
This guy has it backwards. It will take the entire Bucs team to carry Brady over the winning line tonight.
January 16th, 2023 at 10:17 am
Whether the Bucs will win will depend on how long the Coaches control the Offensive game plan. If they wait too long for Brady to take over, it might be too late to recover as Dallas has a good team.
January 16th, 2023 at 10:50 am
Stay safe Mr. Brady I’m a steelers fan but now I see ur an awesome football man try to aquire prayers before games please. Ur an awesome player have fun out there.
January 16th, 2023 at 11:24 am
Bruschi been a Patriot longer than you have been alive ! 60+ years. You have been a big mouth for a long time ! Like an empty barrel with nothing to do ! Try going thru a divorce you will see your mind isn’t with you a lot of the time. I have yet to see you complain about bellicheat WHY ?
January 16th, 2023 at 1:10 pm
Laughable to criticize Brady, predicated upon throwing a few “lowballs.” It”s just “an angle” designed for attention during a discussion segment.
He leaves-out the fact that Brady has always considered a play’s effect on a receiver: he’ll throw low so the receiver doesn’t get creamed in the middle; ask Julian Edelman.
If the coverage prevents the completion of the play, and the throw is to the ground, it’s the same as throwing it into the seats. We’re supposed to believe that all of a sudden, now and then, Brady forgets how to throw a football this year?
Did Bruschi see Brady’s, not two, but three deep ball perfection-of-passing plays to Mike Evans in one game?
Not one “Bruschi low-ball.”
Super Bowl win in 2020; brought-back that team almost totally intact for 2021 and Brady was the best quarterback in football with the most TD’s and yards; the best won/loss record (with Green Bay tied) with a decimated pass-defense all season.
This year: no o-line, and coaching that’s contrary to winning football games. And, huh? All Bruschi sees is a couple of throw-a-way lowballs?