National Narrative Building That Tom Brady Has Slipped Because Of His Reported Family Issues
October 8th, 2022
Tom Brady chatter.
Joe’s been so busy with this here site that Joe hasn’t monitored NFL Network, BSPN and FOX Sports in the usual way. So Joe hasn’t been completely up to speed on how the MSM is treating the alleged discord in Tom Brady’s private life.
If you believe Page Six and TMZ and the like, Brady’s marriage to the model Gisele Bündchen is nearing divorce.
And if the one and only Chris “Mad Dog” Russo of SiriusXM fame is any indication of how this is being played in the media capital of the world, then the chatter is Brady has not matched his 2021 numbers (leading the NFL in passing yards and touchdowns) because his head is rattled from strife in his home.
Each Friday during the football season, Russo has a spot with former NFL coffee fetcher and general manager Michael Lombardi, who also happens to have intimate knowledge of Brady since the two worked together with the Belicheats in 2014 and 2015.
Russo asked Lombardi yesterday if Brady is “shook” by his off-field life and if that’s why Brady hasn’t been the Brady of old.
Chris “Mad Dog” Russo: If you are the Tampa coaching staff — and I don’t like Todd Bowles anyway, but forget him for a minute — if you are the “Tamper” front office and the “Tamper” ownership, are you very worried right now about what’s going on off the field with your quarterback?
Michael Lombardi: Well, I think we sometimes lose sight that these players are human beings too. And to say that losing — and I say that, potential, and I don’t know if it is true or not — but potentially losing your family, it’s something that can cause disconcern. And I think [Tom] Brady has been really good at being able to separate the two, but I do think it is really hard. I would be very concerned. I think [the Bucs’ problems] are who are playing receiver for him and who is around him. I think Tommy is very good at being able to separate things. But it still has to be hard. This is not an easy time in anybody’s life to go through this.
Russo: Again, I think he bit off more than he can chew coming back. He should have left when he should have left.
Lombardi indirectly hit the nail on the head. Brady wasn’t Brady because he was throwing to guys who shouldn’t have been on the field in the loss to the Packers.
Notice when Mike Evans and Chris Godwin returned (Joe can’t say Julio Jones returned when he barely broke a sweat before he got hurt — again) Brady had a very Brady-like game last week? Brady connected on 39 of 52 throws for 386 yards and three touchdowns without a pick.
That’s the ol’ Brady we know and love.
Coincidence? Joe doesn’t believe in coincidences in football.
Too many Brady teammates — past and current — always talk of how no player they have ever been associated with can lock into the task at hand like Brady does every week.
So Lombardi is on it: Brady’s lower numbers in the first three weeks had more to do with who was — and more importantly who wasn’t — on the field than anything else.
October 8th, 2022 at 12:22 am
Joe is right. Lombardi knows Brady pretty well from his NE days. Brady won a SB when he was mother was dealing with cancer the entire season. He engineered the greatest comeback in SB history. No one even knew he was dealing with his mother’s health issues until after the season. I’d like to think his mother’s cancer is more important than an on the rocks marriage. Brady was taught the motto “block out the noise” during his days in NE.
People are projecting their feelings onto Brady. He’s a different animal. It’s not like he hasn’t been involved in different controversies during his career. During the whole deflate gate scandal when he took the NFL court, he put up MVP numbers after his suspension.
Also, has Brady really struggled? Has anyone watched Rodgers, Wilson, and Ryan? Arians and Licht said he was the same super focused Brady. Bowles said he’s a film junkie. The coaches aren’t worried. None of his teammates see a change. Russo is nothing more than a hot take artist.
October 8th, 2022 at 12:23 am
Imagine the storyline if Brady is raising the Lombardi this year, while Gisele is fuming in front of the tv by herself in Costa Rica
October 8th, 2022 at 12:30 am
Brady will be Brady. That is, just fine
October 8th, 2022 at 12:32 am
@Derek lol. Has anyone ever considered Gisele leaving the house is actually good for Tommy? He doesn’t have to listen to her nag. He can spend 50 hours a film each week alone just watching film without the hassle.
October 8th, 2022 at 12:50 am
I’ ll take 2-2 with all overall injuries and … and …new players and schedule. And hurricane. We expect perfection since we have brady.
October 8th, 2022 at 1:16 am
Alls I can say is that I’m damn proud to have Brady as a Buc QB. Screw all of the noise. The GOAT! Go Bucs! My boy Gronk we are a waiting for ya bud.
October 8th, 2022 at 1:58 am
I’m more worried about the Oneilbuc/Jameis breakup.
October 8th, 2022 at 2:12 am
I agree with Joe and once Julio gets back on the field for his annual full game things will really start clicking.. But seriously give Brady all the fuel you want, he’s been to old and falling off for the last 6 years according to most of these idiots and makes them look stupid every year.. I see the Bucs winning big against the Falcons and letting everyone know what’s up.. 38-13 Go Bucs!
October 8th, 2022 at 2:23 am
yes ,its hard for anyone -and that includes Brady.. But ,I also think it makes him more determined to play at his best level .. He seemed more at ease at this wks press conference. He wants that trophy one more time, not only for his own pride-but also determined to prove doubters & naysayers wrong …..
October 8th, 2022 at 3:47 am
I’m not worried. He’d been thru the divorce rodeo before.
October 8th, 2022 at 3:54 am
Tom misses Gronk and AB. He also was without Godwin for a few games. Those things mean 1000 times more than anything going on at home for him.
Brady’s QB Rating is around 98. The two years before that it was 102. He’s 45 years old, probably about to have a divorce, has several new lineman and is missing some of his top targets. And his Rating is still like top 10 in the NFL. But I get it, talking sports people need something to talk about.
Brady has actually looked better this year, overall, than he has in past years. Less jittery. His Int % is down, what’s dragging his Rating down is Yards/attempt and TD %. The team is playing more Brady Ball now rather than Risk It, Biscuit ball. That means small chunks of yards and lulling the defense and then hitting them big over the top once you have them looking for short yard gains. This shows up in the higher percentage of slants run, etc.
Of the top 4 receivers on the team, only Evans has been healthy. And he missed a game due to suspension. We also played some good teams, including a team that owns us on defense (Saints) and a team that has a coordinator who has given Brady fits before (Chiefs).
Not having Gronk hurts a ton. He (and AB, and Godwin) was Brady’s security blanket and red zone mainstay. Brady is still working to find that sync with the other guys.
White is starting to figure it out. He just needs to hold onto the ball. He is going to be a weapon, including in the passing game. And that reminds me, we’re also missing Gio. Another favorite Tom target.
In the last 2 years, Brady would often rush screen passes and just be jittery. He’s much better about that now. And I think he likes playing Brady Ball (short passes with a few long ones mixed in) better than he likes playing Risk It, Biscuit Ball.
We just need health, time to build offensive chemistry and some cupcake opponents to build momentum. Hopefully things start to roll this weekend.
October 8th, 2022 at 4:28 am
Of course the divorce drama is gonna effect Brady mentally and emotionally. Especially regarding his kids. If his kids blame him, that’s probably gonna tear him up inside.
I think there’s even a chance this situation could end his season early. Maybe he does it for his kids. Or to try to save his marriage. But there’s a chance we could lose Brady before the regular season ends. Always HIGH DRAMA with the Bucs. Never seems to end.
October 8th, 2022 at 5:49 am
@Kody. Wow, I didn’t know you had conversations with Tom about his emotions. You can’t just make a blanket statement about his feelings and kids. You have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes. Maybe those issues you listed might be your experience with divorce, but it doesn’t mean that Tom is experiencing those same emotions. Right now these alleged marital issues are just speculation. It hasn’t been confirmed by Brady and his wife.
We also don’t know what possible relationship issues his teammates might be dealing with behind the scenes. Tom is more well known, so his stuff is just more public. Gossip generates clips. It would be less interesting if the headline was that Blaine Gabbert and his wife are headed for divorce.
October 8th, 2022 at 6:10 am
Mad dog is a complete clown show. That is all.
October 8th, 2022 at 6:11 am
If Perriman and Gage don’t fumble the ball vs Packers, the Bucs would probably be 3-1 and the entire narrative changes. The D-Line is the issue now until Hicks returns.
As for his personal life, assuming there are no other significant others involved, win the SB again, retire on top, and in the meantime, delay court proceedings.
October 8th, 2022 at 6:14 am
If there’s one thing Brady can do it’s harness energy and use it for good.
October 8th, 2022 at 7:04 am
If Brady loses his marriage due to football….It stands to reason that football will continue to be his priority & passion……Ergo……Brady 2023
October 8th, 2022 at 7:21 am
After seeing Russo on with Stephen A. Smith, he’s as much of a gas bag as Smith is. Bundchen is selfish because she’s expecting Tom to give up his dreams. She’s so worried about his physical health, she’s going to ruin his life because she doesn’t want to deal with it. Enjoy fading into obscurity, b!t@h.
October 8th, 2022 at 7:30 am
Bucsfan13 says – ” Has anyone ever considered Gisele leaving the house is actually good for Tommy? He doesn’t have to listen to her nag. He can spend 50 hours a film each week alone just watching film without the hassle.”
Kentucky Buc says – “Mad dog is a complete clown show. That is all.”
Bingo and Bingo. Well said, Gentlemen. Mad Dog is and always has been an obnoxious New Yooork Delta Bravo. (I love the “Tamper”, Joe!)
Picking up on what Buc Fan 13 said, don’t be surprised if TB12 goes the blank off Sunday…off like 400 yards and 7 TD’s or something sick like that, just to show the world that nothing is going to distract him. A healthy Evans, Godwin and Gage likely won’t hurt that either.
October 8th, 2022 at 7:34 am
As an aside, if you guys want some free entertainment, check out the Twitter trend of Brady and Gisele. Pure comedy gold.
Nearly every woman: “My heart bleeds for Gisele having to tolerate living with that monster and being banished to their estate in Costa Rica”
Nearly every guy: “Woo hoo! Sign a three year contract extension and hit everything that moves, bro!”
October 8th, 2022 at 7:39 am
Was having this argument with my idiot Eagles fan buddy yesterday–“He’s got 7 rings, if he’s SOOOO good, he should excel with those lesser receivers”. Perhaps, if the diminished line didn’t reduce the ability to run the ball, while lessening his available time to wait in the pocket for the lesser receivers to get open. Anyhow, I don’t think any non-running QB could have accomplished any more with what was available to him in those first few games
October 8th, 2022 at 7:49 am
Mad dog is an idiot. He has zero credibility and he’s worse than Nick wright and that’s saying something
October 8th, 2022 at 8:21 am
Russo hates Tom Brady..this clown is always saying negative things about Tom.How this guy is on air blows my mind.
October 8th, 2022 at 8:50 am
100% True if Brady didn’t want the divorce. If Brady wanted out, he’ll probably play better. No more nagging shrew in his ear saying stupid sh*t.
October 8th, 2022 at 9:01 am
I’m sure he’s been dealing with family problems longer than we know. Would definitely ruin any kind of performance for any of us. But Brady, as we know is a different animal
October 8th, 2022 at 9:11 am
He should give her an Alabama hot pocket
October 8th, 2022 at 9:17 am
Divorces don’t happen overnight–they’ve been having issues for years. I semi-suspect he’s somewhat relieved its finally coming to a conclusion?
2nd half of the season lookout.
Bucs 12-5. #8.
October 8th, 2022 at 9:32 am
Tom is a Jedi. The offense looked damn good last week despite no running game. Unfortunately , Patrick is also a Jedi. Oh and someone might want to check Kelce.
October 8th, 2022 at 10:27 am
The Geezahag has done Bucs and football fans a favor. She tried to force Brady to retire before he was ready. He always said “45” was his end point. She couldn’t wait another year. Typical mid life crisis woman thing. Now, as she heads towards the exits and irrelevancy, she gives Tom the chance to re-commit after this season to do what is necessary for preparing himself to play in 2023 and beyond. (Note to Jason – prepare the contract extension so it is ready to offer him when the time is right. Now is not the time.)
As far as this season, as long as the G-Hag stays away from the press and doesn’t get in front of the media accusing Tom of bogus crap and making sh!t up, he’ll be fine on the football field.
It’s his O-line, the health of his receivers, his offensive uncoordinator, his pillow soft defense, the lack of a RB2 after Lenny, Todd’s Bowels and Keith Armstrong’s short bus of special teamers that is the concern to anyone who knows football .
But these loudmouths don’t really care, they want to create drama and live off the facade of intrigue that drama creates.
October 8th, 2022 at 10:27 am
Holy mackerel Fred!
October 8th, 2022 at 2:27 pm
At least it won’t smell like fish
October 8th, 2022 at 3:59 pm
Hopefully, TB doesn’t read this feed. For someone to suggest that he should be happy if his wife and kids bail out for Costa Mesa and he has his “man-cave” to himself is beyond stupid. Being the Goat does not mean he is non-human. Only a non-human would be happy under those conditions. GB is not an intolerable and crazy B as far as I can tell. If she was like a Kanye West maybe I could understand.
October 8th, 2022 at 4:45 pm
Si, many here aren’t just arm-chair coaches and QB, now we have arm-chair psychologists… This is such an entertaining place to rest and read… Thank you for that!
October 8th, 2022 at 9:42 pm
I love NFL Radio on SiriusXM but nobody outside of his studio gives 2 spits what loud puppy Russo thinks. Dude is annoying and just spouts out sensational BS to increase ratings.
October 10th, 2022 at 7:49 am
Has anybody actually looked at Brady in a news conference? His face looks like he has aged 5 years since last season. I definitely think he is feeling the strain of his personal issues combined with the depleted receiver corps and offensive line. He put up good numbers the last two games (KC and Falcons) but not a lot of points. The whole team just seems out of sync. Not sure about Boles as a coach either. They really need to figure out a short yardage play other than Fournette up the middle