Have Your Say!

October 1st, 2022

Flash poll posted at 8:23 a.m. Poll closed at 10:06 a.m.

Grade Your Confidence In Todd Bowles (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 362

6 Responses to “Have Your Say!”

  1. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    It’s not Bowles I’m confident in, so I had to vote very little.

    Team confidence? Very Confident.

    I just don’t think Bowles has anything to do with it (yet). He has to earn that. As a DC he has…as a HC he has not.

  2. Tampabuscsbro Says:

    He is a defensive man his defense has been lights out. My issue is with our OC if this keeps up he may need to do something.

  3. Señor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    I think Bowles is still figuring things out, but I am very confident. I like he is putting his stamp on the Offense by trying to have a stronger running game than in the past and called out Lefty for lack of using other RBs.

    This is in contrast to Mr. Kotter who choose NOT to get involved in the Charmin Soft Mike Smith defense. That was so stupid.

  4. AbucAway Says:

    Yeah why not. He’s proving he is a great DC. Still needs to make a mark as HC.

  5. Goatfarmer Says:

    How about a poll for the Leftwurst?

  6. Timbo Slice Says:

    Alright, now ask me the same question about Leftwich haha