Did The Bucs Defense Think It Could Handle The Chiefs?
October 4th, 2022
Thoughts on Bucs defense.
Joe isn’t sure if this is the angle a former Bucs defensive tackle was taking, but it seems reasonable.
Former Bucs first-round draft pick and current BSPN talking head Booger McFarland took to Twitter Sunday night and had a thought on the Bucs defense.
Of course, the Bucs’ defense, which played strong ball until Sunday night, couldn’t stop Kansas City to save its life. Not until the final moments of the game did the Chiefs punt.
There was virtually no hope of a comeback because the defense looked lost. Booger seemed to think the Bucs’ defense may have had a rude awakening.
Joe is guessing Booger felt the Bucs thought all they had to do was show up and the game was won. The NFL isn’t like that.
Joe isn’t freaking out. Joe fully remembers how the Chiefs waxed the Bucs in the first half of a regular season game in 2020. When the two teams met later in the Super Bowl, it was a far different story.
Perhaps the defense just needed a reality check?
October 4th, 2022 at 5:05 am
Three words, burn the tape!
October 4th, 2022 at 5:14 am
Defense got a ‘rude awakening?’ Hopefully the whole team got a rude awakening. Offense started slow once again, had zero running game, and turned the ball over deep in Bucs territory at a very inopportune time. Special teams did the same (as in first play of the game?) and didn’t help our cause any.
Defense got exposed for who they really are … average at best against teams with a quality offense. Average at best pass rush, average at best run defense, which then makes them susceptible to the short pass especially. Vea showed why he’s been limited in snaps IMO; anything more than about 50-60% and his effectiveness goes down the tubes. JTS & Hall are promising youngsters, but neither are ready for full-time duty. RNR & Will Gholston are great key rotational players, but neither can carry the full-time starter responsibility. IOW, without a quality OLB/DE to pair with Shaq AND a quality DT to pair with Vea we’re very vulnerable. But several have been saying that for months now. No surprises there.
October 4th, 2022 at 6:00 am
This is what I was referring to last week. Adjustments aren’t made until it’s too late. Honestly, though, it didn’t matter. Mahomes was in a zone and was pulling off bs video game moves on us, that no one can totally plan for. It may have been a little bit better after halftime, but again, they had their way with us immediately and it was too late.
October 4th, 2022 at 6:03 am
I’m hoping that’s all it is. Beckles mentioned a lack of leadership and I have to agree.
October 4th, 2022 at 6:06 am
We should not be having any leadership issues at this point. I mean come on. We have guys that are on 4th year or 5 years plus. On top of Brady… I find that hard to believe.
October 4th, 2022 at 6:12 am
I’m convinced.
Pay Ndamukong Suh.
October 4th, 2022 at 6:14 am
I doubt we’ve ever played a team more motivated to beat us —half of them have probably been waking up in the middle of the night for two years, thinking about that super bowl (and how more than a few Bucs were running their mouths afterward)
October 4th, 2022 at 6:38 am
we came out of the supposed “tough first 4 games” at 2-2…
so it’s not the end of the world…
the end of the world happens at about 5 pm on sunday afternoon if we lose to the lame dirty birds
(no matter how good they appear to be – because they suck)…
if we lose sunday, we have lost 4 games in a row at home…
the falcons are not the rams, packers and chiefs…these are the dirty birds…who i predicted to go 3-14…
if we lose sunday sh!t really hits the fan and the sky is falling by the bay…
i expect a big time bounce back bucs performance, to make a statement to the league that we’re still superbowl contenders…
no room for a loss here to fall to a record of 2-3, with many home losses in a row…if such is the case, bowles and lefty are in deep doo
October 4th, 2022 at 7:07 am
Lets be straight.. Bucs handed the Chiefs the ball DEEP in bucs territory TWICE in the first half. THAT, is what changed the environment of the game and what cost them the game.
Mostly, it seems KC was motivated to dust off Super Bowl memories. they came to play. im not buying all the outCoached BS. We gave them 14 easy points when it could have made a difference.
and its an AFC game. best games to learn lessons.
October 4th, 2022 at 7:15 am
This team better take a long look in the mirror. They have lost 3 games in a row at home in the worst way. 4 games in to the season and they look terrible.
They’re not worthy of your time right now.
October 4th, 2022 at 7:21 am
When you are missing a HOF’er like Suh that you have lined up next to your whole career until this season it makes a big difference in the way other teams approach Vita , and it is not good. Jason Licht is guilty of malpractice as a GM if he does not sign Suh this week-period.
October 4th, 2022 at 7:36 am
Bowles got out coached. Simple as that.
October 4th, 2022 at 7:44 am
Did they amputate Jensen’s leg?
October 4th, 2022 at 7:46 am
for the 100th time if y’all want to know the truth just look on the side-line and you’ll see a “Comfortably numb” coach. Unfortunately there’s nothing that management can do no matter how terrible a job he is doing. Remember the game monopoly? Bowles has a wheelbarrel full of “get out of jail free” cards. Remember Hue Jackson with the Browns. He actually went 1-31 before they gambled and fired him. Remember the coach from Cincinatti” He didn’t win a playoff game in 500 years before they gambled and fired him. AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN
October 4th, 2022 at 7:49 am
For all those urging us to sign Suh…..That’s Gronk’s money……period…plain and simple.
Our front 3 and backups played very poorly…..got manhandled.
And, Shaq’s mouthing off “We’re gonna have a coming out party”……don’t do that.
Part of this was the motivation of the Chiefs……they were pi$$ed to lose a game the week prior to a weaker team….they were piS$ed at losing the SB the way they did……did you see the passion on Travis kelce on every play?
We would have been better off playing this game in Minn.
October 4th, 2022 at 7:59 am
2 games 4 costly fumbles. Gotta fix that. Two against GB took points off board two against KC put points on board.
October 4th, 2022 at 8:15 am
Looks like, half the Bucs players are worn out, and the other half ain’t very good.
They’re gonna need, more than a Motivational Speaker.
October 4th, 2022 at 8:23 am
The GOAT did everything he could. But he can’t play defense too. Guess they stayed in the locker room.
And something has got to be done with that O-Line. Trade Miller and Godwin and get some help.
October 4th, 2022 at 8:23 am
What Jeff said. He was completely outcoached and outclassed. I think much of the anger and disappointment being expressed is because there isn’t anything for us fans to hold onto as ‘good’. As someone already said, “We got punched in the face and stripped of all lunch money” and dignity, I’ll add. Back to square one where I hope these coaches turn this around.
October 4th, 2022 at 8:32 am
The media treats each game like it’s a season. Making outrageous claims that mostly turn out to be BS by seasons end. The Eagles are the greatest team of all time . Tua is a great QB even though his ball still floats with little zip. Baker was going to turn the panthers into a winner. Add 2 dozen more takes made weekly. The schedule is manipulated to make good teams look average and bad teams look good early in the season and then propaganda city.
October 4th, 2022 at 8:55 am
Started celebrating too early in the season.
October 4th, 2022 at 9:29 am
Nick, they score 41 points and the D showed very little effort trying to stop the Chiefs from scoring after the turn overs. Bowles is miles behind Reid in coaching intelligence. Some of you will reply, Bucs beat them bad in the SB and Bowles was a genius. Agreed great game plan but let’s not forget, two missing starting on the oline (Bucs know how that feels), Mahomes bad toe and HC assistant coach/son arrested for DWI and vehicle homicide. That’s some pretty good distractions. Unlike Bucs coaching staff, all it took was a few job interviews the week/weekend of playoffs. Jets trash.
October 4th, 2022 at 9:48 am
Listn. Cmon man. You buying that BS narrative from the Super Bowl. Mahomes hurt his whittle toe. Reid is not a great coach. Sorry. This dude has choked away more playoff games than just about any coach. Adjustment issues, time management issues . Great game planner not a great game coach. Never was. Reid been screwing the pooch going all the way back to Philly.
October 4th, 2022 at 10:04 am
Why does this defense constantly have to get its ass whipped to wake up? Why. Why are we this freaking immature that we can’t show up and do what we know we’re supposed to do. Any time there is a hurricane or a big game we get exposed on national TV. Think about it. Even in the superbiwl year. All year we would have games like this. I’m disgusted. They need to stfu and Play ball. Thats it. Especially Devin white and shaq…..coming out party. Oh u came out all right. You freaking morons
October 4th, 2022 at 10:34 am
Kentucky, please do your research to prove that you have some sort of clue what you’re talking about.
Andy Reid 255-152-1 a 62.6 winning percentage. The only coach in the NFL that has ever had a 100 or more wins with 2 NFL teams.
Todd Bowels 28-42 a .40 winning percentage.
October 4th, 2022 at 10:54 am
Andy Reid big game choker . Do your research . 1 Super bowl win in how many years. Yep your right . Great Coach. Post season choker. Been watching this guy get over rated since his Philly days.
October 4th, 2022 at 10:56 am
Bucs were outclassed on Sunday. Better coaching, game plan, better execution and a motivation edge (please Shaq and Devon keep your traps shut). The initial fumble was a killer, please take a knee when the ball is kicked into the end zone.
The key battle was our DLine against their OLine and we lost.
Now, take a step back, we’re 2-2 and the schedule gets much easier. Last year’s injuries were the reason we didn’t WIN the Super Bowl, when we won it we only had two major injuries, Vita who came back in the playoffs, and OJ who we didn’t need. If we can get healthy we’re going to be okay. Adding Suh and Gronk we’d be back in paradise but I don’t see that happening.
October 4th, 2022 at 11:01 am
Unless bowles has 2 weeks to prepare or he plays you a second time in the season hes not ready to start the game. .constantly playing catch-up against offensive minded coaches. What was concerning he usually makes the right adjustments but it looked that was out of his capacity against reid.
October 4th, 2022 at 11:05 am
Kentucky once again an ignorant statement. How many HC in the league have ever won a SB let alone more than one. Oh and Jets Trash Todd Bowles ain’t on of them.
October 4th, 2022 at 11:18 am
Reid only won a Super Bowl because he ran into a bigger choker than himself . Shanahan. A lot of coaches don’t win Super Bowls . They also aren’t head coaches for 20 years. Like I said Good coach that Mahomes is making look a lot better than he is. I mean Coughlins got two and he’s considered a good not great coach. Reid has many instances of poor playoff clock management and adjustment issues. It’s there for anybody to look up and read. I don’t have to look it up or read it because I watched it happen numerous times. Reid is a classic case of revisionist history since he got Mahomes. The only ignorant one is you buying into the narratives that your fed.
October 4th, 2022 at 11:39 am
DR nailed it.
We failed to replace JPP and we failed to replace Suh.
Gifting starting jobs to unproven JTS and Hall is Adrian Clayborn / Daquan Bowers all over again.
October 4th, 2022 at 12:30 pm
Kentucky, I won’t bother to look it up but I know of 3 SB’s Reid went to, and the common denominator in the 2 losses was Brady. So Mahomes makes Reid better so that must mean Brady made BA look better than he is. Correct? Coughlin was a Great not good coach and has one more SB win than Bill Parcel who was a Great coach. Shanahan is the choke. I will agree Reid has had a few time management issues in the past but so have BA and clearly Bowels against GB.
October 4th, 2022 at 3:16 pm
Is there any update on Jensen’s knee? Did he have surgery?
October 4th, 2022 at 4:10 pm
Why are so many people surprised at Sunday’s game? This was the 1st team that Tampa faced that had a legit offense that was fully healthy. Also you don’t think KC had this game circled? We all remember the NFC championship game and Super Bowl games, right? Both teams had depleted offensive lines and that allowed for the Bucs to take full advantage and rushing and blitzing. As I have said for years, we don’t have a pass rush outside of blitzing instead rushing four down linemen. Its not a panic because it just the 1st month of the season. I had KC as a lost, so I’m not surprised that they were able to run the ball well. Now I do say that Suh is missed but Tampa’s defensive line showed down the back stretch of the 2021 season their age. Suh was good for holding his gap. I was surprised Hicks was signed but I didn’t think it would be for so much due to his injury history. Now going forward I do think teams will center a gameplan like KC did.
October 4th, 2022 at 6:04 pm
I wish Booger would shut his IHOP all you can pancake and waffle eating A$$ up!
October 4th, 2022 at 8:01 pm
If Suh is such a game changer, why hasn’t any team signed him??????
October 4th, 2022 at 8:45 pm
I agree with DefenseRules. This D, this team, does not deserve the overhype that it automatically gets “because Tom Brady”. Or “because stacked roster”,which isn’t true. They are missing key components from last season, particularly, yes, Suh, or a Suh replacement who is actually one-for-one or better, and a JPP replacement that is same. They had all spring and summer to do it, and didn’t.
Logan Ryan was a good addition, but he’s dinged up now too.
These are top-down problems. Roster. And more ominously, coaching, which is much worse than anticipated. Where is the cohesion? Where’s the leadership?