Anthony Nelson Said Defense Didn’t Make Enough Plays To Turn Momentum
October 3rd, 2022
Nearly perfect gameplan.
The way the Chiefs came out on fire against the Bucs was a master class of offense by Chiefs’ big-shot Andy Reid.
In the first few Chiefs possessions, Pat Mahomes, Travis Kelce and Reid put on a show. Joe can’t remember a much more flawless display of offense. Oh wait, the Chiefs scored 17 first-quarter points on the Bucs in 2020. Last night was like a throwback to Bill Walsh, Joe Montana and Dwight Clark. The Bucs’ defense looked fully blindsided.
It was as if the Bucs never practiced stopping Kelce. It was sort of like when you were a kid playing football with your friends in the backyard and someone’s big brother decided to join the game.
Joe won’t say the Bucs weren’t prepared. This wasn’t lousy Lovie Smith and his rotten defense trying to stop a runaround quarterback like then-rookie Marcus Mariota in the notorious Tennessee-Ready game, but it was damn close.
Remember, the Bucs had stopped Mahomes and Kelce before. Entering the game, the Bucs had a five-quarter streak against the Chiefs of keeping them out of the end zone.
Joe asked several defenders if Kansas City showed them something unexpected. To a man, the responses Joe received were, “No.”
“They jumped on us and we just didn’t make any plays to turn the momentum,” Anthony Nelson said. “I wouldn’t say they did anything we hadn’t seen. We obviously didn’t execute like we usually do.
“We have resilient dudes. We will fix it up.”
The fact the Chiefs, not known for running the ball very well, rammed the ball right down the Bucs’ throats was jarring to see.
The hallmarks of Bowles’ defenses are blitzing and the ability to shut down the run no matter who the running back iss. Joe doesn’t know if Sunday night is a disturbing trend or a damn accident.
October 3rd, 2022 at 1:40 am
Wouldn’t it be fun to have a offensive coach like Andy Reid? Show some imagination.
October 3rd, 2022 at 1:42 am
Sorry if I woke you up Joes.
October 3rd, 2022 at 2:23 am
My Momma thinks JTS is a real problem against the run. It’s like he runs around like a chicken with his head cut off…No discipline and still lacks situational awareness. Stupid is as stupid does.. Cost us with Mahomes running his direction, as Chris Collinsworth pointed out.
And say what you want about Suh’s low win percentage, Joe, but he did do a better job at stopping the run than anyone on this current roster.
#Start Nelson!
October 3rd, 2022 at 2:36 am
Miserable coaching.
Miserable game from the D, thoroughly exposed, run and pass, not a glimmer of a bright spot anywhere. Pitiful pass rush. Shaw, JTS, nothing. Horrific run defense, everyone mowed down. Vea, reduced to a heap. Horrible tackling, horrible lack of intensity. KC had it easy. If they couldn’t put a dent in KC, how the hell will they beat the Rams?
Leftwich is awful, and Bowles was spineless to not do anything to get the team back into the game. Brady was fine. Evans, fine. That’s about it. OL still suspect (nice blitz pickup, guys, you almost got Brady injured.) I keep saying Lenny is not a powerback and his twinkle toes tonight was typical. Brady did his job, the GOAT always does, but that doesn’t make up for a total team collapse.
And now we have even more injuries. KC played mad, but they aren’t even that physical a team.
What, if anything, is going to be done from here? That DL has to be shored up badly. Next practice squad JAG up ain’t gonna fix it.
Suh. Yes, he would have helped tonight. So would JPP. I’d take those guys at half strength over JTS and the current group. Why? Because they were fighters. Where are the fighters now?
October 3rd, 2022 at 3:10 am
Suh. Yes, he would have helped tonight. So would JPP. I’d take those guys at half strength over JTS and the current group. Why? Because they were fighters. Where are the fighters now?
Funny, you talking about “fighters”, coming from someone who is sniveling behind their keyboard because the Bucs lost.
October 3rd, 2022 at 4:59 am
Joe … ‘The hallmark of Bowles’ defenses with the Bucs is the ability to shut down the run, no matter who the running back was. Joe doesn’t know if Sunday night is a disturbing trend or a damn accident.’
Disturbing trend? Accident? Nah, neither. We don’t have the horses in the trenches to match up against quality OLines run-blocking for quality RBs. We have no DLine leadership.
I saw nothing but gaping holes last night. Our defense got man-handled and couldn’t match up mano-a-mano. It really is as simple as that. Sad part is that every other team now knows it, and they’ll bust their butts to duplicate what the Chiefs did. And the Bucs don’t have the horses OR the field leadership to stop the teams that can duplicate what the Chiefs did.
Damn I miss Suh. Miss JPP too (he looked pretty good BTW in his first game yesterday for the Ravens; played almost the whole game).
October 3rd, 2022 at 6:26 am
We should be had at least six sacks on Maholmes but poor tackling eliminated potentials. Our defense didn’t play hungry n as aggressive as the chiefs defense. As a matter of fact, their entire team played hungry n aggressive. Their rookie running back had no respect for our defense. Did Vita Vea receive a big pay check then got food hungrier, lazy, n is now a clone of former buc Albert haynesworth? I no longer see his motivation.
October 3rd, 2022 at 7:02 am
Didn’t make any plays Anthony. One pick was too little too late. Just get off the damn field a few times would’ve made the difference.
October 3rd, 2022 at 7:05 am
BTW. How many rookies botched kick returns yesterday ? A few to be sure. Not a proponent of rookies handling kicks. Never was.
October 3rd, 2022 at 7:23 am
“They jumped on us and we just didn’t make any plays to turn the momentum,”
Bro the defense literally made no plays at all
October 3rd, 2022 at 8:15 am
Who was a standout on defense? Not the line. Not the dbs. Not the linebackers. Did Tyron Shoyinka make any plays last night? Not many splash plays by the defense!
October 3rd, 2022 at 8:31 am
Razors edge between dominating and being abused like last night. I have to think that none of the players were as sharp as they would have been without the distraction of Hurricane Ian. Sounds like an excuse, but again it’s that razor’s edge between great and lousy.
October 3rd, 2022 at 10:31 am
Blah blah blah! All three Florida teams lost this week. what do they have in common? Football is an emotional game. It is not an excuse it is a reason. If you weren’t emotionally affected by what went on this week that you are some kind of robot.
October 3rd, 2022 at 10:41 am
False narratives:
* Bad coaching for punting on 4th down: one common play?
* Goeke shouldn’t be playing: he was up against Chris Jones and
we had how many yards passing?
* Rachel fumbled: ok, that caused the Bucs to let the other team score 41
* JTS is a problem: last week we stopped GB, a real running team, 67 yds
* Suh’s going to fix it: yea, and Hicks, Julio, Beasley… come on ppl
* Its BL’s play calling: maybe the first 3 games, and I don’t care for BL, but
we scored 31 points with his play calling last night
Real Problem?
When your D gives up an average of 9 points per game for 3 games against good offenses, then gives up 41, that is coaching. The Bucs scored 31, which should be plenty to win a game. Where was the defensive coaching???
I have to also say, we were told/sold that our new Oline players were run, not pass blocking guys. OK, this is BS too. Evidence is in the results for the past 3 games. The pass blocking has been ok; the run blocking SUCKS. Lenny got 1 yard last night? Really?
October 3rd, 2022 at 11:30 am
They came out in a 3 down lineman set and only pushed 3 D-lineman for most the game! I was screaming from the beginning you’re not going to win like that! First of all you can’t stop the run and second you give mahomes way too much time when only rushing 3 down lineman … After the half they put in Nelson at end instead of jts and Ghoulston beside Vea with a 4 man front … That slowed the running game way down but by that time they already had a rhythm and the D was gassed … Nelson is a much better option than jts on running downs!! And they better put down 4 or 5 lineman against the falcons, a 5-2 defense or they’re going to get run over for 300 yards!!
October 3rd, 2022 at 12:32 pm
– Shaq runs his mouth and gets manhandled almost the entire night.
– Devin White is the most overrated linebacker in the league. Can’t defend a pass to save his life, and still doesn’t even know how to properly tackle.
– For all his speed, JTS is always 2 steps away from actually making a play
– Vea is invisible. Through 4 games he’s made one single play. Maybe he should spend less time eating and more time practicing.
– Antoine Winfield has been struggling with these tall, fast receivers in the slot.
– Carlton Davis had his once-a-month bad game. This is why he’ll never actually be an elite cornerback. Consistently inconsistent.
October 3rd, 2022 at 2:28 pm
Shaq barrett and Vea are garbage time stat padders. They never take over a game like Sapp/Rice. They are only good when surrounded by exceptional talent (Suh/JPP), seem incapable of leading the line in a war, and appear to have great games vs mediocre or injured opponents. Sure, love em on my team, but not at their overpriced point. I hope Shaq is embarrassed today for running his mouth and not backing it up.