Tom Brady Is Rotting Away Without His Receivers
September 28th, 2022
“Give me back my receivers.”
Tom Brady looks like he did his last year in New England when he had a lot of nobodies, wannabes and CFL rejects to throw to.
Joe has written this repeatedly and spoken about it on “The Ira Kaufman Podcast.”
Jeff Kerr of CBS Sports has picked up on this too and he cannot shovel dirt on Brady’s football career until he sees Brady throwing to his Big Three. In the same game.
… Tom Brady isn’t washed up yet. He needs his top playmakers back before we can make that verdict.
Look, Brady was fine on Sunday. He never threw a pick while targeting a lot of backups and has-beens, and you can’t blame Brady for two receivers fumbling in Packers territory. And Brady damn near pulled out his magic again near the end of the game.
But you know what? The guy Brady misses most of all is foot-rubbing Rob Gronkowski.
September 28th, 2022 at 9:09 am
Brady can do it without Gronk. Revisionist history once again. Do you realize how often Brady had to do it without Gronk? Gronk has missed a lot of games due to injury in his career. He could definitely use Evans , Julio and CG back though. I think Beasley works his way in there also.
September 28th, 2022 at 9:10 am
Besides the screw-up on that one snap from Hainsey, Brady has done fine the first three games–especially with several of his top receivers out for two of the games.
Pay he gets Godwin and JJ back for the KC matchup.
September 28th, 2022 at 9:11 am
The Calvary is coming THIS week…RELAX!
September 28th, 2022 at 9:17 am
Finally saw something specific about Jones, he had a partial tear in his PCL. Apparently it’s one of the better tears to have
September 28th, 2022 at 9:19 am
The Goat was fine. He is doing what he has to do and at lightning speed do to his OL n WR depleted crew. He may miss Gronk n Evans…but it’s always the next man up..n the next man up is making our later round draft picks look like we could have picked them up as UDFA. Can’t wait until next game..that should be fun to watch
Right BL
September 28th, 2022 at 9:23 am
Gronk will be back at end of November and Jones will likely have more injuries. This team withy older players just needs to manage the health, win enough games to make playoffs. Bucs vs Bills in SB.
September 28th, 2022 at 9:24 am
Not concerned. Preseason prediction of 2-1 at this point was always an acceptable possibility. We should be 3-0, but we’re not. Help is on the way.
September 28th, 2022 at 9:28 am
Have we cut Scooter yet?
September 28th, 2022 at 9:29 am
Making a verdict on week 3 is one of the most ridiculous statements I’ve ever heard…..!!!! An when that verdict involves TB12 is getting close to a comedy…
September 28th, 2022 at 9:41 am
Brady won 4 SB’s without Gronk. It would be nice to have a TE to throw to. Oneilanonymusbucyall, would rather have Tua, Mac Jones, Cousins & Murray. A pair that beats a full house. I can hear Oneilbucyalls tailgate chant now, “I hate the White man! I hate the White man! Say it with me, I hate the White man!”
September 28th, 2022 at 9:43 am
Osqueeler loves the JaMiss Winston narrative too. Apparently the Saints can’t develop a quarterback either.
September 28th, 2022 at 9:52 am
One TD per week ain’t gonna get it. Maybe the top guys are out. The others need to pick it up. The TE’s need to be put in the game plan. Somebody NOT named Lenny needs to run the damn ball! These guys get paid more in a week than I make in a lifetime.
September 28th, 2022 at 10:09 am
Brady needs a durable and reliable WR. What he has now, except for Evans is a one hit and then out for the 2 mos WR’s. BUCS could have just consolidated the money they pay on several WR’s and get 1or 2 studs.
September 28th, 2022 at 10:15 am
I am sure many of you have played at least high-school sports with the exception of oralbuc, Oneilbucyall, Anonywuss & BeerWhimpyer, for those who have most likely have jammed a finger or two and understand how painful it is. If any of you noticed prior to the game they showed Brady’s balloon of a finger on his throwing hand. Again I talking to those who have experienced this pain, can you imagine have a NFL snapping the ball against it? I’d say completing 73.8% of his passes doesn’t seem like something a old washed up QB would do. By the way, 3 of the best QB’s in the league lost Sunday, Allen, Mahomes & Hebert and Roger’s second half wasn’t exactly steller.
September 28th, 2022 at 10:17 am
I don’t get the ‘Tom Brady Is Rotting Away Without His Receivers’ headline Joe. Who’s saying that? Your article lends support to just the opposite. As you wrote … ‘Look, Brady was fine on Sunday. He never threw a pick while targeting a lot of backups and has-beens’. Throwing for almost 75% to backups against a solid Packers’ defense doesn’t exactly lend credence to the ‘rotting away’ headline. And yet … we’re 2-1 and sitting atop the NFC South despite all our troubles. Gotta keep our eyes on the prize.
September 28th, 2022 at 10:28 am
Gronk again.
“I’m done with football.”
September 28th, 2022 at 10:32 am
The ring finger on Brady’s throwing hand was swollen to the size of Geezella’s thigh.
September 28th, 2022 at 10:43 am
Me thinks Joe is purposefully trying to piss TB12 off. The greats all say they manufacture anger to amp themselves up. Joe helping the Bucs win.
September 28th, 2022 at 10:45 am
The receiver room was never really loaded. Mike Evans was the only true receiver heading into this season. Godwin was a big question mark coming off his surgery. Now his bad hammy just made things worse. It really takes a year to come back fully from an ACL,MCL. Counting on him now seems like a wish. Julio lasted all of one game. Whether he plays this week, or not do you feel confident he’ll last the rest of the season? Gage hasn’t stayed healthy either, but so far looks like a #3 receiver being paid #2 money. After that we have Scotty Miller. Need I say more. Hindsight maybe shoulda drafted a receiver instead of say R.White who can’t get a carry. Gronk ain’t going to sign on to this rag, tag group killing himself for another ring that seems unlikely now. Look for the Bucs to draft WR high, and maybe often next year.
September 28th, 2022 at 10:49 am
Brady needs early career Gronk, which is not going to happen. Gronk takes too much punishment to be a valid option, and if we had him this early, he would likely be injured and banged up as well. Lets wait on speculating what TB12 is missing until we get some of the signed players on this roster back. If he couldnt win or be successful without Gronk, why did he even come back?
September 28th, 2022 at 11:09 am
The guy Brady misses most of all is foot-rubbing Rob Gronkowski.
-Evans, Godwin and J Jones wouldn’t hurt.
September 28th, 2022 at 11:39 am
Brady is making those back ups look capable. You put them out there with Jameis and they won’t get open. They are back ups for a reason….generally due to inconsistent execution at the highest level
September 28th, 2022 at 11:45 am
You can have 1 backup receiver out there and they will do well with all the attention being garnered by the primary receivers. Tyler Johnson anyone. You can’t have all backups at the same time. Common sense. No brainer. Missing Donnie on that line hurt a lot more than people realize.
September 28th, 2022 at 12:02 pm
The issue is not the receivers
The issue is offensive line
They can’t hold blocks long enough for the full offensive scheme to evolve
Licht is wasting Brady’s last year. Seems like Licht has a big ego and won’t admit that the current offensive line s as re getting the job done
September 28th, 2022 at 12:03 pm
Is BL the only reason Brady seems to be rotting? I want to be upfront and haven’t ever thought ol lefty had his sheet together as a oc. With that said, he has the job and that’s that and also, he has one helluva offensive football mind to meld with. If we can lay blame for this really bad offense start at the feet of BL, then how do we not see Tom’s feet right next to his?
People are coming out of the woodwork and pointed out a truth: it’s the talent that our Bucs have had these past few years that has gotten us to the heights. But now due to injuries, and Gronk waving bye bye (love that pic you use with every Gronk article, Joe’s), and new Online and new this that and the other, the talent isn’t showing itself to be a cut above. And due to that, ol Lefty, and Tommy have got to scheme us to the promised land, together. What is going on that doesn’t facilitate this. Regardless, the absolute biggest piece of this puzzle is by and large the absence of the best tight end I’ll ever see play the game. His loss to the offense requires a new way to be formed. He is that important, imo
September 28th, 2022 at 12:05 pm
Whenever he lost Gronk, he had Edelman. Not taking about the first three Superbowls. It was a different game back then. Brady can’t do it with trash recievers anymore. He needs help, all QBs do. This isn’t a Gronk problem. The guys he’s been throwing to simply can’t defeat man coverage. Any QB would be struggling with this group. Once he gets Godwin and Jones back, things will get better. As long as the defense continues to shine, they don’t need 30 points a game anyway.
September 28th, 2022 at 1:42 pm
Seems it only takes a small set of “you-know-whats” to paraphrase something as controversial as one of the statements above…….. It just isn’t accepted in this world anymore……
September 28th, 2022 at 2:15 pm
have to put miller on practice squad to make room for Beasley ……….
September 28th, 2022 at 2:53 pm
We should’ve cut Tyler and Scotty and signed Beasley earlier
September 28th, 2022 at 5:00 pm
Listnfrmafart I played football from the age of 8 to high school and that’s why I believe what I believe about football.
September 28th, 2022 at 5:26 pm
Listnfrmafart. We all know Brady is your master and according to you Brady can’t have a bad day it’s team fault right lol 😂😂? Brady looks like a 45 year old man and he’s been on a decline since 2019 . I know you believe they were 12 – 4 because of Brady but I hate to break it to you they had the number 1 defense that year and so far this season it looks like the same thing will happen here just like his last year in New England. That’s why he wanted Gronk, AB and Fournette because he knew he wouldn’t play as good without them. And that’s why Julio Jones and Gage came here. He’s 45 and he’s being carried by the bucs just like the past 2 years he fool yall but he couldn’t fool me I know what I saw in New England.
September 28th, 2022 at 6:27 pm
Oneilsucyall, so you followed the Patriots did you? That’s a lie or you wouldn’t shat on him like you do. By the way washing players joke straps does not make you a player. He has been declining since 2019 yet he led the NFL in passing yards and tds that last two seasons. You will claim it was due to the receivers yet all of them at some point were injured. Not sure who was throwing the ball to Grayson and Johnson & Perriman to secure wins but I am pretty sure it was Brady. Once again you do not know what your talking about, the 2019 D was ranked #1 until they got exposed then they were not. Bucs are ranked #1 and they got their arse whipped 1st half of Sundays game. The problem with idiots like you is that the last two years Brady and the O could handle the deficit. Now with 3 missing staring linemen and wr’s the O can’t cover Bowles D screw ups. It is NOT ok to let the opposing team score on their first to possessions of a game and if not for a lucky Jones fumble on the goaline the score would have been 21-3.
September 28th, 2022 at 6:33 pm
TB12 is gonna get better w/ each game played. Once we get Godwin back & he gets his legs under him, takes a few hits over the middle, shake of the cobwebs, w/ Evans doing what he does especially in the red zone, plus the addition of Beasley who you can use in a lot of different looks, he’s a tough scrappy player who can line up in the slot & isn’t afraid to go over the middle. Plus w/ Beasley we don’t have to ride Godwin as much & it’s a guy who can hopefully perform if Julio keeps getting banged up, hopefully he won’t but I think we all know better. Finally we need to get Vita Vea in on a Goal line formation w/ him at fullback w/ Lenny in I & run it up the gut, off tackle, pound it & let Vita blow up an end.
September 28th, 2022 at 7:12 pm
The guys Brady misses the most is D.Smith, A.Marpet, R.Jensen, A.Cappa, and R.Gronkowski.
All played last year- great Offense.
None playing this year- offense Sucks
You could almost see a correlation.
September 28th, 2022 at 7:15 pm
Oneilbuc Are you alright? Brady’s been on decline since 2019? Are you aware that Brady got robbed for the MVP & threw for more yards and TD’s then Rodgers The MVP did, he also threw more yards & TD’s then everyone, but he’s on a decline? That’s a decline every QB in the league would wish for. The offense didn’t do much Sunday against a good GB D. Considering the patchwork offensive line & receivers off the street, others w/ butter fingers
& it still was decided by 2 point conversion. Our declining QB threw for more yards than Rodgers did w/ the practice squad, plus we got one of the toughest schedules in the league especially to start & your gonna come out your neck about Brady, The GOAT. Put some respect on the man’s name. Tampa Bay needed to get a ring a lot more than TB12 did, that’s just a fact. Your either a fairweather fan, a Brady hater, or could give a toss about the Tampa Bay Buccaneers & only come on here talk stupid nonsense. For your information or lack there of, Brady’s gonna get better every game & come WK9/10 Tampa Bay gonna be a top 3 offense & Brady will be a top 3 QB. The Defense has been pulling to much weight but things are gonna start changing on the offensive side of the ball. LFG BUCS
September 28th, 2022 at 7:58 pm
Smith, Evans, Jones, Godwin will be back within the next two weeks. They will be fine
September 28th, 2022 at 10:13 pm
😂😂😂 I thought Brady made every one a good player that’s what y’all been saying for 2 years and now he needs Evans, Godwin and Jones back to be a good quarterback? And yes Brady needed us more than they needed him that’s why he needs a all star cast on offense. But at the same time this is his last year and most of yall will be gone and I can’t wait to get rid of you fake fans!!
September 28th, 2022 at 10:27 pm
Osqueelsforjameis — keep flapping that ignorant piehole. You’re the one who will be the village idiot when all the village idiots in the world move to one village.
September 28th, 2022 at 10:49 pm
Goatfarmer. Lol 🤣🤣🤣 I guess you have bought in to the narrative as well lol 😂😂. Again I thought Brady made every one good remember lol 😂😂😂 .
September 29th, 2022 at 2:40 am
@George Nailed it
The real issue is the O-Line.
The pocket is collapsing all around Tom on every passing play.
We need major help on the O-Line.
Has Marpet been putting weight back on?
Can we sign a legit LT/RT to backup our stud tackles?
Can we add a starting guard to replace Goedeke?
September 29th, 2022 at 7:16 am
Oneilsuckyall, when Brady leaves, you and the crickets will be all you hear at RJ Stadium cause the fun if winning will be gone. At that point the whole city of Tampa will be able to hear your chant ” Bring back Jamais, I hate the White man, bring back Jamais, I hate the White man, say with me I HATE THE WHITE MAN”!!!