Peter King Believes Tom Brady Will Pay (Physically) For Bucs’ Beat Up Offensive Line
August 29th, 2022
Tom Brady is going to get beaten up and he might just get hurt. And who knows what will happen to the Bucs then?
That’s the way the early weeks of the season will play out for the Bucs in the mind of green-lawns-frowning, soggy-socks-wearing, Daylight-Savings-Time-scared, crossword-puzzle-puzzled, Elon-Musk-peeved, Barstool-Sports-triggered, almond-milk-sipping, hot-dog-eating-contest-protesting, mock-draft-scowling, L.L.-Bean-wearing, tennis fans’ advocate, Second Amendment abolitionist, Mike-Florio-arguing, parrot-insensitive, chewing-with-his-mouth-open, soup-gulping, California-train-romancing, anti-football proliferation, outhouse-admiring, airline-napping, steerage-flying, Yogi Berra-worshiping, urinal-picture-taking, video-game-playing, Taylor-Swift-listening, pickpocket-thwarting, Bucs-uniform-frowning, Allie LaForce-smitten, Big-Ten-Network-hating, pedestrian-bumping, olive oil-lapping, popcorn-munching, coffee-slurping, fried-chicken-eating, oatmeal-loving, circle-jerking, craft-beer-chugging, cricket-watching, scone-loathing, college football-naïve, baseball-box-score-reading, NPR-honk, filthy-hotel-staying, fight-instigating, barista-training, Budweiser-tolerant, baseball-scorecard-keeping, pasta-feasting, vomit-dodging scrooge, Kay-Adams-following, Coors-Light-souring, pineapple-upside-down-cake-eating social activist and NFL insider of NBC Sports fame, Peter King.
King seems to be of the mind that barring Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht going out and buying a Pro Bowl center and possibly a Pro Bowl left guard, the Bucs’ offensive line will result in Brady getting banged up perhaps missing games as a result.
Simply put, King doesn’t have much faith in Robert Hainsey, Nick Leverett or Luke Goedeke. King typed there are five areas in the NFL that scares the hell out of him for the 2022 season. The fifth is the interior of the Bucs’ offensive line.
Not to say those things can’t be overcome, but, for instance, the constant battering the Bucs’ line has taken since the retirement of Ali Marpet is going to be felt at some point early this season by a 45-year-old quarterback.
Joe understands Licht, and the coaching staff and the players, like Hainsey. They all support him and want him to succeed. All noble and understandable feelings.
But if Hainsey can’t stay healthy, can the Bucs really trust Brady to stay upright behind an already banged-up third-string center in Nick Leverett? It’s possible but is that a risk worth taking in a season that is a Super Bowl-or-bust campaign?
And is it fair to start wondering if Hainsey can stay healthy, even though he’s only had a small sample size of work? Already Hainsey was carted off the practice field (with cramps) that scared the hell out of Licht — as he admitted on SiriusXM NFL Radio, before the preseason ended, Hainsey had to leave that game with a bum ankle.
Joe understands and appreciates loyalty. And Licht has massive street cred in Joe’s eyes.
But just to play it safe, shouldn’t Licht at least find a seasoned center that has demonstrated he can handle coming off the bench for a game or two in a pinch? You know, just in case Hainsey proves to be bitten by an injury bug?
Remember, the Bucs turned to just such a guy in the 2020 Super Bowl season when the Bucs signed A.Q. Shipley in late August 2020.
When Ali Marpet went down with a concussion, the Bucs moved Ryan Jensen to left guard and Shipley came off the bench to play two games at center and in one of those two starts he helped shut down Aaron Donald.
August 29th, 2022 at 4:06 am
Smith is as good as last year
Wirfs is better than he was last
Mason is an upgrade over Cappa
Hainsey, regardless of what people think, is an upgrade over Jensen
So there’s LG. Hard to upgrade and ver Marpet. However, Goedeke will do fine.
We have a really solid line. All this panicking is absurd. Chill folks.
August 29th, 2022 at 4:43 am
One more day until all teams have to cut down to the mandatory 53-men. Assuming that 9 OLinemen make our roster tomorrow, those would probably be Jensen, D Smith, Goedeke, Hainsey, Mason, Wirfs, & Leverett PLUS TWO from our remaining OLinemen of Hutcherson (G), Molchon (G), Johnson (OL), Cook (T), Walton (T) and Wells (T). Once we put Jensen on IR after the cut-down, we’ll need still another to fill his vacant position until he returns.
That means from that latter group we’d need to keep THREE Olinemen. All are decent prospects for our Practice Squad IMO, but I don’t have much confidence at this point that they could fill in for an injured starter for multiple games without getting TB12 hurt.
August 29th, 2022 at 5:06 am
With Brady behind an unknown commodity (Bucs O line), there is always going to be unsettledness, until proven otherwise.
Hopefully J Licht is proven right again about his O line drafting during his time as a GM.
As I have said many times here on JBF-
Brady Clean Jersey and the Bucs are legit contenders.
Brady dirty Jersey means losing.
August 29th, 2022 at 6:03 am
This is the exact same mantra from 2020 when Brady first arrived.
It’s not an ideal situation, no. But try this little trivia game on for size:
In Brady’s ~20 years with the Patriots, he had TWO pro bowl linemen. We know one of them because he played here. Who’s the other?
The point is that Brady has not always played behind the best lines. Some thought after five years of the other guy that Brady would get killed. Good QB play can mitigate OL weaknesses, as we witnessed in our SB run.
Smith was best known as “being available”, Jensen was a flag magnet, Cappa was a HUGE question mark, Wirfs a rookie, and Marpet was our best OL. They gelled playing for Brady.
August 29th, 2022 at 6:20 am
Well then Tom should change his number to 2 and all the offensive line woes will be solved.
August 29th, 2022 at 6:33 am
No worries, just game plan. All Brady has to do is use roll outs, short drop backs n quick throws. It worked successfully for Marino at a youthful 26 yrs old n he was less mobile than his 45 yr old sr Brady. In 1985, Marino gave the sackmasters bears their only loss of the season using that strategy. Brady’s got this.
August 29th, 2022 at 6:44 am
Bucboy lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you ain’t lieing bro …
August 29th, 2022 at 6:50 am
76 bucs. Defense wins championships bro and that’s a proven fact. I know yall been indoctrinated to believe a quarterback is who determine if you win a championship or not but that’s a narrative that’s been push by the media. I can name a few of them.
August 29th, 2022 at 6:53 am
You do not gamble with Brady’s health. Loyalty to your players should only go so far.
August 29th, 2022 at 6:53 am
Blow hard. Should have quit a long time ago. He’s not clever. He thinks he is.
August 29th, 2022 at 6:57 am
Yeah.. just go out and get a pro bowl guard, and a pro bowl center, simple as that. It’s so easy to do two weeks before the season starts, why hasn’t Jason licht gone out, and done it already?
August 29th, 2022 at 7:06 am
Aq is a different kind of animal. Wish he were still on the twa m
August 29th, 2022 at 7:09 am
Hainsey is too soft
hurts to easily,and goes out of games with minor injuries.
Jensen would tape up and go back in, (or at least argue with the coaches)
we need a veteran to at least put some pressure on him.
Jensen must be coming back sooner than we think, or I think we would have already got someone
August 29th, 2022 at 7:14 am
Oneilbucyall the hater. 31 points in the SB is pretty darn good. The problem is they averaged above that all season so when the D finally stepped up in the last 2 playoff games and SB which made them shine. Brady has won with less especially in the WR department. You are the poster boy for reverse discrimination it’s pathetic and sad. Go back to your basement and feel sorry for yourself, you’re NOT a true Bucs fan!
August 29th, 2022 at 7:26 am
If Licht doesn’t sign any left guard/center this season is on him.
August 29th, 2022 at 7:27 am
Listnfrmafar no one ever knew you on here until Brady came we all know your a Patriot fan. And remember Brady threw 3 interseptions in the NFC championship game and defense stepped up . And by the way name one 10 ranked defense Brady played with in New England I’ll wait ??
August 29th, 2022 at 7:40 am
I wish there was a mute button on this board. I would definitely mute the word Trask. It’s getting ridiculous the delusion some fans have of that QB from Florida. You can never engage in any honest convo because they refuse to acknowledge and of his weakness and get angry if you have any bit of criticism of him. i’m not anti the qB from Florida, but im sick of the discourse around him. The season has started, and at least he will dress this season.
August 29th, 2022 at 7:46 am
Oneilbucyall, true I have followed the Bucs since Brady arrived but became a fan of many of the players and the team. Why don’t you name how many times the Patriots offence and Bucs offense wasn’t in top 10 or top 5 since Brady arrived on the scene. I’ll give you one, maybe 2001 SB. A FAN pulls for ALL the players they don’t live in the past claiming the coaching staff after FIVE seasons couldn’t develope a 1st round QB. I’d say that’s on the QB. If you can’t get on board with the undeniable hardest working winning QB that ever played, YOU’RE the loser! Are you blind that you cannot see what he has done with this team since 2020?
August 29th, 2022 at 7:49 am
I think they are going to go with the no huddle more often. You notice they started out the last preseason game with it. That should help slow down the rush a little bit.
August 29th, 2022 at 7:54 am
I trust Licht…especially with the Oline………he’ll take care of business.
August 29th, 2022 at 7:55 am
Brady was just voted Number 1 player in the NFL by his Peers . He is ready willing and able to lead The Bucs to The Super Bowl.
It is sheer incompetence from management that the team has not picked up two competent offensive linemen. Now there are other teams in the market for the same players
August 29th, 2022 at 8:04 am
“George Says: It is sheer incompetence from management that the team has not picked up two competent offensive linemen.”
George, what are you talking about? When number 2 played this preseason we had an all-Hall-of-Fame offensive line!
August 29th, 2022 at 8:08 am
George, WELL SAID! I am sorry Oneilsuckyall, I didn’t address your 3 ints in GB game. One led to points and the D didn’t throw the perfect pass to Evan’s for a TD or Brate right out of the gate and the PERFECT strike to Scotty before the half. Did I mention 3 DIFFERENT receivers? Did I mention over 30 points AGAIN??? Hater!!!
August 29th, 2022 at 8:18 am
This is Bradys team life after Brady well lets just say we have seen glimpses this preseason and its not very promising.
August 29th, 2022 at 8:24 am
Alex Weatherwood can be had. No he’s def not special but he is young n our coaching has proven it can develop players. Jason should be in the phone
August 29th, 2022 at 8:27 am
Peter King is stating the obvious. Now the fan base is supposed to find some degree of assurance that a dumpster dive for a cast-off C and LG is going to save the season.
August 29th, 2022 at 8:29 am
the entire season rides on protecting brady…he needs a wall in front of him…
then again peter king doesn’t usually have much positivity towards the bucs over the years…
he’s no chris berman
August 29th, 2022 at 8:30 am
The hell you talking about George. Jason drafts o- line every draft turned small school guys into studs. Pro bowl lineman don’t fall off trees. Marpet retirement really hurt other than Jensen that stud o line last few years have all been lichht draft picks. He will make a move before season starts.
August 29th, 2022 at 8:32 am
If Licht cannot have Brady make a call to Tretter and stroke his bruised ego a bit and tell him it would be nice to finish your career with a SB ring , then Licht aint all that.
August 29th, 2022 at 8:32 am
can we all just be pissed at ali marpet for at least 2 minutes 🙂
August 29th, 2022 at 8:35 am
don’t worry people, dudes are gonna shake loose tomorrow, like apples from a tree…
and boss licht will pounce on one…maybe two
August 29th, 2022 at 8:45 am
There sure is a lot of chicken litteling going on
August 29th, 2022 at 8:55 am
No, he’ll just throw the ball away quickly
August 29th, 2022 at 8:59 am
Yesterday i think joe was saying to lower your standards for offensive line.
i hate to argue with them, as i am not the expert.
my vote is to pay the ransom, bring in some help. time is not our friend here. we made the right moves, no one did anything bad. the breaks did not go our way here, general neyland says double down when that happens.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:09 am
Can we wait for all roster cuts and the following moves to panic and jason light has a eye for lineman.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:09 am
Just watched Bowles latest presser. When asked about Jensen’s injury Bowles said we don’t know what it is yet? Come on man. They have to know what’s wrong with his knee by now, don’t understand why they’re not saying what it is. First it was to swollen for an MRI. That was three weeks ago, hard to believe it’s still to swollen for tests. If it was that swollen, he wouldn’t have been at practice weeks ago standing on it without crutches. Stinnie blew out his knee, ten seconds later they knew it was an MCL, ACL without any MRI’s, yet they can’t tell if that’s what’s wrong with Jensen? Hopefully we’ll get some answers when they have to get to 53, and have to issue an injury report before regular season games. Something funny is going on with this injury. By now they should at least have a diagnosis.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:26 am
Maniac Buc Says:
“We have a really solid line. All this panicking is absurd. Chill folks.”
While I disagree with your continued thoughts on Ryan Jensen, I do AGREE with your overall rundown of the OL. I believe we will be just fine.
I do think that Jason may find a vet or 2 to help out or provide depth after main cutdowns.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:26 am
Two things King fails to mention…
#1 – Brady has the quickest release in football at @ 2 seconds average.
#2 – Our running game will probably be better than last year.
This line will have some growing pains no doubt but I believe we will be fine. I hope Goedeke can step up and replace Marpet. That is my biggest concern at the moment.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:29 am
PassingThru Says:
“Now the fan base is supposed to find some degree of assurance that a dumpster dive for a cast-off C and LG is going to save the season.:
I don’t think so, at all. If we pick up a couple of vets after cutdown day, it will definitely improve depth & stability, but our starting OL is just fine.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:30 am
adam from ny Says:
“can we all just be pissed at ali marpet for at least 2 minutes 🙂”
I tried LOL, but he is just too nice a kid.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:32 am
Pull a Longest Yard when one of these guys comes free. I’d love to see Brady drill Cam Jordan in the huevos.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:36 am
^^^ LMAO, post of the day, Oddball.
Love it.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:53 am
Oneilbuc Says:
August 29th, 2022 at 6:50 am
76 bucs. Defense wins championships bro and that’s a proven fact.
I guess Oneilbuc you do not remember the 1979 Bucs number 1 defense and got beat by the Rams 9-0 in the NFC Championship game. And these are facts, not just a saying.
Sorry you have to score points to win.
Yes, I am indoctrinated to the fact you have to score points, not just defense
Maybe we go back to Championship game in 1999 against the Rams, the Bucs had the great defense and they lost 11-6 because the offense was allergic to scoring points
So tell me Oneilbuc, are they going to win with Gabbert or Trask. No, they will not go anywhere this year with either one of them.
No since in denying the facts bro. Brady is the QB, and the main key to scoring points. The QB touches the ball every play bro. No sense in denying the facts.
August 29th, 2022 at 10:01 am
Even if Brady gets dinged up, his past shows he can play with and through injury. First, your honor, Brady recently played an entire season with a bad MCL, and nobody knew he was injured. That’s amazing, your honor. Secondly, Brady played a playoff game with a thumb laceration on his throwing hand requiring stitches. The only time this litigator can remember an injury taking out Brady was when he shredded an ACL about 20 years ago. In summary, Brady is a tough competitor and can play through pain, and play well. As long as A Donald doesn’t bash Brady in the head with his own helmet, Brady will be fine. LOL.
August 29th, 2022 at 10:19 am
Hey Hodad,
I think they were waiting for full disclosure on the Jenson injury because if a player is placed on IR before the 53-man roster deadline passes, they are automatically out for the season; if a player is placed on it after the deadline, they can be activated as soon as three weeks after placement. So, there will be lots of roster shuffling even after cut day passes. I am guessing Jenson will be put on IR this week but based on the delay in doing so they expect him back sometime this season.
August 29th, 2022 at 10:23 am
Injuries can happen, even behind the best O Line.
Brady’s awareness of what is going on around him is better than most. He knows how to avoid a lot of opportunities to get injured.
It will be the offense that will suffer, because balls will be thrown away. Some quick short passes won’t advance the chains and some deep throws will not get attempted.
I am more worried about that, than the possibility of Brady getting hurt.
That does not mean we will not win games, make plays, etc. It just means we may not reach 100% of our capabilities. But you usually only reach that on paper anyway. Once the whistle blows it is organized chaos. Wasn’t it Tyson who said, everybody has a plan until you get punched in the mouth (or face)? Basically, we have already taken a bunch of punches to the face on the o-line. This organization will find a way to get back up and fight (either with some new guys or guys already on the team).
August 29th, 2022 at 10:23 am
In the ’79 NFC championship Doug Williams left the game early in the 3rd quarter with a torn bicep which for all intents and purposes ended that contest. In the ’99 game Bert Emmanuelle made a great catch over the middle on 4th down which would have given Bucs excellent field position and a good chance to win. The Emmanuelle no catch call prompted a rule change by the NFL the following season, because they knew the Bucs got hosed. Head Ref Jerry Markbreit told Tom Korun (local sportscaster) in the elevatot after the game that he enjoyed ending the Bucs season.
August 29th, 2022 at 10:32 am
LOL, yes, Brady can play through almost anything! He even played with a deflated football, w/o complaint.
But seriously, Brady makes any offensive line better with his fast release, and fast reads.
August 29th, 2022 at 10:40 am
I’d like to see some quality depth added to the online. Yeah, Brady is gonna take some hard shots but he’s a tough guy and he’s smart. You think he hasn’t already mentally adjusted to the reality of what the inexperienced online means for him?
My initial thoughts when Jensen went down were that we absolutely needed to give Tom more experience at center and LG in an all in year; if we lose Tom, we lose a shot at the super bowl. While that still holds true, imo,
I think Hainsey will plug the hole at C just fine and JL’s protege, Goedeke, has embraced the struggle and the challenge to become worthy of being an olineman for the Buccaneers. It’s a matter of pride, dammit. And seeing him get his ass handed to him and then get back up for another dose is how you toughen up. His talk and actions and determination tell me nothing and no one will stand in his way to being the top notch LG that we need. It’ll take some time. He knows it. We know it and most importantly Tom knows it. We absolutely could use some quality depth though.
August 29th, 2022 at 11:06 am
I guess Peter King is a clairvoyant. No one knows how well (or poorly) this line will do. 3/5’s of the line is pro bowl caliber. If the 2 ends play up to par the pocket won’t collapse. The interior will probably get some help schematically so I’m pretty confident with Brady’s quick release our excellent cast of receivers getting separation and good blocking from our backs the line will be fine.
August 29th, 2022 at 11:38 am
Well you’re not going to let Brady get beatup early, with all those WRs you change up the offense and you get the ball out fast while your young guys get up to speed. Again, Licht has an eye for lineman, and if he thinks the Bucs are good, then I think the Bucs are good. We’ll see what happens in the next few days, if they add anyone or not.
But Brady isn’t going to get beatup, it’s not like the Bucs don’t have the weapons to do something different if needed.
August 29th, 2022 at 11:43 am
I agree with King.
August 29th, 2022 at 11:44 am
Bucsfan76, I remember all to well Doug getting hurt in the 79 NFC Championship game and Mike Rae coming in. It was over then, all the more no offense with Mike Rae. And then the Rams again in 1999. These were great defenses the Bucs had,without offense, sorry no Lombardi for the Bucs. I mean the Bucs scored 6 points total in the 2 games. That is shows everyone that defense does not always win championships, that you have to score points also to win.
GO BUCS!!!!!
August 29th, 2022 at 11:50 am
^^^ It is somewhat crazy to think that we have lost to the Rams in 3 different NFC Championship games.
August 29th, 2022 at 11:52 am
I’m worrried, but there is still plenty of time to shore things up. We have plenty of picks that we can trade and no one is better than Licht right now. Maybe he can rip off that cheating little hobbit from boston again?
August 29th, 2022 at 12:01 pm
A change in the game plan will save Brady taking big hits.
More shotgun with short passes
Less 7 step drops, less deep shots
Improve running game
Get young tight ends involved in the passing game.
Less 4 wr sets
You have an improved punter, take advantage of field position
We all love to see Mike Evans getting behind DB’s but if Brady has to hold on to it vs the Rams or Saints, its more important to get first downs than 30 yards downfield.
August 29th, 2022 at 12:08 pm
TB Demon it was 2 times 1999 and 1979. Last year was in the divisional round the Rams won, but still sucks losing none the less
August 29th, 2022 at 1:11 pm
Oneil got shut down!
August 29th, 2022 at 1:19 pm
August 1976…all of what you said led to Gruden coming in and adding the right weapons on O to push the team over the top… winning their first Super Bowl.
August 29th, 2022 at 1:21 pm
August 1976,
Jeez I completely forgot that it was NOT in the NFC Title game. In only felt like it. Thank you for the reminder!!
And I definitely do also remember the 1979 & 1999 games. For the 1999 one, I was now living in Tampa Bay and a Bucs fan. — For the 1979 one, I was actually living in Illinois, but for some reason always liked the BUCS even from afar. I rooted my butt off for them in that game, having no idea that I would one day very proudly be living in the TB community.
August 29th, 2022 at 1:32 pm
Spot on 87.
John brought in Starters: RB Mike Pittman, TE Ken Dilger, WR Keenen McCardell, and also Others on offense like Joe “Eagle back breaker” Jurevicius, and 2 more TEs. John built an offense to go with Tonys Defense. People say Gruden won with Tonys team. No, Gruden won with his offense and Tonys defense. Tony could have done the same but he just would not and got fired, because Defense alone does not win Championships in the modern era of Football. And BTW, Oneilbuc Warren Sapp has even stated this.
August 29th, 2022 at 3:55 pm
Oneilsuckyall, where you at HATER???
August 29th, 2022 at 6:10 pm
All I can say is “ Peter who”? GOBUCS!
August 29th, 2022 at 8:30 pm
Am I wrong? Or do I remember back in the day a veteran left tackle would sometimes transition to guard to extend thier careers. The move would extend their career for a couple more years. It’s an option. Just saying.
August 29th, 2022 at 9:00 pm
The national sports mediots spend all day stating and debating the obvious, loudly and repeatedly.
If they don’t make some moves, Brady will indeed get beat up, and he had better get ready for that. The offense will stall, he will have to throw the ball away quick.
The OL is not fine. Hainsey/Leverett/Goedeke/Stinnie have underperformed. Yes, underperformed. Dolphins, Titans, Colts worked them. You might be lax and allow some of that if you’re a young rebuilding team with low expectations, and your season is about developing guys. But this is not the Seahawks. There is no margin with old man Tom in the pocket—not if you have any aspirations to even make the p-p-playoffs. Of course, if you don’t, then everything is as wonderful as Bowles says it is.