Joe Tryon-Shoyinka Starting To Flash

August 6th, 2022


If you are like Joe and you have been crying on the inside for the Bucs to draft an outside pass rusher who can get double-digit sacks, this is for you.

Well, if you are like Joe, then today would have put a smile on your face because outside linebacker Joe Tryon-Shoyinka flashed.

There is no hitting the quarterback in practice. Had there been, JTS would have had two sacks. One coming from the outside and one from inside.

Joe had his binoculars on Tom Brady during 11-on-11 drills. Brady was maybe about 40 yards to Joe’s right. Brady gets the snap, looks, and here comes JTS in a straight line from the right side. In fact, it almost looked like JTS was going to swallow Joe up. He had a free shot on Brady (if contact was allowed).

JTS, of course, stopped just short of touching Brady. His rush forced Brady to throw the ball away.

“That’s a win!” JTS told Joe with a smile after practice. But JTS corrected Joe about the play. It was not an inside stunt.

“I just beat my man,” JTS said. “It’s frustrating that you can’t get sacks but knowing you were able to beat your man, it’s pretty satisfying.”

JTS’s first sack came early in 11-on-11s when he barrelled in from the left side and would have crunched Blaine Gabbert.

This warmed Joe’s heart. The Bucs defense has been flying all over the place this summer. Linebackers and defensive backs are always diving for the ball. The goal of the team, so Jamel Dean told Joe, is 30 picks.

Tipped passes, diving breakups, picks. The defense is flying. Today, it seemed the defensive front stepped up. Linemen were stingy. Pass rushers were getting home. It was cool to see.

But JTS told Joe the ultimate goal of the defense hasn’t changed.

“You’ve gotta stop the run first.”

14 Responses to “Joe Tryon-Shoyinka Starting To Flash”

  1. D-Rok Says:

    Awesome. I have a sneaky suspicion the D will be better than last year. Hopefully, much better. LFG!!

  2. NeverGIVEup Says:

    Hope he learned from D Watson and doesn’t flash too much.

  3. SteelStudBuc Says:

    I always love a happy ending

  4. Beeej Says:

    “from the right side”… Gotta assume Wirfs wasn’t on duty

  5. Hail2dabucs Says:

    He’s starting to get the massage…oops I mean messege

  6. Red86 Says:

    Unleash the kraken! Glad to read this news.

  7. BucsfanFred Says:

    I’m HUNGRY!!!

  8. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    Defense always looks good this time of year. The veteran offensive players are rusty. The new offensive additions are on a steep learning curve. I’m sure JTS has feels good. He’s had NFL caliber trainers and nutritionists. He’s probably learned some new moves he’s excited to try out. Looking forward to seeing him be more than a part time situational rusher.

  9. Crunchbuc Says:

    Training camp champ. Just like Darden. 🙄

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    The problem with TC (playing against yourself) is you never really know which side excels……JTS beat his blocker…..therefore his blocker failed…..
    Nonetheless, I think JTS has the right stuff……

  11. steele Says:

    And who did JTS beat? Wirfs or someone else.

    Until he does it on a consistent basis, like a true terror, he remains a work in progress. And the roster still needs another pass rusher. Who probably won’t happen, given this org’s LT commitment to previous “investments”.

  12. ModHairKen Says:

    New binoculars working good, eh?

  13. Goatfarmer Says:

    Brady sounds off.

    JTS needs to keep from the headless chicken act. Good news.

  14. Wild Bill Says:

    I wanna see it in a real game . Or better yet every game all season long. Give us d ouble digit sacks JTS and you will be Bucs defensive player of the year.