No Surprise, But Still Stunning
June 21st, 2022
Tom Brady
Joe doesn’t think this will really surprise any Bucs fans. But if you look at the circumstances, it is mind-blowing.
The peak of list season is about 10 days away. Mandatory minicamps are finished and when July hits, list season gets crazy. So here is a list Joe is confident most Bucs fans believe in.
Over at CBS Sports, Cody Benjamin decided to rank all NFC quarterbacks. And no, Benjamin did not take the easy route and select Aaron Rodgers No. 1. That choker needs to get back to another Super Bowl to take that crown.
Nor did Benjamin try to be hip and select Matt Stafford, the flavor of the year.
Instead, Benjamin chose ol’ reliable, old man Tom Brady.
It’s cliche, at this point, to discuss the winning aura that emanates from Brady, but as long as he’s in the NFL, few players — let alone QBs — merit more trust. Entering his age-45 season after a short-lived “retirement,” TB12 is coming off one of the best years of his career, which is saying something considering he’s got 22 seasons and seven Super Bowl wins under his belt. One of these days, his arm will surely regress, but it’s looked stronger than ever during his two MVP-level campaigns in Tampa. And no one outprepares Brady. The transition from Bruce Arians to Todd Bowles at head coach could come with hiccups, but it could also free Brady up to direct his own offense, which remains stacked with weapons. Another title run simply cannot be ruled out.
Wild to Joe is Brady widely considered among the top three quarterbacks in the NFL. At 45!
When is the last time a 40 year old athlete was a top-three player in his sport? And Brady will be 45 the next time he throws a pass in a game. This is unheard of.
Joe has no idea if Brady will play for the Bucs next year or not. But Joe will savor every moment he remains.
June 21st, 2022 at 12:23 am
The first real pass he throws this season, he will actually be closer to 50 than 40. Pretty incredible. And inspiring. Hope he has a great year.
June 21st, 2022 at 1:17 am
Todd knows to stay out of his way and let he and Byron do their thing.
What Todd hopefully does is either simplify his defense so dudes actually are all on the same page, or send them to University to get PhDs to comprehend his Uber complex schemes. Bucs have long corners with decent to great speed. What’s wrong with playing more press-man with safety help?
Naa let’s just blitz the hell out of Matthew Stafford, best in the business against the blitz. In crunch time. In the playoffs. When your dudes are gassed. And Cooper Kupp is uncovered.
June 21st, 2022 at 1:27 am
There is nobody more valuable than Brady. He coaches the receivers, the backs, the lineman, and even helps the defense. They can keep giving the MVP to Rodgers, Mahomes, and anybody else you writers want to give it to. Nobody does what Brady does for his team. It’s not even close who means the most to his team. Rodgers loses Adams and green bay drops 5 spots in power rating. Mahomes loses Hill and drops 2 spots. Brady retires and Tampa Bay drops out of site. He comes back and they are one of the two top teams . And this is without knowing what Gronk and Godwin are going to do, and two new linemen. The real MVP.
June 21st, 2022 at 2:05 am
We are lucky to have this dude and I’m savoring every moment too.
June 21st, 2022 at 5:18 am
@SPARKY. Great points. Does your name refer to your occupation? If it does did you happen to work on the conversion of the old Tampa Stadium when we got the Bucs? Are you 915 by any chance?
June 21st, 2022 at 6:30 am
I continually hear the Montana/Brady debate but no one ever mentions throughout Montanas career he threw to Rice, the most clutch WR to play the game. Brady had one year with Moss and put up epic numbers and two years with Evan’s, Godwin, Gronk and the late great AB and won a SB, and with the walking wounded NFC South and nearly went back to the NFC title game. San Frans SB teams were stacked. The media is just bored with his greatness. Roger’s??? Please!
June 21st, 2022 at 6:40 am
TB12 has been the starting QB for 6 more Super Bowls than Joe Cool has. And Brady has won 3 more SB. I was a big Montana, but hey it’s not even close. Even Montana gives the nod to TB12
Totally agree List, Rodger’s Please??? How Brady did not get the MVP last year was simply highway robbery.
Thankful the GOAT decided to play in Tampa, and I do not care if the Bucs were the #1 or 2nd or 3rd choice, big flipping deal. There is a 2nd Lombardi at 1 Buccaneer palace thanks TB12 playing in Tampa, and that is the bottom line.
And maybe a 3rd Lombardi for the Bucs, and #8 for Tom this season. Who knows, but it sure is fun with Brady slinging the rock for the Bucs.
June 21st, 2022 at 7:00 am
Bucs under brady have lost only 10 games the last 2 seasons including playoffs
7 of those are to 2 teams – rams and saints
Time to exorcise those demons this year and win a third super bowl. With a loaded roster and brady at helm my biggest worry is injuries
June 21st, 2022 at 7:09 am
Montana won his 1st 2 SB’s while Rice was still in college- look it up
June 21st, 2022 at 7:21 am
This may sound odd…but TBBF savors every moment as a Buc fan no matter who the QB is.
Sure….this is a special time with Brady…..but it’s a wonderful thing to be a fan.
I can’d tell you how many times my wife has said “Why don’t you find another team?”
I said because I’m a fan…..that’s also why I’ve stuck with you for 41 years.
June 21st, 2022 at 8:02 am
Where are hearing the Montana -Brady debate?? That was put the bed a few years ago.
June 21st, 2022 at 8:20 am
George Foreman I think, but I am probably forgetting someone.
June 21st, 2022 at 8:28 am
He has exhausted all the superlatives….he is not the greatest athlete to play the position..etc. etc….He and Bill Russell are the greatest team sport leaders/performers… professional sports….ever
June 21st, 2022 at 9:59 am
Yes Sir, 1sparkybuc, I was an electrician for 43 yrs. However, I live and work in South Dakota. Sounds like you worked on some big projects. I got to this site by being a Brady fan nd following him Tampa Bay. Found this site and fell in love with the Joes and you guys. Been fun. Now a full Bucs fan.
June 21st, 2022 at 11:32 pm
@SPARKY. Retired 20 years ago. From Tampa but worked everywhere from Boston to Seattle and 17 states in between. Buc fan from day one. Just wondered if you were a brother I might know. Closest I ever worked to the Dakotas was Hibbing Minnesota in ‘76. Been to all of the states and Hawaii when it was still a territory. Retired to Pennsylvania and Ronde Barber is my hero. They still hate him here.