The Succession From Bruce Arians To Todd Bowles
April 4th, 2022
Former coach Bucco Bruce Arians.
Sometimes, one can learn from a sports TV hollering show.
So Joe watched a clip of one of FS1’s hollering shows, “First Things First,” and panelist Chris Broussard made an interesting point.
Broussard said there are too many mental hurdles for him to clear to believe Bucco Bruce Arians handing the Bucs’ coaching baton off to Todd Bowles is fully on the up and up. Broussard is convinced something else is at work here and he suspects that something else is quarterback Tom Brady.
Broussard asked if Arians was able to throw that much weight around at One Buc Palace to hand-pick his successor. He thought that power was in the hands of Team Glazer.
Well, of course, the owners would have to sign off on a coaching change. They obviously like Bowles and saw first-hand how players respect him and how he turned a trash defense into one of the NFL’s best.
But yeah, Arians did have that kind of pull. Arians won a Super Bowl and damn near had the Bucs back in the game in February. Team Glazer tends to lean on folks who have proven they can back up their words with actions. They gave Chucky the power to run off Rich McKay and then hired Chucky’s hand-picked general manager, Bruce Almighty. Why? Because the Bucs had just won a Super Bowl.
Here is one thing Joe has to get off his chest about the friction/non-friction between Arians and Brady: What exactly was Brady peeved about? It wasn’t like Arians was destroying the offense. The friggin’ offense was the best in the NFL! Just judging results and production it seems Arians knew what the hell he was doing when/if he took the proverbial red pen to the gameplan each week.
If Brady really did run off Arians, three years after he bolted Bill Belicheat because he couldn’t handle Belicheat any longer, maybe the problem here is Brady, not Arians or Belicheat?
Does Bowles need to start watching his back?
You can see and hear Broussard’s full take in the FS1 video below.
“The romantic story that Bruce Arians wanted to turn over a great Bucs team to Todd Bowles sounds nice, but does he have that power? Is Arians really naming his successor? It just doesn’t make sense, I think Tom Brady had a hand in this.” — @Chris_Broussard
— First Things First (@FTFonFS1) March 31, 2022
April 4th, 2022 at 12:02 am
Howard aint sayin nuthin
April 4th, 2022 at 12:08 am
Which means: If Howard isn’t saying “nothing”, then by process of elimination he MUST be saying SOMETHING.
What is Howard saying?
Howard is saying that Brady runs this team and that is how it should be and Howard loudly applauds Team Glazer for allowing it.
In ancient times great generals used to lead armies from the front, not some bunker behind the lines. It was inspirational to the troops. The obvious downside is that the general exposes himself, but the risk is minimized by a troop of elite warriors whose sole duty it is to protect the general.
Alexander the Great literally got in on the sword fighting in battles. He was quite the badarse. He a had a group called the “Companion Cavalry” whose sole duty it was to keep him alive. Read the campaigns of Alexander by Arian the Roman (no relation to Arians the HC)
LOL at the irony
April 4th, 2022 at 12:09 am
‘Does Bowles need to start watching his back?’
Not as long as he sticks to what he has been doing for the past 2 years and leave the offense to Brady’s expertise… Left Tom make them all look like winners!
April 4th, 2022 at 12:13 am
Not to be brutal here, but man!…..all the drinking must have gone over like a lead balloon with Brady.
If you drink a lot it just takes the wind out of your sails. It takes days to recover.
God bless Brady
April 4th, 2022 at 12:19 am
I don’t believe this garbage for one second. In the last few decades I have not heard one player say they did not like Bruce Arians and that they did not like to play for Bruce Arians or felt like he didn’t know what he was doing. They all love the guy and think he is a fantastic coach. On top of that, I’ve never known Arians not to be straightforward and honest when addressing the media. He’s addressed this and told us why. I believe him.
Then there is the Brady factor. Brady will use influence to help the team… Picking up the phone to call a player like Gage to recruit him. We have never, not here or in New England, heard that he’s a manipulative, conniving diva who wants to get his way. This would mean CD, Godwin, Jensen etc. were all re-signed here under the guise of BA being coach and Brady being quarterback while Brady knew all along he was manipulating everything to get BA fired.
BS. That’s not Brady. It’s not how he operates.
This is just how the media is now. It doesn’t matter if it’s local or national sports reporters, sports talk show hosts and guests, or main stream media like NBC news and CNN… There are a lot of so-called journalists who just throw things out there to get clicks. There’s a reason the term “fake news” was created. Trash that term all you want because of where it came from but it’s based in a lot of truth
April 4th, 2022 at 12:25 am
I’d prefer if we stop feeding the beast. Stop with the conspiracy theories.
April 4th, 2022 at 12:25 am
The truth can be a little unsavory sometimes. But don’t worry. Team Glazer and Brady understand this and they’ll paint a rosey picture and tell a nice feel-good story that the masses can stomach. It will be said that Arians ceded control of his own will because it was time and he’ll go in the ring or honor and everyone will feel good. But the truth is a much more wild animal. Not all humans can stomach it. Many are terrified by it.
Howard think Jack Nicholson said it best in A Few Good Men
April 4th, 2022 at 12:28 am
CNN and NBC are fake but Fux isn’t mentioned? That’s hilarious.
April 4th, 2022 at 12:47 am
@ David, this a Tampa Bay Bucs football website. eat a snickers my dude. lol
April 4th, 2022 at 1:01 am
@sas. Fox isn’t immune for sure. He just threw out the worst culprits first.
April 4th, 2022 at 1:11 am
brady is the head coach on the low…
bowles is his secret assistant of some sort…
BA is refreshment coordinator of the sky box seats…
gronk slaps up anyone who gives coach brady trouble…
ryan griffin carries a cooler at all times with tequila and avocados inside it…
big red is tom’s bodyguard…
mike evans shakes his head like wtf is going in…
godwin says to his wife: “don’t worry babe, they will interview you too when they make the 2022 bucs into an espn 30 for 30”
suh’s like: “dang sh!t is crazy in bucsville, so maybe i should return and fugg around too”
jpp is like: “shiiii you know i’m built for this madness, i want in!!”
April 4th, 2022 at 1:15 am
i agree with coward blowsell’s last post 🙂
April 4th, 2022 at 1:16 am
The draft is coming this month.
Hopefully … Fingers crossed … That’ll change the subject
April 4th, 2022 at 1:18 am
@David, I admire your selective memory; it sure does simplify life. I agree these sensational claims and conspiracy theories are running thin but let’s not create revisionist history.
I clearly recall a diminutive AB squawking poorly about BA. I’d venture to guess if Rojo talked, he would not give a glowing endorsement. And let’s not forget TB’s multiple transgressions in NE (ie. deflategate) to win at any cost. It is naive to think Brady is beyond “manipulation” (see 40 day retirement). TB has every opportunity to take a mic and clear the air, and no not an Instagram press release. You even managed to selectively omit the Fox “news” entertainment program from your passive nongermane political jab.
April 4th, 2022 at 1:20 am
nah man…as the world turns at one buc place is exactly how it shall be for all of 2022…
latch yourself in real good to the coaster boys, because as it’s already proven, it’s gonna be one wild ride with the 2022 bucs…
now if AB jumps back into the fold, it’s gonna be total chaos 🙂
April 4th, 2022 at 1:37 am
Our team is in great shape, Brady is back (hell yes!), Arians is sadly gone, but I have faith in Bowles to keep us on a winning track. F the conspiracy theories, its a great time that be a Bucs fan.
April 4th, 2022 at 2:01 am
What if it was Ariens. Maybe he wanted to coach w/o Brady but Gabby for his last hurrah?
April 4th, 2022 at 5:03 am
Political Marketing 101 … say something loud enough & often enough and it’ll become true, regardless of whether it’s ‘the truth’ or not. Granted that it’s a fabricated truth, but that doesn’t matter if enough people believe it’s true.
The purported friction between Brady & Arians is a good example of a ‘fabricated truth’ Joe. It’s all based on speculation and suspicion (as in Broussard’s own words that he ‘SUSPECTS that something else is quarterback Tom Brady’).
The Bucs are in the process of building a team that can compete for the 2022 Super Bowl championship. FA is still ongoing, and the draft isn’t far away. Bruce Arians is no longer HC, and Todd Bowles has a ton of challenges in front of him. I would think that provides LOTS of good football stuff to share comments & ideas about. IF only the media could get past this imaginary conflict between Arians & Brady. It’s getting embarrassing.
April 4th, 2022 at 6:49 am
Defense Rules, well said.
April 4th, 2022 at 7:01 am
The drinking, the loose style of coaching, the red pen (Brady won despite all this). ” Does Bowled have to watch is back ” . Yes, look at the last defensive play in the Rams game. Both BA and Bowles were ultimately responsible. “Maybe Brady was the Problem” Joe by saying that you must have had one Bromosa too many.
April 4th, 2022 at 7:20 am
Actually, BL could be the one who should watch his back…..without BA there to oversee things….Brady may just completely take over & run the offense…..
I don’t think Todd Bowles is foolish…he’ll leave the offense to BL & Brady…..and that means Brady
April 4th, 2022 at 7:31 am
It’s just drama. Come on joenuou have common sense n you have wrote about it in this here article. Literally have had the best offense with BA n TB. SO WHAT could Brady be mad about. The way the defense lost the rams game ? Pretty sure it’s just all for show sell tickets drama drama sell tickets. Can’t wait for this to be over and we can start focusing on the draft n upcoming training camp.
April 4th, 2022 at 7:33 am
Defense rules
Kudos. No doubt. This is getting old and lets move onto actual football instead of this who done it non-sense.
April 4th, 2022 at 7:39 am
Its so funny to see the same people get soooooooo triggered if a certain cable news agency is or isnt used or lesko b posts. He / she/ they – not sure if using right pronoun or Maybe X is right just shows how crazy and insecure they really are…
What a bunch of little ninnies
April 4th, 2022 at 8:08 am
Sometimes do you also not learn that Broussard has created so many mental hurdles he no longer has any Idea what the facts truely are.
Simply because he has this wonder, if this or that may or may not be what has happend. He does get paid to talk alot about all these things he has created so many mental hurdles of to try and help the NFL fan base create their own many mental hurdles so he stays in the spotlight to get paid. Maybe he is just reporting what he feels, and not what the facts actually are.
Arians assembled a extraordinary coaching staff, with several coordinator who have head coaching opportunities in their future, some have been in that seat already and some are looking to occupy their first at their next opportunity. When Brady came back out of retirement Ariens looked at the team he has built since his arrival in Tampa. Ariens has seen his coaches getting Head Coaching interviews with other teams. He also knows how that process works. So he decided to let his title go and promote from within his own coaching staff to replace himself as head coach. Still being a member of the Buccaneer organization, he gets to be around this team. His team and his coaches as they go to battle in 2022. What is wrong with him doing just that. It is factual not a mental hurdle to make sense of.
Go!!!!! BUCS!!!!!
April 4th, 2022 at 8:51 am
At this point it’s time to start looking forward. When you watch the Bucs or go to the games, it’s the players on the field you pay to see, not who the coaches are.
Too much speculation for me. I have my own ideas but those are just opinions as what happened and there isn’t much reason to keep rehashing the theories.
With upcoming draft, most attention will be the on the field activity moving forward. This should be a good year for the Bucs, especially if they can beef up their defense with more athletic players that can pressure quarterbacks.
With the exception of JTS and Nelson, they have an older Dline. That has to be taken into account in the draft above all other needs. LVD is another aging star whose replacement needs to be drafted. He has another year of two of being able to play at a high level but the injuries are starting to hurt his play, he needs a good backup to keep his snaps down in 2022.
April 4th, 2022 at 9:21 am
Defense Rules
That’s not marketing 101. It’s one of Goebbels tenets of propaganda.
April 4th, 2022 at 4:23 pm
The only thing here to me, is a possible health related scare happened for BA. I believe what BA said about succession and how important it was to him.
But with all the health scares he has had, maybe BA does not want to suddenly fall over, and check out live National TV while walking the sideline in a game as a head coach. Just a thought.
Maybe he is valuing being alive more than coaching. As you get older, your perspective about life changes to say the least, especially for someone BA’s age with all the health related things he has dealt with. He is highly volatile, in the heat of the moment as we all know.
I do not think any of the Brady Stuff has anything to do with BA moving upstairs. To me it is about BA’s health and succession, honestly helping his guys, people that have been loyal to him for many years.
GO BUCS!!!!!
April 4th, 2022 at 4:52 pm
@ adam in NY
Thanks for the prop, but as far as mocking Howard:
Howard always posts under the same screen name. He doesn’t need multiple screen names to play games and back up his own points , or whatever kind of surreptitious gheyness you use multiple screen names for….
Howard must have inflamed your vag painfully at some time in the past since you seem to remember Howard every time he types. Howard apologizes.