Jason Licht Laughs At Reports Of Friction Between Bruce Arians And Tom Brady
March 21st, 2022
Bucs GM Jason Licht
Joe remembers a few years ago a guy who worked between the walls at One Buc Palace told Joe how some articles about the Bucs are so offbase and outrageous, they are passed around to fellow employees via text and fully enjoyed by all for their comedic value.
The way Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht reacted to a question about reported friction between Bucs quarterback Tom Brady and Bucs Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians today, Joe is guessing the powers that be at One Buc Palace howled in laughter earlier this year.
Otherwise very reliable national talking heads Adam Schefter and Peter King (they weren’t the only ones) suggested in the days after Brady retired that a rift between Arians and Brady helped chase Brady away from the Bucs and maybe from football as a whole.
That narrative blew up eight days ago when Brady announced on social media he was returning to Tampa Bay.
Licht said today in a press conference heralding the re-signing of Chris Godwin that those reports barely registered a blink of an eye inside One Buc Palace, in part because the folks in the know knew their bond with Brady was tight.
“You’d probably be surprised, here in the building we didn’t really talk about it much,” Licht said of the reports of alleged friction. “You can’t really believe everything you hear and see and read.
“There is always going to be friction with people on the staff and players and a coach. It’s just normal. It can be healthy, so we really didn’t think much about it.
“[Brady has] loved his time here. And he’s told me that several times. Open communication is a great thing. … We all see eye-to-eye.”
Licht added both he and Arians “absolutely” have an open line of communication with Brady.
As far as talks with Brady leading up to his unretirement, Licht said he and Arians learned about the same time Chris Godwin did. There had been talks, Licht said, between him and Brady and Arians for days. Licht admitted they were in early stages when he and Arians spoke at the combine earlier this month.
“We had several conversations, myself and Bruce, who was a major part of that,” Licht said. “There was a sense it could happen but didn’t have any definites until later on, probably around the same time Chris got his text message. That was a great day.”
As for Brady’s meeting with Team Glazer in England the day before Brady announced his return, Licht was tight-lipped, only to say it had been planned for some time.
Licht also said he and Arians understood they had to give Brady his space and let him sort through things.
“Patience is a tough thing to go through sometimes,” Licht said.
Without offering detail, Licht added he and Arians mapped out for the Bucs in case Brady stayed retired.
“We had a lot of faith in thinking he might change his mind, that he might come out [of retirement] and come back,” Licht said. “But we had to have plans either way.”
March 21st, 2022 at 1:37 pm
BEST GM in the NFL right there.
March 21st, 2022 at 1:38 pm
According to Mike Florio – the only reason Tom Brady is playing for the Bucs is due to BA’s refusal to trade him…
Personally – I think Mike Florio is a bought and paid for talking head who still wants to see Colin Kaepernick as a starting QB in the NFL.
He has a very low NFL IQ and has never played a single down in his life. Just another POS former lawyer who has a solid website and lucked out when NBC bought his soul…
March 21st, 2022 at 1:42 pm
Marine – def agree. Really liked Florio years ago when he was
More of a rogue type blogger, wasn’t overly PC and didn’t have to capitulate to daddy corporate that bought him out. He has been pretty insufferable on a lot of issues these past handful of yrs and seemingly has some sort of weird axe to grind with Arians
March 21st, 2022 at 1:44 pm
So…. BA ….”Bruce Arrogance” or “Brady Approved”?
What a bunch of fools…..all the conspiracy theories….suckers!!!
March 21st, 2022 at 1:57 pm
@ Gofortheface
I enjoyed looking at the comments after his last Colin Kaepernick worshiping article… People were tearing him apart and being upvoted like 1000 – 150…
I think most people are growing extremely tired of the BS.
Look what happened to ESPN.
March 21st, 2022 at 2:26 pm
Florio is a total hack. He’s a carnival barker. Zero credibility.
March 21st, 2022 at 2:31 pm
Florio is entertaining, he and Simms are a great listen but let’s be real he isn’t the only one reporting about a rift between BA and Brady.
Let’s see how Brady’s new deal is structured before saying someone is right or wrong. If Brady can leave free after 2022 there is some truth to him not being happy with the Semi Retired BA who does little and let’s his assistants run the show
March 21st, 2022 at 2:34 pm
I wonder if some of the false news that got leaked, was Tom Brady punishing the guys who leaked his retirement announcement before he wanted it out there. Could he have used the same channel to “leak” or plant wrong info to expose with certainty who the leaker was while at the same time discrediting those two guys who jumped the gun on his retirement news?
March 21st, 2022 at 2:35 pm
Florios last article about Kap was on 3/11/2022-please illuminate what part of the article WORSHIPPED him??????????????????????????????
March 21st, 2022 at 2:59 pm
Whoa there “It’s A Bucs Life”. BA let’s his assistants run their part of the show. Ultimately it’s BA’s say. Not a lot of coaches give their assistants enough credit. Arians just let’s them be men. GOBUCS!
March 21st, 2022 at 2:59 pm
Shady and the bucs made all of you look like fools lol just like we do him
March 21st, 2022 at 3:08 pm
Kap? You right wingers are still butt hurt that people including ALOT of military peronnell backed kap? Get over yourselves. BTW Kap won his collusion suit against the nfl which says florio was right and he should have been in the nfl. Just cause you right wingers claimed you would not watch the nfl anymore (which was a LIE) does not mean squat. Nfl still the was, is and always be the highest viewed show on tv with or “without” you right wingers
March 21st, 2022 at 3:50 pm
Kap is white man pretending to be black lmao
March 21st, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Kap’ doesn’t play for the Buccaneers and if he did I’d root for him and the team 100%. Why the Kap’ talk?
March 21st, 2022 at 3:59 pm
Brady just wanted time to think it over.
The media pushed the issue, literally shoved it.
So Brady and the Bucs office talked it out, scheduled a meet up in the UK, BA & Licht made contingency plans. And in the end TB who is probably really pissed at the media and the playoff loss after that amazing comeback, he decided to come back.
And don’t forget the moment he made the decision and informed the team. He was back to being the team’s official assistant GM in calling players.
NO resigned Jameis – Atlanta needs a QB and so does Carolina.
Where does Baker & Jimmy G go?
And webster, sorry. No NFL team, no matter how desperate will give Kap a 2nd glance. Its over for him.
March 21st, 2022 at 4:11 pm
i enjoy florio and simms. they have a great am drive show on sirius. He gets paid for hot takes, cant fault the guy for trying to earn a buck.
March 21st, 2022 at 4:13 pm
webster this is a sports blog… right or left doesnt matter.. lets watch the bucs chase rings baby!!!
March 21st, 2022 at 4:26 pm
Don’t believe everything you read in Joe’s blog. There had to be some reason he retired so abruptly? It wasn’t Giselle, he told her like the rest of the world he was playing until 45.
March 21st, 2022 at 4:51 pm
@ Buc king
These poor saps can’t comprehend the truth…
It’s all about your class and who your parents are and how wealthy your family is…
Wake up people…
March 21st, 2022 at 4:56 pm
It wasn’t Giselle–that was a smokescreen; so if it wasn’t an attempt to divorce BA–what was it? The Glazers wouldn’t cooperate, which was their right. The children always want to believe Mommy and Daddy really love each other. You think Brady was really confused about whether he wanted to keep playing?
March 21st, 2022 at 5:17 pm
Anyone who has had a viewing of the NFL
Films production of SBLV when the dagger was in
BA grabbed TB by the face mask
And says “what did I tell you Brady??!! I told you
Come here and we’ll win a SB !! I love you Kid!! And
Brady returned the sentiment ..Tommy boy has final say
On field and going for the Octa-Ring this year ..who gonna tell
Him otherwise ..Fake news by people who get paid to chatter real or not….
March 21st, 2022 at 5:34 pm
And some of you guys are like Florio. Trying to save face because you look stupid after your nonsense inside info posts. Admit you had and still have no clue. We know it. You may as well, too.
March 21st, 2022 at 5:45 pm
I think it is perfectly normal to reassess your situation every year when yo hit your 40’s. And he did get the snot beat out of him by the Rams. So clearly his wife was concerned about his safety as were his kids. The Dolphins fansites had Brady going there as a player/owner. That has more credibility to me than the rift with Arians.
March 21st, 2022 at 6:46 pm
I am not sure why this guys keeps wanting to bring politics into create a mess. In the NFL , it’s always about winning. The Browns just gave up the future for a QB with a track record of threatening not to even play a year over money. He gets the biggest contract ever, the Browns gave away years of future picks, etc. All of this for a guy with 22 civil suits from women. They saw a great college quarterback with a proven history as a bad person, and bet their franchise on him. Someone would sign Putin if he could run a 4.3 40. I love the NFL, but I can’t say they have any interest in 2 things: winning and money. Go back to your anger causing news shows and leave politics out of it. Don’t overthink it.
March 21st, 2022 at 7:27 pm
Jason Licht is the TEAM MVP!!
March 21st, 2022 at 9:02 pm
Jarhead Buc, You can say what you want about Florio but that pos sob 😭 is laughing all the way to the bank. Oorah!!! #STABubba
March 21st, 2022 at 9:55 pm
Love Florio and Simms I mean why a big deal about this These guys are paid to talk about the NFL Right or wrong true or fake So what I say keeping talking guys GO BUCS!!
March 22nd, 2022 at 1:35 am
So stupid. He wouldn’t have signed back here.
The Talking Heads and the morons on Joe‘s page who spout this nonsense are just always looking for drama when there is none