Troy Aikman On Tom Brady: It’s Over
February 11th, 2022
Riffs on Tom Brady.
From one Hall of Fame quarterback who communicates directly with a soon-to-be Hall of Fame quarterback, the gig is up for Tom Brady. It’s over.
That’s the word from Troy Aikman. The legendary Cowboys quarterback was a guest on the “Rich Eisen Show” yesterday seen on Peacock. The conversation turned to Brady and his retirement and subsequent buyer’s remorse and potential unretirement.
Few people working in media know Brady like Aikman. Over the years the two have sat down together in production meetings too many to count. And Aikman admitted the two have grown tight in recent years.
As for the notion that Brady is seriously considering returning to football a week after announcing his retirement, Aikman thought that is nonsense.
When Brady responded to a (prepared?) question from ChapStick Jim Gray on his saccharine-laced podcast, “Let’s Go” last Monday, Brady mentioned “never say never” about returning to the game.
To Aikman, that didn’t mean Brady is returning to football in 2022.
“Oh, I think I would have answered it the same way,” Aikman said. “I don’t think anything of it. I doubt Tom is going to come back. But we have seen him miss an entire offseason when he was in New England and then he went on and I think they won the Super Bowl that year.
“So it is not outside the realm that he maybe comes back but I don’t think that is his intentions. … There is always a chance you may do something so why close the door on it when in all likelihood you are probably done? I would be surprised if Tom came back and played.”
Aikman added that Brady’s seemingly cold feet should not have “signaled the alarms” the way it did. Aikman also said he “reached out to him” but Aikman did not say if he did communicate with Brady or not.
So why is Aikman so sure Brady is done? Among other things, Aikman said most people simply do not understand how hard it was for Brady to get his body ready not just for a season, but each week for a game.
“It was hard for me when I was 35,” Aikman said.
Aikman said in recent years he grew closer to Brady because Brady was with the Bucs and Aikman primarily calls NFC games. So he had a lot more opportunities to meet with Brady. Aikman added that selfishly, he wanted to see Brady continue to play because Brady was playing at such a high level.
Joe sure understands that!
You can see Aikman’s full discussion of Brady in the Peacock video below.
.@TroyAikman totally gets why @TomBrady left open a crack to return a week after retiring but does he expect the comeback door to be throw wide open?#NFL #SuperBowl
— Rich Eisen Show (@RichEisenShow) February 10, 2022
February 11th, 2022 at 6:22 am
It’s over, it’s not over….he’s done, he’s not done….he’s coming back, he’s not coming back.
He’ll only come back as a Buc, he’ll come back but it will be with another team.
What an absolute media circus and gold mine for reporters, writers….and Tom.
February 11th, 2022 at 6:29 am
Brady is NOT coming back. Write it down, take a picture, I don’t give a…
To think otherwise is foolhardy. It’s pure drama, period. End of story.
February 11th, 2022 at 6:39 am
Its obvious now that bruce Arrogance chased Brady out of the league.
February 11th, 2022 at 6:51 am
Well said Troy… that is the way I’m starting to feel about the whole circus that now vaguely resembles the old NFL.
February 11th, 2022 at 6:59 am
yeah i’m getting sick of it already…
trade his rights to mcdaniel in vegas without even asking brady, just do it…for carr…and let’s move on…
February 11th, 2022 at 7:00 am
i bet mcdaniel and vegas will do the trade for brady’s rights
February 11th, 2022 at 7:16 am
My friends as a career Brady fan, don’t be surprised if he comes back. Remember what happened after “deflate gate”, “being suspended for 4 games”, not being drafted until the 6th rd at 199th. I could go on and on. What do all these lead to? A SUPERBOWL!!!!! Nothing pisses off Tom more than to be insulted. I saved the best for last. Rogers winning the MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 11th, 2022 at 7:29 am
Blame it on Bucco.
February 11th, 2022 at 7:39 am
What Troy says messes up so many peoples heresy, lololol
Trask or whoever, that where the Bucs are, so onward we go.
February 11th, 2022 at 7:44 am
Not only did Bowles cost this team a legitimate run at the SB, he cost Brady the MVP. Bowles oozes loser. Don’t give me the KC SB shat, that was jacked up defensive players kicking the crap out of a cocky KC team with 2 back up olinemen and 3 td drops. Two off players face masks and 1 off the fingertips of another. Oh and Reids son’s drunken driving issue.
Joe, how about you move on to something else, a lot of fans are getting soured by the constant he said, she said crap.The guy came, he conquered, can’t you just leave it at that instead of posting other media personalities opinions that are filling their podcasts with fluff until the SB?
February 11th, 2022 at 7:53 am
Don’t give me the KC SB shat, that was jacked up defensive players kicking the crap out of a cocky KC team with 2 back up olinemen and 3 td drops. Two off players face masks and 1 off the fingertips of another. Oh and Reids son’s drunken driving issue.
Oh List you mean the beatdown put on the Mahome boys.
There is a Lombardi from that game.
No one had ever held Mahomes to zero TDs before.
Sorry List you cannot just write off actual history because of your angry rant.
So maybe you can go on down to Tampa on Vacation and stop by 1 Buc Place. The Trophy is there, so you can see for yourself. lol
GO BUCS!!!!!
February 11th, 2022 at 7:57 am
Please listnframafar, get some help. I guess the Rams Defense is chopped liver according to you. We lost to a better TEAM. Man, can’t beleive you are that dense.
February 11th, 2022 at 8:14 am
In Tom’s long illustrious career, when has he ever been wishy-washy about anything?! It’s a rhetorical question.
If this were Rodgers or Favre, I’d be a little more apprehensive.
February 11th, 2022 at 8:18 am
I’m sure ben green (and all of his other aliases) have better contacts than Troy Aikman; otherwise ben’s been outed as the fraud he is.
February 11th, 2022 at 8:21 am
I am sure Brady will miss football, but that doesn’t mean I see Brady coming back. He loves this game and he loves playing this game. To understand it, just watch the late, great Kobe Bryant’s “Dear Basketball” short. He was a star athlete and MLB prospect in high school and reportedly offered second-round money during the draft. He turned it down as he wanted to continue playing football.
The only way I see Brady coming back to play is if he can head up a buying group that purchases an NFL team, and even then it would be for one or two seasons max. It would have to be within the next year or two, I don’t think Brady would attempt a comeback if he couldn’t get his mind or body aligned to his standards.
February 11th, 2022 at 8:36 am
The TB12 ship has sailed. Lets move on.
February 11th, 2022 at 8:59 am
August, Mike, not denying Bucs dominated SB, you seem to forget Bucs offense scored 31 points, I guess that doesn’t help or make a team one dimentional. So let’s not blow Bowles horn too loud. Go back and watch the game three dropped TD passes.
February 11th, 2022 at 9:27 am
List you know as well as I do, that every game has plays like that.
The winners make the plays and the losers do not. And the Chiefs did not.
Maybe just go on youtube and see the multitude of videos with people going on and on about how Bowles was an excellent Dc and did an awesome Job.
They went on and on about Bowles learning from the 1st Qtr of the Reg season game against KC, and then the next 7 qtrs against the Chiefs, the Bucs defense gave up 19 total points, 10 points in the next 3 qtrs and 9 points in the Super Bowl. Again, no one had shut down the Mahomes Express before in the NFL, but the Bowles led Defense layed the wood to them in the Super Bowl. So no matter how people go on and on about the Rams game. Todd has proven to be a good DC. And yes the Bucs got beat by a better team in the Rams game several weeks ago. Straight up.
GO BUCS!!!!!!
February 11th, 2022 at 10:42 am
So August, Cincy was the better team than KC when they were losing 27-3? Buffalo wasn’t a better team when they were winning with 13 seconds left? Your theory doesn’t hold water. It’s a 60 min game for Bowles ot was a 59.34 min game.
February 11th, 2022 at 12:58 pm
Looks like the Antonio brown whirlwind finished off a situation full of weakness and volatility.
Nature works like that, college football really changed recently, it’s coming to mlb, I’m sure the nfl off-season will be crazy.
Maybe some better situation can be built elsewhere but I don’t see Brady on a bucs uniform in the future.
February 11th, 2022 at 7:02 pm
Of course it is.
Once Brady says he’s done, he’s done. People make a huge deal out of the fact that he said, after one week of being retired, that he doesn’t know how he’ll feel in 6-months.
Yeah, when you work your entire adult life at one thing, have it taken away from you by a screeching wife, it’s hard to know how you’re going to feel. But short of him getting a divorce, he’s done.
February 12th, 2022 at 1:11 am
I agree with Aikman. Tom loves football, but I bet he was getting tired of it when he left the Patriots for the Bucs. When he came here he realized he still loved the game, he liked the changes the Bucs afforded him, but he still could not escape the fact that he was thinking it was over for him. He was tired of all the hoopla and tired of the constant prep and getting banged up. He felt he had given his all, had fun, enjoyed it all, but it was time for him to go and be more with his family and a “new” kind of life. I know he thought long and hard about it and I don’t believe it was his wife’s decision at all. Since everyone is giving their opinion, here is mine.
February 12th, 2022 at 2:13 am
You all commenting need to get a life!!!! Negative Nancy’s!!!
February 12th, 2022 at 8:06 pm
Unfortunately if Brady does come back it won’t be with the Bucs. Troy Aikman spoke a week after Brady retired. Everybody knows at this point Brady is retired. But as he said, down the road that may change. Aikman added nothing new.
The defense lost the game to the Rams. Brady and the offense came back and tied the game. The defence gave up 30 points. On perhaps the most important play of the game, when the Rams needed alot of yards to score. Of course they call on Kupp , where was the double team ??? Instead you blitz, it was said that statistically the blitz doesn’t work well against Matthew Stafford and at the after game press conference, BA said 2 players who were supposed to blitz didn’t. This was on a super important play in the playoffs, the defence didn’t even execute right. The defence lost the game or at least lost the Bucs the chance to win in OT. End of story.
February 12th, 2022 at 9:08 pm
As Lee Corso likes to say, “Not so fast my friend.” Anyone who has closely followed Tom Brady’s career understands that Tom is often subject to change of mind, and even now, only a mere couple of weeks into “retirement”, Tom doesn’t sound like a man who is altogether satisfied with his decision. And I wouldn’t rely on the words of Troy Aikman as the final authority on Brady’s retirement. Aikman has been trying to Cancel Tom Brady for quite awhile now, and all his blathering has done is make him look foolish. If Aikman is that insistent that Tom is done, then I think there should be big smiles on all Buc’s fans right now based on Aikman’s previous comments about Brady in the past. Quite honestly, I think Brady’s TRUE decision whether to remain retired hinges on what happens with Chris Godwin and Center Ryan Jensen. If the Bucs can manage to resign those two, I think Tom will be back for 2022-23.