Russell Wilson, Richard Sherman And Jason Licht
February 18th, 2022
Richard Sherman
So what do Russell Wilson, Richard Sherman and Jason Licht have in common? Nothing that Joe can tell.
But Joe knows Wilson and Sherman have a Super Bowl ring from the same squad in common. And Joe knows Licht signed Sherman this past season to play for the Bucs when defensive backs started dropping like flies.
The Bucs need a quarterback and as recently as yesterday Wilson was linked to the Bucs — despite last week on Radio Row at the Super Bowl the Seattle quarterback sure seemed very happy to remain in the Pacific Northwest.
In a recent edition of “The Richard Sherman Podcast,” Joe found Sherman’s comments on Wilson very interesting.
Basically, Sherman said if Wilson is asked to be in a throw-first offense with a little bit of running involved, he stifles himself. Put a strong running game behind Wilson and he will light your arses up.
Stan Taylor with the popular Seahawks-centric site transcribed Sherman’s words.
“You have not been anywhere close to a Super Bowl letting Russ cook… you will not be anywhere close to a Super Bowl letting him throw 30-40 times a game, because not only are you stopping the clock, so your defense, your time of possession, your propensity to turn the ball over is going to increase.”
Now Sherman was saying this in relation to Wilson and the Seahawks, not the Bucs.
But we do know that Bucs Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians is Mr. No-Risk-It-No-Biscuit. Arians is the polar opposite of ground and pound. So just reading Sherman’s words, Joe wonders if Wilson would be a fit at all with the Bucs?
Joe also wonders if Licht has already consulted with Sherman to determine if Wilson could play ball in an Arians’ offense?
February 18th, 2022 at 2:32 am
Let’s face it – posters here knew before we signed Brady that he was over the hill. Joe In Michigan assured us of this and he was right. Just look what happened.
Now, the idea of not letting the defense on the field is a good one.
So Sherm is on to something.
February 18th, 2022 at 8:49 am
Don’t you all get it? NO ELITE QB wants to play for Arians. The word is out. You don’t think they are all wondering why Brady retired just one week after the season was over? Lower your expectations, go for a second tier QB or Gabbert, Trask whatever, or roll the dice with a selfish, sex offender Swampbucs, sorry I meant Watson.
February 18th, 2022 at 3:07 pm
Oh listmthrfckr, you are just hilarious. You and Bqueen have all this knowledge that is well documented and well know. I mean look at all the articles written about how many players just hate playing for Arians. I mean obviously it’s a reason why Brady never actually signed with the Bucs back in 2020, and why he actually retired after Super Bowl LV.
Let me know when you get your own network show. Your secret sources are fascinating. Too bad Joe and the NFL don’t have your insight. Is one of your sources from the grassy knoll?
February 18th, 2022 at 3:32 pm
List just loves to try to get under everyone’s skin..He has never once said anything worth reading..He is a BA hater..I am sure he is a Jamie’s and saints lover.. one day Joe will keep this site open to only Bucs fans.
February 18th, 2022 at 6:49 pm
Rich and Swamparse, the RED PEN speaks for itself.
February 19th, 2022 at 2:50 am
Sherman and Wilson represent the violent and deep split in the Seahawks locker room that festered during the Hawks second go at the Super Bowl, that worsened after their dumbfounding Malcolm Butler-stolen goal line loss to the Patriots (the Darrell Bevell short-circuit that has since been rivalled by Todd Bowles’ fine defensive sequence vs. Cooper Kupp).
Sherman will never love the guy.
Wilson has always been favored by Pete Carroll, who never rebuilt that LOB defense or the rest of the team properly around Wilson, who despite being allowed to “be Russ”, couldn’t bring the team back to glory. Wilson staying in Seattle is no surprise, but he still hasn’t been given back the kind of supporting cast that almost won the Hawks two Super Bowls.
No way the Bucs can afford three first round picks and more to land Wilson.
If they did, would he be a fit in Tampa? Yes. As long as Sherman isn’t around.
February 19th, 2022 at 6:16 pm
Well said Swampbuc !! Love the Bandwagon fans that are on here . I remember everything lostdicnfmfer said about the Bucs ALL YEAR ! Love to hate and hate to be wrong 🤣
February 22nd, 2022 at 12:02 pm
So we shouldn’t have signed Brady? So you’d prefer no Super Bowl and no Division Champ in the 2 years Brady was here? You’d prefer how it was before he got here? WOW…