Joe Montana: Tom Brady Is “Crazy” To Retire, “Look At The Team He Has. Why Would You Want To Leave That?”
February 14th, 2022
“Stay with the Bucs, Tom.”
As one could expect, the stars were out in the City of Angels over the weekend with the Super Bowl in Los Angeles.
And one was the greatest quarterback of all time — until Tom Brady showed up.
Brady’s boyhood idol Joe Montana, who chats with Brady once in a while, has said in past interviews he has told Brady he shouldn’t step away from the game until he has squeezed every last drop of juice from his orange of athletic ability. Montana regrets retiring at 38 years old and he advised Brady that you can never go back once you leave and he advised Brady to not make the same mistake he did.
So TMZ caught Montana over the weekend. And he remained firm in his stance that Brady should not retire, though he admitted he hasn’t spoken to Brady since Brady quite — and then apparently got cold feet.
“I would say he’s crazy,” Montana said of Brady announcing retirement after leading the league in passing. “Look at the team he’s got. Why would you want to leave that?”
Maybe it is just Joe, but Joe thinks it is so rad that Montana thinks so highly of the Bucs.
Montana confessed that while he doesn’t have inside knowledge, he thinks we haven’t seen the last of Brady on a football field.
“I don’t think he’s done yet, I don’t think so,” Montana said. “His boss might say something more about it, his wife.
“With the team he has, give it one more try.”
To be fair, Montana retiring and Brady retiring (allegedly) are two different things. Montana still had magic in his arm but his body was beaten to a pulp. He couldn’t stay on the field. But when he on the field, he was lethal (ask John Elway).
Brady didn’t miss a game because of injury since 2008, and he has the best pass-blocking offensive line in the game.
Damn, Joe can’t remember being this excited the day after a Super Bowl unless the Bucs won.
C’mon Tom, listen to your idol! You have the rest of your life to hug your kids and wife. You may never again have a team better than the one you now have.
February 14th, 2022 at 3:14 am
Licht, and Arians, and Bowels (maybe, if he’s recovered from his stroke or from the head bashing he deserved by Arians or both) need to assure Tom that the coaches will work almost as hard as he does, and prepare the team, especially the secondary, to actually know their assignments and execute them. And be in the proper football shape to, like, not just fall down in a heap when trying to cover the league’s best wide receiver. Or then following that, decide not to cover the league’s best wide receiver — at all.
Assure Brady that shiite is over. Offer to pay him more so the horsefaced commandant can’t say that his $10 million is minimum wage.
Get it together. The hell with feelings. Did anyone watching this game tonight think the Bucs wouldn’t have beaten the Bengals? How did the Rams beat the Bucs?
Oh, yeah. The Bowels of Todd released in the most foul and uncermonious way, spoiling the momentum generated by the greatest comeback in team history and NFL playoff history.
Want Tom back? Address that horrible disconnect on defense.
February 14th, 2022 at 4:00 am
Best pass-blocking OL in the game? Let’s not get carried away. We can still improve. I mean a 40 year old Whitworth plays more consistent than Donnie. Donnie regressed a bit against the Rams.
We can always improve.
February 14th, 2022 at 4:08 am
Maybe it is just Joe, but Joe thinks it is so rad that Montana thinks so highly of the Bucs.
It’s not just you. Same here.
February 14th, 2022 at 4:19 am
I love that Montana, Mr 49er, publicly states that Brady would be crazy to leave the Bucs!
Tom? If you want the Bowels of Todd to release on some other team. just demand it. If your Commandant with the Face of a Stallion wants things done, sub-contraact those things out for another year. Listen to the best of Joe Cools.
You are on top of your game. Stay there.
February 14th, 2022 at 4:27 am
Also, before anyone tells me we gave up the least sacks in 2021. Look carefully at who our QB was. About 80% of every Tom Brady led team was in the top 6 of teams who gave up the least sacks. Why? Because he gets the ball out fast.
Guess where the Bucs ranked from 2018-2019? No better than 19th in the league. I picked those two years because we had Cappa and Jensen, and only without Wirfs (yes, a big piece). But, Wirfs was not the only difference in 2020 and 2021. It was the QB.
So, let’s not get carried away that the OL is the best in the league. As a whole not bad, but the QB makes them better than they are. Individually, we could always improve. But, if there was a way to keep Jensen, I would. But, I think LT and RG could be improved.
February 14th, 2022 at 4:32 am
LT comes at a premium, so it’s not happening this off-season unless some stud comes to us via draft.
Bucs should draft CB, DT, LT, G, RB, KR/WR. I think if Godwin is back, we will sort out the rest of the WRs through our own guys or FA
February 14th, 2022 at 4:33 am
Give Brady whatever he wants.
February 14th, 2022 at 5:41 am
Montana haven’t met Tom’s tiger wife yet I see
February 14th, 2022 at 5:51 am
The Rams D line took apart our O line as they did the Bengals. The loss of Wirfs hurt, but The way that DS 76 played exposed a weak link on our O line. IMO, he chose one of the most important games to regress badly. For Brady to be effective
has got to have two quality weapons opposite Evans. Godwin will be out part of the next season, and a quality 3rd WR doesn’t appear to be on the roster. So It would
be a tough decision for Brady, even if Giselle gave the OK.
February 14th, 2022 at 7:02 am
I agree with Joe Montana. He should have stayed a Buc.
February 14th, 2022 at 7:05 am
Brady to Bucco
Take this job and shove it
I ain’t workin’ here no more
February 14th, 2022 at 7:08 am
Montana is right! It’s not Tom, it’s Giselle. It’s not the Bucs convincing Tom, it’s Tom convincing Giselle.
February 14th, 2022 at 7:34 am
HC, if Bucs have the same coaching staff Brady says thanks but no thanks! Where Brady comes from they work full time.
February 14th, 2022 at 8:04 am
Thanks Joe Montana my favorite Quarterback!
I wish still playing
February 14th, 2022 at 8:13 am
That kid from The Jets is a free agent younger faster version of Edelman. Berrio I think. TB12’s kind of guy.
February 14th, 2022 at 8:50 am
Razor, yes he is and the Patriots cut him. Not smart on Bill’s part.
February 14th, 2022 at 8:51 am
Make Arians Great Again…maga
February 14th, 2022 at 8:53 am
Montana is right. Joe Cool had at least a couple of seasons left in him when he retired from KC.
I thought the world of Montana’s play, dating back to his days at Notre Dame. He was in my book the best QB in college and a top draft prospect, but he never got the accolades he deserved. For those who didn’t follow football back then, Ken MacAfee (“the best TE in the country, including the Pros”) got most of the credit for Montana’s feathery touch. After MacAfee was taken by San Francisco very early in the first round of the ’78 draft, he looked like a bust. I always felt that the reason why the 49ers selected Montana in the tail-end of the third round of the ’79 draft was to salvage MacAfee, not because SF expected Montana to set the world on fire.
But Montana did luck out, the SF head coach Bill Walsh was an absolute offensive genius and Montana was a perfect fit for his West Coast Offense. The emphasis on the horizontal passing concepts and mobile, passing QB left many defensive coordinators clueless on how to stop it. Montana was the perfect fit.
Montana was still an elite QB when he retired at KC, but unlike Brady he was at that stage of his career when his body was often betraying his will power.
February 14th, 2022 at 8:55 am
Play while you are still great Tom. I am sure Giselle will understand, and if she doesn’t you will have a million women throwing themselves at you.
February 14th, 2022 at 9:43 am
TB12 must know something that Joe Montana doesn’t…
Maybe Joe M. didn’t watch either Saint games or the two games against the Rams.
Our O-line is OK – probably above average most games – but TB12 getting rid of the ball in 2 seconds helped mask this line’s weaknesses.
We will see how good they are when Gabbert or Trask is at the helm.
February 14th, 2022 at 9:44 am
Stay retired Brady don’t listen to these nuts your family is more important than a football game !! Your children need you more than the NFL and this fan base . Because once you leave the NFL and and this fan base will be done talking about you just like they did to Manning and other all time greats !! Our fan base suck because they’re afraid that we can’t develop our own quarterback but yet have the nerve to call BA a quarterback whisper 😅 !!
February 14th, 2022 at 10:17 am
Joe’s bringing “rad” back… I love it!
February 14th, 2022 at 10:29 am
As crazy as this might sound. I think Brady retired thinking that Leftwhich was gone to the Jags. Now that the coaching staff is still in place I think he might be having second thoughts. Also after watching the Super Bowl neither of those teams looked very good. If we would have had Godwin and Wirfs the Bucs would be repeat champions.
February 14th, 2022 at 10:58 am
Please stop beating this dead horse to death. They ought to arrest a lot of you for murder. Let the man retire in peace. For Gods sake…..
February 14th, 2022 at 11:01 am
I agree, If we would have had Godwin and Wirfs the Bucs would be repeat champions.
Those injuries, combined with the loss of AB sealed our fate.
February 14th, 2022 at 11:52 am
Montana just talking up the Bucs because he doesn’t want TB in SF breaking his single season records😂
February 14th, 2022 at 12:09 pm
Swamp hit that right on
February 14th, 2022 at 1:08 pm
I really really REALLY think Brady is done. He’ll be forty-freaking-five this year. That’s why you don’t ask Giselle for “one more year”. It’s not about Giselle. It’s about his oldest son. He’s lost so much time with the one child he only has 50% custody of. You never get those years back.
Remember, this is not the typical 35-year-old considering hanging it up. The family questions are so much more important at Tom’s age.
Not to mention, if Tom has slacked off on his workout regimen at all, he’ll never get it all the way back. He’s gotten every last drop his body can give. To have any hope of making it through another season, he’d have to work out harder than ever. It truly is “use it or lose it” at his age.
So I’m pretty much ignoring all of the Brady un-retirement talk unless I see it come directly from Tom.
February 14th, 2022 at 3:25 pm
Oh yes. There is hope.
February 14th, 2022 at 4:04 pm
TB12 wants no part of BL or TBowels. He’s seen enough. Trade his rights to 49ers for JG and a draft pick. And fix the defense. Just a pathetic way to loose that game. Any other DC would have been fired already. But we know why he’s still there.