The Frontal Assault & The Future

January 7th, 2022

Sage Ira is presented by Bill Currie Ford, home of the nationwide lifetime warranty on new and used vehicles. Tampa’s only Pro Football Hall of Fame voter joined in 2016. Ira has been typing for a living for nearly 50 years. A renowned french fry connoisseur, Ira is heard weekly on SiriusXM Mad Dog Radio and on his heralded podcast.

Here we go again, Buc fans, dealing with the fallout from a world-class diva fiasco.

Two defending NFL champions, 18 years apart, undermined by the selfishness of wide receivers with their gaze firmly on the stat sheet rather than on the Vince Lombardi Trophy.

In both cases, it turned into a blood feud between the head case and the head coach.

In 2003, it was a disgruntled Keyshawn Johnson whose relationship with Jon Gruden frayed beyond the point of repair. The Bucs were 4-6 when Gruden reached the breaking point, essentially telling Johnson “don’t come ’round here no more.”

Antonio Brown has company in Bucs lore, explains Ira Kaufman.

GM Rich McKay reluctantly deactivated Johnson for the final six games, although the Bucs had not been mathematically eliminated from the playoff chase. That tells you all you need to know about how toxic the situation was.

So Johnson got paid handsomely to keep his distance from One Buc Place and he would be dealt to Dallas the following March for Joey Galloway — one of the best trades in franchise history.

“For whatever reason, he didn’t want to be here,” Gruden said in explaining Johnson’s expulsion from the team. “We worked hard to get him the football, we want our players to be happy. But unfortunately, it has festered for a while.”

The Gruden-Johnson blowup had been months in the making. McKay acknowledged that Johnson had been missing team meetings and often appeared disinterested.

“From a player’s perspective, from a coach’s perspective and from an organizational perspective, this situation has become a distraction,” McKay said.

Turn the clock ahead to today and we find another Buc team trying to stay focused through the fog of war. Antonio Brown, who couldn’t find a way to play for Mike Tomlin, Gruden or Bill Belichick, has now taken on Bruce Arians, weaponizing social media.

If Twitter had been around in 2003, you can bet Keyshawn would have ripped Gruden a new one as the Bucs stumbled to a 7-9 finish. Now Brown, with the help of his agent and attorney, has launched a frontal assault on Arians, questioning his truthfulness and overall character.

For Buc fans tired of Brown’s pathetic act, there’s only one relevant question: how will this farce affect Tampa Bay’s chances to repeat.

The answer is simple: we don’t know.


While the Bucs will miss Brown’s undeniable skills on the field, his departure could prove to be a blessing for a locker room which has spent much of the season looking the other way at Brown’s antics.

Brown claims his sore ankle is the point of contention. I’d aim a little higher and look for a bruise. I’d focus on the fragile ego of an elite player who once couldn’t stomach all the attention given to JuJu Smith-Schuster in Pittsburgh.

Now he can’t handle all the footballs sent in the direction of anyone else. This is madness.

On a per game basis, Brown received virtually the same number of opportunities as Chris Godwin this season. He’s been targeted quite a bit more than Mike Evans.

What’s the problem?

The answer has been here all along. It’s the man in the mirror.

Evans tried to defuse the situation on Sunday, but Brown gave him the stiff arm. The Bucs are fortunate to have selfless receivers like Evans and Godwin. Tom Brady didn’t have much to say about Brown and that’s sad because he essentially punched the guy’s ticket to Tampa.

Brady would rather talk about the formidable challenge posed by Carolina’s defense, so it was up to Arians to face the music and all that jazz. Jason Licht? AWOL. The Glazers? Nowhere to be found.


The Bucs are heading to the playoffs and Brown is undoubtedly heading to Twitter to further air his grievances. Nothing in his sordid past suggests he has in any way earned the benefit of the doubt.

After Brady made the Bucs an offer they couldn’t refuse, Brown helped a forlorn franchise win a Super Bowl. That is undeniable. This season, he helped the Bucs earn headlines for all the wrong reasons.

All in all, Buc fans will take that scenario seven days a week and twice on Sunday, as Warren Sapp liked to say. Once a key player, Brown is now a nuisance, a pebble in the organization’s cleats. He’s great fodder for sports talk radio and he even made the national news a few times in recent months, sandwiched between reports on the pandemic and severe weather.

What’s next for No. 81?

Can you imagine a podcast co-hosted by Keyshawn and Antonio? No guests, just a lot of banter as they speak to each other … in the third person.

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Yes, that warranty includes USED vehicles!
Ira drives a 2020 Ford Escape (cherry red).

49 Responses to “The Frontal Assault & The Future”

  1. Swampbuc Says:

    Thanks Ira. Actually the Bucs are being way too kind to the nutjob but I guess that’s smart since there is enough evidence on AB orchestrating the nuke job against the team and as Arians said, the players know the truth.

    Just beat the Panthies, that’s the best way to deal with Crazy’s departure.

  2. Cobraboy Says:

    It’s clear Brown’s actions after being denied guaranteed bonuses were planned with the intent of sinking the team for the playoffs.

    “See, they can’t win without me.”

    I hope this lights a white-hot fire under Grayson, Johnson, and Miller. It’s your time, boys, to show the world what you have on the Big Stage. Your personal success will catapult the Bucs’ team success, and earn you all millions.

    Now is The Time. Kids grow up dreaming of superstardom on national TV. This opportunity is on the plate before you.

    Do It.

  3. Beeej Says:

    I’m going to posit that Grayson, Johnson and Miller aren’t sorry to seev him go

  4. Marine Buc Says:

    The funniest thing about this story is the toilet licking Covid positive whore who AB smuggled into his room stated that she was concerned with AB’s mental health because he was mumbling and saying weird things but she decided to have sex with him anyways because… He was AB.


    Now that is a true pro.

  5. BucfanBF Says:

    I had hoped that AB had changed but as we all know Zebra’s never change their stripes.
    Good Riddance to the cancer.


  6. PassingThru Says:

    Licking a toilet bowl is in bad taste.

  7. cmurda Says:

    LMAO@ Marine. I’ll speak for the Army while you represent the Marines, but if it is okay with you, this woman has earned a Meritorious Service Badge

  8. Bird Says:


    Yah brady deserves to answer your questions about bringing in AB. Its bradys fault. Brady should get the media dagger in his back. Brady wanted to help an individual that clearly needed help. He even let him into his home and around his family. He tried to give the man another chance . What a horrible individual this brady guy is. šŸ˜‚

    But hey. Blame brady. Go after him for not taking a knee to ā€œthe fourth estateā€ and for not apologizing for trying to help out a person who clearly needs help

    Especially since brady has time to talk about drama when the playoffs start next week. Brady doesnt owe you jack. And shame shame for thinking otherwise. šŸ˜‚

  9. SlyPirate Says:

    Looking at non-Bucs forums around the web, 99% of fans are tired of AB’s BS.

    At worst, they want him gone forever. At best, he’s a joke.

    The random 1% comment AB is, “Standing up to oppression.” They all get an AB history lesson.

    No one is buying AB’s antics.

  10. Coburn Says:

    I don’t get it.. why a toilet seat? Why not a door knob if you’re trying to get germs.. something people touch regularly, but not with their arse.. hands more likely to have those kinds of germs (covid doesn’t actually transfer that well through touch). Was she trying to get ecology instead? Is it just that she wanted people to see how much it a dirty degenerate she was willing to do anything?

  11. HC Grover Says:

    Brown and his Hoe should start a rap group…”The Wide Outs”.

  12. PassingThru Says:

    Why a toilet seat? Because nothing says “tank” like a toilet.

  13. geno711 Says:

    Loved the whole article Ira. Thanks.

    Especially loved:

    “Can you imagine a podcast co-hosted by Keyshawn and Antonio? No guests, just a lot of banter as they speak to each other ā€¦ in the third person.”

  14. Rayjay1122 Says:

    @Antonio Brown, don’t go away mad girl, just go away.

  15. Robert Says:

    Good read. New respect for ME these days. šŸ™‚

  16. KnoxvilleBuc Says:

    We have a tough road ahead of us with or without brown. We have the weapons to win it, we just just have to put it together. Our losses this year came down to playing more physical teams and being fundamentally unsound in all three phases. We havenā€™t played a full game all year and Brady, the o-line will be the determining factor on how far we make it. I expect the defense to raise its level of play once again. I would put money on Brady addressing the team and members of the organization privately instead of just coming straight out to the public about Brown. Facts are Brady cares about the guy and also used Browns talent for his/teams benefit. He will walk a fine line speaking about Brown like he does others throughout his career. We have enough leadership to push through this. The Raiders did, why canā€™t we come closer as a team and make a run?

  17. Marine Buc Says:

    @ cmurda



  18. tampabuscsbro Says:

    Ira why are you calling for Tom Brady to be responsible for another grown man’s actions?

  19. Swampbuc Says:

    Marine Buc and you other fans — ROTFLMAO — beautiful stuff. I wonder when she’ll publish the sex tape — according to her per AB’s wishes!!!!!

    But, yeah, he’s the victim. And now he’s saying he needs surgery on the “ankle” so this eliminates him from being a candidate for any contender to pick him up. Or if he does, he torpedoes his own narrative.

    What a genius.

  20. Evolvingbucsfan Says:

    aren’t players contract and money protected by injury? hmmmm

  21. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I supported AB because I felt people who really want to change deserve another chance. He lost me with this crap.

  22. adam from ny Says:

    if she licks toilets, you know she ate his filthy azz the night before the game…

    maybe he freaked out during the game because he never woke to shower her fluids off before meeting tom at 7 am – and had to play in all that dirty hoe juice and grime – eventually getting all hot and bothered down below – and freaked out…

    #ItchyItchyAB #CoachImJustSoDangItchy


  23. adam from ny Says:

    maybe AB was basking in love juices at game time…

    and by halftime he was…




  24. BT-Tampa Says:

    I am loving this. I think the Bucs are going to use this energy and decimate any team unfortunate enough to be on the other side of the field.

  25. adam from ny Says:

    looks like AB pretty much sank his own ship…

    yeah it’s not over for the bucs legal dept, but the organization can probably relax and take a deep breath…

    and more importantly, get back to playing football…

    AB should be a hard pick up for any team moving forward after all these latest moves…

    he is a really wild minded dude…

    jake paul is his next logical option…

    but is his ego too big to let jake paul put him to sleep on the canvas for 5-10 mil ?

  26. adam from ny Says:

    hopefully this becomes old news after sunday’s game and the playoffs become a talking point and the main focus…


    #LetsGoBucs #LFG

  27. Redneck Roady Says:

    Iā€™m sure Giselle is probably giving Brady a ration of crap for just being friends with this low life. Good grief

  28. Swampbuc Says:

    Two geniuses on NFL network are already penciling in AB as a member of the Packers or Cowboys. Can’t make this stuff up.

  29. LakelandSteve Says:

    If the Bucs are (Arians) are being straight with what happened and I think they are. Basically everything Arians said to the media can either be confirmed or denied by the other players and coaches. But, with A.B. Now going on the offensive and obviously trying to damage the reputations of not only the coach and organization but also the guy who tried to help him the most, Tom Brady. It would be nice if the Glazers would come out and say they have looked into the situation and completely stand behind the General Manager, the coach and coaching staff in what occurred with Antonio Brown in what has now become a world wide issue.

  30. Swampbuc Says:

    Actually, the players need to stand behind their coach more than the ‘corporate suits” in the executive suite. AB has set the bridge on fire, there is no use in TB12 or ME or anyone trying to pretend to be kind to this nutjob loser. Condemn him as the cancer he is, period. Take the bridge down, don’t wait for CrazyAB to finish it.

  31. Wesley Says:

    What is there for him to say about Brown? Heā€™s addressed his team about it, he doesnā€™t have to address you.

  32. Buckaroo Boozie Says:


  33. Darin Says:

    Just give them the damn balls!

  34. Buczilla Says:

    Good stuff Ira.

  35. Timbucs2 Says:

    Despite the loss of “American hero” Antonio Brown, I think we’ll be okay. Not nearly as explosive, but Brady can do a lot with middling talent at WR.

    Honestly, I was just waiting for someone like this to happen with AB. But I’m grateful for his help in getting us to the promised land last year.

  36. Izod Says:

    If I see one more write-up mentioning that Cancer of a player, I will know this season is already over.

  37. Bush's Coke Spoon Says:


    Totally agree. Ira wants Tom to come out and publicly condemn a guy who is in the middle of melting down already. Why, so he can push him just a little further over the edge? More sensational headlines?

  38. bucschamp Says:

    AB took shots at everybody today wow

  39. Ne+ bucs fan Says:

    Not sure if anyone wrote this but I just seen a article where AB was saying Tom Brady’s not his boy he just let him stay in his house for the publicity and make himself feel good piece of crap this guy is,, article is on Google if anyone is interested,,

  40. Nerdelbaum Frink Says:

    Nobody knows how it will affect things overall, but as a Pats fan who’s watched Brady for years, he’s the least likely to be affected by it. Dude has focus and nerves of steel like nobody else.

  41. Chant Says:

    Ab is a pathetic human being away from football as a person. Smart, bite the hand that fed you and gave you a chance, throw away millions because you are a jerk.

  42. stpetebucsfan Says:

    I like out chances as well as any other team. The pros in Vegas have us ranked 3rd behind GB and KC…excuse me weren’t those the very SAME two teams we beat last year. Have either team changed QB’s? Have we?

    It’s a crap shoot from here for sure but the odds against us are not that least any longer that they ever are for a Super Bowl run.

    AB will not be in the news next week much less the week after when playoffs start. He’ll be a quick mention along with Chris Godwin as pregame analysis kicks in but neither the Bucs, the NFL…or even the NFLPA wants this embarrasment to get any oxygen during the NFL’s prime time…THE PLAYOFFS!

  43. Pewter Power Says:

    Tom should flash a picture of AB wearing that TB12 hat and say caption this! Dude was grateful to get another chance at earning money in the nfl then here comes next year itā€™s not enough money as if he forgot he is the one that sabotaged he own career earnings

  44. Anthony Says:

    I think the other receivers will step up knowing there is no brown. They will be fine if the media let’s them play football. So nows the time for Licht to come out and tell the media we wil answer all football questions but everything about a past player will no longer be addressed till the seasons over

  45. Hondo Says:

    Brady has won Super Bowls in New England with less talented receivers. This challenge will elevate Bradyā€™s competitiveness. Bucs will prevail.

  46. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    What a GD Shame, because Brown was a great receiver.
    Who can forget how he helped us win a Super Bowl, and literally spun the Honey Badger around in the end zone ?
    Now, it seems AB is going into the Music Business ?
    Yes, and his new hit song is called “I smuggled you into my Hotel Room” LOL

  47. BomTrady Says:

    Year 1 with the Bucs for AB was an act. Minimum salary, zero tolerance, but he helped get the Bucs over the top, but we all know he was hardly the MVP.

    Year 2 the entitlement and ego begin to come out again, why am I making so much less than WRs who I am better than? He thanks the Bucs for their trust in him by faking a COVD vaccine card.

    The Bucs had to know something like this was inevitable with AB. He has no where near the humility and grace to ever face his problems and change. Bad luck for us that Godwin went down.

  48. Tom Sumner Says:

    AB =D#$^ head case .. get help

  49. Bucsfanfromafar Says:

    AB is just plain evil. When he saw Godwin was down and the team would need him more than ever, he exploited that to try and get more money. When he didn’t get it, he decided to try and destroy everyone at the worst possible moment. Take it to the bank.