Bruce Arians Responds To Antonio Brown Termination
January 6th, 2022
Bucs coach Bucco Bruce Arians.
Bucs Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians was not scheduled to speak today — he rarely does on Thursdays — but today Arians made an exception.
Furniture-tossing, bicycle-winging, tantrum-throwing, quitting receiver Antonio Brown took to social media this morning and blasted the Bucs for what Brown perceives as hostile treatment by the organization. Brown even released harmless texts (harmless to Joe, at least) that apparently Brown thinks implicate Arians in some way.
Arians acknowledged that Brown was peeved at what he perceived was a lack of targets. Arians also noted that Brown had a hissy fit in the locker room at halftime and had to be calmed down.
“He was very upset at halftime at who was getting targeted,” Arians said. “We got that calmed down. Players took care of that.”
When Arians and Bucs assistants called for a specific personnel group, of which to that point in the game Brown had taken all the snaps with, Brown refused to take the field.
“I looked back and that’s when I saw him wave off the coach,” Arians said, though not identifying the specific assistant Brown had the interaction with. “I then went back and approached him about what was going on.
“‘I ain’t playing.’
“What’s going on?
“‘I ain’t getting the ball.’
“That’s when I said, ‘You’re done, get the eff out of here.’
“And that is the end of it.”
As to the accusation that Arians tried to force Brown to play on a messed-up ankle, Arians said a coach cannot force a player to take the field at any point in a game. The player has a right to refuse to play.
“You can’t force a player to play,” Arians said. “He and Mike [Evans] were both on pitch counts.”
As for the accusation by Brown that Arians did a throat-slash at him, Arians chuckled and mimicked the hand gesture he made at Brown, sweeping his arm and pointing away, as if to say — these are Joe’s words — get off the field and leave.
“Is that a throat-slash?” Arians asked. “That’s all it was.”
He also noted there were plenty of fans with very good seats that had phones so if Arians or Brown did anything untoward, the video would already be out on social media.
Arians emphasized that at no point did Brown say he was injured or go to a trainer or member of the medical staff to report an injury. Arians also pointed out the Bucs’ medical staff cleared him to play. Arians said Brown participated in Saturday’s walk-through and he appeared good to go.
“I was never notified” of an injury, Arians said.
Arians mentioned a couple of times that everything was going great with Brown throughout the first half. There were zero signs of what was to come until he had a halftime blowup.
If Brown was somehow offended with the team by what he saw as a lack of support from the organization during his suspension, Arians said he never got that vibe from Brown at all.
#Bucs coach Bruce Arians’ opening statement today on WR Antonio Brown, who alleged last night he was cut because he refused to play hurt and said he will undergo ankle surgery:
— Tom Pelissero (@TomPelissero) January 6, 2022
January 6th, 2022 at 2:00 pm
Now Florio is actually suggesting that the Glazers could move on from BA? Boy he hates the Bucs & Brady.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:02 pm
100% believe this version.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:05 pm
Sounds like a spoiled Diva. Dude should’ve just done his part to help the team, even if it was to be a distraction for the defense.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:05 pm
Sad… I hope he gets the help he needs but it sounds like his posse… errrr … those sucking off his wealth don’t want the competition for his wealth.
If general history for his personality profile is an indication of the end awaiting at the end of his path… I don’t need to spell it out but it ain’t pretty.
Very very sad on a human level!
January 6th, 2022 at 2:08 pm
@”…That’s when I said, ‘You’re done, get the eff out of here.’…”
yeah… you can talk like this to multi millionaire NFL players, and is ok???
January 6th, 2022 at 2:09 pm
Is AB related to Duane Thomas?
January 6th, 2022 at 2:12 pm
January 6th, 2022 at 2:14 pm
crazybucs… Absolutely you can talk to a player like that when that player is distracting the team, refusing to play and acting like a 5 year old when he doesn’t get his way.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:15 pm
He still quit on his teamates. Other NFL players will never want to play on a team with him. I hope Grayson keeps up what he’s doing.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:21 pm
I’m with the above to posters. I see absolutely nothing wrong with BS saying that if he already caused drama at half time and was pouting. Very warranted and quite frankly at that point it would have still be possible if he knew how to be humble and apologize to actually play the following week before he blew up.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:22 pm
What a waste of talent. Best WR but not worth the effort to please him.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:22 pm
Just a week ago, we was sticking it to the world with a big middle finger to anyone who opposed the BUCS for keeping AB after the card situation.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:22 pm
Have no idea why being a multi millionaire has anything to do with it. He’s an adult and doesn’t need to be pampered because if status
January 6th, 2022 at 2:25 pm
Makes sense to me. I wanted him back even after the vax fiasco, but dude had to go after this nonsense.
@Winny Testaverde
I went and read that Florio article and man it sounds like he’s got a major hard on for Arians and the Bucs. What a snippy, condescending, d-bag he sounds like in his story. I like you Florio, but don’t F with my team unless it’s genuinely deserved.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:25 pm
AB wanted to cash in on those incentives. Which makes sense. Coach is the boss AB.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:26 pm
They had to cut him lose so he wouldn’t be a distraction going into the PO’s.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:26 pm
Yes you can. So what they make a lot of money? How you handle is the difference between you being fired or the coach.
I cannot not believe people are sitting here defending AB when he has had outbursts calling people some of the most vile things that cannot be repeated on this site but because ole Bruce told him to get the eff out for not doing his job. The irony.
At the end of the day he is going to get the same thing he got from Oakland and NE not a damn thing
January 6th, 2022 at 2:26 pm
so why not just say this statement from the start instead of playing dumb to why AB threw a hissy fit and left? because there truth on both sides… AB most likely complained about targets then honestly or falsely used the injury as a reason to not return to the game… which BA didn’t want to hear or believe… & kicked him out…but with the timing of AB’s complaints I don’t blame BA for not taking it serious but now the Bucs are trying to save face to avoid the perception of ignoring a player’s injuries but never forget Gronk playing with cracked ribs and Godwin trying to go with major damage to his knee.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:29 pm
I can guarantee you that he was furious over that cheap 4-yard touchdown pass that Evans got
January 6th, 2022 at 2:32 pm
I guess this is why we were the only team that cared to sign AB the last 2 years.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:37 pm
Grafik, prob because he wasnt that eager to air dirty laundry. Prob just wanted to clean hands of him and move on. Prob thoguht it was amusing seeing AB spin it and dig himself a bigger hope. There is a proverb about that. Letting a fool talk until he self destructs. Felt very appropriate to let them make the first move them come out with what really happened. Did he omit anything? Possibly, but I get the feeling BA account is fairly close. He didn’t seem like he was trying to flatter anyone or convince is he was a saint and was fairly matter of fact
January 6th, 2022 at 2:39 pm
Good riddance AB….. thanks for the good memories…. . but dont let the door hit yah where the good Lord split yah. 🤡 GO BUCS !!!
January 6th, 2022 at 2:40 pm
Ok, this is definitely the version of the story that I believe.
Unfortunate outcome to our AB experiment, but oh well. NEXT MAN UP
January 6th, 2022 at 2:40 pm
@ Winny Test…
That’s why I don’t read PFT anymore. It’s unbearable the hate that Florio has against the Bucs. And just the drama that he tries to create, I couldn’t handle it, better sources of info out there.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:44 pm
@Coburn… yes BA account in THIS version is most likely facts and the truth isn’t dirty laundry its just the truth…but the truth with sidestepping responsibility for forcing a hurt player to play hurt… while flaming mental health issues and caring about the diva PITA receiver LOL
they just should told the truth and kept it moving from the beginning
January 6th, 2022 at 2:44 pm
“but never forget Gronk playing with cracked ribs and Godwin trying to go with major damage to his knee”
Do you believe that either of those is 100% on the Bucs coaches? These dudes live to play football. They practice almost their entire lives for the chance to do what they do 17, three-hour sessions a year. They are obsessed with the game and want to play. Especially the Godwin scenario, the team didn’t know he had a torn ACL until the next day, even the first reports came back as only an MCL. How on the sidelines would they have known that it was as significant of an injury as it was? Brady played on a torn MCL last year and Logan Mankins once played on a torn ACL. Godwin was on the sidelines trying to see what he was capable of and never re-entered the game. But yea, spin the narrative that the Bucs training staff is out to grind their best players down into chronic injuries.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:53 pm
A strategy had to be figured out as to what was best for the team. Think first open mouth later. Something Antonio has never understood.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:53 pm
AB is a Whiny little biaaattchhe…..
Not to mention a Major head case!!!
January 6th, 2022 at 2:56 pm
Grafik I feel they had nothing to gain by rushing to put out a statement first. It’s always better to be slow to speak and take your time with responses. Best case scenario is you deal with it behind closed doors, but that wasn’t possibly with someone like AB so let him go first.
We know he had an injury, but it was never an issue until he was unhappy with targets. Others observed him storming off at halftime. He was pouting. He was willing to play until his pride was hurt.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:07 pm
I believe BA over this compulsive liar.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:11 pm
Good glad Brown is gone. This team needs to stay away from ME first players. More team guys like Evans and Godwin. Godwin needs re signed and we can just move on with Evans and Godwin and maybe draft a guy if we need too.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:15 pm
This is just another example of teams signing great players with troubled pasts. It often comes back to bite you. Everyone deserves a second chance, but with AB it’s a third, fourth, and fifth chance. The guy just isn’t mentally built for organized sports. What a waste of talent.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:15 pm
Brown wanted touched to make the bonus in his contact 3 of them if all met would be about $1 million dollars
Last season the team did go out of its way to help him reach a bonus goal.
I have a strong suspicion that the word came from the front office to not get AB the bonus because with the injury bug hitting the team hard and having to go out and get more players we have to be at or across that salary cap line
I think AB has spent the money, by halftime figured that he might not make the bonus after two weeks ago with Godwin & Evans going down it almost was assured.
AB’s demons got out of their cage.
Shame……Oh well…..
NEXT MAN UP ! ! ! !
January 6th, 2022 at 3:16 pm
@Coburn, Jmarkbuc, StickinUp4Centers: great points! appreciate you taking the time to share your point of view with me… really no need for discussing a former player & his departure any further #GoBucs
January 6th, 2022 at 3:21 pm
Are we really going to put up the picture of the scale and have Arians on one side and AB on the other? A respected coach who has never been accused of lying but rather being a players coach that tells it like it is or AB. I don’t even need to go into AB’s issues. AB may have CTE and he may just be a primadonna but either way, he’s delusional. The one thing AB’s camp isn’t mentioning are the bonuses. Hmm, why would AB be frustrated with targets? We all know what this was about. The drama holding off for a whole year and a half is amazing. BA should be put in the Ring of Honor solely for holding the fort down this long.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:23 pm
I 100% stand behind and believe BA and don’t believe a thing the clown says. There was a reason someone with that much talent was available.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:24 pm
This team needs to focus on getting the best out of the players they have. Enough without the superfluous AB talk.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:32 pm
Grafik yeah good discussion. Hopefully this things starts to taper off here soon. Still might see some sideline cameras, cell phone stuff, some doctor report.. but as you said we gotta look to the playoffs and leave him behind. What’s sad is that he’s a guy I could see being broke in the not too distant future and he’s not the type to be in broadcasting. Not sure what he will do, but hopefully he figures something out
January 6th, 2022 at 3:33 pm
Was word he was looking at boxing, but not sure taking blows to the head is the right choice for him and not sure he’d be that successful
January 6th, 2022 at 3:39 pm
Oh well at least he didn’t blow up about targets last year, he was grateful to be back in the nfl but didn’t last very long. Weird to be worried about targets knowing your one of the main go to guys
Last year and all season one game was this guys time another for the other. This makes me more grateful we have guys like Evans and Godwin so just go ahead and sign that dude long term right now.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:43 pm
In other words… I ain’t gonna make my money so I ain’t going in.
We all know that’s what happened. Such a Dbag.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:45 pm
when Tom Brady doesnt target you with the ball you are sucking it up.
if satan was open Tom would get him the ball.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:46 pm
BA did a good job here. He tryed to make it work, so did the players.
Here is the difference. Remember when Dirk tryed to coach Djax and when we needed him for punts Dirk let Djax make his own decisions? Yeah well, he kept Djax around but at the same time empowered him. Djax returned the favor by dividing the lockeroom and imploding the team.
Bruce had a troubled wide reciever and whdn push came to shove he he rightfully told him to get the eff out. To his credit he managed to hold things together as long as he could but by all reports Brown can back from suspension with a me first selfish attitude and a terrible teammate going so far as to argue with the QB who always had his back.
BA was not going to let this punk divide our lockeroom and handled the situation. Brown made a spectacle on the way out and the team responded as a team with a thrilling comback win. Fittingly the WR who lined up on Browns sideline made the gamewinning catch and greatest play of the season…….That could have been Brown if he was a decent teammate and we would all be showering him
January 6th, 2022 at 3:46 pm
Good riddance.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:46 pm
With joy.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:48 pm
omg with all this, there is actually a game going to happen on sunday…
the guys gotta stay focused and win!
January 6th, 2022 at 3:50 pm
Just a week earlier BA said the way AB accelerates on a cut to get separation is superstar stuff. If that didn’t put a smile on his face really what more can you do to motivate
January 6th, 2022 at 3:55 pm
I was happy when the Keyshawn Johnson drama subsided, I’ll be happy when the Antonio Brown drama subsides. This is why I love Mike Evans and Chris Godwin so much, NO DRAMA!
January 6th, 2022 at 3:56 pm
And enough with the injury excuse. Its debunked. If you listen to the whole commentary by Arians Brown didnt do his job and go under the blue tent thingy like a normal player.
The punk wanted to put himself above the team and do as he pleases. Couple that with Lichts comment where Brown didnt show up to his doctor appointment for the ankle and ingored anything the team had for him to help.
Brown is a pure punk and I have no reason to even believe the ankle had a dam thing to do with it. Its an after the tact excuse to try and smear our Bucs. Browns meltdown likely has everything to do with Mike Evans and Gronk getting more yards.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:56 pm
@Winny Testaverde
Very true. Mike Florio clearly has an agenda against the Bucs. Then again so does everyone regarding this nonsense. People…………
January 6th, 2022 at 3:57 pm
Perfectly said.
January 6th, 2022 at 3:57 pm
@Jimmy Jack perfect statement!
January 6th, 2022 at 4:09 pm
Profootballtalk is playing the douche card big time with that article, trying to blame Arians. Everyone know AB is a pouty little b!tch.
January 6th, 2022 at 4:13 pm
It’s most likely “common sense” to figure out what actually happened…
Which of the TWO scenarios would make you get so pissed off that you would tear off your uniform and “jog off into the sunset” to QUIT and feel like you got some sort of “I showed them…”
1. You were hurt and your coaches were still demanding that you get back on the field but you refused because you were in too much pain. The head coach yells at you and said then you’re done.
2. You’re trying to hit financial incentives and know you need ‘X” amount of catches/yards. You’re not getting the ball as much as you want and it seems like you’re not going to hit those incentives and make those bonuses. You refuse to go back into the game and waste your efforts because you’re angry about not getting the ball, so the coach says you’re done.
Which scenario would make you basically say “F You then!” and have you thrown down your jersey and jog off gleefully to stick it to the team and coach?
January 6th, 2022 at 4:20 pm
Maybe Green Bay will sign him. AB and Rogers–they could perform at the Met if they crash and burn in the playoffs.
January 6th, 2022 at 4:21 pm
Wow…lol I can’t believe I’m reading some people posting that BA was to harsh on AB. Lmao come join any branch of the military and see if we care about your sensitive egos. AB WAS ACTING LIKE A CHILD, complaining about not getting the ball to hit his bonuses. What’s even worse I read in a separate article that JL was going to work out something for AB if he didn’t hit his numbers so he would still get the 1MIL, but AB DIDNT WANT TO HEAR THAT. I’ll be honest I was a little leery about bribing AB in last year but he quietly made a believer out of me. Then this happens and proved all along this guy CANNOT BE HELPED!!!!
January 6th, 2022 at 4:31 pm
Did not Brady feed Brown last season for his bonus?
January 6th, 2022 at 4:36 pm
100% believe BAs version. AB is trying to spin his ass off right now. Of course he had an ankle injury, and was probably going to have offseason surgery anyways. He’s just escalating it now to save face. I do hope he gets the real help that he needs though.
January 6th, 2022 at 4:37 pm
Everything is about Antonio. His DOLLARS are more important than the team and a super bowl.
January 6th, 2022 at 4:39 pm
So who the hell believes Ant Brown over Arians. One is a over 5 time loser who just got off a suspension for doing a fake vaccine card. Or the best coach we have ever had in our history that has never not even one iota of his credibility been questioned. I don’t care about his damn mental health anymore. He’s a freaking millionaire he can afford the best. Do you remember when he threw furniture out if a window almost killing a little kid? Know the one guy who tried to help him Brady now he’s throwing him under the bus. He invited him into his home. That’s a scumbag traitor what a stupid fing conspiracy about Brady and the trainer trying to get over on him for 50 grand. Brady can wipe his areas with hundreds for a month and still be richer than most of the world
January 6th, 2022 at 4:41 pm
It I were to guess I would say that Antonio Brown is one of those people who are mostly fine when they are in a situation without leverage. He was on a team as a piece of the puzzle— Evans, Godwin, Gronk etc. With Godwin down coming back after a suspension where everyone is saying “thank God” he’s back. He has a great game with over 100 yards etc. Now he thinks he has leverage and the old personality traits come back out. Unfortunate, but not surprising.
January 6th, 2022 at 4:48 pm
@Greg that’s a really good point. It makes a ton of sense when you think about it. Also last week Brown and his agent requested a 2 million dollar bonus be guary and the Bucs declined.
January 6th, 2022 at 4:49 pm
Sorry they requested the rest of his bonus money be guaranteed and the Bucs declined. Cuz why in the heck would they agree to that
January 6th, 2022 at 4:50 pm
I think it was all about those incentives. Whether BA handeled well –is academic at this point .
We do NOT need this to become a bigger distraction than it already is ..Somehow , Lets get past Panthers…
Then we really need FOCUS on playoffs
January 6th, 2022 at 4:54 pm
Joe did you hear about Terrell Owens saying he wants to take Antonio Browns place? I know he was great during his time in the league but the man is 48 years old. If the bucs are looking for another receiver to replace brown what about Dez Bryant or Alston Jeffrey’s ? What’s your take JOE
January 6th, 2022 at 5:15 pm
Mason Dixon on Q 105 said that Brown snuck a girl into the team hotel, then told her to “watch what happens tomorrow”.
Wow, just Wow is all I can say.
January 6th, 2022 at 5:17 pm
Once again fellow Buc fans, You simply cannot trust a Liar. AB has been a liar for 4 teams who have now kicked him to the wind. I knew Arains never told him to play injured. Thats not his MO. Lets get on with the Panthers and hope we can get that 2nd seed with 2 games at home.
January 6th, 2022 at 5:29 pm
Mason Dixon on Q105?
Is it 1986 again?
January 6th, 2022 at 5:34 pm
I say again that this whole thing was planned out by AB. He had a vendetta against the Bucs, most likely as a result of the whole Vax card thing, and he was going to make a dramatic exit.
I would not be surprised if he tipped one or more persons on the Jets side about the Bucs game plan prior to the game.
I know his type, I know the types of games they play, the internal emotional chaos that goes on, the lack of self control and mental stability. Whether this actually was planned, I do not know or care, just let’s please stop talking about him asap.
January 6th, 2022 at 6:12 pm
The BRILLIANT part about how all this played out is that the Bucs held off on cutting AB, most likely to keep another team from picking him up, but once AB came out his statement about how injured he is and needs surgery, AB himself now makes it impossible for him to sign with another team for the playoffs because he would look like a huge liar.
Bucs benefit by cutting him now.
January 6th, 2022 at 6:21 pm
Pay him off and get him out. Pay him to shut up and the Bucs should stfu too.
January 6th, 2022 at 6:24 pm
What if he had told Tom Brady to get the hell of the field, what would Brady have done.
January 6th, 2022 at 6:41 pm
We go overboard last year to get him his cash and stiff Tojo for his 1000yards. An is an a$$
January 6th, 2022 at 6:44 pm
plan A – play injured so he can get the incentives
plan B – if plan A didn’t work, screw the bucs and tell the whole world he was forced to play injured
January 6th, 2022 at 6:45 pm
You reap what you sow. After the Steelers, went to the Raiders never played a game then the Pats played one game. So the Bucs got more out of him than the previous two. Now hes stabbing Brady in the back good riddance.
January 6th, 2022 at 6:55 pm
So the story just keeps getting more bizarre. Reports are that AB sneaked onlyfans model Ava Louise in his room the night before the game and told her “watch what I do tomorrow “. Can’t wait to see where this one goes. Lol.
January 6th, 2022 at 7:34 pm
With Brown’s history, for those who actually believe AB and his BS of trying to cover his arse, you need to step back and have a reality check.
I believe Bruce 100%. I don’t think that man knows how to lie, he is a straight shooter. It is why everybody who’s ever played for him loves the guy.
Good riddance to an immature distraction. It was great when he played but the crazy had to service eventually.
January 6th, 2022 at 8:38 pm
I just wanted to check out my new avatar…….
January 6th, 2022 at 8:47 pm Says:
“they just should told the truth and kept it moving from the beginning”
When emotions are high, in the heat of the moment, is the worst time ever to make statements. I have a bad habit of saying stupid, unnecessary spit when I don’t follow this rule. I understand why they waited a day to cool down.
January 6th, 2022 at 8:49 pm
DoooshLaRue Says:
“I just wanted to check out my new avatar…….”
You should put a “need tickets” sign board in his hands.
January 6th, 2022 at 9:11 pm
Reports that Brown premeditated that circus.
We took out the trash.
January 6th, 2022 at 9:35 pm
I think one of the key things that hasn’t been mentioned much is that Arians said the guys in the locker room know the truth about what happened. He isn’t worried about some leak about what happened because he is telling the truth. I don’t see any Bucs players backing up AB.
January 6th, 2022 at 9:39 pm
I have this strange feeling it started after the saints game. CG went down, Mike and lenny got injured. he felt he’s the #1 receiver, demanded gurantee pay from litch. denied then went unhappy started to act erratic. bucs saw it brewing. his teammates started to move away from him because of the fake vax cars fiasco. so they signed his buddy leveon Bell to calm him down. didn’t help. boiling point reached vs jets. now he’s released he will be picked up by a rival playoff team solely because of his knowledge of bucs playbook. we need to devise a new strategy
January 6th, 2022 at 9:42 pm
Will or should they sign a WR off the street? I see articles floating John Brown, Alshon Jeffrey and Larry Fitzgerald. I wouldn’t mind seeing them give one of them a shot. Put John into the #81 “Brown” uniform.
January 6th, 2022 at 9:45 pm
Hey Doosh, you how did you add/post your avatar?
January 6th, 2022 at 10:28 pm
The story on this just keeps on changing…
So now Brown was fine when he came back, he wasn’t taunting Licht, he wasn’t an issue in the locker room, he wasn’t being a prick in the 1st half of the game.
Also, again, there’s the issue that Greg Auman reported that a 3rd party on the sideline heard Brown tell Arians he was hurt, which is also what Brown says that he said – while Arians keeps saying that didn’t happen. Only one of those can be right, and unless Auman retracted his report, which I haven’t heard, the tie is going to Brown. That doesn’t, however, mean Arians is lying, he’s almost 70, he absolutely could have thought he heard something else.
Based on the other reports today I was thinking there was this big build up to this, but now I’m back to what I was thinking before today, that Arians just didn’t hear Brown or heard thought he heard something else, then Brown thinks Arians is just f—ing with him, saying boohoo your ankle, get in the game, and then Brown years you’re done, thinks he’s fired, and goes nuts.
This version of the story isn’t good. If that sideline report that Brown said he was hurt holds up, then Arians screwed up bigly, and triggered this entire blow-up, even if it was just a misunderstanding. Also, in this telling, it sounds to me like Arians is saying you’re fired, which again, goes along with Brown’s version of events.
Not good if this entire thing is over Arians needing a hearing aid.
January 6th, 2022 at 10:41 pm
OMG somebody find AB’s Coke spoon so he can calm down….
January 6th, 2022 at 10:57 pm
joes –
this all started the night before in the hotel when AB snuck the hooker in and broke team protocols…
you gotta catch up joes…
he was telling her wait until you see what i do tomorrow at the game…
so it was premeditated and staged…
he was mumbling a lot and might have been on something…
they made a sex tape – she has it – on her phone…
he asked her to stay the night, but also said he had to meet tom at 7am so she broke out around 12:30 in the morning…
January 6th, 2022 at 11:04 pm
2021 The Year of The GOAT Says:
“OMG somebody find AB’s Coke spoon so he can calm down….”
Did someone call me?
January 6th, 2022 at 11:05 pm
[Calm down. There is a story about this scheduled at midnight. — Joe]
January 6th, 2022 at 11:06 pm
August 1976 Buc Says:
“Hey Doosh, you how did you add/post your avatar?”
You have to create a Grinder account.
January 6th, 2022 at 11:07 pm
@ August 1976 Buc
Just kidding. Don’t do that. It is Gravatar.
January 6th, 2022 at 11:10 pm
@Rod Munch
Keep that dream alive, Brother! If I hadn’t seen you on here for years, I’d swear you were some half-sibling of ABs.
January 6th, 2022 at 11:14 pm
Rod munch
ABs contract has been terminated. He is no longer a Buccaneer.
January 6th, 2022 at 11:16 pm
and now joe blocked all my posts…wow
January 6th, 2022 at 11:18 pm
ah ok joe…cool… 🙂
good job joeski – i just wanted you to get on it because the twists and turns are wild…
it’s all on AB – he’s sinking like the titanic and fast
January 6th, 2022 at 11:23 pm
Get with reality dude. Arians is as straight a shooter as you’re ever going to find. AB on the other hand, well you know.
Everything Arians has said checks out.
Not to mention the upcoming stories about Brown making sex videos and breaking team curfew and protocols the night before
and throwing Brady under the bus with the TB 12 trainer… Stay tuned.
He lost his efffffing mind and threw what was left of his football career out the window
January 6th, 2022 at 11:50 pm
@adam from ny
You seem so excited, you’ve got me wound up now. HURRY JOE IT’S PAST MY BEDTIME!!
January 6th, 2022 at 11:54 pm
Rod Munch….You sound confused because you are looking behind the rocks AB is laying down for you.
The injury is clealy Browns way to try and make the team look bad on the way out…….If it was an injury you would of gotten checked under the blue tent like every other normal player. Or been checked at halftime……Or he wouldnt of blown off doctors the Bucs set up for him earier in the week.
What this really is about is the fighting in the lockeroom. The punk was mad we were throwing to Evans trying to get him 1000. Every Bucs fan on Earth is rooting for that record. Brown is against Evans, against Brady whose throwing to him and against our team.
Alls you really need to know is Brady pist game presser. Brady said the punk needs help basically. Thats all we should need to know to realize Brown was causing internal problems. Brady would not be saying Brown needs help if he was unjustfully told to get the eff out.
January 7th, 2022 at 12:29 am
What is with people being so triggered on this and just ignoring what I’m saying. I’m talking about the exchange on the sideline…
Arians is saying that Brown didn’t tell him he was injured in that exchange, Arians is now saying Brown told him ‘I ain’t getting the ball’.
Meanwhile Greg Auman, on Sunday, reported a 3rd party on the sideline heard AB tell Arians, in this exchange, that his ankle was hurt. A 3rd party means Auman isn’t sourcing Brown for the quote.
Why is it so hard for people to understand the idea that Arians misheard what Brown said? That misunderstanding then causes the chain reaction.
If Arians hears ‘my ankle is hurt’ and doesn’t hear ‘I ain’t getting the ball’, does Arians still explode and say get the eff out of here? I seriously doubt it. So it’s important to get that part of the story to get correct.
Why are people so ridiculous on this? I am not saying AB is a good guy, I’m not saying Arians is a bad guy, I’m saying miscommunications happen and often lead to things spiraling out of control, and I very much believe that happened here, based on what I currently know.
January 7th, 2022 at 1:51 am
I don’t think Greg Auman reported a 3rd party heard that. He said it was “his understanding” that AB said his ankle was hurt. I double checked his tweets and Jay Glazer. Glazer didn’t even mention the ankle in the initial report.
January 7th, 2022 at 10:05 am
Greg Aumann exact statement that Munch is relying on what I see:
“According to a witness on the Bucs’ sideline, Arians asked Brown to go into the game, and he said his ankle was sore and couldn’t. Arians told him if he couldn’t, he was done for the rest of the game, and that set Brown off.”
Munch refers to this at one point as a sideline report.
What I do not get in Munch’s argument is his statement that “the tie is going to Brown”
Just on game day alone, there was:
AB leaving the field during pre game when the rest of the team was on the field.
AB making a three move short stops in the 2nd quarter that left the DB on his butt. What BA is not supposed to see this lack of any ankle issues.
AB going ballistic at halftime and being calmed down by teamates.
AB not standing with his personnel group during the bucs offensive plays.
AB not reporting to the medical trainers during the game.
Not sure how Munch gets to BA triggered this more than AB. But people can see things differently.
That does not even speak to things prior to game day.
Not sure how that tie would go to AB. Arians gets to use all those things that happened that day in his reaction to AB – not just a possible alleged mishearing AB .
January 7th, 2022 at 5:01 pm
“Listnfrmafar Says:
January 6th, 2022 at 2:26 pm
They had to cut him lose so he wouldn’t be a distraction going into the PO’s.”
They could have deactivated him like they did MeShawn Johnson.
But hey, I figured it would end this way the moment they signed him.
January 7th, 2022 at 5:05 pm
Rod Munch, I’ll take BA’s word on this one.
Greg Auman isn’t a respectable source. He has made up stories just to get attention in the past.
And when you consider the way Brown left the field…there was nothing wrong with his ankle at all.