Bruce Arians Explains His Swat Of Andrew Adams

January 17th, 2022

Saved a penalty.

Bucco Bruce Arians has seen a lot of football in his years. He’s seen good and he’s seen bad.

This afternoon, Arians said that yesterday he was tired of seeing “dumb.”

As FOX cameras recorded in the Bucs win over the Eagles to open the playoffs, there was a hassle right in front of the Bucs’ bench. It appeared that backup safety Andrew Adams was woofing with an Eagles player.

Then, Arians, quickly for an old man with a bum Achilles, jumped on the field and whacked Adams in the head with his left hand. Today, Arians explained what was going on and what provoked him.

“I’ve seen enough dumb,” Arians began. “You can’t pull guys out of a pile. We just got a big play. Great field position. And he’s trying to pull a guy off the pile and I’m trying to knock [Adams] off that guy so he didn’t get a penalty.”

When Arians was asked if he regretted making contact with Adams’ noggin, Arians responded with a sharp, “No.”

So there you have it. Arians was trying to get Adams’ attention before the zebras flagged him and the Bucs 15 yards.

63 Responses to “Bruce Arians Explains His Swat Of Andrew Adams”

  1. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Cue “Deaffromupclose” on 3..2..1

  2. mark2001 Says:

    Guys hit each others helmets harder after a big play, and with all that noise, how do you expect Bruce to get his attention. My only surprise is, why didn’t some other “leader” on the team get on his rear first, when he was risking hurting the team?

  3. Swampbuc Says:

    Love our BA

  4. gotbbucs Says:

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    I’m sure the pu$$ys that never got coached hard will be up in arms over Arians giving a player a love tap, but sometimes words don’t work in the heat of battle.
    Carlton Davis needs a boot up the a$$ too for his shenanigans.

  5. Jmarkbuc Says:


    It’s too bad BA wasn’t on the other sideline to smack CD24 upside the helmet.. before he took it off and cost us a flag.

    Still not sure how a 4 yr vet doesn’t realize that’s a penalty.

  6. mark2001 Says:

    Jmark… stupid football results in losses. If someone didn’t know it yesterday, the Dallas brainfreezes very well cost them that game…. the one that burned the clock and their boatload of penalties. I’m sure Bowles or Arians had a talk with CD24 after the game. And hopefully we play smart next week.

  7. Bird Says:

    “Get off my lawn”

  8. BA4President Says:

    If people are upset about a 69 year old man hobbling over to a football player wearing a helmet and slapping his hand DOWN towards the top of the helmet, then those people live in a black and white world littered with hypocrisy.

  9. kyle Says:

    f@#$%^& media is making this a huge deal? its a non issue, ba loves these kids. give me a break, anything to create controversy,

  10. Duane Says:

    BA has to thread that needle between keeping they young guys motivated, and keeping them smart. He obviously has a lot of help in the locker room, but I respect how he doesnt shy away from it. Definitely one of his better pieces of work this season. BA has been in the zone for a couple years now. Wonder what that feels like as he has to continue to get this team going.

  11. VSyl Says:

    Arians was right, as was Bowles when he started screaming in Davis’s face after that stupid penalty or when Brady went off at the offensive line in that Bears game last year. That’s called coaching and all saw what the lack of it causes in cowboys’ game yesterday.

  12. SlyPirate Says:

    Quick Question: Did Sirianni seriously leave the game without shaking BA’s hand?

    A 70yo man with a torn Achillies walks to midfield and you don’t have the decency to return the gesture.

    If this is true, the guy is garbage.

  13. BuccaneerButters Says:

    This is a nonstory. I don’t blame the Joe’s for posting this, in fact hopefully this puts the issue to bed.

  14. Dew Says:

    Hey Joe we’re looking at a potential Brady vs Garoppolo NFC Championship game. Drama for sure.

  15. Richard Dickson Says:

    People trying to compare this to Woody Hayes are out of their damn minds. And it sounds more than a little like they’re trying to keep the AB story alive by introducing a “BA disrespects his players” narrative.

  16. Listnfrmafar Says:

    Who is next the woman trainer? These are fing professionals not high schoolers. If any of you do not believe that was a reflex action then you’ve been hit upside the head to often. His face was bright red in anger and that was an act of violence. Adam’s has family, friends and fans, the fact BA didn’t publicly apologize to him blows me aware, he embarrassed the guy on national television. I would love to see him try that with Brady or Gronk. I am totally convinced he is just as much to blame as AB for his outburst. At least AB didn’t get violent.

  17. Listnfrmafar Says:

    Oh and he lied AGAIN! There way he was trying to pull Adam’s off the guy, he thought it was his granddaughter he was smacking.

  18. mark2001 Says:

    “His face was bright red in anger and that was an act of violence”

    Holy Schmidt…what liberals define as violence nowdays. Sure Arians was screaming aimed towards such ignorance. Could have torpedoed the entire year.
    And that little head slap? No more than players do to each other after a big play. Make a big deal of this, and might as well shut down the game and replace it with the national checkers league.

  19. Jmarkbuc Says:


    BAs face is always red.. he knocks back some adult beverages.

    Until The TPD releases Adams’ assault complaint, I ain’t gonna worry about 69 yr old Bruce tapping a fully Armored young man on the helmet.😂😂😂

  20. orlbucfan Says:

    You can bet the zebs would have slapped a penalty on the Bucs. BA knows it, too. So does Bowles. Bucs might be SB champs, but they’re still the Bucs and there are quite a few zebs around who don’t like them (cos of all the years of being bottom feeders).

  21. Cobraboy Says:

    APB out on bun green.

    The boy done vanished.

  22. Daryl Green Says:

    Liberals 😏this guy. I grew up LA in the 80’s I know what violence is.
    The Lis kat just doesn’t like Bruce. Move on I’m scouting the Rams.

  23. Posey99 Says:

    Listnfrmafar Says:
    January 17th, 2022 at 2:05 pm
    Who is next the woman trainer? These are fing professionals not high schoolers. If any of you do not believe that was a reflex action then you’ve been hit upside the head to often. His face was bright red in anger and that was an act of violence. Adam’s has family, friends and fans, the fact BA didn’t publicly apologize to him blows me aware, he embarrassed the guy on national television. I would love to see him try that with Brady or Gronk. I am totally convinced he is just as much to blame as AB for his outburst. At least AB didn’t get violent.

    LOL i seriously laughed out loud when you said this. This is football, and he was trying to prevent him from doing something dumb. He never claimed it was part of a celebration.

  24. Rod Munch Says:

    This is why coaches should always be carrying a wrench. Knock him in the head with that and he’ll notice, or if you’re too slow getting there, you can just chuck it at them.

  25. Listnfrmafar Says:

    Next time all you 1960 Teamsters are at work, for shats in giggles do your job wrong and have your boss smack you upside the head and post what you did in return. Put a construction helmet on see if that makes a difference. Even better do it in front of your family and friends. How you imbeciles justify this is comical. A grown man smacked another man on national television, this wasn’t practice. Funny how many of you defend this clown. Even better when asked in a public interview if he regretted it, he.says NO. Can’t make this shat up. Next time I’m in the 10 item line at the grocery store and the guy in front of me has 25 items, I’m gonna call him a dumb arse and smack him upside the head.

  26. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Hey Rod

    If you can dodge a wrench.. you can dodge a ball.

    Dodge .. dive.. dip and dodge .


  27. Bill Says:


    You go ahead and do that, buddy, and you will get your clock cleaned by somebody who just don’t give a shIIt what you think or like.

  28. ClodHopper Says:

    Shannon and Skip sure made a dumb stink about it.

  29. AbucAway Says:

    Guess who knows beyond a shadow of a doubt he was effing up

  30. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Triggered much? Damn.

    You might want to get on the phone with the ACLU. Andrew Adams probably wants you to sue for him.

    Somebody needs a padded cell fo’ sho’.

  31. Old lady Says:

    DAM IF YOU DO-some fans disapprove. DAM IF YOU DON’T-you get a flag

  32. MJSarasota Says:


    Get lost and leave the real BUCS fans to discuss what we love about the team and the game.

    We don’t need or like your pompous pronouncements, that takes away from the team.

  33. Pete Says:

    Anybody who’s played football has gotten their helmut smacked by a coach…and more than once.

  34. Bucc941 Says:

    Anyone who has a problem with what BA did is softer than medicaid cotton.

  35. Listnfrmafar Says:

    Pete, I played at a high level D1 university and yes, getting smacked in the helmet was common place like getting a kick in the arse. In Pop Warner I can remember running hills while our coach rubbed pop corn in our faces. When our team played in college on television there were obviously tense moments but the coaches never struck us in front if friends and family. Bill and JMark maybe you beat your children but striking any individual is illegal. And Mr. LA in the 80’s , we’re not in the 80’s anymore.

  36. unbelievable Says:

    Listnfrmafar is quickly becoming the absolute dumbest poster on JBF!

    And that’s quite impressive, considering we have BucsAnthem and Robert still hanging around here…

  37. Marine Buc Says:

    Look at how pussified our society has become…

    Why don’t we just put skirts on these guys and let them have a dance contest instead of play football.

    Only total moronic A-holes like Skip Bayless would give two turds about this BS…

  38. Buczilla Says:

    I can see both sides of this and ultimately it comes down to context for me. If I’m Adams and a young head coach like Robert Saleh smacks me on the head, I’d be inclined to hit him back harder. In the case of Arians it’s more like my Abuela smacking me when I was a kid. I’d be embarrassed for sure, but I was taught to have a huge amount of respect for older folks. Arians is 69, has paid his dues, and in my book he’s earned the right to get a little chippy with players. If any dude smacks me like that in a real world job, the fight is on, but sports is totally different. Professional athletes are paid differently, treated differently, etc..

  39. Jmarkbuc Says:


    You have lost your mind. Andrew Adams is a grown man, if he had a problem with it he can handle it himself.

    So far today you’ve espoused union workers, the express lane at the grocery store, intimated that BA strikes his grandchildren and that I beat my kids.
    Two weeks ago it was an AB conspiracy.

    But everything else has the problem.

    BA ain’t going anywhere. Deal with it.

  40. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Hey List, I see you are having another day of your miserable life spewing your constant stream of negative crap at BA or the staff and other posers.

    You cant just make a negative point, and leave it at that, no, you just double down everyday on your crap, and argue with others. Why?

    It is just another day to for you List to keep on howling at the moon

    Many on here remember N-dog on this blog, you just might be “son of N-dog”

    Again you cant just make a negative point, and leave it at that, no, you just double down everyday on your crap, and argue with others. Why?

    Why is it so important to wallow in negative crap for you. And just fight with others her from your “Padded Cell”

    Again your life must be a pile of crap, to keep on throwing sh*t at others from a very Frigid New England where you said you live.

    Like I said before List, try to have a good day for once lolololol.

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  41. Jmarkbuc Says:

    August 1976

    The only answer is that its attention seeking behavior. It’s lonely in mom’s basement.

    Or he’s a paid troll. No one else could be that irrational.

  42. NeverGIVEup Says:

    Football teams are family. Brother smack each other from time to time and sometimes even Grampa gets in on the action.

    Besides that, Adams handled it like a pro. He walked away thinking, “Shhhheit man, I will never do that again”.

    Everybody wins in the end.

  43. Listnfrmafar Says:

    August it appears you just dwell on the negative comments I write. I think the Bucs are by far the most talented team in the league, sure it was weekend by the loss of Godwin & yes AB. What I see is this team as talented as it is hindered by mediocre coaching staff. In the last 3 weeks two episodes on the sidelines. To think AB’s psychotic departure was not provoked by BA is insane. He’s lied twice and you don’t want to acknowledge it. I heard what you said and I will do my best not to beat the BA dead horse again.

  44. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Jmarkbuc Says:
    January 17th, 2022 at 5:28 pm
    August 1976

    “The only answer is that its attention seeking behavior. It’s lonely in MOM’s basement.

    Or he’s a paid troll. No one else could be that irrational.”

    Jmark…I had to highlight from MOMs basement lolololo

    GO BUCS!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  45. Hodad Says:

    Someone report him to child services.

  46. Listnfrmafar Says:

    Now August that is the definition of negative. Don’t you live in Montana where there is an overwhelming populous of sheep that need a mating partner?

  47. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Just for you List,
    BA is on track for 100 wins in 10 years, Thats Hall of Fame, so again like I said to you before, just make your reservations now for Canton. So when BA gives his inductance speech with a yellow jacket on, you can be in the stands yelling how terrible BA is lololololol

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  48. 0-26 survivor Says:

    List is just peeved because his preferred team
    Just got blasted by almost 50 points at buffalo
    Somewhat exposing the defensive genius of
    Bill the now Bradyless legend coach.

  49. Listnfrmafar Says:

    August, Brady will get BA in HOF no doubt, 29 of his 90 something are from TB12. A 7-9 record pre Brady does not. Why are you provoking me, I said I would do my best to lay off BA. Now hurry I can hear your mating call back, baaaa.🐑🐑🐑

  50. CJBuc Says:

    Listfrmfr tries to play everything both ways. Very pc and then u bring up sheep mating with people in Montana. Get a life loser.

  51. August 1976 Buc Says:

    BA – 100 wins in 10 years = Hall of Fame

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  52. Listnfrmafar Says:

    I don’t know CJ, I think I’m pretty consistent. I am not the guy that loves the coaches one minute and trash them during the open thread or hating on Vaughn then loving him the next week. Below are the issues I harp on.

    1. Coaches
    2. Darden (doesn’t know the difference between North & South & East & West) and
    3. Team needs to be more discipline and learn to play 60 minutes.

    Pretty consistent I’d say.

  53. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Yawn 🥱

  54. ModHairKen Says:

    I love this story. This is a man who knows right and wrong and does not give a damn what some “everyone gets a trophy, don’t hurt his self esteem” people think.

    You want to clown around, not on BA’s field. Love it.

  55. Jmarkbuc Says:

    On this one, I’m with you Mod.

  56. Brandon Says:

    Exactly what I said when you mentionedit in another post, Joe.

  57. stpetebucsfan Says:

    TMAX…er list.

    Your posts are the first I’ve seen rendered this stoooopid because of your obvious prejudice since TMAX departed. Perhaps you are his/her reincarnation?

  58. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    BA still has some of that “old school” in him. Don’t forget that he was a protege of Bear Bryant among others.

    Love ya, BA! Go Bucs!

  59. David Says:

    Awesome. Love BA. Fantastic coach.
    He was probably a little on edge with the stupid penties after Carlton Davis ripped his helmet off earlier

  60. Bellingham Bucs Fan Says:

    > Listnfrmafar Says: January 17th, 2022 at 2:05 pm
    Who is next the woman trainer? These are fing professionals not high schoolers. If any of you do not believe that was a reflex action then you’ve been hit upside the head to often. His face was bright red in anger and that was an act of violence.

    I’m glad your safe space has Wi-Fi, because this comment is hilarious. Hope you were not triggered and will be able to function this week.

  61. Anonymous Says:

    It was obvious what his intentions were, more coachs should be that way, mike McCarthy would have been telling more players to get in there and get a fight going, “its the right thing to do according to McCarthy ” wish the cowboys had Bruce Arians, that and Tom Brady is why im rooting for the Bucs, Cowboys are dumed!!!

  62. Listnfrmafar Says:

    Are these the same fans that whine because they head hunt? A little hypocrisy don’t ya think? What is the passing school grade in Tampa & Montana D+? Don’t get upset, I gave you the +.

  63. Listnfrmafar Says:
