Jon Gruden Walks The Plank
October 12th, 2021
Click on through to shop at Bill Currie Ford GM Sean Sullivan is ready to help you PERSONALLY and give you the Ira Kaufman discount. Just ask!
While sifting through garbage in the nation’s capital, the NFL came across Jon Gruden’s trash.
And now the coach who led the 2002 Bucs to glory is finished in pro football, perhaps football on any level. He could very well return to Tampa, where his parents still live, and try to resurrect his good
name — but it won’t be easy.

Sage Ira reflects on what he calls Team Glazer’s greatest fail.
Gruden hit all the wrong bases in an array of emails to his partner in slime, Bruce Allen. His characterization of NFLPA boss DeMaurice Smith was a racist trope. He came off as homophobic, misogynistic and unceasingly cruel.
He belittled NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and made lewd comments about Bucsco-chairman Bryan Glazer. Gruden sent these messages to Allen because he knew Allen shared his sentiments.
And where is Mr. Allen since Daniel Snyder showed him the door? He’s underground. He’s out of public view, soon to be joined by Jon Gruden as a social pariah.
In retrospect, the worst decision made by the Glazers in 27 years of ownership was allowing Gruden to hand-pick Allen as Bucs GM in 2004, following the departure of Rich McKay.
Allen and Gruden had some success together in Oakland, but their 5-year tenure at One Buc Place produced a 38-42 record and zero postseason victories. While Warren Sapp and John Lynch had moved on, Tampa Bay’s defense still featured Derrick Brooks, Rondé Barber and Simeon Rice.
During the Gruden-Allen regime, 47 players were drafted by Tampa Bay. Guard Davin Joseph was the only one who earned Pro Bowl honors as a Buccaneer.
Allen fed into Gruden’s worst instincts before both were canned after a historic December collapse in 2008 that ushered in a youth movement.
Once the NFL made sure the Raiders were aware of Gruden’s indefensible emails, the league waited for owner Mark Davis to take action. When Davis waffled, additional emails were leaked.
The New York Times wrote Gruden’s football obituary when the newspaper that proudly proclaims to deliver, “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” eagerly reported the sordid details that made Gruden unfit to
Gruden didn’t get the job done in his second stint with the silver and black, finishing with a 22-31 record. Washington was 62-97-1 with Allen serving as Snyder’s key executive and confidant.
Speaking of Snyder, the NFL should be ashamed of itself for essentially giving him a pass. The league’s probe revealed a toxic work environment in Washington, but Snyder remains at the top of a franchise Forbes values at $4.2 billion.
Gruden walks the plank while Snyder runs the ship. That’s hypocrisy, NFL style.
Getting Personal
Covering Gruden’s 7-year run at One Buc Place, I knew the man could be crude. I knew the man’s tongue slipped after only a few beers. I knew he was surrounded by a web of enablers.

“Listen, Ed. Just you wait. I’ll be owning and coaching a #@%^’n XFL franchise in Tampa before you know it. I’ll own this town again!”
But in all that time, I never saw any trace of racism or evidence of homophobic tendencies.
The keypad told a different story. These emails left Gruden with little wriggle room. He couldn’t deny he sent them and boy, wouldn’t we love to see Allen’s responses?
In the end, Gruden buried the NFL shield in mud.
Like Allen, he’s the son of a football coach. Now both are on the sidelines, bonded in infamy.
There’s a flag on the field.
Unsportsmanlike conduct.
October 12th, 2021 at 11:37 am
Pete’s climbing RayJay tonight to tear down his name
October 12th, 2021 at 11:46 am
Excellent piece, Ira. The fall from grace is stunning…but perhaps less surprising in retrospect.
October 12th, 2021 at 11:48 am
Jon Gruden was our customer. We have cleaned his roof twice. He was nothing but a very nice person to us. Not saying what he said was right, but really, who has not Gossiped, or talked bad behind someone’s back ?
He resigned, and walked away from a whole lot of money, yet that is not good enough for some, who want to crucify him for 12 year old emails sent to a friend.
October 12th, 2021 at 11:48 am
no ira, you didn’t get the memo, it is cancel culture or wokes fault for gruden sending these emails. Its a witch hunt
October 12th, 2021 at 11:48 am
Whatever you type and send online will be there FOREVER.
October 12th, 2021 at 11:49 am
Disgusting. Especially for a man with the role and power he had. And a lifetime around non-white men and woman. Both in the league and community.
October 12th, 2021 at 11:50 am
chris its not 12 year old emails. Yea they started 12 years ago but these emails went all the way up until he was hired by the raiders in 2018. A decade full of emails. Educate yourself
October 12th, 2021 at 11:52 am
For those defending, shame on you. Wether it was 10 years ago, and some emails were as new as 2018, that is no excuse. And the league still had more emails ready to leak per sources if the raiders did nothing. It wouldn’t surprise me if not only were they worse but also even more recent that 2018 as some emails were.
October 12th, 2021 at 11:52 am
Is Gruden’s worst fault that he sent those emails? That he got caught?
Or that he FELT THAT WAY?
October 12th, 2021 at 11:54 am
This is why Pete doesn’t say stupid stuff online
October 12th, 2021 at 11:59 am
I’m sure after Ira and the Joes down a few Bromosas, they only exchange bible verses. You’re picking low hanging fruit Ira.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:02 pm
The things is Ira, NFL is run by the owners.
Snyder is going to get the pass since he runs the show in the WFT.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:07 pm
I know this will ruffle feathers but let’s be honest. How come everyone can be held accountable but the ex president it’s ridiculous. All the evidence you want in plain sight no repercussions. 4 years of bending the system had people lying under oath with the promise of pardon. And constantly till this day is still obstructing justice.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:08 pm
As an aside, this does bring up some “irregularities” by the NFL as Ira points out.
BUT, this is now and Gruden has stepped in it, REALLY stepped in it. Karma is what you make it to be.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:11 pm
It’s what MEN say!! Anyone here acting “holier than thou” that pretends they haven’t said some stupid stuff in private to a friend or something is a LIAR and a hypocrite!! Personal emails should be just that, personal!! I’m so sick of the trying to find the fault in someone culture when we are all human and say and do stupid stuff!! BLM when on a burning spree for a whole year!! Panty-fa is still fighting people in Washington where they attacked a church group screaming “where’s your God now” …. It’s only when a white, straight man says something crude that it gets any attention and that person must be delt with!! A great example is that kid that just shot up a school and got bonded out on 25k the next day because you can’t blame a black kid he was just defending his poor self right?? How about Kyle Rittenhouse who had to post a 2 MILLION dollar bond when he was ON TAPE trying to help people and was attacked, tried to run and defended himself… But na, he’s a white kid he must be crucified!! … I’ve watched video after video of the ABC people attacking Steven Crowder and others one even attacked a person with an ax … And let’s not forget the classic IT’S MA’AM!! Nope only a straight white man who speaks the truth must be crucified!!
October 12th, 2021 at 12:13 pm
Cancel Culture is a cruel mistress. I’m pretty sure Chucky got caught up in the Daniel Snyder witch-hunt. After all, he’s the second most hated man in DC!
Let’s go Brandon.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:18 pm
The word not used yet is “ungrateful”……..Gruden was ungrateful to the sport that made him tens of millions of dollars….
Ungrateful to the Players Union Rep
Ungrateful to the NFL Chairman
Ungrateful to the Bucs ownership
So, not only disrespectful, but ungrateful..
Now…he’s lost a $10 mil per year job…..apologized and will be blackballed from a sport he loves…..he’s paid his dues….leave he and his family alone in peace to enjoy the rest of his life in luxury.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:18 pm
Gruden was put out there as the face for this NFL scandal and was embarrassed due to his private emails being leaked to the NYT due to the NFL wanting to get rid of Gruden. 500,000 emails and Gruden is the only one that is in trouble? CMON MAN. BSPN woke central leftists will milk this for a long time while trying to forever delete their bad takes. The face of BSPN Stephen A Smith just a few weeks ago made derogatory remarks about Shohei Ohtani, why was that ok? Messed up world going on here now, the red scare is back and alive in the US and it will get worse
October 12th, 2021 at 12:18 pm
¨Gruden walks the plank while Snyder runs the ship. That’s hypocrisy, NFL style.¨
That´s not just NFL hypocrisy, its the entrie world!!!!!
I am not saying what Gruden said was ok because it´s not……but He who is free from sin, let him throw the first stone….that´s what makes the entire planet hipcorite…….
Long debate and a very difficultnowadays, everybody seems a little bit sensible lately…
Again What Gruden did is wrong, but that´s not my point, my pint is about hypocresy!!!!
October 12th, 2021 at 12:19 pm
chucky was a “dude with a tude” and eventually it caught up with him
October 12th, 2021 at 12:24 pm
So now the NFL is responsible for reviewing emails of all its employees to ensure diversity and inclusion at all times? I gotta believe Gruden isnt the only person to speak so ignorantly. Hoping BA is too old to have even embraced the concept of electronic messaging. Nice job social justice mob. I always knew Chucky was the one holding back healthy relationships amongst all peoples.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:24 pm
Totally agree with you overall Sorryjackchuckiesback.
The problem here is Bruce Allen was responding to Gruden on the WFT’s Business computer. Although it was private to Gruden, Allen made it business emails…
Yeah it was crude locker-room talk between 2 dudes. Same type of crap that happened to Trump with that reporter during his run for president that got released. Not saying that Gruden shouldn’t be in trouble for this, but the “woke” media & cancel culture seem to try & control stuff now.
Seems like it was a massive witch-hunt to get rid of Gruden. Everyone knew he despised Roger Goodell…Wouldn’t surprise me in the least of Roger got wind of this then moved this forward.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:24 pm
The people who are screaming the loudest about Gruden’s crass emails and the need for him to be banished forever are probably those who have the most to hide themselves.
We’ve all gossiped. We’ve all complained about colleagues. We’ve all been jerks and called people names behind their backs. Because we’re all sinful.
Let him who would publicly display his every private email and text message cast the first stone.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:29 pm
Well Is the NFL gonna monitor all the racist misogynistic filth that the lineup for the SuperBowl half time show has scheduled . This crap is so ridiculous ….. as stated above , men /guys in locker rooms shuck and jive each other mercilessly . Anytime the boys of any color get together anything goes …. it is give and take all around ! Regardless of differences you are still brothers and friends . I dare say any one would want every E-mail or text they have ever sent published , God forbid we would all be cancelled !
October 12th, 2021 at 12:31 pm
Lots of people have made bad and crude jokes or spoke ill of previous bosses. It doesn’t make them bad people. But Gruden went too far. And he put it all out there on electronic record. I think he’s done in the NFL. Warranted or not, this league likes to blackball people whether it’s someone like Gruden or someone like Kaepernick. Teams just don’t like distractions/controversies that can cost wins. But in time, I think some college teams out there will offer him a second chance, if he wants it.
But don’t think Gruden is the only one in the league who has made a sexist or racist joke. I can’t even imagine how many of these owners talk when no one is around.
As for the Ring of Honor. I doubt the Glazers do anything. All this stuff he put out there was after he was here. And we can’t change or erase the past. Forever Gruden will be a big part of Bucs history. But the Bucs probably won’t officially talk about him much anymore. As far as the Bucs are concerned when it comes to Gruden….this is all in the past and that’s where it should stay.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:34 pm
Ira, that’s some damn good writing there, that’s why you are the sage
October 12th, 2021 at 12:36 pm
“`Sorryjackchuckiesback Says:
October 12th, 2021 at 12:11 pm
It’s what MEN say!! Anyone here acting “holier than thou” that pretends they haven’t said some stupid stuff in private to a friend or something is a LIAR and a hypocrite!! Personal emails should be just that, personal!! I’m so sick of the trying to find the fault in someone culture when we are all human and say and do stupid stuff!! BLM when on a burning spree for a whole year!! Panty-fa is still fighting people in Washington where they attacked a church group screaming “where’s your God now” …. It’s only when a white, straight man says something crude that it gets any attention and that person must be delt with!! A great example is that kid that just shot up a school and got bonded out on 25k the next day because you can’t blame a black kid he was just defending his poor self right?? How about Kyle Rittenhouse who had to post a 2 MILLION dollar bond when he was ON TAPE trying to help people and was attacked, tried to run and defended himself… But na, he’s a white kid he must be crucified!! … I’ve watched video after video of the ABC people attacking Steven Crowder and others one even attacked a person with an ax … And let’s not forget the classic IT’S MA’AM!! Nope only a straight white man who speaks the truth must be crucified!!“`
October 12th, 2021 at 12:45 pm
This isn’t about cancel culture or being force-fed a heavy dose of woke medicine…Ira’s article is a fair and honest account of this entire sordid affair—Gruden’s ego-fueled demons, the NFL’s agenda (vis-a-vis Gruden and the WFT investigation) and the toxic workplace and misogynistic culture that Bruce Allen happily bred. The real issue here is limiting the fallout to Gruden. 650,000 emails means there’s more to this story that has to come out. The NFL uncorked the bottle, it’s up to the few remaining investigative journalists out there to keep them from plugging it up and tossing it into the sea.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:49 pm
Dlavid, right on my man. The 2022 Super Bowl half time show including Dr. Dre, “F The Police” Snoop Dogg “187 on an undercover cop” and of course Eminem calling people F*gg*ts…..NFL has dug itself into a pretty bad spot here with the Gruden dismissal and holding only ONE person as the pariah for this mess
October 12th, 2021 at 12:56 pm
Just to clarify, even though it’s mentioned a few times already, there’s nothing personal about work emails. IE emails made on a business account. Most adults fully realize this. Not saying the end justifies the means, or vice versa, just that if you want to send emails like that do it on your Google account. My place of business periodically monitors emails and everyone knows it. Certain keywords are searched for, certain websites, etc. Clearly gruden and Allen thought they were above it all. And they were for a while. I don’t like this trend of historical grandstanding but it’s a trend that’s not going away anytime soon. The past is prologue.
October 12th, 2021 at 12:59 pm
Love the guy or hate him he messed up sending material that insulted owners/league officials and contained generally material that could offend particular groups of people to a league business account. He messed up, it created bad public perception, so he resigned. End of story. The team didn’t need the distraction, the league didn’t need the bad pr. What happened is what should it happened. I don’t know the guy personally so can’t comment on his character much. He made a mistake, it got broguht to public eye, and the right thing happened to save face for all involved.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:01 pm
Sucks for the other coaches and the players who were working hard to try and make this season a good one. I still appreciate what was accomplished here and I’m sure the players of that magical year do too even if some of them didn’t like Gruden personally
October 12th, 2021 at 1:03 pm
There isn’t a single player that has come out in support of Gruden.
Long-time Bucs fans will recall Keyshawn, Sapp, and Lynch all calling Gruden a POS after they split. They each called our Gruden for being a two-faced liar that will stab you in the back.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:05 pm
Sly, Tim Brown came out pretty positive about him yesterday. Only former or current player I’ve heard from thus far.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:13 pm
Webster, no one is saying that it’s not Gruden’s fault but this does seem to be a witch hunt. These emails written by Gruden are completely unrelated to the purpose of WFT investigation. Why was this leaked and who benefits? Gruden was not working in the NFL at any capacity. You mean to tell me you won’t find similar emails from players and coaches all over the NFL?
What Gruden said was terrible but what is far more concerning are not the ignorant opinions and adjectives used by one man. What is more concerning is the fact that there are people out there who think nothing of ruining another’s reputation especially when there is nothing to gain. This kind of groupthink sets a dangerous precedent and groupthink is the reason why tensions are at an all time high in this country.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:14 pm
What did Jon Gruden say in those 10 year old emails that the NFL darling, Jay Z, didn’t say in EVERY SINGLE SONG?
October 12th, 2021 at 1:23 pm
I am a little surprised at the folks who are defending the substance of what was said, or otherwise excusing it. He emailed Allen AT WORK. That shows, at best, a complete lack of self-awareness and an inability to conform his behavior to workplace expectations. ESPN would have fired his ass even faster than the Raiders if we were still working for them.
If Gruden had emailed Allen at a private account, this likely would have never seen the light of day, unless Allen was using his personal email account to conduct work, which is why it is good to separate work from personal email. To be clear, employees have no expectation of privacy with respect to work emails.
And this was not a singular mistake. This was a lot of emails over an 8 year period. To put things in perspective, many folks, myself included, will never forget the anti-Semitic slur that Jesse Jackson used to describe NYC. That was arguably a singular mistake. Personally, I think the statement said a lot about Jackson. Ditto for the emails from Gruden.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:25 pm
When I read some of these comments I feel as though the bottom of the barrel has been transposed into an endless abyss.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:37 pm
I wonder lass about the emails leaked to the media, and much more about the ones they won’t disseminate. I’m sure there’s plenty of skeletons in Rodger Goodell’s closet, amoung others.
The NFL will continue to woke itself into irrelevance. Viewership is way down and will continue to erode. No one wants to tune in for furthering the divide in this country. Playing a separate anthem for one race is a return to the old southern racism of the past. Separate but equal was a common term used in politics of the south.
NFL equals Neatly Framed Lies.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:39 pm
Bottom line, Gruden is a bigot. What else is new? America is infested with them. What’s worse is the people who take pride in it. Prejudice is something taught in the home. Some people learn to appreciate the differences, or at least accept them. Others never will. We are human beings.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:40 pm
These mouth-breathers want Gruden as Florida’s next Governor hahahahahahha ajajajajajja tee-hee lol
October 12th, 2021 at 1:41 pm
Of course Gruden should not have written the emails and of course the Raiders should fire him if they do not want him to represent their organization. However, I know I do not want to be judged completely on my worse days when I said or did things I regret.
I would hope that people will forgive him if he is sincerely sorry to those he insulted and offended.
No one; including Gruden, should be a social pariah as Ira describes if they ask for forgiveness and are sincere.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:41 pm
If i wasn’t clear, this isn’t about rating Gruden from 1-10 on how he is as a human being, it’s about professional conduct as much as anything. A head coach in the NFL (or when he was in the media) requires upholding a certain code of conduct, and a certain image. We can speculate who leaked the emails, but what’s done is done. If it had remained a quiet, behind the scenes investigation, maybe it would have ended different… But once it became a sensational story in the public eye it had to end this way.
October 12th, 2021 at 1:44 pm
Great article Ira! Gruden deserved to be fired, but this was a hit job through and through.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:03 pm
I’m not gonna protect Gruden. He is..Facing his Music and will for some time to come. But 10 yrs ago I said things to my wife and friends I wish I could take back. And most of us white men (not all) have said some things about other races in a jokingly way. Growing up in Fl, racism was always with me. I lost friends who exposed themselves as haters or other races. Yes, even playing football in Catholic school! But I refuse to hold you accountable for remarks made 10 yrs ago. People do change and become more acceptable and tolerant of others over the years. Most players who have played for Gruden say they never heard or witnessed him displaying racism. Thats good enough for me folks. I don’t like the fact his past is being held against him at all. I wish John Gruden the very best.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:10 pm
Also for the record Dan Snyder should be forced to sell the football team.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:13 pm
The definition of Gossip is
a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others
The definition of Sin is
Transgression of the law of God
The definition of Racism is
a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits , appearance , and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
There are those that would try to characterize Grudens’ remarks as gossip or sin and they are not that. However it begs a more interesting question-why would someone try to call Grudens’ remarks by a different name that racist?
Clearly it is nothing more than a weak attempt to rebrand his remarks so that it is more culturally acceptable due to the fact that everyone sins and gossips. What we must be clear about is not everyone is a racist , by most scientific study it is about 30% of the population. look in the mirror and ask yourself “Am I a racist?” You may not like the answer.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:14 pm
Let me fix that for you: Most of us have said some things about other races in a jokingly way.
At least you have the balls to admit it. The keyboard warriors on here sitting in their Ivory Towers are guilty as well. Probaby have the most to hide as well. This isn’t exclusive to White men. I’m Hispanic. Do you think we just sit there and take it in silence? All people’s across all backgrounds have busted on other people’s races, ethnicities, culture, ect…in a joking way.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:14 pm
Great article Ira
October 12th, 2021 at 2:19 pm
I would have appreciated Mr. Kauffman’s article more if he had omitted his reverence for the New York Times. Ira stated their old slogan, not reverence. Big difference. –Joe
That newspaper has a tarnished history of sex discrimination, antisemitism, anti-India phobia and partisan political reporting, not to mention their shameful bias in the Duke University lacrosse case where their political correctness agenda ruined the lives of 3 innocent students.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:21 pm
Keep Gruden’s name on the wall only if it pisses off the Libtards.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:41 pm
You’re right D rome. But if any of us did that on work email we would lose our jobs too.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:43 pm
I’m a fairly liberal person but I will say this. Personal emails should remain personal. PERIOD. We’re all afraid to say anything anymore and that’s no way to live. To ruin someone’s career over this is just asinine. Yeah obviously Gruden is a bonehead but we have no right to know about it. Those emails are personal conversations in writing and we should not have access to them.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:58 pm
Air all your emails Ira. What a pansy country now. Call me whatever the eff you want. Pick up a stick or stone and god bless you. Cry babies will continue to cry.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:59 pm
Internet 101:
Never put anything in writing that you wouldn’t want your Mother to read.
October 12th, 2021 at 2:59 pm
You guys are right we have all said things in joking ways or have said mean things about people we don’t like. The main thing is when you’re in a position like that you have to realize you will be really under the microscope. It’s almost like being a poltician. As a general rule you really need to be careful what you post online or what you send in business emails (or in this case to someone else’s email). Tale as old as time. What goes on the internet is generally not easy to erase… In this case emails on business servers. You never know how it’ll come back to bite you later if you change jobs
October 12th, 2021 at 3:01 pm
This country needs a psychology lesson. Hateful speech means someones not happy with themselves not others. Not sure why anyone cares what anyone else says about them. Sick
October 12th, 2021 at 3:05 pm
SB Says:
October 12th, 2021 at 2:59 pm
And what are we missing here?
Oh, Yeah. That’s right Gruden is the only person regardless of race to be racist in a text or email
Shame on you Gruden and Shame on all of us for not seeing through all of this media sh!t. I mean SMDH
October 12th, 2021 at 3:06 pm
Darin Says:
October 12th, 2021 at 3:01 pm
This country needs a psychology lesson. Hateful speech means someones not happy with themselves not others. Not sure why anyone cares what anyone else says about them. Sick
There is a difference between ‘hate speech’ and speech you hate.
All we have to do is take the blinders off.
October 12th, 2021 at 3:10 pm
Dusthty Rhothdes Says:
October 12th, 2021 at 12:49 pm
Dlavid, right on my man. The 2022 Super Bowl half time show including Dr. Dre, “F The Police” Snoop Dogg “187 on an undercover cop” and of course Eminem calling people F*gg*ts…..NFL has dug itself into a pretty bad spot here with the Gruden dismissal and holding only ONE person as the pariah for this mess
October 12th, 2021 at 3:12 pm
Bucs 1987. Will it piss off the Repukes too?
October 12th, 2021 at 3:14 pm
“This country needs a psychology lesson.”
You mean needs a therapist! LOL!
October 12th, 2021 at 3:15 pm
Like it or not they are using sports to push politics and this story the newest example. Making a spectacle out of stories like these are very much on the political agenda right now. This isnt cancel culture because they got Guden fired,its cancel culture because these “end racism” stories are only one sided………sorry but its a two way street brother and if youre only gonna look one way then get used to people digging their heels in and defending………Theyre not even defending Gruden at this point, theyre defending their politics.
Thats all for me…….Yall keep on fighting…….And if you think your words are helping end anything you are the real ignoramus.
October 12th, 2021 at 3:22 pm
Gruden & Trump will be best buds in 2 weeks
October 12th, 2021 at 3:30 pm
First, nothing put on the international web is personal when you are a celebrity making millions of dollars, in part, because of your good character.
Second, who ruined Gruden’s career? He did something he couldn’t answer for so he quit!!
October 12th, 2021 at 3:31 pm
It’s a good thing all of you are so enlightened…
October 12th, 2021 at 3:33 pm
Mike Johnson
It wasn’t just 10yrs ago.. it started 10 yrs ago and ran all the way to 2018.
1987… pretty surprised at that position.
October 12th, 2021 at 3:38 pm
I do not think Gruden is a racist, I would guess that he talks crap about everyone, all individuals and races. Just like the old Lenny Bruce stand up where he calls everyone by their racial slurs. That being said Gruden had to go and locker room talk is fine until the New York Times reports it.
October 12th, 2021 at 3:52 pm
Quite simply, he forgot, or ignored, that electronic communications don’t decompose, erode, or forget.
Say what you want, but, when it’s being recorded, know that whatever you say might wind up as an exhibit during a deposition, or on a front page.
That’s just reality.
October 12th, 2021 at 3:53 pm
Now the NFLPA is demanding all the WFT emails be released.
Can of worms about to be opened. Gruden may not be the only one going down.
October 12th, 2021 at 3:55 pm
Howard thinks the government should just go ahead and make hurting someones feeling a 1st degree misdemeanor, punishable by jail time
October 12th, 2021 at 4:04 pm
Poor ol’ Chucky, been shoved off the plank, out to sea.
I hope he’s a good swimmer.
October 12th, 2021 at 4:34 pm
Just listen to the rap musicians at half time of Super Bowl. One hella of a lot worse going over the airways. NFL are hypocrites. What have we become as a nation. Sad.
October 12th, 2021 at 4:45 pm
Buc1987 Says:
October 12th, 2021 at 2:21 pm
Keep Gruden’s name on the wall only if it pisses off the Libtards.
Ha ha ha!
Absolutely right!
October 12th, 2021 at 5:44 pm
Gruden used rude language when talking to a friend in private, because it’s funny to say ‘shocking’ things and to be over the top. That’s literally the entire story. People who pretend like it’s more than that are trash who themselves will sooner or later be lynched by the mob they’re a part of.
October 12th, 2021 at 5:46 pm
Meanwhile during the SB half-time show you’re staring men who have repeatedly, in public, used the ‘f-g’ word in public, talked about raping underage girls and other men, and have talked about killing their ex’s and killing many other people, including the former president of the US.
That’s OK, but saying rude things in private is a lynchable offense.
October 12th, 2021 at 6:18 pm
“Meanwhile during the SB half-time show you’re staring men who have repeatedly, in public, used the ‘f-g’ word in public, talked about raping underage girls and other men, and have talked about killing their ex’s and killing many other people, including the former president of the US.”
If we are talking about topics discussed in songs, then we must include all fields of art. We can begin with Coppola and others for The Godfather, Scorsese and cast for Good Fellas. That’s just drop of sand. Should Bob Marley be included for advocating “shooting the sheriff?”, or Clapton for popularizing it? I probably need to go back through the entire catalog of The Highwaymen, combined and solo, We already know the Johnny Cash shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die, right. How about we cancel Brett Easton Ellis for American Psycho. I’m not saying
October 12th, 2021 at 6:27 pm
Pt. 2 of my comment that is now being reviewed by the poor intern that happens to be stuck moderating today.
Point being, it’s not whether what he said was private or not, it was being dumb enough, even 10 years ago, to send anything like that to an official email address. Didn’t Brucey Allen have a Netscape or AOL account he could have used? It’s basically the same idea as a burner phone. Don’t use your real phone for anything whatsoever that you don’t want seen by the masses.
October 12th, 2021 at 6:58 pm
Med Pete.. Gruden can be Trumps V.P. candidate in 2024. That is if Trump isn’t in jail for tax fraud. They’d sweep Florida.
October 12th, 2021 at 7:10 pm
Ira’s defense of leaking private emails is utterly disgusting. Utterly. Disgusting. Is Ira perhaps proposing that it’s a good thing to live in a world where private emails are leaked to push an agenda? That perhaps Ira’s emails and snail mail from 200 years ago could be leaked to destroy his career? I hope not.
But it reads that way.
Joes honestly, there’s nothing to defend in grudens leaked emails (outside of any and all goodell criticism of course… goodness that idiot has earned it.) but to defend and support the actions of the NFL by leaking additional private emails to ensure the outcome they wanted (gruden’s firing) is absolutely sick. I’m going to assume Ira as a writing professional for 3 and a half centuries simply had a slip of the keyboard.
October 12th, 2021 at 7:30 pm
I am just going to assume that you are STUPID!
You think only the White man is guilty of this because the Media decided to Air it?
Let’s see all of Steven A Smith’s and Jamel Hill’s Emails for the last Ten years.
Stupid F’n Sheep letting the Media divide us more!!!!!!!!!!
October 12th, 2021 at 7:32 pm
The best ‘motto’ on the back of ANY nfl helmet is
…..”It Takes All Of Us…….”
October 12th, 2021 at 9:41 pm
As a political moderate who has often called out people on this website for racist remarks, This whole gruden thing makes me see why…some people just give up and move to the political far right. The man apologized more than once. gruden ain’t no racist. Trust me, if he was, Sapp and Brooks would have called him out long ago. Look for the statue in the Bucs lobby to come down soon. This whole thing is sad guys. I wish John Gruden nothing but..The very best.
October 13th, 2021 at 7:52 am
What everyone seems to be forgetting, is that all of his e-mails were sent using his WORK account. Most companies now are monitoring internal e-mail for stuff like this, and I have seen many people terminated for sending offensive/non-work related e-mails. It happens. But, those same companies in general don’t go poking into their PRIVATE e-mail accounts. I doubt if he had used his personal e-mail account and had sent it to Allen’s personal e-mail account the NFL wouldn’t be saying anything about any of this.
In the end, this seems to be a case where people think they are invincible, unquestionable and that they can say whatever they want – wherever they want. Remember, unless stated, there is no expectation of privacy when you use your work e-mail account. While we do enjoy freedom of speech as private citizens, everyone needs to understand that using your employers e-mail adds additional responsibilities, and what you say not only represents you, but can potentially put your employer at risk. Clearly there was little/no oversight.
I’m not saying Gruden should have just used his personal e-mail account – far from it. I think what he said was just offensive, and honestly, immature and mentally weak. But to do that on your WORK account, is just inexcusable and showed just how arrogant he was. Ditto for Allen…and I’m surprised as said earlier…that none of his responses have been released.
I hope he gets the help he desperately needs. I think everyone is capable of redemption, but man, he has such a long long long long way to go. And seeing the comment about Gruden apologizing… all I can say is, it was pretty weak from what I saw, and he seemed more angry at being exposed than actually contrite. People see through that, so I’m not surprised to see all the anger going his way now.
October 13th, 2021 at 3:47 pm
Yeah, I would love to get a look at Stephen A Smith’s email backlog. But you know what? It ain’t ever gonna happen
October 16th, 2021 at 7:29 pm
Basad weed shame on you. Gruden said some bad sh_t. But there are people above him that new what he said 10 yeats ago and swept it under the rug. Time for these MF’S TO OWN UP!