Bruce Arians Says He Skips All Offensive Meetings
October 21st, 2021
Easy ride described
Bucco Bruce Arians has pounded his chest for a while that he is undeserving of all the praise he gets for being mastermind and shotcaller of the Tampa Bay offense.
“I get way too much credit for the [offense]; I don’t even go to the meetings,” Arians told The Colin Cowherd Podcast this week. “I mean Byron [Leftwich] runs this offense from top to bottom and doesn’t get enough credit for it.”
Arians said he gets his first look at the prepared offensive gameplan on a Monday evening (for a Sunday game) and on Tuesday he’ll throw a few ideas on Leftwich’s desk, mostly about what guy to put in what position and comments on routes and red zone.
Arians added that on Wednesday evening he’ll often sit down with Leftwich to further review things.
The head coach firmly noted the Bucs are not one of those teams scrutinizing other teams for ideas and plays. They have a comprehensive offense, he said, and the week-to-week answers already are in the playbook.
Just another peek into how things operate at One Buc Palace.
Joe has been told independently that senior offensive advisor Tom Moore has a big role in laying out a framework for the weekly gameplan and getting that to Leftwich very early in the process, which is no surprise considering his resumé and job description.
Buccaneers legend Derrick Brooks and Sage of Tampa Bay Sports Ira Kaufman are looking back and forward on today’s TAMPA TWO from The Identity Tampa Bay and Joe.
October 21st, 2021 at 10:18 am
but but BL does nothing according to the some of the idiots on this site. That is story one million and counting that BL runs the show. Brady has said as much, licht has, arians has, players in the locker room has yet some jbf posters who have never been in a nfl lockerroom or on the sideline will spew their alternative fact narratives. smdh
October 21st, 2021 at 10:42 am
I’m one who last year during the KC game, thought BA might have taken over play calling.
There was such a dynamic switch, almost that got flipped, during that game.
Maybe it was Brady just audibling to some familiar plays, but the difference was noticed. Plus Rojo actually caught the ball. 🙂
This year they look explosive every game, so I believe Leftwich and Brady are on the same page. I think Brady has a couple plays every down and the receivers being on the same page to what he switches to at the LOS is better.
I also remember BA saying Leftwich should have gotten a head coach interview so I know he gives Lefty all the credit.
I’m sure Tom Moore’s genius flys under the radar in that process though.
October 21st, 2021 at 11:04 am
Bruce is trying to get Leftwich a head coaching job which tells Pete that TB12 is retiring & so is Bruce after this season. “It’s over Johnny…”
October 21st, 2021 at 11:08 am
Many times I apparent. How do you set a game plan and not meet to discuss how it gets implemented? Just another BA WOW moment. No wonder players like playing for him, he is invisible, no bossman in the house. BL is not qualified to put together an elaborate game plan, now I understand the simplicity of the offense.
October 21st, 2021 at 11:19 am
So, what does BA do? Besides drive around in a golf cart and ride Brady’s coattails? He doesn’t call plays, he doesn’t have any offensive input, he doesn’t coach any position players, he doesn’t make personnel or draft decisions…
With so much free time he shouldn’t have any mistakes with managing the game with timeouts and clock management
October 21st, 2021 at 11:38 am
For Christ sake, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. He’s got nothing to do with the offense anyway. Brady picks the plays, BL calls them, and Brady changes whatever he wants. Arians could hammer a fifth of scotch on the sideline, and it wouldn’t matter. Brady controls the offense. He amended it to his skill set and started dumping the chuck and duck part. He still throws deep, but his bread and butter has always been quick throws to guys that get open immediately. Brady is a better coordinator than both of them
October 21st, 2021 at 12:06 pm
Yup Ben Green is right. Brady is a playing coach all in one.
October 21st, 2021 at 12:08 pm
There were some here calling BA a backstabbing selfish coach. All because he got rid of their messiah. Some even making it a race thing all he does is support his diverse staff. Most black he’s dead set on making sure BL gets his credit he’s groomed him. This is the best coach in buccaneers history stop the stupidity stop the hate. This is the best team in buccaneers history stop the stupidity stop the hate!!!
October 21st, 2021 at 12:17 pm
keep reaching idiots. So that is why Lesean mccoy came out and said brady doesnt even try to go to the coaches during the week with plays to add to the game plan? Its BL show you slow people no matter how much you want to say it aint. GET OVER IT…. ITS A WRAP….. Stop the steal lol
October 21st, 2021 at 12:27 pm
So much for the popular narrative here that Brady is running the offense. despite the coaches and players repeatedly giving Coach Leftwich credit for the offensive play calling, many here refuse to accept it.
October 21st, 2021 at 12:58 pm
Wonder if BA skips those team offensive planning meetings so as not to undermine BL’s leadership as OC. Many if not most of the offensive assistants have been with BA for awhile. Poor BL wouldn’t have a prayer of truly being ‘in charge’ of that group with BA, Tom Brady & Tom Moore in those meetings. Or maybe BA just hates meetings.
October 21st, 2021 at 1:23 pm
All of you saying BA does nothing didn’t read Joe’s article that says he reviews and tweaks the gameplan throughout every week.
October 21st, 2021 at 1:35 pm
Golf cart won’t fit in the meeting room
October 21st, 2021 at 2:11 pm
He sure does criticize a lot for a coach that doesn’t participate in prep meetings. Without TB12, the only bowl this team would be striving for is the toilet bowl led by a 70 yr old turd.
October 21st, 2021 at 3:54 pm
Its a team of coaches that put the game plan together. Headed by BL. Now during the game how many times have you seen brady say no to the sideline while receiving the play. I don’t know how many I have but its a common event. So my observation is BL makes the game plan and brady chooses what he likes in game time.
October 21st, 2021 at 4:42 pm
I find most meetings offensive in one way or another.
October 21st, 2021 at 5:27 pm
Did you stop taking your meds, Pete?
October 21st, 2021 at 6:32 pm
since76 fake news. Brady does not many times shake his head no to the sideline. Again stop lying. How many times have you heard Arians and Brady say Leftwich called a hell of a game today? Many times and that is verifiable. Stop the bs. Again all you alternative facts posters need to stop the bs!!!
October 21st, 2021 at 10:45 pm
Webster …take a deep breath little buddy… Never said Brady and Arians didn’t like BL s play calling. Where did you get that from my post. Who’s lying? You must use cnn fact checkers. Yes brady does say no to calls coming in to him. Not all the time but when he doesn’t like it he does. I said it was my observation. Hey its working for them im not complaining about the offense at all.
October 22nd, 2021 at 10:01 am
76 like i said dont fox news stuff and just throw stuff out there WITHOUT evidence. Just because you say you observe many times brady shaking his head no ie you observe lost ballots etc does not make it true. THats you just spewing bs narratives. You dont think that would be a major story if Brady was MANY times shaking his head to play calls? Its BL’s show whether you want to admit it or not
October 22nd, 2021 at 10:59 am
Webster…..again I like BL s play calling. Stop putting text to my posts. Must be great living in your own little world. Where no one can have an opinion if it doesnt match yours.