“A Commitment That Borders On Pathological”

October 2nd, 2021

A Tom Brady screenshot from In The Current.

Tom Brady’s private throwing coach, a professional baseball pitcher who launched his career in the 1960s, is always a great and candid listen.

The dude is 74-year-old Tom House, whose resumé spans multiple sports and superstars, including Nolan Ryan and Drew Brees.

He joined NBC Boston’s Next Pats Podcast this week to talk all things Brady in advance of the Bucs’ clash with the Belicheats on Sunday night.

House dove into Brady’s holistic approach to preparation, including a mental health/performance team. But what interested Joe most was House talking about how obsessed Brady is with daily improvement.

“I’m not talking 20 percent better. I’m just talking 1 percent better every stinkin’ day. And it’s a commitment that borders on pathological,” House said of Brady.

“It’s funny, when you work with Tom, after every throw, he’ll look you in the eye and say, ‘Did you see anything? Did I do it right?’ Or if it didn’t feel quite right, he’ll say, ‘Watch this; tell me what’s going on here.”

House went on to talk about seeing no apparent erosion of Brady’s skills. He also stressed how Brady’s intense film study helps him “break even” when it comes to what he’s lost physically because of enhanced “early recognition” on the field of play.

In addition to all the work Brady puts in through diet, preparation, etc., House said pure love and fire for the game is a huge force in beating back Father Time. “He’s matching old age and treachery with youth and exuberance.”

8 Responses to ““A Commitment That Borders On Pathological””

  1. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Macular degeneration and difficult time reading his playsheet on his wrist will be an issue before his arm lacking…..just saying.

  2. Medicated Pete Says:

    Too bad TB12’s current teammates are complacent

  3. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Bucs more hungover than Pete at Mardi Gras

  4. SB~LV Says:

    It’ll be interesting to see what he does after his playing days. The same commitment and attention to detail will go into those endeavors.

  5. Kgh4life Says:

    I’m never worried about Brady, it’s everyone else around him. Teammates are complacent and the Bucs coaching staff is not detailed.

  6. Kentucky Buc Says:

    House was Nolan Ryan’s pitching coach at one time. I suspect he learned a lot from Nolan. Brady 7 Super Bowl wins . Nolan 7 no hitters. Coincidence.

  7. Kentucky Buc Says:

    Also Nolan Ryan’s last no hitter came at age 44

  8. Bucsfanintexas Says:

    Tommy House.. the guy who caught #715 from Henry Aaron