“I Can’t Say Enough About How Damn Good Tom Brady Looks”

September 13th, 2021

The body and the ball tell a story, says a former QB,

Joe only knows of one former quarterback who was a Patriots assistant coach in 2012, played years for the Bucs and also was on the field Thursday night studying Tom Brady.

That man is Chris Simms, the popular NBC Sports voice who has been dissecting quarterback play in the media since he left the Patriots’ staff.

Simms was a little down on Brady two years ago in New England, believing he had lost leg strength and some of the throwing power that comes with it.

After watching Brady warmup Thursday, Simms is a fired up believer in the walking 44 year old marvel that is Brady.

“He’s always had an incredibly strong arm, but now he’s got like the technique and the mechanics that are really allowing him to just step on the gas and be accurate at any time,” Simms said. “Yes, he’s throwing the ball better now than he was in 2012, 2013. … Every ball, it’s perfect spirial.”

And Simms went on to liken Brady’s throws to those of Aaron Rodgers and Patrick Mahomes. Per Simms, you now can hear Brady’s ball through the air because of the tight spirial, spin and force.

Simms added that Brady’s legs look thicker and stronger and have more pop. And during the game, Simms said Brady was “less flinchy” than in a typical opening day and that’s evidence of his comfort level in Tampa.

As Joe barked on the latest Ira Kaufman Podcast, the most important takeaway from Thursday’s win was Brady looking sharp, comfortable and 100 percent healthy.

24 Responses to ““I Can’t Say Enough About How Damn Good Tom Brady Looks””

  1. Bob Says:

    He’s great, but he’s throwing behind a terrific offensive line.

  2. Medicated Pete Says:

    1 season of Brady = a lifetime of joy šŸ„°šŸ„°

  3. Tackleblockwin Says:

    Anyone else notice this off season aged Rodgers by about 5 years. Not saying heā€™s done, but goodness he looks older and less mobile.

  4. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We passed the “Brady Test”……down 3 turnovers…..100 yards plus in penalties and gave up 450 yards………first time in NFL history a team has done that and won……that, my Buc friends is the “Brady Test”

    As long as he’s healthy, we’re healthy.

  5. Casual Observer Says:

    But a better D (especially pass D) would make the games a lot more fun.

  6. Craig Says:

    If it wasn’t for the technical perfection, I would say it was a second childhood.

    He looks like he is having as much fun as his regime allows.

  7. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Fans we have a great team but this secondary scares me, can/will they do anything about it now that the season has started?

  8. Mike Says:

    No doubt, I was amazed at the freakin perfect spirals he was whipping around all game long! TB12 method must be for real because he’s living proof!

  9. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Backend was terrible all of last year except 2 games which were the most important of course; but they are bad….bowles better get that pass rush going to help out those guys. Dean….pllays like he has never been coached

  10. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    Just keep that #12 jersey clean, boys! Keep Brady confident and healthy and he’ll get the job done. Need to see a better run game, too.

  11. David Says:


    Virtually the same line was horrendous and everyone wanted to throw them under the bus when Jameis was fumbling and throwing INTā€˜s.
    The quarterback can help the line with protections, pocket movement, and getting the ball away quickly.
    Thatā€™s what Brady brought.

    Kudos to Sean Payton and his game plan with Jameis. Dink and dunk nothing downfield until late when his confidence was soaring.

    Iā€™ve been saying all off-season, donā€™t count the Saints out they are a good team. It all depends on JWs. turnovers.
    But I am more concerned with Rams. Not based off yesterday, iā€™ve been saying it for a while, adding Stafford to that team could have them being very dangerous

  12. Stanglassman Says:

    Keep in mind this was written when comparing someone to Aaron Rogers was a good thing. I kid, I kid. Rogers throws an amazing ball. Zack Wilson reminds me of Rogers. Lance throws throws per Chris Simms like a cement block. No spiral hard and with a wobble.

  13. PassingThru Says:

    Rodgers and the entire Green Bay team looked like they were just going through the motions. It’s the first game of the season though, and over the course of a 17 game season there will be some awful games played by otherwise good teams.

  14. Kobe Faker Says:

    “Fun Fact

    What does Jameis Winston and Todd Bowles have in common?

    They both beat Aaron Rodgers and Green Bay Packers

    *Even though Brady threw 3 interceptions to try to ruin this fun fact”

    Kobe Faker

  15. Going for āœŒļøIn a row Says:

    Medicated Pete is right!
    Every morning I give my thanks to Jameis for every PICK6 he threw.

    I wish Jameis the best since he gave us the opportunity of many Super Bowls to come.

    We are going for 2 baby!

  16. sgrd0q Says:

    Brady has been transitioning from a closed to a semi-open stance. In other words the left foot is not as far forward. That increases the spin and the release is faster with minimal penalty on the speed. He would do the old closed stance on long throws. People assume that once you are the GOAT you are set, but the truth is that technique is constantly worked on and improved upon.

  17. Listnfrmafar Says:

    David, the Rams have a great defense but no where near the offense Bucs have. Tighten up the secondary and they’ll be fine. Now that the oline is more discipline they will handle Rams D.

  18. My Momma says Says:

    I will keep saying this: Look at all the holding that the Dallas o-line was doing. We would have had more pressure, sacks and turnovers. It would have made our secondary look a lot better. The league wanted to keep the game close. Period.
    My concern is this will be the norm for the rest of the season. And don’t make any excuses for the refs. I’m afraid this is going to be a long road to hoe this year.

  19. UncleHemorrhoid Says:

    Rogers blessed the Packers with his presence yesterday. Everyone should bow-down to his highness.

  20. WillieG Says:

    Wasnā€™t Brady having his own trainer a bone of contention with Belichect? Do the Bucs allow him to have his own trainer here? Maybe thatā€™s why heā€™s doing so much better? If so, the Bucs need to hire Bradyā€™s trainer.

  21. Dirty Mike and the boys Says:

    This is totally off topic, but @LVMYBUCS, if you read this, have you ever considered doing your own site related to the draft/off-season stuff? I’ve been on this site for years and I’ve always been interested in your tasks regarding possible draft targets. Asking for a friend lol.

  22. Listnfrmafar Says:

    Yes, his trainer is always on the sideline, even during SB.

  23. DavidBigBucFan99 Says:

    Actually after 20 years, Patricia Mahomies Abe Shaaron Rodgers throws the ball like Brady. He was whipping the ball around when lil tike Mahomies was running around chasing his lil homies.

  24. Sport Says:

    Brady = Benjamin Button

    There’s a nickname in there somewhere…

    In BA I Trust!