“Life Is Not Normal”
August 25th, 2021
Protocols by Bruce Arians.
During this seemingly never-ending and no-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel pandemic, some states have been lockdown Lucys.
And in the kingdom of Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians, so too will be the Bucs.
Arians announced today that he’s going beyond what the NFL protocols for The Sickness will be this fall, per Jenna Laine of ESPN. And if you don’t like it, have fun playing for a loser.
It seems vaccinated Bucs kicker Ryan Succop was the motivation. On the road, the team will be sequestered in their hotel rooms. In fact, Arians said players this weekend will be making “a bunch of sacrifices” for the good of the team as the Bucs aim to repeat as Super Bowl champions.
“Life is not normal,” Arians said of battling the pandemic. “We’re pretty much under the same protocols as we were last year. Because that’s just the way it is.
“Tennessee coming in and going out to dinner, they found out the hard way. So did Ryan.”
So in addition to Bucs players not being able to leave the team hotel on road trips, so too will families be banned from the team hotel.
“All out the window,” Arians said. “There is league rules and there is my rules. They ain’t going anywhere. … I don’t give a crap if they are vaccinated or not. They are not going anywhere.”
Joe wonders what the league’s response to this will be much less the NFLPA?
August 25th, 2021 at 4:51 pm
Good for Bruce.. he takes this disease seriously and doesn’t trust to luck, which is the smart thing to do. Seeing the wheels fall off of this team because of the disease would be tragic.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:10 pm
“Life Is Not Normal”
Australia tried that attitude and now they are in open revolution. The truckers have walked off the job and will not return until the govt is replaced.
Try to order food or water in Aus, if it isn’t trucked in, you aren’t getting it. The truckers have blockaded the ports as well.
They will not be jabbed and they will not follow the dictates of the CCP.
Thank you Australia, we stand with you!
August 25th, 2021 at 5:10 pm
Joe..I’d bet the league says nothing. From a league perspective, some teams have already required very strict things of their fans. I hope we don’t see that., And even though we are talking union and such, I’d think if Jason wants to run it that way, I think the league will say OK. And the union might make some noise, but little else. After all, he could threaten to retire if the league and union gives him too much grief. He has it made and doesn’t have to deal with that. I think And if they give him too much grief, and a number of player started missing games and owners and players started losing money if games are cancelled, the league and union wouldn’t want to face that music.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:12 pm
Ghost…in Australia they brought it on themselves. Please…let’s not kill this thread.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:13 pm
The ICC* is now prosecuting officials for violation of the Nuremberg Code.
*International Criminal Courts
August 25th, 2021 at 5:16 pm
I guess asking nicely has no effect.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:17 pm
There is no Wu Flu in Australia.
I know you boyz at factcheck.org are paid by J&J Pharma to control the narrative but it won’t work here.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:17 pm
Literally everyone is going to get this at some point. That’s how these things work. It doesn’t matter if you’re vaxxed or not, if you wear 10-masks or not, sooner or later, it’s gonna get you. By that, it means if you’re unvaxxed you got a 95% chance of having mild to no sickness, and if you’re vaxxed that number is 99.9%.
Best thing for the team would have been to have this hit at the very beginning of camp and get it over for the year. The worst thing will be having players and coaches getting it all at different times this year and never getting into a flow because of that.
But YOU will get this at some point, or you probably already had it and didn’t even know.
We know this from history – and it’s part of living on earth. Just move on with your life already because this is never going away.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:21 pm
Rod.. Bruce would retire rather than see that happen. The health and safety, of himself and staff is more important than football. Football is very important…but not as important as the wellbeing of himself, his family, his staff, and his players.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:23 pm
Gumpty Dumpty posted on a blog
Gumpty Dumpty is as dumb as a log
All the blogs horses and all the blogs men
Try to redirect dumpy to sanity again
August 25th, 2021 at 5:23 pm
It was never about the flu. It’s about the poison vax and Certificate of Vaccine ID, that’s what COVID stands for. An acronym for a plan ignited in 2019 that has been in the works for 50 years.
A human extinction event.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:28 pm
“For me personally, I’ve decided to put the mask back on in the building,” wide receivers coach Kevin Garver said. “I’ve got kids and stuff at home. That’s kind of my approach to it.”
August 25th, 2021 at 5:31 pm
Gump if possible, you sound stupider by the minute. You think it’s cute calling something that’s not a flu the “Wu flu.” Then you speak directly to another poster who if he knows what’s good for him will stay as far away from you as possible, and you again double down by incorrectly calling it the flu. You’re wrong before you even start talking. That’s impressive in an embarrassing way.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:31 pm
These players make millions of dollars to play…..if they get the virus, they should not be paid for the time they are out…..
These strict rules should keep us healthy….Somehow, I think the team will be all in on this.
They aren’t catching it on the field of play….they are catching it at play off the field.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:34 pm
Monday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a biologics license application for the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine.
The press reported that vaccine mandates are now legal for military, healthcare workers, college students and employees in many industries. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has now required the vaccine for all teachers and school staff. The Pentagon is proceeding with its mandate for all military service members.
But there are several bizarre aspects to the FDA approval that will prove confusing to those not familiar with the pervasiveness of the FDA’s regulatory capture, or the depths of the agency’s cynicism.
First, the FDA acknowledges that while Pfizer has “insufficient stocks” of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine available, there is “a significant amount” of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine — produced under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) — still available for use.
Pfizer got FDA approval for a Vax that does not exist and will never exist because it will have no liability shield. They simply negotiated a theoretical process for future approval.
The Main Stream Media and Sloppy Joe are lying to you. Comirnaty does not actually exist anywhere on this planet.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:41 pm
People only care about themselves not others. That’s why they cry about having to wear masks and taking the Vax. Children HAVE to be vaccinated against certain diseases or they can’t go to school. This is no different. Get over yourselves. This is about trying to keep people from spreading the disease
August 25th, 2021 at 5:42 pm
Well anyway Joe..thanks for the information. I suspect the comments will disappear pretty soon. Every time I think of where we are, I keep thinking of Morrisons song “strange days”.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:45 pm
Yeah Mark, between Gump and bushboy they destroyed this morning’s thread before it even got started. This one will probably follow soon. Not sure if you will even read this as everything I’ve written is being moderated at the moment. It might get killed before my comments get through.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:47 pm
Don’t allow Mark the the CCP do what they did in Australia last week.
Last week in Sydney Australia, police and nurses herded 24,000 school children into a football stadium and gave them the death-shot. Parents were NOT ALLOWED to be there.
Now we are finding out that some children have already died, and thousands are sick or vaccine injured. They are now neutered.
Australia is now in open revolution.
The mainstream media is reporting NOTHING about this!
August 25th, 2021 at 5:50 pm
Speak for yourself ghost. Some of us are responsible adults. We, means me and I don’t support the truckers. Players should act like men and do their part to boost the team. They’re getting big bucks for it.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:50 pm
Ghost , I think you would get more help from a combination of Haldol and Seroquel than any of the vaccines. One has to triage and treat the most serious issues first !
August 25th, 2021 at 5:53 pm
Louisiana just announced it’s first pediatric covid death in 6 months. God help the children…and all of us.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:56 pm
Hey joe question it was funny for the first 19 months. But why do you allow the most insane conspiracy theories to be peddled by these outright schizos?
I mean It’s just it’s like this in every thread people peddling anti vaccine and covid conspiracy theories that have no merit to them.
August 25th, 2021 at 5:57 pm
Buxszntkt… Thanks…not alot to laugh about related to this topic.
August 25th, 2021 at 6:03 pm
“God help the children…and all of us.”
Good point, 3 children died (2 boys and a girl) in that Australian football stadium and more comatose.
Would you allow your children to attend games at RJ Stadium if you knew 6 would not survive?
Neil Young wrote a song that ended the Viet Nam War when 4 died in Ohio.
What if you knew her and saw her dead on the ground?
August 25th, 2021 at 6:11 pm
Ghost of Darrell Henderson-You may have addressed this previously, but if all of the stuff you’re posting here is not being reported by the MSM, where are you getting your information? Please let us know where we need to be reading in order to be as well informed as you are.
August 25th, 2021 at 6:18 pm
Here’s the deal. I’m glad Bruce doesn’t want a breakout of the Delta Lambda zebra 19 20 21 22 23 24. The problem is NO vaccine is going to stop it. ITS HERE TO STAY. The Jab ONLY lowers the severity of it. Delta is MORE contagious. In a contact sport no matter how strick your team is, the other team can still get it and pass to them. So seriously what’s the point.
August 25th, 2021 at 6:20 pm
(Natural News) There appears to be a whole lot of confusion out there about which “vaccine” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was actually “approved” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Aug. 23, 2021.
While many mainstream media outlets quickly ran with the story that Pfizer’s existing mRNA injection for the Fauci Flu was given the official green light from the FDA, supposedly making it easier to mandate, others are saying that the FDA issued approval specifically to BioNTech, a German vaccine corporation, for a Chinese Virus injection that does not exist yet.
BioNTech, as you may recall, partnered with Pfizer to produce the current Fauci Flu shot that is being administered under an emergency use authorization (EUA). It turns out, however, that this is technically a different shot than the “Comirnaty” branded one referenced in the FDA’s recent approval announcement.
August 25th, 2021 at 6:23 pm
The NFL said, a few months ago, that teams will forfeit if they have COVID problems. They will, quietly, applaud Arians, his team will make their games.
I saw some idiot claiming that the COVID vac should be doing the job like the polio vac did. That was mandatory. You had no say about it, even though its side effects were much worse than the COVID vac.
The MRNA vac base was found twenty years ago and had been tested thoroughly since. The vac is not new and does not contain Thierosol.
It costs, either our government or insurance companies “32.00 a shot. Monoclonal antibodies are new and less tested than MRNA, not to mention it costs $1200-2000.
Get vacced, you have 29 times as large of a chance of dying if you catch the Delta, or give it to your wife, mother, kids, etc. if you don’t.
August 25th, 2021 at 6:27 pm
Don’t use google, use duck duck go enter the gist of what Im saying. You will see for yourself.
You can learn a lot on bitchute and reumble as well. Youtube censors heavily.
Don’t limit your research to Amerika, your country is not free.
August 25th, 2021 at 6:47 pm
Man do you guys have some crazies down there. Fortunately for the team BA is not one.
August 25th, 2021 at 6:54 pm
Well said James. But I don’t know they are all from down here. You know ..some migrate here …like birds.
And frankly, Bruce seems to earn my respect more almost on a daily basis. We got lucky that Jason could cajole him to take the job here.
August 25th, 2021 at 6:55 pm
Ghost…if you don’t think we are free, why don’t you find a country to move to that is? Simple logic, isn’t it?
August 25th, 2021 at 6:55 pm
Go to bitchute.com type in the search box. Joez don’t allow links
Dead and Sick Australian Kids after the mass vaxxx
August 25th, 2021 at 7:01 pm
Sure…G isn’t free in America…so he goes to every crackpot infomercial website he can find world wide. Of course none of their information is verified by any real journalist or news professional for accuracy. Some would like to see America fall and suffer catastrophe. We can fill our heads up with facts, real things, and dreams for a better tomorrow to make our lives and the lives of our fellow Americans better ..or we can fill them with trash, misinformation and Bull spit. Our choice.
August 25th, 2021 at 7:06 pm
Rules will be in force until the next boat parade.
August 25th, 2021 at 7:08 pm
And BTW… Australia is pleading for her citizens to be vaccinated because they have an exploding virus situation and so few still fully vaccinated. That is reality,.
Of course, based upon G’s information, they really are doing so because they aren’t humans; they love to see their kids die with the effects of the satan vax. Forget why they are pleading with people to isolate and get the vaccination based upon some public concern for health and safety. Those rotten inhuman robot Australians ..they love to see their kids die and suffer. At least that is the reality in Australia in G’s world. No other logical conclusion.
August 25th, 2021 at 7:10 pm
Why would I go to some crackpot alternation misinformation site?
Sure, people are stockpiling,. We did it here when we had the lock down a year ago. It wasn’t because most of us, except you maybe, thought the government or whomever was trying to take over the country.
August 25th, 2021 at 7:13 pm
Some crazy people on here lol. Do they have jobs?
August 25th, 2021 at 7:22 pm
“so he goes to every crackpot infomercial website he can find world wide. Of course none of their information is verified by any real journalist or news professional for accuracy.”
Maybe we should only go to sites approved by Anderson Cooper.
Hey, whatever happened to Anderson’s brother. Why do they have red soles or wear red shoes? Ask Andy, he knows.
August 25th, 2021 at 7:26 pm
Team is practically fully vaccinated but still have the same COVID protocols as last year. What a great vaccine!!
This virus is very likely going to be with us forever. We can’t eradicate the flu and won’t ever eradicate this. There is a lot of people (including many doctors) who are in denial about that. Masks and this vaccine we have right now will not stop this virus.
August 25th, 2021 at 7:28 pm
Joe, how do you allow the stuff on here that Ghost is posting? This isn’t 8-chan
August 25th, 2021 at 7:34 pm
When Medicated Pete, who I assume is based off the HS character, is making some of the most sense on a thread, something is very very wrong.
August 25th, 2021 at 7:39 pm
I like it. If you don’t like it, you can root for another team, losers. Go Bucs!
August 25th, 2021 at 7:43 pm
b4l I like it… like your comment. Short and to the point.
August 25th, 2021 at 7:44 pm
Pete.. maybe spreading misinformation is their job?
August 25th, 2021 at 7:54 pm
@ mark2001
These people have an evil agenda for sure
August 25th, 2021 at 7:58 pm
Bitchute.com is a hate and propaganda channel. Ghost, you believe you are getting accurate info from those nuts? It’s what you want to believe, unfortunately for you !!!
August 25th, 2021 at 8:06 pm
Agree Pete. I mean, trying to talk people into an agenda that may result in an increased chance of death or serious illness of themselves, their fellow workers, associates, their families and their fellow Americans. Who would do that with any agenda but one for evil?
August 25th, 2021 at 8:07 pm
Like the old saying goes. America. Love it or Leave it!
August 25th, 2021 at 8:07 pm
Hey Markie, how did you comment about Pete’s post 10 minutes before he made it.
Didn’t they teach you about the importance of time stamps at CIA training camp.
You like B4’s comment because you wrote it.
Multiple pseudonyms are your modus operandi.
August 25th, 2021 at 8:12 pm
Ghost…have no idea what you are talking about. I read Petes post and agreed. Simple as that. You see black helicopters around your house I’d guess. You really do seem to be more than a few bricks short of a load.
August 25th, 2021 at 8:13 pm
Good point DBS.
August 25th, 2021 at 8:16 pm
mark2001 – Arians doesn’t control nature, he’s not going to keep people from getting the VID. Literally everyone in the world will get this sooner or later, the only question is the timing. Literally said the same thing, on this site, last March. Every 50-years or so we get one of these things, in 1969 it was the Asian flu, in 1918 it was the Spanish flu. As these things mutate, and they always mutate, they almost always get less deadly and more contagious. The point of the virus is to spread itself, not to kill the host. For example, the 2019 flu had parts of the 1918 Spanish flu in it.
This is just part of life. The vaccines are a good thing, I took it — all legit data shows they’re safe and effective against serious illness — but getting vaxxed isn’t going to make this go away. Also, no, it’s not the unvaxxed that is the issue. It’s nature. It’s the virus. It’s no ones fault except the lab in China that leaked it.
August 25th, 2021 at 8:23 pm
Good on coach Arian’s.
August 25th, 2021 at 8:27 pm
Now Ghost..if you are accusing me of being in the Northwoods in a different time zone, looking out the window at the lake in my approaching half million dollar lake house, right now, I’ll tell you the truth as always. I am. And I’m flying back to my Florida house when I feel like it. It is called retirement. 80 during the day, high 50’s at night. Birds, Trees, Fish, and yes, the occasional Anti-vax folk. Why not for a little while? Wouldn’t you?
August 25th, 2021 at 8:39 pm
Gump, you’ve got no traction. Simple as that as your favorite coach used to say. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, including those you would consider your allies, know you are a complete lunatic. Joe himself has posted several times a variation of that statement. But you do you, you miserable ectoplasmic second tier running back.
August 25th, 2021 at 8:39 pm
My mother left America, but not voluntarily. She died from respiratory failure brought on by Covid.
I sincerely wish that people were both more careful and more committed to public health.
August 25th, 2021 at 8:41 pm
Why does anyone think they have to justify and explain their life decisions to a bunch of pompous ass know-it-all communists? F-em.
As for Arians- he’s making decisions based on winning ball games and the players can choose to go along or resist, in which case they’ll lose a helluvalot of money. They’ll go along…
August 25th, 2021 at 8:51 pm
So sorry to hear that Passing. It is a tragedy when a loved one dies. When people say that it is “just an old person with some comorbidity”, I say, that is easy for you to say…it isn’t a loved one of yours, whose life was cut short. Years were taken away from an innocent because some people just didn’t care enough to protect each other…or relied on someone untrustworthy for their information.
Let’s hope some grow a heart, and realize that we live in a society and not an island. Innocent lives are at stake. And yes.. we mostly swim or sink together when it comes to public health..
August 25th, 2021 at 8:58 pm
Thank you mark.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:00 pm
No one is asking you to justify. But maybe if you don’t care about public health and other Americans, maybe you and Ghost can find an island and live as you wish,… no laws, no taxes, no personal responsibility in a society. Make your own rules. Be as asocial or anti-social as you like. Don’t give a flying fish about anyone else, because there is no one else to care about. Wish you the best.
It isn’t about Communism or Capitalism. It is about living in a society and caring about the health and wellbeing of other Americans. Even George Washington ordered inoculation of his troops for Small Pox. So it isn’t exactly a new concept.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:01 pm
Interestingly Ghost’s evaluation of football is just as off as everything else.
Last year he was saying that Wirfs was not any more special than Josh Jones or Isiah Wilson.
He was actually pushing for the Buc’s to take Isiah Wilson. A guy that is out of the league already.
The year before, he cried like a baby when the Bucs traded their 3rd round pick to the Rams for two later 3rd round picks and said that we should have picked Darrell Henderson.
Instead we ended up with Dean and Edwards.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:02 pm
No reason to be mad about this what so ever.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:02 pm
Passing, my condolences. My very healthy very fit friend died a month ago from this apparently inconsequential “flu”. Good Lord what a bunch of dopes.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:03 pm
You just validated your pomposity. You and others that think as you do do not support the US Constitution – plain and simple
August 25th, 2021 at 9:04 pm
Feb. 6, 1777 for the historians among us.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:04 pm
Gives Tom a lot of time to watch film.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:04 pm
geno, I can’t remember the last time Humpty Gumpty posted on a post that wasn’t at least tangentially related to covid. He’s an ill informed, unbelievably redundant, troll. Simple as that.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:06 pm
So you think George Washington, who required health measures for his army by ordering inoculations for Small Pox on Feb. 6, 1777, didn’t support the Constitution? Wow…what have we come to? May I suggest an island for you, Alan. So now George Washington is a communist in your book.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:07 pm
Alan…I think Cobra may allow you to sleep on the beach in front of his Caribbean paradise home.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:10 pm
Comparing circumstances in the 18th century war for independence to a Fear campaign is rich, even for you.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:12 pm
So now we know why George Washington was our first President..he was a closet Communist, trying to infiltrate Communist ideology into our Constitution, before Karl Marx even was born. Must have been some psychic connection.
“We the People” … see …pure and unadulterated communism.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:15 pm
It was even more mandatory than the Covid shot is for you. And he required it, because it was needed for the safety and health of his troops. Spin it as you wish, but I just gave you a concrete example. Just admit it isn’t Communism or against the Constitution. I don’t remember anything about the constitution saying it was unconstitutional to require vaccinations…do you?
August 25th, 2021 at 9:26 pm
Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness
Nothing about mandates…
August 25th, 2021 at 9:26 pm
Thank you Steven, I’m sorry for your loss.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:31 pm
Passing, thanks.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:32 pm
mark2001 – Smallpox has a 70% survival rate now, I have no idea what it was then, but it was probably less. COVID has a 99.82% survival rate.
This isn’t smallpox. This is a respiratory virus, smallpox, while spread via the air, was not a respiratory virus. We can not vaccinate or mask ourselves out of this, once this escaped the Chinese lab it came from, one China had people from Wuhan flying to every point of the earth spreading it, it was too late to contain.
You live with it at this point, it’s not going away. Again, people should get vaxxed to help keep them out the hospital, but as we see now, the vaccine does not stop the spread. That’s how mutations work, these constantly evolve and event Pfizer yesterday said that a vaccine-resistant variant will almost certainly appear at some point.
The vaccines work, and by harassing people who don’t have/want or need the vaccine, you’re literally undermining the idea that vaccines work. Also at this point the majority of people who aren’t vaxxed already have natural immunity anyways.
BTW, I was literally just reading a report from the CDC talking about natural immunity because the headline said ‘you’re 2x more likely to get COVID with natural immunity compared to the vaccine’. Well, I read the actual study instead of the story and literally the first line of the study says “few real-world epidemiologic studies exist to support the benefit of vaccination for previously infected persons.” The study claiming vaccinated people have 2x immunity was a group of 246 people. Additionally, and this was the first thing I thought about, your chances of getting it, if vaccinated, are already supposed to be extremely low, so 2x doesn’t mean anything, it could be going from 1% to 2%.
Anyways, the point is, read the information for yourself and make your own decisions. I have done that, which is why I got the vaccine. But it’s also why I leave people the hell alone if they don’t want it. They do not at all put me in danger, period. Let them do what they want – and if more people did that, instead of harassing people and calling them stupid, then more people would get the vaccine. And again, even if they didn’t, who cares, they’re not hurting or bother you.
August 25th, 2021 at 9:39 pm
I was noticing that too. The covidiots and antivacers have just as foolish sports takes. If anyone ever doubted Dunning–Kruger effect all they need to do is read JBF comment page.
Thank you Mark for attempting to reach anyone who is not too far gone from reality.
August 25th, 2021 at 10:10 pm
” I don’t remember anything about the constitution saying it was unconstitutional to require vaccinations…do you?”
The 4th amendment to the Bill of Rights.
These rights are for all men, God given and unalienable.
(a lien is a law or rule) Rights are not priveliges that can be suspended or removed.
August 25th, 2021 at 10:22 pm
I get the strict rules but I hope there wont be punishment or resentment because its here to stay and everyone is going to get it. There are millions and millions of people who tested positive and did everything right.
August 25th, 2021 at 10:45 pm
Clod, the PCR test is a fraud. It’s a corona test for colds. If your test is negative they increase the magnification until they get the result they want.
They can test a piece of fruit and get a positive if it suits them. (see below)
In a shocking revelation first reported by Dan Dicks of Press for Truth (Canada), an FDA document admits that the CDC and FDA conspired to fabricate a covid-19 testing protocol using human cells combined with common cold virus fragments because they had no physical samples of the SARS-CoV-2 “covid” virus available.
Without physical reference material to use for calibration and confirmation, the test has zero scientific basis in physical reality. And all the PCR analysis based on this protocol is utterly fraudulent, flagging people as “positive” for covid when they merely possess tiny quantities of RNA fragments from other coronavirus strains circulating in their blood.
The FDA document, available from the FDA.gov website, is entitled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
In other words, your “Covid” test would come back positive is you had the common cold!
August 25th, 2021 at 10:53 pm
I suppose you believe the earth is flat too?
You’re totally WRONG on Australia. No truckers have shut anything down. Not a single one. That was merely a ‘threat’ of a truckie protest supposedly taking place on August 31st.
But it definitely hasn’t happened yet (AT ALL) and you just posted earlier in this thread stating that it was going on right now. LOL. Misinformed much?
August 25th, 2021 at 10:57 pm
As a MD, I tell you that people with some mental disorders have a rigid fixed thinking. They only look for information that support what they believe. You will spend hours to explain the fact, but they still use illogical data to argue.
One of the biased fact is Palestine has lower death and lower vaccine compared to Israel. They did not look more than that information to know that Palestine locked the door and use a low/zero COVID policy.
August 25th, 2021 at 11:53 pm
Shocking Revelation! Dude, someone rope a doped you a few too many times. Did you have the wax removed from your ears and they went a bit too far? Don’t answer.
August 25th, 2021 at 11:58 pm
Mike, confirmation bias at its best. Textbook case. We all have to fight against confirmation bias to some extent. I do it on a daily basis. Clearly some people don’t do it at all in fact they do the opposite. You simply can’t reason with the Gump’s of this world. He hasn’t met a conspiracy he didn’t embrace in a bear hug.
August 26th, 2021 at 12:31 am
No reason to turn this into a bunch of crap and arguing. We should all applaud Bruce for keeping the team healthy last year for the most part and hope they do it again this year
August 26th, 2021 at 7:26 am
Some of you guys make me laugh.. Life…what is public health about more than Life.
And Yes Rod, Small Pox is much more deadly. But that isn’t the point. It is about vaccinations and constitutionality. The constitution doesn’t talk about types of vaccines, types of diseases, or anything,. Doesn’t say they are unconstitutional, in fact Washington required them when the health and safety of his troops were at stake. Period. So you may not want them. But they aren’t unconstitutional…or communistic. No way any serious person can say so.
August 26th, 2021 at 7:29 am
Clodhopper…now businesses like delta are charging unvaxxed employees $200 per person per month due to the increased costs of insurance due to the sickness. Just the beginning, now that it is approved. And daily testing… which eventually could be charged to them. People think businesses will just sit back and eat the cost to them due to this disease? They are dreaming.
August 26th, 2021 at 8:36 am
Why are comments always first “awaiting moderation” on this site if dangerous crackpot conspiracy theories are welcomed. What is exactly being moderated??
August 26th, 2021 at 9:41 am
I’m talking about the vaccinated players that did everything right according to the rules set forth by the NFL and BA.
August 26th, 2021 at 9:50 am
This is a good example of why the vaccinations are good for nothing. It doesn’t matter if you are vaccinated or not they still want to lock you down, wear a mask etc. This is so much of an overreaction to an illness that is not that serious. 90% of the deaths are to people over the age of 75 %and people who have secondary chronic illness issues. Your freedoms are being infringed upon America, what is the purpose of a vaccination If you can still contract the disease and still pass it on after you have been vaccinated, this is pure lunacy.
August 26th, 2021 at 10:12 am
Whatever happened to take the vaccination and life will go back to normal as was promised by our leaders? This whole fallacy has been nothing but lies from the government moving , moving the goalposts. Ghost is correct about the vaccine still being a EUA approved only. Just because dimwit get their information from the main stream media and don’t realize there are alternative new sourcesThere has been so much censorship by the main stream media and social media that you have to look for alternative sources. The sheep need to enlighten themselves don’t be afraid to expand your horizons. Don’t be lazy and let the main stream media be your source.
August 26th, 2021 at 10:46 am
Remember when 30+% of the country thought this would all disappear after the election?
August 26th, 2021 at 11:29 am
Actually the news on Australia is correct.
Just look for yourself. No conspiracy anything 9news australia
Internment covid camp going up. Sounds like a resort to me
And if you are a good boy or girl who gets vaccinated you get an actual extra hour outside each day. Thats pretty amazing.
And in some areas you can meet with up to 5 people if vacc’d.
Yah. Thats not communism
Australia has been locked down for a year or year /half
You can be arrested for being outside walking your dog
No mask well watch the videos of kids pepper sprayed or parent taken away
Yes – there are videos. You wont get that watching MSM which apparently os factual these days 😂
But its a health crisis and this needs to be done?
Australia does not even have 1000 deaths from the start of covid in march 2020
Not even a 1000. People in the country die from the flu at a higher rate each year. But hey. Do what the govt tells you are else. They are mommie And daddy now
Oh And most businesses. Sorry for your luck.
August 26th, 2021 at 12:29 pm
Congrats bird, you’re almost as dumb and misinformed as ghost.
And don’t worry, he can lend you some tinfoil and popcorn if you run out.
August 26th, 2021 at 1:53 pm
So you didnt search 9news australia. Not surprised. Its number one news station in Australia. Everything there
And the uprising of pissed off people / striking truck drivers cause of their view of tyranny . Probably hundreds of videos out there.
Its in there too. But just brush off as conspiracy and tin foil hats. 😂
But you are tough.
Keyboard tough guy
I bet you are a little B in real life. 😂
Innie And not an outie? 😂