“I Think We May Have Screwed That Up”
August 19th, 2021
Refs admit mistake?
Joe hopes Bill Belicheat gets a hold of this clip.
Joe went absolutely wild Saturday night when Bucs rookie Joe Tryon was flagged for a perfectly good sack on Bengals quarterback Brandon Allen.
Tryon was flagged for what the referees told Bucs Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians was Tyron putting too much bodyweight on Allen.
Arians after the game said that may have been the worst call he’s seen in 10 years.
Now Arians tried to claim Allen, after he faked a handoff, was an option quarterback and therefore a runner. Arians cited past rulings that back him up.
Joe has seen this play so many times and Allen doesn’t appear to be in the process of running at all. In fact, he looks to be flat-footed when Tryon leveled him.
The reason Joe brought up Belicheat is that for years Belicheat has been arguing all plays should be reviewable (but teams would still have the same number of challenges).
It seems, in the latest edition of “The Current,” a wonderfully done, in-house-produced video series by the Bucs which is sort of like “Hard Knocks,” Tryon was mic’ed up during the game.
After the Bucs and Tryon were assessed a personal foul penalty for the sacks, the umpire of the officiating crew can be heard telling Tryon, “That was a good play. … I think we may have screwed that up, alright?”
Joe appreciates the candor from the umpire (it’s not clear if the umpire or the referee threw the flag), but what if this was a real game and what if the game was close and the Bengals scored a touchdown?
This is just Exhibit-A of why every play should be reviewable. This could have been a very costly mistake by the zebras.
You can hear (and see) the umpire talking to Tryon about the play at the 14:03 mark of this video. The Bucs even provided subtitles!
August 19th, 2021 at 5:22 am
Yeah, Tryon’s biggest offense was closing on the QB faster than a heat seeking missile, he also caught the refs flat footed.
August 19th, 2021 at 7:12 am
Yeah, well an apology means nothing. The NFL needs to get rid of lousy officials. All penalties should be reviewable. Not “no calls.”
August 19th, 2021 at 7:17 am
I agree with Joe, the QB was not a runner despite the fake handoff. Therefor hitting him in the “neck erea” even with your shoulder is a gray area judgement call that I don’t think would be overturned. Arians was wrong.
August 19th, 2021 at 8:04 am
I agree with being able to challenge any play…..but officials are reluctant to overturn judgement calls….
August 19th, 2021 at 8:17 am
Ridiculous. Really needs to stop. First to worst…
1.Make the correct call on continuous bases. It’s what you get paid a lot of money for. If the NFL doesn’t want to allow QBs to get sacked due to injury and have ratings fall, just tell us so there’s not a brick in my TV every week.
2. Huddle with refs to discuss the penalty. Use the mega TVs even to determine the right call. No one is perfect.
3. A designated ref on the sideline with an iPad to help in referee huddles.
But I also don’t want games lasting four hours instead of three based on being able to challenge any play, so I’d keep the rules for challenging the same by redeeming your QB.
August 19th, 2021 at 8:19 am
*redemming your timeout.
August 19th, 2021 at 8:41 am
There are questionable calls in every game. Some go your way and some don’t. However, rarely does a single bad call change the outcome of a game. The exception is when it is made at the end of a game (i.e. final play or drive of a game), and NY typically gets involved on those calls.
I’ve watched the Tryon play several times, and it does look like his helmet hits the QB in the chin. It’s a borderline call for sure. So you make sure you adjust your technique so it’s not borderline next time.
August 19th, 2021 at 8:50 am
This is what the red huddle up is all about, pick up the flag . Preseason for refs too.
Intent must be factored too . We all know what the MNF pre game psyche up segment 10 minutes before kick off looked like
“ Jacked UP !!”
That was intent ! and championed as great defensive football, and it was!
August 19th, 2021 at 9:09 am
Once again, helmet-to-helmet was not the call. And if you see the camera angle from the north end zone it’s pretty clear it wasn’t helmet-to-helmet. If anything, Allen caught Tryon under his chin. The refs told Arians the flag was for “bodyweight.”
August 19th, 2021 at 9:41 am
“Sorry I screwed your wife/husband, maybe I shouldn’t have done that. Can we still be friends”
Any jackass can look at a replay and tell if certain hits are done with malicious intent, how do these calls uphold the integrity of the game if they aren’t reviewable? The games are already 3+ hours long, I’ll wait the 10 seconds it should take for anyone with a functioning brain to look at some of these calls and get them straightened out.
The NFL will trip over a dollar to pick up a penny, almost every time. Get a commissioner in there that’s actually played at the NFL level so the rules reflect some common sense with football IQ attached to them.
August 19th, 2021 at 9:57 am
Suh has given the best advice to avoid penalties sacking a QB. Just shove the QB down, like he did Rodgers.
August 19th, 2021 at 10:36 am
Are we saints fan crying about one bad call when there are 70+ other plays we can make a difference? We started reviewing pass interference calls and hardly any of them were overturned. Stop it!!! There are bad calls just like there are bad plays by players and bad coaching calls by coaches. Asking the refs to be perfect is idiotic. You guys whine about everything. Suck it up
August 19th, 2021 at 3:11 pm
Im not a Packers or Chiefs fan crying about a certain penalty or injury all offseason. It’s the fact that they want 350 lbs guys to stop their momentum 6 inches before the QB gets rid of the ball. DBs not allowed to play man coverage down field anymore.
Trust me ppl, Rog and the owners don’t give two sh!ts about these players health in general. But if Mahomes tears an ACL and goes down for the year, think of how much money they would lose. These types of penalties has what have turned this into a “passing league.”
It’s not rocket science. College reffing is so much better and those kids spend 22 hours a day focused on football and don’t get a nickel from the NCAA. NFL players get paid millions upon millions. Sign a f#ckin injury waiver like they need to do with the big V word. Don’t wanna sign it, don’t come to work.
August 19th, 2021 at 3:20 pm
In the offseason, around May or so, there should be a public tribunal for every questionable call, with the refs called on the carpet.
August 19th, 2021 at 3:27 pm
webster Says:
August 19th, 2021 at 10:36 am
“Are we saints fan crying…”
You will be. #checkyoursheet #imballin