Bruce Arians Mic’ed Up
August 24th, 2021
Chatting at practice.
Way cool video the Bucs produced last week that all fans ought to watch.
It seems the Bucs’ video production crew (or NFL Films?) decided to mic-up Bucs Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians for a practice during training camp. It appears it was from last week right before the Titans came to town.
For example, there are two scenes of Arians talking to referees. Joe didn’t notice zebras at practice until the days before the Titans arrived for controlled scrimmages.
The video is, of course, crafted to give Arians a grandfatherly look. It makes him look like half of what he does is cruise around in his Bucs’ red golf cart and chat with players and front office types and zebras. Sort of like he’s making his rounds at the neighborhood coffee shop each morning.
And nowhere will you see Mount Arians explode, which he does from time to time.
The coolest part of this video? After a Tom Brady pass to foot-rubbing Rob Gronkowski, Arians walks up to the referees and says, “It’s amazing how much is left in that arm.”
You can watch the full video by clicking here.
August 24th, 2021 at 10:04 am
Was Bobby Bowden the only other coach to cruise around in a golf cart all day?
August 24th, 2021 at 10:06 am
How can you not like this guy?!
Buc football changed when BA arrived.
August 24th, 2021 at 10:07 am
He mostly slept in his tower.
August 24th, 2021 at 10:11 am
It was a great move by Jason Licht to get us Bruce Arians.
Not only have we become a much better team, but equally as important, the Arians gang have made Jason Licht an even better evaluator of talent.
A totally synergistic situation!
August 24th, 2021 at 10:24 am
I’ll take a slightly watered down Arians over an over his head Koetter, Morris or Schiano any day of the week. The less said about Morris the better. I remember the whispers his first year while trying to rein in Winston. He’s lost it, he never had it, etc. This guy took his sweet time rising up the ranks. Coordinator in a few places with success. Got the gig at Indy and ran with it when Pagano was ill. Did an admirable job in Arizona. And it has culminated here, of course with great help from Tom. Nice not to be embarrassed of the head guy for a change.
August 24th, 2021 at 10:40 am
I love BA as a guy who believes in giving players a second chance when they have mess up in college or even the pros. But as a coach to develop a quarterback I don’t like. Because he’s never done it in his career and let’s be honest he bought a superbowl with the bucs by bringing in hall of famers on the team. I want to see how they develope Trask and I don’t want hear no excuses from no body how yall never liked the Trask pick. Or saying he ain’t a good quarterback because he didn’t turn the ball over in college and look how he played against ALABAMA !! He played better than any quarterback that played against ALABAMA last year .
August 24th, 2021 at 10:49 am
Steven007 . And now look what Sean Payton is doing with Jamies so far . Payton is a better coach than BA. Payton developed Drew Brees after the Chargers gave up on him and brought in Rivers. I want to see BA developed his own quarterback something he hasn’t done yet. Payton Manning got better after BA left . In Pittsburgh Mike Tomlin vetoed a lot of BA plays during games that’s why they agure all the time even on the side line . That’s why he got fired from Pittsburgh. He got big Ben killed in Pittsburgh because of that no risk no biscuit offense. And yes he changed the playbook for Brady after the by week.
August 24th, 2021 at 11:00 am
BA is a really great coach and is really dedicated to his coaches & players but he needs to call a spade a spade. Oj probably would have been cut by now on any other team. Gabbert is just average as is Lefty. Also Imo Wells would have been fine at OT if they had gotten rid of Mr. lazy ass Smith & saved a lot of money.
August 24th, 2021 at 11:14 am
Tom, it’s hard to argue with success. I can only guess that they are waiting for an ROI on OJ. Likely never get it given where he was drafted. But really, if all those decisions they didn’t make culminates in another Super bowl I think we’ll all be happy. Again.
August 24th, 2021 at 11:15 am
Easy to nitpick when we aren’t successful. Harder to do so when we are. I’ll leave it to the current brain trust since they’ve now earned that trust.
August 24th, 2021 at 11:16 am
Artie Rooney II fired Arians because Big Ben was taking a beating and the Rooneys — knowing full well this is a quarterback league — were convinced Big Ben would fall apart much sooner and their investment, and wins, would go up in smoke as a result.
By the way, did you see Tom Brady take a beating last year? If so, you were one of the very few.
August 24th, 2021 at 11:16 am
And then there was Oklahoma.
August 24th, 2021 at 11:19 am
Oneil, you answered your own question at the end of your post. At his age he still evolved. That’s saying something. As for JW… You can have him.
August 24th, 2021 at 11:28 am
1:57 mark……AQ Shipley looking like a puffed up A-Train!
August 24th, 2021 at 11:35 am
The thing I like most abut Arians is his unwavering loyalty toward other players and coaches…..
Look at the way he relates to Earl Watford…..Blaine Gabbert….
The whole world could be down on them but Arians stands by them…
It is a remarkable attribute….
August 24th, 2021 at 11:51 am
He’s in a golf cart all the time because he has the failing body of an alcoholic. He’s what we call functional, but just barely. Brady runs the team, and Arians is more drunken cheerleader than anything.
August 24th, 2021 at 12:03 pm
Ben- Do you live in a glass house? And, are you even a Bucs fan?
Judging by your post it’s hard to tell.
August 24th, 2021 at 12:08 pm
I appreciate your point about Sean Payton. I think he is a superior offensive mind. Remember Sean Payton started with New Orleans in 2006. Drew Brees had already made a pro bowl in San Diego in 2004 with 27 passing Tds, 7 Ints and a 104 passer rating. Are you giving Payton credit for developing Brees or Teddy Bridgewater or Taysom Hill?
Manning about Arians… “He just taught me a lot about pro football. It’s a huge adjustment going from college ball to pro ball and he really helped me get acclimated to the speed of the game. He really helped me a lot with my play-action. He really helped me out a lot with different types of fakes and I really attribute some of the good play-action fakes that I’ve been a part of to Bruce Arians.”
You want to say Arians had nothing to do with Rothlisberger. Rothlisberger had 23 TD’s and 28 Int’s the year before Arians became OC. Then he went to 32 TD’s and 11 Ints. “I take so much from all of our time together,” he said. “In every part of my game I take the things that he has taught me and helped me with. I’ll use them for the rest of my career.”
I will point out Carson Palmer. He was a pro bowler 3 times in his career. 2 of the three seasons he played 12 games or more with Arians and 1 of 7 seasons that he played 12 games or more for any other coach. That is not a coincidence.
If you can say that Bruce Arians should get no credit for developing any quarterback, which quarterback do you give Sean Payton credit for developing.
Is there a different criteria?
August 24th, 2021 at 12:11 pm
geno, if you were the principal at his school, ONeill would come out of his office with a sore heiney. Nicely done.
August 24th, 2021 at 12:16 pm
(shout out to Buc Rhealist…. ‘Rhonde’ Barber, Lol. Do u still spell Ronde with an H bro? Not cool bro, not cool.)
August 24th, 2021 at 12:32 pm
Ben, you seem more like a functional troll…
But just barely.
August 24th, 2021 at 12:33 pm
Joe, you got any videos on Arians really coaching em up? What I mean is, those coaching sessions that aren’t meant for Sunday services.
August 24th, 2021 at 12:38 pm
Sadly, no. We weren’t allowed to have recordings of any type after the first 30 minutes (sometimes only 15 minutes) of practice. Arians does zero coaching then because there is no coaching. Just dudes stretching or jogging or loosening up.