Bruce Arians: Bucs Have “No Problems Whatsoever” With COVID
August 23rd, 2021
Virus talk
Bucco Bruce Arians scared a lot of fans with his recent comments to NBC Sports.
Arians said the Tampa Bay organization has had multiple vaccinated people knocked out with The Sickness. But Arians never specified in what team capacity those people work.
Heck, it could have been two landscapers and a video editor — not exactly people that would infect Tom Brady or Arians himself.
Today, Arians was asked about the team’s COVID issues in 2021. He replied swiftly and directly, stating the team has “no problems whatsoever” with The Sickness.
Joe hopes this soothes fans a bit. Arians and the Bucs have been very secretive about injuries all summer, and Joe suspects the team wants to operate the same way when it comes to COVID, unless league rules force the Bucs to reveal details.
Yes, you can get COVID after being vaccinated. The Joe typing here is in that category.
August 23rd, 2021 at 4:34 pm
seeing how articles didn’t slow down I assume Joe had a more mild case? Correct. –Joe
August 23rd, 2021 at 5:28 pm
Foolish Joe thinking this thread wouldn’t spiral out of control. Comments closed and deleted.–Joe