Antonio Brown Brings The Juice
August 2nd, 2021
Strong practice.
Bucs furniture-tossing, bicycle-throwing receiver Antonio Brown is a passionate player.
Even in practice, he wears his emotions on his sleeve.
For example on Saturday, Brown route to the football carried him well past the end zone and Brown actually jogged right past Joe to get back to the huddle. — not sure if Brown was held or interfered with or it was a bad pass from park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring, down-forgetting, handshake-stiffing, jet-ski-losing, biscuit-baking, tequila-shooting, smartphone-phobic, waffle-grilling, trophy-throwing, roller-coaster-scared, numbers-rules-peeved, helmet-tossing, football-punting, Bucs-Super-Bowl-winning quarterback Tom Brady.
As he passed, Joe could hear Brown clearly grumble and say, “Dang, bro!” Joe has no idea for whom that was intended.
Today at Bucs training camp practice Day 8, Brown probably had the play of the practice as it was moved into the air-conditioned Glazer Shed due to lightning nearby. Generally speaking, Brown was schooling Bucs defensive backs regularly.
But one play stood out as much for Brown’s emotions as it did the anticipation that this could be a regular occurrence all season. Remember, this will be Brown’s first full season with the Super Bowl champions.
Brown ran a flag route deep, angling towards the left seam. Brady, as he did yesterday, dropped the ball in a bucket for Brown who outraced all defenders to cross the goal line and score.
As he was crossing the goal line, you could hear Brown erupt in glee.
“HA… HA… HA — WOO!” Brown hollered. But he wasn’t finished. As he turned to head back to the huddle, Brown screamed, “LET’S F’ING GO!”
Brown was just out there having fun today.
Joe cannot recall too many guys in previous camps got that amped up scoring a touchdown indoors in front of zero fans in a nondescript training camp practice. But Brown was amped, that’s for sure.
Joe is confident if Brown brings the juice that much, that is sure to rub off on his teammates.
August 2nd, 2021 at 12:48 pm
Remember how so many folks thought he would be a cancer to this team and was a huge mistake to sign? They underestimated the impact of Brady, Arians, and this guys desire to again be a major force in the game he loves.
August 2nd, 2021 at 12:49 pm
Oh yes, he sure brings the juice!
Who can forget in the Super Bowl, when he beat the KC Defender in the end zone so badly he actually turned him entirely around!
He is a wonderful addition to our team, and I am so glad we resigned him.
August 2nd, 2021 at 1:28 pm
Big year for our offense this year, Brady knows he can stamp out the end of his career with the greatest team he has ever played on. Great teams don’t win one Super Bowl they win multiple.
August 2nd, 2021 at 1:30 pm
I must say, it’s still weird for me to see Antonio Brown, Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski, and Leonard Fournette on this roster. The roster resembles a team that I might make up in Madden. There are times I still can’t believe this is all real.
August 2nd, 2021 at 1:55 pm
Buccaneers are the It team, they are the stars, the more than cool boat parade, the very glitzy rings and the perfect climate. So who wouldn’t love to be a Buc?
August 2nd, 2021 at 1:56 pm
D-Rome – Totally agree. Such super talents among the 4 you mentioned. An all-star group. (Could name a few more, even.) Hard to believe they are all on one team – ours!
August 2nd, 2021 at 2:09 pm
Speak, AB.
August 2nd, 2021 at 2:54 pm
AAAAHHHH Training Camp…where the cream rises to the top…
August 2nd, 2021 at 2:55 pm
What’s really cool to me is now whenever I play Madden I just sign all the players we have now on our roster. It’s so exciting to see our team at the top. BACK LIKE WE NEVER LEFT
August 2nd, 2021 at 4:54 pm
Brown has always been a baller. So glad we have him.GO BUCS!
August 2nd, 2021 at 7:36 pm
Brown has an unstable history. The manic phase drives his effort, the dark phase leads to his history of problems. Hope he rides the high all season.
August 3rd, 2021 at 2:12 am
LFG!!!! But it’s crazy that AB sets the tone. Watch n learn.
. Step up BUCS! Viva!
August 3rd, 2021 at 7:35 am
To steal from the draft dorks, Brown is the ultimate boom or bust player this year.
August 3rd, 2021 at 2:52 pm
So sad that someone who claims to be a fun of the Bucs disrespects one of it’s premier players every chance he gets
Why not lead Brady stories with – the ball deflating crybaby”
Very sad idiots like you don’t let a person move on
If anyone knows some dirt on Joe Buck please share
In starting my own blog
August 3rd, 2021 at 5:19 pm
Wild Bill….there is help and medication to deal with that. And if that is the case, hope he has moved on past any issues and everything is under control.
August 4th, 2021 at 10:14 am
He played 1 game for the Patriots, had 5 catches & a TD before tha all mighty Krafts (epidemy of morals, earth calling Jupiter rub & tug) let him go. AB is Bucs #1 receiver or should be, just watch how he reacts to the ball, unlike anyone on the team.