June 24th, 2021
A no-brainer.
This shouldn’t come as a shock because this very same thing happened last year.
Heavy metal head-banging Jason La Canfora of CBS decided to go through every NFL roster and select one player who, if he plays well, his team will succeed — and if he doesn’t play well the team will nose dive.
La Canfora pause his iTunes while listening to Iron Maiden’s “Two Minutes to Midnight” and typed, in so many words, Bruce Dickenson’s famous lyric, The golden goose is on the loose.
Yes, La Canfora believes Tom Brady is that guy again for the Bucs.
The GOAT tries to slay Father Time yet again. Normally, we would say this Disney plot is too ridiculous to be true, but this group might be even better this year with the transition/feeling-out process now behind it and a normal training camp ahead.
It’s a no-brainer. The Bucs will go as far as Brady takes them. And Joe concurs that it is not outrageous to think the Bucs could be better if they continue to apply their fortunate injury bug repellent.
Had MVP voting taken place after the Super Bowl, Joe is convinced Brady would have won in a landslide.
June 24th, 2021 at 12:21 am
Didn’t read LA Canfora’s list. I’m guessing it’s 98% starting QB’s.
I doubt there’s a “if the long snapper is off his game that team will really struggle”
Ahhhh the doldrums of the offseason….
In BA I Trust!
June 24th, 2021 at 1:29 am
I hope Brady never takes a snap in preseason.
Maybe play the starters one quarter vrs Titans … sans GOAT.
Scrubs n rookies.
June 24th, 2021 at 6:45 am
That’s why I love The Bucs, can’t defend just one guy, lots of guys can beat you. Ha ha! GO BUCS!
June 24th, 2021 at 8:09 am
But but but this league is not about Qbs it’s about run gm. That’s why every team is dumb for searching for a QB. It’s all about run and defense that’s how you develop a franchise QB. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
June 24th, 2021 at 8:11 am
Joe if it’s a no 🧠er you got some delusional commenters here!!!!
June 24th, 2021 at 9:38 am
joe – loose cannons tried to do it but i am sure with your sponsors (bill currie and big storm), you should have them commission this picture on a billboard in new orleans and try it again. especially with the rumours out there that he was looking at the saints. classic. my disdain for the saints will never die.
June 24th, 2021 at 9:38 am
joe – loose cannons tried to do it but i am sure with your sponsors (bill currie and big storm), you should have them commission this picture on a billboard in new orleans and try it again. especially with the rumours out there that he was looking at the saints. classic. my disdain for the saints will never die.
June 24th, 2021 at 11:14 am
Again name 1 bad defense or even a 15th ranked defense that Brady had to play with ??? Lol 😆🤣😂 once again the media push their narratives and the quarterback position . That’s why they will never let no body call in on their shows or bring in some one that’s going to challenge their narratives about the quarterback position. I mean it’s a joke how they contradict them selfs all the time. They make a team game when their guy ain’t looking good like Luck , Wentz, Rivers, . But the guys that have helped their team win and they don’t like them to much then it’s team they have around them . They also said that Baker Mayfield was holding the Browns back and they were 7 -2 lol 😆😂🤣 I don’t care about none of their fake narratives!! Lol 😆🤣😂
June 24th, 2021 at 11:17 am
I’ve always believed 2020 was the best chance for the Bucs to win the super bowl, because of Brady’s age. The Bucs won and everything else is icing on the cake IMO. This team maybe better, but there are no guarantees. Brady could turn geriatric overnight(Happened to Manning and Favre). The injury bug could hit them like it did the 49ers last season. Heck, a team could simply play a great game and knock the Bucs out of the playoffs. The NFL is so year to year, but the Bucs have a great shot at repeating.
June 24th, 2021 at 11:28 am
Chris i and anonymous must be the same person?¿
June 24th, 2021 at 3:51 pm
If Gabbert was the QB last year, this team goes 3-13.
I don’t know why, or how, you have such an awful backup. Maybe Trask will be better, but it’s a lot to put on a rookie.
June 24th, 2021 at 7:37 pm
Rod munch that is a possibility even with the team being “stacked “. Maybe you should explain that to oneilbucs who thinks all QBs are equal all they need is a run gm and defense.
June 24th, 2021 at 8:28 pm
Youngbucs I’ve never said that all quarterbacks are equal. But do all quarterbacks need a running game especially young quarterbacks yes . Did Brady have a good running game and a good defense his whole career yes he did again name 1 bad defense or a 15th ranked defense that Brady won with now answer that question for me ?
June 24th, 2021 at 10:09 pm
Oh please Brady defense so good in the playoffs they was giving up almost 30 a gm. It’s football gms are won all types of ways. The QB has an affect on the run gm and defense also. I don’t care what you say no position in any sport is more important than a good QB. You’re just a butt hurt loser Brady is the greatest QB of all time! Montana himself has said so and they’re the only 2 I’ll put in the conversation. You’re just a butt hurt loser who makes excuses for losing 1year. Then makes excuses for winning the next year! Just sit back and enjoy the team right now. You’re to stupid to realize you’re seeing something historical right now might not ever see it again. Dude has 3 separate hof careers and after 40 might be the best of all of them. Go check the sheets 🤡
June 24th, 2021 at 10:20 pm
I don’t care if you’re not a fan of Brady. Dude at 43 just tossed the 2nd most tds in his career. With no off season no training camp on a brand new team. A team that hasn’t done anything in almost 20 years. You and rob Parker gonna run out of coconuts on the island eventually 😂
June 25th, 2021 at 9:36 am
Youngbucs why you are mad 😠 lol 😆🤣 . The quarterback position has nothing to do with defense . Again name me 1 time that Brady played with a bad defense? You are mad because I don’t worship Brady bro . I see the national media got you brain wash because they are the ones who came up with that fake narrative about the quarterback position is the most important in all sports lol 😆 lol 😆🤣. So I guess it was a mistake to move on from Dilfer because he won a superbowl with the Ravens right?? Lol 😆🤣 you just spit out what ever ESPN, Fox , sports say . Little man you just a boy who don’t know nothing about Football. Go learn the game for your self stop believing the false narrative by the national media. Lol 😆🤣
June 25th, 2021 at 9:37 am
And Youngbucs you are right I’m a bucs fan you a Brady fan that’s the difference between you and me!!
June 25th, 2021 at 9:58 am
The QB absolutely has something to do with the defense. Umm like worst starting field position in the league. Like um points per gm skewed because of record breaking pick 6s by the QB. Even though said defense lead the league in tds scored by said defense QB negated it. Over 100 + points scored off of QB turnovers. Yea none of that has nothing to do with the QB. You’re a 🤡!