Colin Cowherd: Antonio Brown Is “An Unnecessary Risk”
April 12th, 2021
Not a fan of Antonio Brown.
In the mind of a former Tampa Bay sports anchor and radio head, Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht should tell free spirit Antonio Brown, “Adios!”
The furniture-tossing, bicycle-throwing free agent wide receiver dearly wants to play for the Bucs. So much so he went on the Bucs’ Instagram account to beg for work, and then he taunted the Bucs by working out with wide receiver-needy Lamar Jackson — and made sure the video is put out on Twitter.
That is enough for Cowherd to turn the page.
In a recent edition of his show “The Herd,” seen weekdays on FS1, Cowherd said the Bucs are much better off without Brown than having to tolerate Brown’s antics.
“He’s 32,” Cowherd began. “He has baggage. It is certainly not a position of need [for the Bucs]. It’s a position college football gives you a ton of. How valuable is he?
“He didn’t play [against] Green Bay both times last year and Tampa beat them both times. And let’s be honest: His personality has been a little unstable in recent years. So to me, he’s an unnecessary risk.”
Cowherd explained one reason why Licht hasn’t offered Brown enough to cash (yet) to sign is that Licht shouldn’t want to invest heavily in a heavy headcase.
“This is on AB,” Cowherd said of Brown still being on the open market. “This is why the market is tiny.”
Simply put, Joe would keep Brown — where he seems to behave with his former landlord, park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring, down-forgetting, handshake-stiffing, jet-ski-losing, biscuit-baking, tequila-shooting, smartphone-phobic, waffle-grilling, trophy-throwing, roller-coaster-scared, Bucs-Super Bowl-winning quarterback Tom Brady — because of the following question:
Are the Bucs a better football team with him?
The clear and obvious answer is, yes.
April 12th, 2021 at 12:18 am
The Bucs are a better football team with “good AB.” With the pending decisions and lawsuits, and he won’t be living with TB anymore, and his drama creation already, it’s easy — let him go play somewhere else for the minimum and then have your last meltdown. He’s about to have one even if he stays with the Bucs. The clock is ticking and the reactor core is overheating.
Give me more Tyler Johnson, Scotty Miller, and Justin Watson — not to mention who they might be able to draft.
April 12th, 2021 at 12:27 am
I wouldn’t be surprised if AB throws his bike at Cowherd tomorrow
April 12th, 2021 at 12:36 am
It’s draft season, AB is becoming yesterday’s news. I say one thing, if they keep him there’s a better chance they take QB at 32. Maybe the Stanford kid will be available there but gone by 64. There’s a couple of teams that may be interested. Now if they don’t take him I like WR Rogers from Clemson I think he could be taken even if we drop down. Good value in round 2.
April 12th, 2021 at 12:42 am
Cow-turd also said the Bucs had no chance of winning 3 road playoff games.
April 12th, 2021 at 1:00 am
Commentators opinions about running a football team are utterly worthless.
April 12th, 2021 at 1:01 am
The undervaluing of AB continues. This is a mistake to forget about the guy that came up big at critical times in the playoffs especially on those screens. No matter what the final $ would be to sign him, it would be peanuts compared to what he brings to the table. Any drama and you cut him. It’s not complicated. Patience is understandable as the Bucs dig their heels in and AB hopes for more cash but at the end of the day, this deal should get done for both parties sake.
April 12th, 2021 at 3:15 am
Sign him already and yes, any trouble adios.
April 12th, 2021 at 7:14 am
Maybe a bucs insider had him put that out so AB will come running to bucs
There is a reason AB is not getting much love around the NFL
He was a headache everywhere he has been except bucs
And you could argue patriots but ye was not there long because of allegations
He better be smart though and sign before draft
Cause bucs could draft his replacement with high pick
Other teams as well and his market is even smaller and money goes was down
This draft is loaded with receivers. Probably more then any other position group.
Again , if bucs going for two…AB should be on team. Both receivers hurt last year ( evans and godwin)
April 12th, 2021 at 7:21 am
Agreed @Swampbuc
April 12th, 2021 at 7:48 am
On one hand he kinda makes a good point. But on the other hand AB has not shown his reputation since being here and the guys in the locker room seem to be smitten with him.
April 12th, 2021 at 8:04 am
TBBF, Joe…Brady & most Buc fans disagree…..
April 12th, 2021 at 8:12 am
AB was quiet as a mouse last season–that AB is valuable.
It’s easy to forget Godwin played only 63% snaps due to injury and Scotty got 41%, so there probably are enough snaps to go around due to hamstrings, etc.
Don’t tell AB, but he’s the best WR3 in history.
April 12th, 2021 at 8:27 am
AB is a racist. It’s been confirmed of his use of the term cracker on more than one occasion.Calling the Raider’s GM one recently during his blowup there. And he had too many blowups to count in Pittsburgh.Whitelivesmatteralso.
April 12th, 2021 at 8:44 am
cmurda Says:
April 12th, 2021 at 1:01 am
The undervaluing of AB continues.
and someone mentioned more justin watson….lol…REALLY!!!…brady will never throw to him again….lol…
folks forget godwin, miller and evans were hurt during the season….brady left NE because he didnt have weapons….
SIGN AB and quit the BS….folks saying we dont need him are clueless!!!!
GO BUCS!!!!!
April 12th, 2021 at 8:47 am
screw what he in those places!!!!…
how was his behavior with the bucs?…thats all that counts….
cracker=Floridian btw…lol…
GO BUCS!!!!!
April 12th, 2021 at 8:50 am
Mike–you’re funny; if you think calling Mayock a “cracker” ranks in the top 1000 of AB’s sins, then I’d say your white skin is kind of thin–watch that Georgia sun.
April 12th, 2021 at 8:53 am
I’m in the “bring him back” camp.
However… correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t AB is awaiting a trial of some sort?
I’d imagine this brings into question his availability during the 2021 post season.
That’s a risky thing for any GM to handle.
April 12th, 2021 at 9:03 am
Sign him , if he screws up let him go. The up side is worth it. He’s still a great player.
April 12th, 2021 at 10:07 am
Mike–rest easy; “cracker” is not really a racial epithet, as it goes back at least to Shakespeare using “craker” meaning “obnoxious bloviator” (I’m sure how AB viewed Mayock). It was heavily applied to Irish immigrants to the Carolinas and then Georgia (like Jimmy Carter’s family) who were viewed by the locals as irritating. Dana Ste. Claire at U South Florida is the world expert on this per AB.
April 12th, 2021 at 10:22 am
Why not sign him back we used him to get to the super bowl, you can’t dictate what a man might do and for the record yes he has made some bad decisions but that didn’t stop the Bucs from using him, it seems to me by looking at these comments that we are never forgiving for past transgressions and we are only good if we are needed.
April 12th, 2021 at 10:39 am
The best way to predict the future is to look at the past.
One of the best WR has no market value because he has a long history of being disruptive.
In the NFL, wins come from the other team’s mistakes more than their successes. That’s why turnovers = wins and defense wins championships. AB can result in a loss of focus which increases the likelihood of making mistakes.
April 12th, 2021 at 11:15 am
I agree that social media nonsense really struck me the wrong way. I think the Bucs are smart to just wait it out. If he starts acting a fool don’t sign him. Also isn’t he very likely to be suspended at some point during the season possibly playoffs.
April 12th, 2021 at 11:46 am
Ohhhhh, Lambeau, Lambeau, Lambeau, Lambeau… Man, be very, very, very, VERY Careful, with making accusations like THAT, by having such assumptions about someone. ESPECIALLY, If You’re Going To ACCUSE Someone (who you don’t even know), of being “WHITE.” That’s BS, Man. PERIOD. There Is NOTHING WORSE Than THAT, too… Being ‘Called’ WHITE. AND, I mean, Have You SEEN HIMMMMM… Obviously, NOT. :/ Cause, Ole “Joejuh-Mike” is NOWHERE, NOT Even Remotely, CLOSE To Being “White.” 💯. If you’re making ‘assumptions’ about someone’s RACE, Only based JUST solely, on a ‘comment’ that they’d made (and etc.), then WHO then, IS THE REAL, True-RACIST. Hmmmmm…